Enable noderes.primarynic to be specified and used during nodeset.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/branches/2.8@16922 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -2850,4 +2850,131 @@ sub findzFcpDeviceAttr {
return \%attrs;
=head3 findUsablezHcpNetwork
Description : Find a useable NIC shared with the zHCP for a given user Id
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
User Id to find a useable NIC on
DHCP is used or not (0 or 1)
Returns : NIC, device channel, and layer (2 or 3)
Example : my ($nic, $channel, $layer) = xCAT::zvmUtils->findUsablezHcpNetwork($user, $hcp, $userId, $dhcp);
sub findUsablezHcpNetwork {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $userId, $dhcp ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
my $nic = ''; # Usuable NIC on zHCP
my $channel = ''; # Device channel where NIC is attached
my $layer;
my $i;
my @words;
# Get the networks used by the zHCP
my @hcpNetworks = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNamesArray($user, $hcp);
# Search directory entry for network name
my $userEntry = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $::DIR/smcli Image_Query_DM -T $userId" | sed '\$d'`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() smcli Image_Query_DM -T $userId");
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() $userEntry");
my $out = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "NICDEF"`;
my @lines = split('\n', $out);
# Go through each line
for ($i = 0; $i < @lines; $i++) {
# Go through each network device attached to zHCP
foreach (@hcpNetworks) {
# If network device is found
if ($lines[$i] =~ m/ $_/i) {
# Get network layer
$layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($user, $hcp, $_);
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() NIC:$_ layer:$layer");
# If template using DHCP, layer must be 2
if ((!$dhcp && $layer != 2) || (!$dhcp && $layer == 2) || ($dhcp && $layer == 2)) {
# Save network name
$nic = $_;
# Get network virtual address
@words = split(' ', $lines[$i]);
# Get virtual address (channel)
# Convert subchannel to decimal
$channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1]));
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() Candidate found NIC:$nic channel:$channel layer:$layer");
return ($nic, $channel, $layer);
} else {
# Go to next network available
$nic = '';
# If network device is not found
if (!$nic) {
# Check for user profile
my $profileName = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "INCLUDE"`;
if ($profileName) {
@words = split(' ', xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($profileName));
# Get user profile
my $userProfile = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserProfile($user, $hcp, $words[1]);
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() $userProfile");
# Get the NICDEF statement containing the HCP network
$out = `echo "$userProfile" | grep "NICDEF"`;
@lines = split('\n', $out);
# Go through each line
for ($i = 0; $i < @lines; $i++) {
# Go through each network device attached to zHCP
foreach (@hcpNetworks) {
# If network device is found
if ($lines[$i] =~ m/ $_/i) {
# Get network layer
$layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($user, $hcp, $_);
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() NIC:$_ layer:$layer");
# If template using DHCP, layer must be 2
if ((!$dhcp && $layer != 2) || (!$dhcp && $layer == 2) || ($dhcp && $layer == 2)) {
# Save network name
$nic = $_;
# Get network virtual address
@words = split(' ', $lines[$i]);
# Get virtual address (channel)
# Convert subchannel to decimal
$channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1]));
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("findUsablezHcpNetwork() Candidate found NIC:$nic channel:$channel layer:$layer");
return ($nic, $channel, $layer);
} else {
# Go to next network available
$nic = '';
} # End of foreach
} # End of for
} # End of if
@ -4797,148 +4797,105 @@ sub nodeSet {
# Get the networks used by the zHCP
my @hcpNets = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNamesArray($::SUDOER, $hcp);
my $hcpNetName = '';
my $channel;
# Get the noderes.primarynic
my $channel = '';
my $layer;
my $i;
# Search directory entry for network name
my $userEntry = `ssh $::SUDOER\@$hcp "$::SUDO $::DIR/smcli Image_Query_DM -T $userId" | sed '\$d'`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("smcli Image_Query_DM -T $userId | sed '\$d'");
$out = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "NICDEF"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
@propNames = ( 'primarynic', 'nfsserver', 'xcatmaster' );
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'noderes', $node, @propNames );
# Go through each line
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines ; $i++ ) {
# Go through each network device attached to zHCP
foreach (@hcpNets) {
# If network device is found
if ( $lines[$i] =~ m/ $_/i ) {
# Get network layer
$layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($::SUDOER, $hcp, $_);
# If template using DHCP, layer must be 2
if ((!$dhcp && $layer != 2) || (!$dhcp && $layer == 2) || ($dhcp && $layer == 2)) {
# Save network name
$hcpNetName = $_;
# Get network virtual address
@words = split( ' ', $lines[$i] );
# Get virtual address (channel)
# Convert subchannel to decimal
$channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1]));
} else {
# Go to next network available
$hcpNetName = ''
my $repo = $propVals->{'nfsserver'}; # Repository containing Linux ISO
my $xcatmaster = $propVals->{'xcatmaster'};
my $primaryNic = $propVals->{'primarynic'}; # NIC to use for OS installation
# If noderes.primarynic is not specified, find an acceptable NIC shared with the zHCP
if ($primaryNic) {
$layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($::SUDOER, $hcp, $primaryNic);
# If DHCP is used and the NIC is not layer 2, then exit
if ($dhcp && $layer != 2) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) The template selected uses DHCP. A layer 2 VSWITCH or GLAN is required. None were found." );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Solution) Modify the template to use <bootproto>static</bootproto> or --bootproto=static, or change the network device attached to virtual machine" );
# Find device channel of NIC
my $userEntry = `ssh $::SUDOER\@$hcp "$::SUDO $::DIR/smcli Image_Query_DM -T $userId" | sed '\$d'`;
$out = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "NICDEF" | grep "$primaryNic"`;
# Check user profile for device channel
if (!$out) {
my $profileName = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "INCLUDE"`;
if ($profileName) {
@words = split(' ', xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($profileName));
# Get user profile
my $userProfile = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserProfile($::SUDOER, $hcp, $words[1]);
# Get the NICDEF statement containing the HCP network
$out = `echo "$userProfile" | grep "NICDEF" | grep "$primaryNic"`;
# Grab the device channel from the NICDEF statement
my @lines = split('\n', $out);
@words = split(' ', $lines[0]);
$channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1]));
} else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Searching for acceptable network device");
($primaryNic, $channel, $layer) = xCAT::zvmUtils->findUsablezHcpNetwork($::SUDOER, $hcp, $userId, $dhcp);
# If network device is not found
if (!$hcpNetName) {
# Check for user profile
my $profileName = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "INCLUDE"`;
if ($profileName) {
@words = split( ' ', xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($profileName) );
# Get user profile
my $userProfile = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserProfile($::SUDOER, $hcp, $words[1]);
# Get the NICDEF statement containing the HCP network
$out = `echo "$userProfile" | grep "NICDEF"`;
@lines = split( '\n', $out );
# Go through each line
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines ; $i++ ) {
# Go through each network device attached to zHCP
foreach (@hcpNets) {
# If network device is found
if ( $lines[$i] =~ m/ $_/i ) {
# Get network layer
$layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($::SUDOER, $hcp, $_);
# If template using DHCP, layer must be 2
if ((!$dhcp && $layer != 2) || (!$dhcp && $layer == 2) || ($dhcp && $layer == 2)) {
# Save network name
$hcpNetName = $_;
# Get network virtual address
@words = split( ' ', $lines[$i] );
# Get virtual address (channel)
# Convert subchannel to decimal
$channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1]));
} else {
# Go to next network available
$hcpNetName = '';
} # End of foreach
} # End of for
} # End of if
# If DHCP is used and not layer 2
if ($dhcp && $layer != 2) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) The template selected uses DHCP. A layer 2 VSWITCH or GLAN is required. None were found." );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Solution) Modify the template to use <bootproto>static</bootproto> or change the network device attached to virtual machine" );
# Exit if no suitable network found
if (!$hcpNetName) {
if ($dhcp) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) The template selected uses DHCP. A layer 2 VSWITCH or GLAN is required. None were found." );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Solution) Modify the template to use <bootproto>static</bootproto> or change the network device attached to virtual machine" );
} else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) No suitable network device found in user directory entry" );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Solution) Verify that the node has one of the following network devices: @hcpNets" );
if (!$primaryNic || !$channel || !$layer) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) No suitable network device found in user directory entry" );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Setting up networking on $hcpNetName (layer:$layer | DHCP:$dhcp)" );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Setting up networking on $primaryNic (layer:$layer | DHCP:$dhcp)" );
# Generate read, write, and data channels
my $readChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 0) );
if ( length($readChannel) < 8 ) {
my $readChannel = "0.0." . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 0));
if (length($readChannel) < 8) {
# Prepend a zero
$readChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 0) );
$readChannel = "0.0.0" . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 0));
my $writeChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 1) );
if ( length($writeChannel) < 8 ) {
my $writeChannel = "0.0." . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 1));
if (length($writeChannel) < 8) {
# Prepend a zero
$writeChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 1) );
$writeChannel = "0.0.0" . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 1));
my $dataChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 2) );
if ( length($dataChannel) < 8 ) {
my $dataChannel = "0.0." . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 2));
if (length($dataChannel) < 8) {
# Prepend a zero
$dataChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 2) );
$dataChannel = "0.0.0" . (sprintf('%X', $channel + 2));
# Get MAC address (Only for layer 2)
my $mac = "";
my @propNames;
my $propVals;
if ( $layer == 2 ) {
if ($layer == 2) {
# Search 'mac' table for node
@propNames = ('mac');
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'mac', 'node', $node, @propNames );
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey('mac', 'node', $node, @propNames);
$mac = $propVals->{'mac'};
# If no MAC address is found, exit
# MAC address should have been assigned to the node upon creation
if ( !$mac ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing MAC address of node" );
if (!$mac) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$node: (Error) Missing MAC address of node");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user