fixed bug 3605, improve the code according to Bruce's suggestion, except xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeConfData()
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -272,14 +272,28 @@ sub makescript {
# get the net', 'mask', 'gateway' from networks table
my $nets = getNetworks();
# get attributes(routename,net,mask,gateway,ifname) from the routes table
# The values will be used in the "foreach my $n (@$nodes ) { .." loop
my $routes = getRoutes();
#check it the vlan plugin exists or not
#the default doesn't exist.
my $vlan_exists = 0;
my $module_name="xCAT_plugin::vlan";
eval("use $module_name;");
if (!$@) {
$vlan_exists = 1;
# For AIX, get the password and cryptmethod for system root
my $aixrootpasswdvars = getAIXPasswdVars();
#%image_hash is used to store the attributes in linuximage and osimage tabs
#%image_hash is used to store the attributes in linuximage and nimimage tabs
my %image_hash;
# get postscript and postscript
# get postscript and postscript from postscripts and osimage tabs
my $script_hash = xCAT::Postage::getScripts($nodes, \%image_hash);
my $tftpdir = xCAT::TableUtils::getTftpDir();
@ -306,6 +320,12 @@ sub makescript {
#Some of the strings are same to all the nodes.
#So move the string substitutions outside the loop
$t_inc =~ s/#SITE_TABLE_ALL_ATTRIBS_EXPORT#/$allattribsfromsitetable/eg;
$t_inc =~ s/#AIX_ROOT_PW_VARS_EXPORT#/$aixrootpasswdvars/eg;
$t_inc =~ s/tabdump\(([\w]+)\)/tabdump($1)/eg;
foreach my $n (@$nodes ) {
$node = $n;
$inc = $t_inc;
@ -334,21 +354,19 @@ sub makescript {
my $rn=$noderesent->{'routenames'};
my @rn_a=split(',', $rn);
my $routestab = xCAT::Table->new('routes');
if ((@rn_a > 0) && ($routestab)) {
if ((@rn_a > 0) && defined($routes) ) {
$route_vars .= "NODEROUTENAMES=$rn\n";
$route_vars .= "export NODEROUTENAMES\n";
foreach my $route_name (@rn_a) {
my $routesent = $routestab->getAttribs({routename => $route_name}, 'net', 'mask', 'gateway', 'ifname');
if ($routesent and defined($routesent->{net}) and defined($routesent->{mask})) {
my $val="ROUTE_$route_name=" . $routesent->{net} . "," . $routesent->{mask};
if ($routes and defined($routes->{net}) and defined($routes->{mask})) {
my $val="ROUTE_$route_name=" . $routes->{net} . "," . $routes->{mask};
$val .= ",";
if (defined($routesent->{gateway})) {
$val .= $routesent->{gateway};
if (defined($routes->{gateway})) {
$val .= $routes->{gateway};
$val .= ",";
if (defined($routesent->{ifname})) {
$val .= $routesent->{ifname};
if (defined($routes->{ifname})) {
$val .= $routes->{ifname};
$route_vars .= "$val\n";
$route_vars .= "export ROUTE_$route_name\n";
@ -362,7 +380,7 @@ sub makescript {
### vlan related item
my $vlan_vars;
$vlan_vars = getVlanItems($node);
$vlan_vars = getVlanItems($node, $module_name, $vlan_exists);
## get monitoring server and other configuration data for monitoring setup on nodes
@ -396,7 +414,7 @@ sub makescript {
my $diskless_net_vars;
my $setbootfromnet = 0;
$diskless_net_vars = getDisklessNet($nets, \$setbootfromnet, $image_hash{$osimgname}{provmethod});
$diskless_net_vars = getDisklessNet($nets, \$setbootfromnet, $osimgname, \%image_hash);
## postscripts
@ -419,12 +437,10 @@ sub makescript {
#$inc =~ s/#ENV:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
#$inc =~ s/#NODE#/$node/eg;
$inc =~ s/\$NODE/$node/eg;
$inc =~ s/#SITE_TABLE_ALL_ATTRIBS_EXPORT#/$allattribsfromsitetable/eg;
#$inc =~ s/#TABLE:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):BLANKOKAY#/tabdb($1,$2,$3,1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#TABLE:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^#]+)#/xCAT::Template::tabdb($1,$2,$3)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#ROUTES_VARS_EXPORT#/$route_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#VLAN_VARS_EXPORT#/$vlan_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#AIX_ROOT_PW_VARS_EXPORT#/$aixrootpasswdvars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#MONITORING_VARS_EXPORT#/$mon_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#OSIMAGE_VARS_EXPORT#/$osimage_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#NETWORK_FOR_DISKLESS_EXPORT#/$diskless_net_vars/eg;
@ -433,7 +449,6 @@ sub makescript {
#$inc =~ s/#COMMAND:([^#]+)#/command($1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/\$NTYPE/$nodetype/eg;
$inc =~ s/tabdump\(([\w]+)\)/tabdump($1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#Subroutine:([^:]+)::([^:]+)::([^:]+):([^#]+)#/runsubroutine($1,$2,$3,$4)/eg;
# we will create a file in /tftboot/mypostscript/mypostscript_<nodename>
@ -455,7 +470,9 @@ sub makescript {
return 1;
`/bin/chmod ugo+x $scriptfile`;
#use the chmod perl function instead of forking the cmd
#`/bin/chmod ugo+x $scriptfile`;
chmod 0755, $scriptfile;
print $script $inc;
# TODO remove the blank lines
@ -588,92 +605,6 @@ sub getNodeType
return $result;
sub getVlanItems_t
my $node = shift;
my $result;
#get vlan related items
my $vlan;
my $swtab = xCAT::Table->new("switch", -create => 0);
if ($swtab) {
my $tmp = $swtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['vlan'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp) && ($tmp) && $tmp->{vlan})
$vlan = $tmp->{vlan};
$result .= "VLANID='" . $vlan . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANID\n";
} else {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm", -create => 0);
if ($vmtab) {
my $tmp1 = $vmtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nics'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp1) && ($tmp1) && $tmp1->{nics})
$result .= "VMNODE='YES'\n";
$result .= "export VMNODE\n";
my @nics=split(',', $tmp1->{nics});
foreach my $nic (@nics) {
if ($nic =~ /^vl([\d]+)$/) {
$vlan = $1;
$result .= "VLANID='" . $vlan . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANID\n";
if ($vlan) {
my $nwtab=xCAT::Table->new("networks", -create =>0);
if ($nwtab) {
my $sent = $nwtab->getAttribs({vlanid=>"$vlan"},'net','mask');
my $subnet;
my $netmask;
if ($sent and ($sent->{net})) {
if (($subnet) && ($netmask)) {
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new("hosts", -create => 0);
if ($hoststab) {
my $tmp = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['otherinterfaces'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp) && ($tmp) && $tmp->{otherinterfaces})
my $otherinterfaces = $tmp->{otherinterfaces};
my @itf_pairs=split(/,/, $otherinterfaces);
foreach (@itf_pairs) {
my ($name,$ip)=split(/:/, $_);
if(xCAT::NetworkUtils->ishostinsubnet($ip, $netmask, $subnet)) {
if ($name =~ /^-/ ) {
$name = $node.$name;
$result .= "VLANHOSTNAME='" . $name . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANHOSTNAME\n";
$result .= "VLANIP='" . $ip . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANIP\n";
$result .= "VLANSUBNET='" . $subnet . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANSUBNET\n";
$result .= "VLANNETMASK='" . $netmask . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANNETMASK\n";
return $result;
sub getAIXPasswdVars
my $result;
@ -699,13 +630,13 @@ sub getAIXPasswdVars
sub getVlanItems
my $node = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $module_name = shift;
my $vlan_exists = shift;
my $result;
#get vlan related items
my $module_name="xCAT_plugin::vlan";
eval("use $module_name;");
if (!$@) {
if ( $vlan_exists ) {
no strict "refs";
if (defined(${$module_name."::"}{getNodeVlanConfData})) {
my @tmp_scriptd=${$module_name."::"}{getNodeVlanConfData}->($node);
@ -716,7 +647,6 @@ sub getVlanItems
return $result;
@ -740,23 +670,41 @@ sub getMonItems
return $result;
sub getLinuximage
sub getImage
my $image_hash = shift;
my $linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create => 1);
my @et2 = $linuximagetab->getAllAttribs('imagename', 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir' );
if( @et2 ) {
foreach my $tmp_et2 (@et2) {
my $imagename= $tmp_et2->{imagename};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{pkglist}= $tmp_et2->{pkglist};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{pkgdir} = $tmp_et2->{pkgdir};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{otherpkglist} = $tmp_et2->{otherpkglist};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{otherpkgdir} = $tmp_et2->{otherpkgdir};
#For linux, get the attributes for imagename
if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) {
my $linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create => 1);
my @et2 = $linuximagetab->getAllAttribs('imagename', 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir' );
if( @et2 ) {
foreach my $tmp_et2 (@et2) {
my $imagename= $tmp_et2->{imagename};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{pkglist}= $tmp_et2->{pkglist};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{pkgdir} = $tmp_et2->{pkgdir};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{otherpkglist} = $tmp_et2->{otherpkglist};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{otherpkgdir} = $tmp_et2->{otherpkgdir};
#For AIX, get the nimtype value for each imagename
if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) {
my $nimtype;
my $nimimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('nimimage', -create => 1);
if ($nimimagetab)
my @et1 = $nimimagetab->getAllAttribs('imagename', 'nimtype');
foreach my $tmp_et1 (@et1) {
my $imagename= $tmp_et1->{imagename};
$image_hash->{$imagename}->{nimtype}= $tmp_et1->{nimtype};
@ -972,13 +920,41 @@ sub getNetworks
return \@nets;
# get attributes(routename,net,mask,gateway,ifname) from the routes table
sub getRoutes
my %routes = ();
my $routestab = xCAT::Table->new('routes');
unless ($routestab) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Unable to open routes table");
return undef
my @rts = $routestab->getAllAttribs('routename','net', 'mask', 'gateway', 'ifname');
foreach my $r ( @rts ) {
my $rtname = $r->{'routename'};
$routes{ $rtname }{'net'} = $r->{'net'};
$routes{ $rtname }{'mask'} = $r->{'mask'};
$routes{ $rtname }{'gateway'} = $r->{'gateway'};
$routes{ $rtname }{'ifname'} = $r->{'ifname'};
return \%routes;
sub getDisklessNet()
my $nets = shift;
my $setbootfromnet = shift;
my $provmethod = shift;
my $osimgname = shift;
my $imagehash = shift;
my $provmethod;
if( defined($osimgname) && defined($imagehash) && defined($imagehash->{$osimgname}) ) {
$provmethod = $imagehash->{$osimgname}->{provmethod};
my $result;
my $isdiskless = 0;
my $bootfromnet = 0;
@ -1001,17 +977,10 @@ sub getDisklessNet()
&& ($provmethod ne "statelite"))
my $nimtype;
my $nimimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('nimimage', -create => 1);
if ($nimimagetab)
(my $ref) =
$nimimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $provmethod},
if ($ref)
$nimtype = $ref->{'nimtype'};
if( defined($osimgname) && defined($imagehash) && defined($imagehash->{$osimgname})) {
$nimtype = $imagehash->{$osimgname}->{nimtype};
if ($nimtype eq 'diskless')
$isdiskless = 1;
@ -1343,7 +1312,7 @@ sub includefile
sub getnodesetstate
my $node = shift;
return xCAT::SvrUtils->get_nodeset_state($node,prefetchcache=>1);
return xCAT::SvrUtils->get_nodeset_state($node,prefetchcache=>1, "global_tab_hash"=>\%::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH);
sub net_parms
@ -156,15 +156,16 @@ sub get_nodeset_state
my %options=@_;
my %gnopts;
if ($options{prefetchcache}) { $gnopts{prefetchcache}=1; }
my $tab_hash;
if ($options{global_tab_hash}) { $tab_hash = $options{global_tab_hash}; }
my $state = "undefined";
my $tftpdir;
my $boottype;
if( %::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH && defined($::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{noderes}) && defined($::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{noderes}{$node}) ) {
$tftpdir = $::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{noderes}{$node}{tftpdir};
$boottype = $::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{noderes}{$node}{netboot};
if( defined($tab_hash) && defined($tab_hash->{noderes}) && defined($tab_hash->{noderes}->{$node}) ) {
$tftpdir = $tab_hash->{noderes}->{$node}->{tftpdir};
$boottype = $tab_hash->{noderes}->{$node}->{netboot};
} else {
#get boot type (pxe, yaboot or aixinstall) for the node
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes', -create => 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user