This commit is contained in:
litingt 2014-04-20 21:00:43 -07:00
parent 5d13cf0d36
commit eaaf75d74d

View File

@ -286,26 +286,27 @@ sub git_update {
# copy code
sub copy_code {
my $mn = shift;
my $codedir = $confhash{srcdir};
send_msg("src code directory is $confhash{srcdir}");
##will modify to $rhppc64config{var}{MNIP}
my $mn = $management_node;
#my $mn = $management_node;
send_msg("mn is $mn");
#install dep for buildlocal
send_msg("begin to install build required packages on mn");
send_msg("begin to install build required packages on mn $mn");
$res = system("xdsh $mn yum install -y rpm-build perl-Time-HiRes perl-DBI createrepo");
#need to copy /etc/hosts to mn
send_msg("copy /etc/hosts to mn");
send_msg("copy /etc/hosts to mn $mn");
system("scp /etc/hosts $mn:/etc");
send_msg("begin to copy code");
send_msg("begin to copy code to $mn");
$res = system("scp -r $codedir root\@$mn:/");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg("code copy failed");
send_msg("code copy failed $mn");
exit 1;
return 0;
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ sub build_xcat {
#will changed /code/xcat-core to $confkeys{srcdir}
$res = system("xdsh $mn /xcat-core/ CURDIR=/xcat-core");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg("build failed on mn");
send_msg("build failed on mn $mn");
exit 1;
@ -361,8 +362,10 @@ sub config_mn {
sub init
my $mn = shift;
if (exists $rhppc64config{var}){
my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
my $MN=$mn;
my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
my $CN=$rhppc64config{var}{CN};
my $CNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{CNIP};
@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ sub init
print "--prepareing redhat iso file.......\n";
print "--mount NF .......";
system ("scp -r /iso/*.iso $MN:/iso");
system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop /iso/RHEL6.4-20130130.0-Server-ppc64-DVD1.iso /iso/mountpoint");
system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop /iso/RHEL6.4-20130130.0-Server-ppc64-DVD1.iso /iso/mountpoint");
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
@ -426,15 +429,16 @@ sub init
# do test
sub do_test {
my $mn = shift;
# step 7.1 Install xcat and init mn
send_msg("began to install xCAT and initialize mn");
$res = &init;
$res = &init($mn);
if ($res != 0){
exit 1;
send_msg("Begin to do test");
$res = &do_test1;
$res = &do_test1($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -447,12 +451,14 @@ sub do_test {
sub do_test1
my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
my $mn = shift;
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
my $MN=$mn;
my $nodedir=$rhppc64config{var}{nodedir};
print "copy config file ";
system("scp -r default.conf $MN:$rhppc64configfile");
print "Start to run diskless installation ...\n";
print "Start to run diskless installation $MN ...\n";
send_msg("start diskless test");
@ -462,10 +468,10 @@ sub do_test1
# exit 1;
print "Start to run the automation test bucket ....\n";
# print "Start to run the automation test bucket ....\n";
# system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /autotest/result");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/bundle/bat.bundle");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/bundle/bat.bundle");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# $output = ("xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp");
# if($output =~ /Total: (\d+) , Failed: (\d+)/){
@ -484,8 +490,8 @@ sub do_test1
# }
# }
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_ppc64");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_ppc64");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# $output = system(" xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp");
# if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){
@ -498,8 +504,8 @@ sub do_test1
# }
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# $output = xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp;
# if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){
@ -512,8 +518,8 @@ sub do_test1
# }
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# $output = xdsh $MN tail /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp;
# if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){
@ -526,8 +532,8 @@ sub do_test1
# }
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat_x86_vm");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){
# if($1 != 0){
@ -539,17 +545,17 @@ sub do_test1
# }
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_statelite_installation_flat_x86_vm");
system(" xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_statelite_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system(" xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_full_installation_flat_x86_vm");
system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_full_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
#system("mkdir -p $nodedir/result");
system("scp -r $MN:/autotest/result /regression/rhppc64");
# system("scp -r $MN:/autotest/result /regression/rhppc64");
@ -611,14 +617,34 @@ sub trim {
return $str;
sub repo{
my @osname = &runcmd("uname -a");
if ( $osname [0] =~ /^Linux\s*/ && -f "/etc/redhat-release" && $osname [0] =~ /ppc64/){
send_msg ("ppc64 redhat env\n");
my $os="rhels6.4";
my $arch="ppc64";
send_msg ("os is $os,arch is $arch\n");
&runcmd( " echo [rhe-6.4-server]>>rhel6.4.repo");
&runcmd( " echo name=RHEL 6.4 SERVER packages>>rhel6.4.repo");
&runcmd(" echo baseurl=file:///iso/mountpoint/Server/>>rhel6.4.repo");
&runcmd(" echo enabled=1>>rhel6.4.repo");
&runcmd(" echo gpgcheck=1>>rhel6.4.repo");
# system("scp -r rhel6.4.repo $MN:/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.4.repo");
# send messages
sub send_msg {
my $msg = shift;
my $data = `date`;
open (LOGFILE, ">> /home/xcatreg.lob");
print LOGFILE "$data : $msg.\n";
open (LOGFILE, ">> /home/xcatreg.log");
print LOGFILE "$timestamp: $msg.\n";
close LOGFILE;
@ -666,28 +692,27 @@ sub read_conf{
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhpmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhpmn} = $1;
$mns{rhpmn} = $confkeys{rhpmn};
$mns{rhpmn} = $confkeys{rhpmn} if ($confkeys{rhpmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*slespmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slespmn} = $1;
$mns{slespmn} = $confkeys{slespmn};
$mns{slespmn} = $confkeys{slespmn} if ($confkeys{slespmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*aixmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{aixmn} = $1;
$mns{aixmn} = $confkeys{aixmn};
$mns{aixmn} = $confkeys{aixmn}if ($confkeys{aixmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhxmn} = $1;
$mns{rhxmn} = $confkeys{rhxmn};
$mns{rhxmn} = $confkeys{rhxmn}if ($confkeys{rhxmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*slesxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slesxmn} = $1;
$mns{slesxmn} = $confkeys{slesxmn};
$mns{slesxmn} = $confkeys{slesxmn} if ($confkeys{slesxmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*ubuntumn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{ubuntumn} = $1;
$mns{ubuntumn} = $confkeys{ubuntumn};
$mns{ubuntumn} = $confkeys{ubuntumn} if ($confkeys{ubuntumn});
send_msg("finish reading global vars");
@ -779,7 +804,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
# step 4. Copy code to MNs
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running copy_code...............");
$res = copy_code();
$res = copy_code($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("COPY CODE returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -809,7 +834,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
exit 1;
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running do_test...............");
$res = do_test();
$res = do_test($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -847,7 +872,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
# step 4. Copy code to MNs
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running copy_code...............");
$res = copy_code();
#$res = copy_code($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("COPY CODE returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -856,7 +881,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
# step 5. Build xcat code in MNs
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running build_xcat...............");
$res = build_xcat($mn);
#$res = build_xcat($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("BUILD XCAT returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -865,7 +890,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
# step 6. Read xCAT MN's configuration
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running config_mn...............");
$res = config_mn($mn);
#$res = config_mn($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("CONFIGURE MN returns error, exit");
exit 1;
@ -876,7 +901,7 @@ unless ($ENV{'REGDEBUG'}) { #used for debug.
# Write log
send_msg("\n\n\n== Running do_test...............");
$res = do_test();
$res = do_test($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg("DO TEST returns error, exit");
exit 1;