-Another phase of the storage management rework

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@6639 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
jbjohnso 2010-07-02 20:41:29 +00:00
parent e82d2d1f66
commit dd6675bdab

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@ -120,16 +120,8 @@ sub build_pool_xml {
sub get_filepath_by_url { #sadly, libvirt has opted for the 'enterprisey' way like another vendor
#and provided an api to overcomplicate a straightforward request
#using it to appease those who are anti-ssh
#sshing in and checkning mount ourselves would be more
#robust, flexible, and easier, but oh well
#wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the fact that it also has to be
#micromanaged.. I.e. the meat of the issue (mountpints/filenames) still must
#be resolved, but we also are having to deal with an extra level of info
sub get_storage_pool_by_url {
my $url = shift;
my $dev = shift;
my @currpools = $hypconn->list_storage_pools();
my $poolobj;
my $pool;
@ -141,29 +133,55 @@ sub get_filepath_by_url { #sadly, libvirt has opted for the 'enterprisey' way li
$pool = undef;
unless ($pool) {
$poolobj = $hypconn->create_storage_pool(build_pool_xml($url,\@currpools));
$pool = XMLin($poolobj->get_xml_description());
if ($pool) { return $poolobj; }
print build_pool_xml($url,\@currpools);
$poolobj = $hypconn->create_storage_pool(build_pool_xml($url,\@currpools));
return $poolobj;
sub get_filepath_by_url { #sadly, libvirt has opted for the 'enterprisey' way like another vendor
#and provided an api to overcomplicate a straightforward request
#using it to appease those who are anti-ssh
#sshing in and checkning mount ourselves would be more
#robust, flexible, and easier, but oh well
#wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the fact that it also has to be
#micromanaged.. I.e. the meat of the issue (mountpints/filenames) still must
#be resolved, but we also are having to deal with an extra level of info
my %args = @_;
my $url = $args{url};
my $dev = $args{dev};
my $create = $args{create};
my $force = $args{force};
my $format = $args{format};
unless ($format) {
$format = 'qcow2';
#ok, now that we have the pool, we need the storage volume from the pool for the node/dev
my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($url);
unless ($poolobj) { die "Could not get storage pool for $url"; }
my @volobjs = $poolobj->list_volumes();
my $desiredname = $host.$dev;
my $desiredname = $node.'.'.$dev;
foreach (@volobjs) {
if ($_->get_name() eq $desiredname) {
return $_->get_path();
if ($create) {
if ($force) { #must destroy the storage
} else {
die "Path already exists";
} else {
return $_->get_path();
return undef;
sub get_path_for_nfsuri {
my $diskname = shift;
$diskname =~ /nfs:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)/;
my $server = $1;
my $path = $2;
if (xCAT::Utils::thishostisnot($server)) {
return [$server,$path];
} else { #I am the server
return $path;
if ($create) {
if ($create =~ /^clone=/) {
} else {
my $vol = $poolobj->create_volume("<volume><name>".$desiredname."</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".getUnits($create,"G",1)."</capacity><allocation>0</allocation></volume>");
if ($vol) { return $vol->get_path(); }
} else {
return undef;
@ -244,9 +262,19 @@ sub build_diskstruct {
foreach my $disk (@locations) {
#Setting default values of a virtual disk backed by a file at hd*.
my $diskhash;
$disk =~ s/=(.*)//;
my $model = $1;
unless ($model) { $model = 'ide'; }
my $prefix='hd';
if ($model eq 'virtio') {
} elsif ($model eq 'scsi') {
$diskhash->{type} = 'file';
$diskhash->{device} = 'disk';
$diskhash->{target}->{dev} = 'hd'.$suffixes[$suffidx];
$diskhash->{target}->{dev} = $prefix.$suffixes[$suffidx];
$diskhash->{target}->{bus} = $model;
my @disk_parts = split(/,/, $disk);
#Find host file and determine if it is a file or a block device.
@ -254,7 +282,7 @@ sub build_diskstruct {
$diskhash->{source}->{dev} = substr($disk_parts[0], 4);
} elsif ($disk_parts[0] =~ m/^nfs:\/\/(.*)$/) {
$diskhash->{source}->{file} = get_filepath_by_url($disk_parts[0],$diskhash->{target}->{dev}); #"/var/lib/xcat/vmnt/nfs_".$1."/$node/".$diskhash->{target}->{dev};
$diskhash->{source}->{file} = get_filepath_by_url(url=>$disk_parts[0],dev=>$diskhash->{target}->{dev}); #"/var/lib/xcat/vmnt/nfs_".$1."/$node/".$diskhash->{target}->{dev};
unless ($diskhash->{source}->{file}) {
die "Unable to find ".$diskhash->{target}->{dev}." at ".$disk_parts[0];
@ -688,18 +716,10 @@ sub xhrm_satisfy {
if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) {
@nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
@storage = split /\|/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
foreach (@nics) {
s/=.*//; #this code cares not about the model of virtual nic
$rc |=system("ssh $hyp xHRM bridgeprereq $_");
foreach (@storage) {
if (/^nfs:\/\//) {
$rc |= system("ssh $hyp xHRM storageprereq $_");
return $rc;
sub makedom {
@ -721,12 +741,13 @@ sub makedom {
sub createstorage {
#svn rev 6638 held the older vintage of createstorage
my $filename=shift;
my $mastername=shift;
my $size=shift;
my $cfginfo = shift;
my $force = shift;
my $diskstruct = shift;
#my $diskstruct = shift;
my $node = $cfginfo->{node};
my @flags = split /,/,$cfginfo->{virtflags};
foreach (@flags) {
@ -740,92 +761,31 @@ sub createstorage {
my $pathappend;
my $storageserver;
#for nfs paths and qemu-img, we do the magic locally only for now
my $basename;
my $dirname;
if ($filename =~ /^nfs:/) {
$filename = get_path_for_nfsuri($filename);
if (ref $filename) { #if we got a reference back instead of a string, it is a remote location
$storageserver = $filename->[0];
$filename = $filename->[1];
$filename =~ s/\/$//;
$mountpath = $filename;
$filename .= "/$node/".fileparse($diskstruct->[0]->{source}->{file});
$pathappend = "/$node/";
($basename,$dirname) = fileparse($filename);
unless ($storageserver) {
if (-f $filename) {
unless ($force) {
return 1,"Storage already exists, delete manually or use --force";
unlink $filename;
if ($storageserver and $mastername and $clonemethod eq 'reflink') {
my $rc=system("ssh $storageserver mkdir -p $dirname");
if ($rc) {
return 1,"Unable to manage storage on remote server $storageserver";
} elsif ($storageserver) {
my @mounts = `mount`;
my $foundmount;
foreach (@mounts) {
if (/^$storageserver:$mountpath/) {
s/^.* on (\S*) type nfs.*$/$1/;
$dirname = $_;
unless ($foundmount) {
return 1,"qemu-img cloning requires that the management server have the directory $mountpath from $storageserver mounted";
} else {
if ($mastername and $size) {
return 1,"Can not specify both a master to clone and a size";
return 1,"Can not specify both a master to clone and size(s)";
my $model=$1;
my $prefix='hd';
if ($model eq 'scsi') {
} elsif ($model eq 'virtio') {
my @suffixes=('a','b','d'..'z');
if ($filename =~ /^nfs:/) { #libvirt storage pool to be used for this
my @sizes = split /,/,$size;
foreach (@sizes) {
my $masterserver;
if ($mastername) {
unless ($mastername =~ /^\// or $mastername =~ /^nfs:/) {
$mastername = $xCAT_plugin::kvm::masterdir.'/'.$mastername;
if ($mastername =~ m!nfs://([^/]*)(/.*\z)!) {
$mastername = $2;
$masterserver = $1;
if ($masterserver ne $storageserver) {
return 1,"Not supporting cloning between $masterserver and $storageserver at this time, for now ensure master images and target VM images are on the same server";
my $rc;
if ($clonemethod eq 'qemu-img') {
my $dirn;
my $filn;
($filn,$dirn) = fileparse($filename);
$rc=system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $mastername $filename");
} elsif ($clonemethod eq 'reflink') {
if ($storageserver) {
$rc=system("ssh $storageserver cp --reflink $mastername $filename");
} else {
$rc=system("cp --reflink $mastername $filename");
if ($rc) {
return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename from $mastername";
if ($mastername) { #cloning
if ($size) {
my $rc = system("qemu-img create -f $imgfmt $filename ".getUnits($size,"g",1024));
if ($rc) {
return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename of size $size\n";
if ($size) {#new volume
@ -843,8 +803,6 @@ sub mkvm {
my $diskstruct = build_diskstruct();
if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) {
my $diskname=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
if ($diskname =~ /^phy:/) { #in this case, mkvm should have no argumens
@ -853,7 +811,7 @@ sub mkvm {
if ($mastername or $disksize) {
return createstorage($diskname,$mastername,$disksize,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0],$force,$diskstruct);
return createstorage($diskname,$mastername,$disksize,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0],$force);
} else {
if ($mastername or $disksize) {