Merge PowerLinux 7R2 support patches into 2.8 branch

This commit is contained in:
Sheng Feng Xing 2013-09-23 14:31:43 +08:00
parent 2b453aea6f
commit e342bd876c
2 changed files with 120 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -600,6 +600,46 @@ sub get_db_switchports
=head3 get_all_cecs
Description : Get all CEC objects name in system.
Arguments : hashref: if not set, return a array ref.
if set, return a hash ref.
Returns : ref for CECs list.
Example :
my $arrayref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_cecs();
my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_cecs(1);
sub get_all_cecs
my $hashref = shift;
my %cecshash;
my @cecslist;
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc');
my @cecs = $ppctab->getAllAttribsWhere("nodetype = 'cec'", 'node');
foreach (@cecs) {
if($_->{'node'}) {
if ($hashref) {
$cecshash{$_->{'node'}} = 1;
} else {
push @cecslist, $_->{'node'};
# Return the ref accordingly
if ($hashref) {
return \%cecshash;
} else {
return \@cecslist;
=head3 is_discover_started
Description : Judge whether profiled nodes discovering is running or not.
Arguments : NA
@ -758,7 +798,14 @@ sub check_profile_consistent{
my $mgt = undef;
$mgt = $mgtentry->{'mgt'} if ($mgtentry->{'mgt'});
#Get hardwareprofile nodetype
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc');
my $ntentry = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs($hardwareprofile, ['nodetype']);
my $nodetype = undef;
$nodetype = $ntentry->{'nodetype'} if ($ntentry->{'nodetype'});
# Check if exists provision network
if (not ($installnic and exists $netprofile_nicshash{$installnic}{"network"})){
return 0, "Provisioning network not defined for network profile."
@ -777,17 +824,18 @@ sub check_profile_consistent{
return 0, "$nictype networkprofile must use with hardwareprofile.";
if (not $nictype and $mgt) {
# define hardwareprofile, not define fsp or bmc networkprofile
# For nodetype is lpar node, not need to check the nictype as it is not required for lpar node
if (not $nictype and $mgt and $nodetype ne 'lpar' ) {
# define hardwareprofile, not define fsp or bmc networkprofile, and the node type is not lpar
return 0, "$profile_dict{$mgt} hardwareprofile must use with $profile_dict{$mgt} networkprofile.";
if ($profile_dict{$mgt} ne $nictype) {
if ($profile_dict{$mgt} ne $nictype and $nodetype ne 'lpar') {
# Networkprofile's nictype is not consistent with hadrwareprofile's mgt
return 0, "Networkprofile's nictype is not consistent with hardwareprofile's mgt.";
return 1, "";

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ require xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils;
my %allhostnames;
my %allbmcips;
my %allmacs;
my %allcecs;
my %allmacsupper;
my %allips;
my %allinstallips;
@ -398,6 +399,10 @@ Usage:
# Merge all BMC IPs and install IPs into allips.
%allips = (%allips, %allbmcips, %allinstallips, %allfspips);
# Get all CEC names
$recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_cecs(1);
%allcecs = %$recordsref;
#TODO: can not use getallnode to get rack infos.
$recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_rack(1);
%allracks = %$recordsref;
@ -460,32 +465,26 @@ Usage:
# Create the real hostinfo string in stanza file format.
# Create the full hostinfo dict.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Generating new hostinfo string.");
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_string(\%hostinfo_dict);
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_dict(\%hostinfo_dict);
unless ($retcode_gen){
setrsp_progress("Failed to validate node information file.");
# call mkdef to create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
# create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
setrsp_progress("Importing nodes...");
setrsp_progress("Creating nodes...");
my $warnstr = "";
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["mkdef"], stdin=>[$retstr_gen], arg=>['-z']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
# runxcmd failed.
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
if (xCAT::DBobjUtils->setobjdefs(\%hostinfo_dict) != 0){
$warnstr = "Warning: failed to import some nodes.";
if ($retstrref->[1]) {
$warnstr .= "Details: $retstrref->[1]";
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>\@nodelist, sequential=>[1], macflag=>[$mac_addr_mode]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>\@nodelist, sequential=>[1], macflag=>[$mac_addr_mode]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
$warnstr .= "Warning: failed to run command kitnodeadd.";
if ($retstrref->[1]) {
@ -542,12 +541,15 @@ Usage:
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Removing nodes...");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["noderm"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -739,6 +741,7 @@ Usage:
# Call update plugins first.
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'} || exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -749,6 +752,7 @@ Usage:
# If network profile specified. Need re-generate IPs for all nodess again.
if(exists $args_dict{'networkprofile'}){
setrsp_progress("Regenerate IP addresses for nodes...");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["noderegenips"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -980,9 +984,11 @@ Usage:
#$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
#setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>[$command], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -1070,6 +1076,7 @@ Usage:
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to update /etc/hosts for unmanaged node.");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>[$args_dict{"hostname"}]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -1601,22 +1608,20 @@ sub findme{
my ($hostinfo_dict_ref, $invalid_records_ref) = validate_node_entries();
my %hostinfo_dict = %$hostinfo_dict_ref;
# Create the real hostinfo string in stanza file format.
# Create the full hostinfo dict
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Profiled nodes discover: Generating new hostinfo string.\n");
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_string($hostinfo_dict_ref);
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_dict($hostinfo_dict_ref);
unless ($retcode_gen){
# call mkdef to create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Call mkdef to create nodes.\n");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["mkdef"], stdin=>[$retstr_gen], arg=>['-z']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
# runxcmd failed.
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
# Create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Creating nodes...\n");
my $warnstr;
if (xCAT::DBobjUtils->setobjdefs(\%hostinfo_dict) != 0){
$warnstr = "Warning: failed to import node.";
my @nodelist = keys %hostinfo_dict;
@ -1626,10 +1631,11 @@ sub findme{
$request->{"command"} = ["discovered"];
$request->{"node"} = \@nodelist;
$request->{discoverymethod} = ['profile'];
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd($request, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd($request, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Call nodemgmt plugins.\n");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>\@nodelist, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
@ -1642,19 +1648,19 @@ sub findme{
=head3 gen_new_hostinfo_string
=head3 gen_new_hostinfo_dict
Description : Generate a stanza file format string used for 'mkdef' to create nodes.
Description : Generate full hostinfo dict
Arguments : hostinfo_dict_ref - The reference of hostinfo dict.
Returns : (returnvalue, returnmsg)
returnvalue - 0, stands for generate new hostinfo string failed.
1, stands for generate new hostinfo string OK.
returnvalue - 0, stands for generate new hostinfo dict failed.
1, stands for generate new hostinfo dict OK.
returnnmsg - error messages if generate failed.
- the new hostinfo string if generate OK.
- OK for success cases.
sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
sub gen_new_hostinfo_dict{
my $hostinfo_dict_ref = shift;
my %hostinfo_dict = %$hostinfo_dict_ref;
@ -1683,9 +1689,9 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
# Check whether this is Power env.
my $is_fsp = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_fsp_node($args_dict{'networkprofile'});
# compose the stanza string for hostinfo file.
my $hostsinfostr = "";
foreach my $item (sort(keys %hostinfo_dict)){
# Set Nodes's type:
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"objtype"} = 'node';
# Generate IPs for other interfaces defined in MAC file.
my %ipshash;
foreach (keys %netprofileattr){
@ -1760,6 +1766,22 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"mpa"} = $chassisname;
# generate CEC-based rack-mount Power nodes' attributes
# lparid is optional, if not set, set it to 1
if ((exists $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"cec"}) && (! $is_fsp) ){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"hcp"} = $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"cec"};
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"parent"} = $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"cec"};
if (exists $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"lparid"}) {
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"id"} = $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"lparid"};
} else {
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"id"} = 1;
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"mgt"} = "fsp";
# get the chain attribute from hardwareprofile and insert it to node.
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
@ -1800,15 +1822,8 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
# Generate the hostinfo string.
$hostsinfostr = "$hostsinfostr$item:\n";
my $itemdictref = $hostinfo_dict{$item};
my %itemdict = %$itemdictref;
foreach (keys %itemdict){
$hostsinfostr = "$hostsinfostr $_=\"$itemdict{$_}\"\n";
return 1, $hostsinfostr;
return 1, "OK";
@ -2150,6 +2165,15 @@ sub validate_node_entry{
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/)){
$errmsg .= "Specified slotid $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
}elsif ($_ eq "lparid"){
if (not exists $node_entry{"cec"}){
$errmsg .= "The lparid option must be used with the cec option.\n";
}elsif ($_ eq "cec"){
# Check the specified CEC is existing
if (! exists $allcecs{$node_entry{$_}}){
$errmsg .= "The CEC name $node_entry{$_} that is specified in the node information file is not defined in the system.\n";
}elsif ($_ eq "nicips"){
# Check Multi-Nic's ip
my $othernics = $node_entry{$_};