remove need to set ANSI_QUOTES for MySQL database

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
lissav 2009-12-01 19:26:56 +00:00
parent 69e3132067
commit f26e02f42f

View File

@ -419,7 +419,12 @@ sub buildcreatestmt
$datatype = "VARCHAR(128)";
$retv .= "\"$col\" $datatype ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$retv .= q(`) . $col . q(`) . " $datatype"; # mysql change
} else { # for other dbs
$retv .= "\"$col\" $datatype ";
if (grep /^$col$/, @{$descr->{required}})
@ -433,7 +438,12 @@ sub buildcreatestmt
$retv .= "PRIMARY KEY (";
foreach (@{$descr->{keys}})
$retv .= "\"$_\","
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$retv .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . ","; # mysql change
} else { # for other dbs
$retv .= "\"$_\",";
$retv =~ s/,$/)\n)/;
@ -1159,6 +1169,7 @@ sub setAttribs
#-Key name
#-Key value
#-Hash reference of column-value pairs to set
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
my $self = shift;
if ($dbworkerpid) {
return dbc_call($self,'setAttribs',@_);
@ -1186,13 +1197,22 @@ sub setAttribs
if (($pKeypairs != undef) && (keys(%keypairs)>0)) {
foreach (keys %keypairs)
#$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND "; #mysql changes
#$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND ";
#push @qargs, $keypairs{$_};
$qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND ";
#$qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND "; # mysql change
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$qstring .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " = ? AND "; # mysql change
} else { # for other dbs
$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND ";
push @qargs, $keypairs{$_};
$qstring =~ s/ AND \z//;
#print "this is qstring1: $qstring\n";
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring);
@ -1252,11 +1272,21 @@ sub setAttribs
if (ref($keypairs{$_}))
$cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_}->[0] . "' AND ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$cmd .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " = '" . $keypairs{$_}->[0] . "' AND ";
} else { #other dbs
#$cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_}->[0] . "' AND ";
$cmd .= "$_" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_}->[0] . "' AND ";
$cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_} . "' AND ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$cmd .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " = '" . $keypairs{$_} . "' AND ";
} else { #other dbs
#$cmd .= "\"$_\"" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_} . "' AND ";
$cmd .= "$_" . " = '" . $keypairs{$_} . "' AND ";
$cmd =~ s/ AND \z//;
@ -1295,8 +1325,12 @@ sub setAttribs
foreach (keys %newpairs) {
#$cols .= $_ . ","; # mysql changes
$cols .= "\"$_\"" . ",";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$cols .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . ",";
} else {
$cols .= $_ . ","; # for other dbs
#$cols .= "\"$_\"" . ",";
push @bind, $newpairs{$_};
@ -1338,6 +1372,9 @@ sub setAttribs
This function sets the attributes for the rows selected by the where clause.
Where clause.
Note: if the Where clause contains any reserved keywords like
keys from the site table, then you will have to code them in backticks
for MySQL and not in backticks for Postgresql.
Hash reference of column-value pairs to set
@ -1351,7 +1388,7 @@ sub setAttribs
$updates{'profile'} = $prof;
$updates{'frame'} = $frame;
$updates{'mtms'} = "$model*$serial";
$tab->setAttribs( "node in ('node1', 'node2', 'node3')", \%updates );
$tab->setAttribsWhere( "node in ('node1', 'node2', 'node3')", \%updates );
@ -1601,7 +1638,7 @@ sub setNodesAttribs {
foreach my $col (@orderedcols) { #try aggregating requests. Could also see about single prepare, multiple executes instead
$upstring .= "$col = ?, ";
$upstring =~ s/, $/ where $nodekey = ?/;
$upstring =~ s/, / where $nodekey = ?/;
$upsth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($upstring);
if (scalar keys %updatenodes) {
@ -2043,13 +2080,20 @@ sub getAllEntries
my $allentries = shift;
my @rets;
my $query;
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
if ($allentries) { # get all lines
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname});
} else { # get only enabled lines
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')");
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. " WHERE " . q(`disable`) . " is NULL or " . q(`disable`) . " in ('0','no','NO','No','nO')");
} else { # for other dbs
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')");
@ -2096,18 +2140,28 @@ sub getAllAttribsWhere
#Takes a list of attributes, returns all records in the table.
my $self = shift;
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
if ($dbworkerpid) {
return dbc_call($self,'getAllAttribsWhere',@_);
my $whereclause = shift;
my @attribs = @_;
my @results = ();
my $query =
$self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
my $query;
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. ' WHERE ('
. $whereclause
. ") and "
. q(`disable`) . " is NULL or " . q(`disable`) . " in ('0','no','NO','No','nO'))");
} else { # for other dbs
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. ' WHERE ('
. $whereclause
. ") and (\"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('0','no','NO','no'))");
while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref())
@ -2264,6 +2318,7 @@ sub getAllAttribs
#Takes a list of attributes, returns all records in the table.
my $self = shift;
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
if ($dbworkerpid) {
return dbc_call($self,'getAllAttribs',@_);
@ -2294,10 +2349,16 @@ sub getAllAttribs
return undef;
my $query =
$self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
my $query;
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. " WHERE " . q(`disable`) . " is NULL or " . q(`disable`) . " in ('0','no','NO','No','nO')");
} else { # for other dbs
$query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT * FROM '
. $self->{tabname}
. " WHERE \"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('','0','no','NO','no')");
while (my $data = $query->fetchrow_hashref())
@ -2348,6 +2409,7 @@ sub getAllAttribs
sub delEntries
my $self = shift;
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
if ($dbworkerpid) {
return dbc_call($self,'delEntries',@_);
@ -2371,11 +2433,18 @@ sub delEntries
my @qargs = ();
foreach (keys %keypairs)
$qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND "; #mysql change
#$qstring .= "\"$_\" = ? AND "; #mysql change
#$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$qstring .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " = ? AND "; # mysql change
} else { # for other dbs
$qstring .= "$_ = ? AND ";
push @qargs, $keypairs{$_};
$qstring =~ s/ AND \z//;
#print "this is qstring: $qstring";
my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($qstring);
@ -2396,7 +2465,12 @@ sub delEntries
foreach (keys %keypairs)
#$delstring .= $_ . ' = ? AND ';
$delstring .= "\"$_\"" . ' = ? AND '; #mysql change
#$delstring .= "\"$_\"" . ' = ? AND '; #mysql change
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$delstring .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . ' = ? AND '; # mysql change
} else { # for other dbs
$delstring .= $_ . ' = ? AND ';
if (ref($keypairs{$_}))
{ #XML transformed data may come in mangled unreasonably into listrefs
push @stargs, $keypairs{$_}->[0];
@ -2516,6 +2590,7 @@ sub getAttribs
return undef;
my $xcatcfg =get_xcatcfg();
#print "Uncached access to ".$self->{tabname}."\n";
my $statement = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $self->{tabname} . ' WHERE ';
my @exeargs;
@ -2523,7 +2598,12 @@ sub getAttribs
if ($keypairs{$_})
$statement .= "\"".$_ . "\" = ? and ";
# $statement .= "\"".$_ . "\" = ? and ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$statement .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " = ? and "
} else { # for other dbs
$statement .= "$_ = ? and ";
if (ref($keypairs{$_}))
{ #correct for XML process mangling if occurred
push @exeargs, $keypairs{$_}->[0];
@ -2535,10 +2615,20 @@ sub getAttribs
$statement .= "\"$_\" is NULL and ";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$statement .= q(`) . $_ . q(`) . " is NULL and " ;
} else { # for other dbs
#$statement .= "\"$_\" is NULL and ";
$statement .= "$_ is NULL and ";
$statement .= "(\"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('0','no','NO','No','nO'))";
if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { #for mysql
$statement .= "(" . q(`disable`) . " is NULL or " . q(`disable`) . " in ('0','no','NO','No','nO'))";
} else { # for other dbs
$statement .= "(\"disable\" is NULL or \"disable\" in ('0','no','NO','No','nO'))";
#print "This is my statement: $statement \n";
my $query = $self->{dbh}->prepare($statement);
unless (defined $query) {
return undef;