
796 B

Infra Model Notes

First we need to add the infra mode

juju add-model infra

Then we need to add the machines manually, as they would be installed by MAAS directly

for i in asrock01 asrock02 asrock03
    juju add-machine -m infra ssh:$i

Once the machines have been added, we can deploy the infra model

cd config

Appendix A

In a scenario, that the controllers and the cloud is being re-provisioned, but these physical machines are still here and a juju kill-controller may have run, then we need to do some cleanup to be able to re-run the commands above to add the infra model.

for i in asrock01 asrock02 asrock03
    ssh $i -- sudo rm -rf /var/log/juju/ /var/lib/juju/ /etc/systemd/system/jujud-*