Added man pages, and automatically convert them to html.
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,30 +8,117 @@
# We assume that this script is run in the perl-xCAT-2.0 dir, so everything is
# done relative to that.
use strict;
use lib '.';
use xCAT::Schema;
use xCAT::Table;
use Pod::Man;
use Pod::Html;
my $poddir = 'pods/man5';
if (system("mkdir -p $poddir")) { die "Error: could not create $poddir.\n"; }
my $poddir = 'pods';
my $mandir = 'share/man';
my $htmldir = 'share/doc';
my $poddir5 = 'pods/man5';
if (system("mkdir -p $poddir5")) { die "Error: could not create $poddir5.\n"; }
# Build the DB overview page.
writesummarypage("$poddir/xcatdb.5.pod", xCAT::Table->getDescriptions()),
print "Building PODs pages for the database tables...\n";
writesummarypage("$poddir5/xcatdb.5.pod", xCAT::Table->getDescriptions()),
# Build the man page for each table.
# Build the pod man page for each table.
my $tabspecref = \%xCAT::Schema::tabspec;
foreach my $tablekey (keys %$tabspecref) {
my $table = $tabspecref->{$tablekey};
my $summary = $table->{table_desc};
my $colorder = $table->{cols};
my $descriptions = $table->{descriptions};
writemanpage("$poddir/$tablekey.5.pod", $tablekey, $summary, $colorder, $descriptions);
writepodmanpage("$poddir5/$tablekey.5.pod", $tablekey, $summary, $colorder, $descriptions);
my @pods = getPodList($poddir);
#foreach (@pods) { print "$_\n"; } exit;
# Build the man page for each pod.
#mkdir($mandir) or die "Error: could not create $mandir.\n";
print "Converting PODs to man pages...\n";
foreach my $podfile (@pods) {
my $manfile = $podfile;
$manfile =~ s/^$poddir/$mandir/; # change the beginning of the path
$manfile =~ s/\.pod$//; # change the ending
my $mdir = $manfile;
$mdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # get rid of the basename part
if (system("mkdir -p $mdir")) { die "Error: could not create $mdir.\n"; }
my ($section) = $podfile =~ /\.(\d+)\.pod$/;
convertpod2man($podfile, $manfile, $section);
# Build the html page for each pod.
#mkdir($htmldir) or die "Error: could not create $htmldir.\n";
print "Converting PODs to HTML pages...\n";
foreach my $podfile (@pods) {
my $htmlfile = $podfile;
$htmlfile =~ s/^$poddir/$htmldir/; # change the beginning of the path
$htmlfile =~ s/\.pod$/\.html/; # change the ending
my $hdir = $htmlfile;
$hdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # get rid of the basename part
if (system("mkdir -p $hdir")) { die "Error: could not create $hdir.\n"; }
convertpod2html($podfile, $htmlfile, $poddir, $htmldir);
# Recursively get the list of pod man page files.
sub getPodList {
my $poddir = shift;
my @files;
# 1st get toplevel dir listing
opendir(DIR, $poddir) or die "Error: could not read $poddir.\n";
my @topdir = grep !/^\./, readdir(DIR);
# Now go thru each subdir (these are man1, man3, etc.)
foreach my $mandir (@topdir) {
opendir(DIR, "$poddir/$mandir") or die "Error: could not read $poddir/$mandir.\n";
my @dir = grep !/^\./, readdir(DIR);
foreach my $file (@dir) {
push @files, "$poddir/$mandir/$file";
return sort @files;
# Create the html page for one pod.
sub convertpod2html {
my ($podfile, $htmlfile, $poddir, $htmldir) = @_;
#TODO: use --css=<stylesheet> and --title=<pagetitle> to make the pages look better
# Create the man page for one pod.
sub convertpod2man {
my ($podfile, $manfile, $section) = @_;
my $parser = Pod::Man->new(section => $section);
$parser->parse_from_file($podfile, $manfile);
# Create the xcatdb man page that gives a summary description of each table.
sub writesummarypage {
my $file = shift; # relative path file name of the man page
@ -127,7 +214,7 @@ all of the information should go in.
foreach my $table (sort keys %$descriptions) {
print FILE "\n=item I<$table>\n\n".$descriptions->{$table}."\n";
print FILE "\n=item L<$table(5)|$table.5>\n\n".$descriptions->{$table}."\n";
print FILE <<"EOS3";
@ -136,7 +223,7 @@ foreach my $table (sort keys %$descriptions) {
=head1 SEE ALSO
nodels(1), tabedit(1), chtab(1), tabdump(1), lsdef(1), mkdef(1), chdef(1), rmdef(1)
B<nodels(1)>, B<chtab(8)>, B<tabdump(8)>, B<tabedit(8)>, B<lsdef(1)>, B<mkdef(1)>, B<chdef(1)>, B<rmdef(1)>
close FILE;
@ -144,7 +231,7 @@ EOS3
# Create the man page for one table.
sub writemanpage {
sub writepodmanpage {
my $file = shift; # relative path file name of the man page
my $tablename = shift; # name of table
my $summary = shift; # description of table
@ -171,20 +258,26 @@ foreach my $a (@$colorder) { print FILE " I<$a>\n"; }
B<$tablename Attributes:>
=head1 $tablename Attributes:
=over 10
foreach my $a (@$colorder) {
my $d = $descriptions->{$a};
$d =~ s/\n/\n\n/; # if there are newlines, double them so pod sees a blank line, otherwise pod will ignore them
print FILE "\nI<$a> - $d\n";
#print FILE "\nB<$a> - $d\n";
print FILE "\n=item B<$a>\n\n$d\n";
print FILE <<"EOS3";
=head1 NOTES
This command is part of the xCAT software product.
=head1 SEE ALSO
B<nodels(1)>, B<chtab(8)>, B<tabdump(8)>, B<tabedit(8)>
close FILE;
@ -28,14 +28,15 @@ Includes xCAT::Table, xCAT::NodeRange, among others.
# as it is in svn.
# Build the pod version of the man pages for each DB table. It puts them in the man5 subdir.
# The convert the pods to man pages and html pages.
# Convert pods to man pages, e.g.: pod2man pods/man5/chain.5.pod share/man/man5/chain.1
for i in pods/*/*.pod; do
man="share/man${i#pods}" # the substitute form is not supported on aix: ${i/pods/share\/man}
mkdir -p ${man%/*}
pod2man $i ${man%.pod}
# for i in pods/*/*.pod; do
# man="share/man${i#pods}" # the substitute form is not supported on aix: ${i/pods/share\/man}
# mkdir -p ${man%/*}
# pod2man $i ${man%.pod}
# done
# The install phase puts all of the files in the paths they should be in when the rpm is
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib/perl/xCAT/data
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/perl-xCAT
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5
cp -r xCAT/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib/perl/xCAT/
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/lib/perl/xCAT/*
@ -60,7 +62,9 @@ chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/README
# These were built dynamically in the build phase
cp share/man/man5/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5
chmod 444 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5/*
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5/*
cp share/doc/man5/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5/*
# This step does not happen until *after* the %files packaging below
@ -369,30 +369,30 @@ site => {
table_desc => 'Global settings for the whole cluster. This table is different from the other tables in that each attribute is just named in the key column, rather than having a separate column for each attribute.',
descriptions => {
key => "Name of the attribute. Valid values:\n".
"\t master (xCAT management node)\n".
"\t xcatconfdir (default /etc/xcat)\n".
"\t domain (DNS domain name used for the cluster)\n".
"\t installdir (directory that holds the node deployment pkgs)\n".
"\t xcatdport (port used by xcatd daemon for client/server communication)\n".
"\t xcatiport (port used by xcatd to receive install status updates from nodes)\n".
"\t timezone (e.g. America/New_York)\n".
"\t nameservers (list of DNS servers for the cluster)\n".
"\t rsh (path of remote shell command)\n".
"\t rcp (path of remote copy command)\n".
"\t blademaxp (max # of processes for blade hw ctrl)\n".
"\t ppcmaxp (max # of processes for PPC hw ctrl)\n".
"\t ipmimaxp\n".
"\t ipmitimeout\n".
"\t ipmiretries\n".
"\t ipmisdrcache\n".
"\t iscsidir\n".
"\t xcatservers (service nodes??)\n".
"\t dhcpinterfaces (network interfaces DHCP should listen on??)\n".
"\t forwarders (DNS forwarders??)\n".
"\t genpasswords (generate BMC passwords??)\n".
"\t defserialport (default if not specified in noderes table)\n".
"\t defserialspeed (default if not specified in nodehm table)\n".
"\t defserialflow (default if not specified in nodehm table)",
" master (xCAT management node)\n".
" xcatconfdir (default /etc/xcat)\n".
" domain (DNS domain name used for the cluster)\n".
" installdir (directory that holds the node deployment pkgs)\n".
" xcatdport (port used by xcatd daemon for client/server communication)\n".
" xcatiport (port used by xcatd to receive install status updates from nodes)\n".
" timezone (e.g. America/New_York)\n".
" nameservers (list of DNS servers for the cluster)\n".
" rsh (path of remote shell command)\n".
" rcp (path of remote copy command)\n".
" blademaxp (max # of processes for blade hw ctrl)\n".
" ppcmaxp (max # of processes for PPC hw ctrl)\n".
" ipmimaxp\n".
" ipmitimeout\n".
" ipmiretries\n".
" ipmisdrcache\n".
" iscsidir\n".
" xcatservers (service nodes??)\n".
" dhcpinterfaces (network interfaces DHCP should listen on??)\n".
" forwarders (DNS forwarders??)\n".
" genpasswords (generate BMC passwords??)\n".
" defserialport (default if not specified in noderes table)\n".
" defserialspeed (default if not specified in nodehm table)\n".
" defserialflow (default if not specified in nodehm table)",
value => 'The value of the attribute specified in the "key" column.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
=head1 NAME
B<chtab> -To add, delete or update rows in the database tables.
I<chtab [-h| --help]>
I<chtab [-v| --version]>
I<chtab [keycolname=keyvalue] [tablename.colname=newvalue] >
I<chtab -d [keycolname=keyvalue] [tablename.colname=newvalue] >
The chtab command adds or deletes or updates the attribute value in the input table.column for the input keyvalue.
=head1 OPTIONS
B<-h> Display usage message.
B<-v> Command Version.
B<-d> Delete option.
0 The command completed successfully.
1 An error has occurred.
1. To add a node=node1 to the nodelist table with groups=all:
I<chtab node=node1 nodelist.groups=all >
2. To add a keyword (tftpdir) and value (/tftpboot) to the site table:
I<chtab key=tftpdir site.value=/tftpboot >
3. To add node1 to the nodetype table with os=rhel5:
I<chtab node=node1 nodetype.os=rhel5>
4. To change node1 in nodetype table setting os=sles:
I<chtab node=node1 nodetype.os=sles>
5. To delete node1 from nodetype table:
I<chtab -d node=node1 nodetype>
=head1 FILES
=head1 NOTES
This command is part of the xCAT software product.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ B<nodestat> [I<-h>|I<--help>|I<-v>|I<--version>]
=head1 B<Description>
B<nodestat> is a small utility used to display the running status of a
single or range of nodes or groups. See L<noderange(3)>.
single or range of nodes or groups. See L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>.
B<nodestat> will first check for pbs_mom, if that fails then B<nodestat> will
check for snmpd, then ping. If ping fails, then B<nodestat> returns "nop-
@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<nodels(1)>, L<nodeloc(1)>, L<nodeset(1)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<nodels(1)|nodels.1>, L<nodeset(8)|nodeset.8>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ B<prsync> is NOT multicast, but is parallel unicasts.
=item B<rsyncopts>
rsync options. See L<rsync(1)>.
rsync options. See B<rsync(1)>.
=item B<filename>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ A space delimited list of directories to rsync.
=item B<noderange:destination>
A L<noderange(3)> and destination directory. The : is required.
A L<noderange(3)|noderange.3> and destination directory. The : is required.
=item B<-h>|B<--help>
@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<pscp(1)>, L<pping(1)>, L<psh(1)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<pscp(1)|pscp.1>, L<pping(1)|pping.1>, L<psh(1)|psh.1>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ A space delimited list of directories to copy.
=item B<noderange:destination>
A L<noderange(3)> and destination directory. The : is required.
A L<noderange(3)|noderange.3> and destination directory. The : is required.
=item B<-h>|B<--help>
@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<pping(1)>, L<prsync(1)>, L<psh(1)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<pping(1)|pping.1>, L<prsync(1)|prsync.1>, L<psh(1)|psh.1>
@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ Issues the commands serially.
=item B<noderange>
See L<noderange(3)>.
See L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>.
=item B<me>
Run against nodes owned by "me" as listed by PBS's L<qstat(1B)>
Run against nodes owned by "me" as listed by PBS's B<qstat(1B)>
=item B<pbs>
Run against nodes assigned to a PBS job as listed by PBS's
L<qstat(1B)> command.
B<qstat(1B)> command.
=item B<command>
@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<pscp(1)>, L<pping(1)>, L<prsync(1)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<pscp(1)|pscp.1>, L<pping(1)|pping.1>, L<prsync(1)|prsync.1>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Print version.
=head1 B<Files>
B<nodehm> table -
xCAT node hardware management table. See L<nodehm(5)> for
xCAT node hardware management table. See B<nodehm(5)> for
further details. This is used to determine the console access
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<rvid(1)>, L<wcons(1)>, L<wvid(1)>
B<rvid(1)>, L<wcons(1)|wcons.1>, B<wvid(1)>
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
=head1 NAME
B<updte_SNimage> - Adds the needed Service Node configuration files to the install image.
I<updte_SNimage [-h | --help ]>
I<updte_SNimage [-v | --version]>
I<updte_SNimage [-v | --version]>
I<updte_SNimage {-n} [-p]>
I<updte_SNimage {-n} [-p]>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ B<-h |--help> Display usage message.
B<-v |--version> Display xCAT version.
B<-n | --node> A remote host name or ip address that contains the install image to be updated.
B<-n | --node> A remote host name or ip address that contains the install image to be updated.
B<-p |--path> Path to the install image.
@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ B<-p |--path> Path to the install image.
1. To update the image on the local host.
I<updte_SNimage -p /install/netboot/fedora8/x86_64/test/rootimg>
I<updte_SNimage -p /install/netboot/fedora8/x86_64/test/rootimg>
2. To update the image on a remote host.
I<updte_SNimage -n -p /install/netboot/fedora8/x86_64/test/rootimg>
I<updte_SNimage -n -p /install/netboot/fedora8/x86_64/test/rootimg>
=head1 FILES
(The XCATROOT environment variable is set when xCAT is installed. The
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ default value is "/opt/xcat".)
=head1 NOTES
This command is part of the xCAT software product.
When going to a remote host, the command uses scp. It is best to have ssh keys setup so you will not be prompted for a password on each copy.
When going to a remote host, the command uses scp. It is best to have ssh keys setup so you will not be prompted for a password on each copy.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Print version.
=head1 B<Files>
B<nodehm> table -
xCAT node hardware management table. See L<nodehm(5)> for further details. This is used to determine the console access
xCAT node hardware management table. See B<nodehm(5)> for further details. This is used to determine the console access
=head1 B<Examples>
@ -99,4 +99,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<rcons(1)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<rcons(1)|rcons.1>
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ range or nodes or groups.
B<wkill> was written because I'm too lazy to point and click off 64 windows.
B<wkill> will only kill windows on your display and for only the
L<noderange(3)> you specify. If no L<noderange(3)> is specified, then all
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3> you specify. If no L<noderange(3)|noderange.3> is specified, then all
wcons windows on your $DISPLAY will be killed.
=head1 B<Options>
@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<wcons(1)>.
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<wcons(1)|wcons.1>.
@ -420,6 +420,8 @@ Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for output from
each remote target. This variable is overridden by the B<-t>
=head1 B<Security>
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ more compact output, but xdshbak still sorts the output by
node name for easier viewing.
This option should not be used with B<-c>.
=head1 B<EXAMPLES>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
=head1 NAME
B<chtab> - Add, delete or update rows in the database tables.
I<chtab [-h| --help]>
I<chtab [-v| --version]>
I<chtab [keycolname=keyvalue] [tablename.colname=newvalue] >
I<chtab -d [keycolname=keyvalue] [tablename.colname=newvalue] >
The chtab command adds or deletes or updates the attribute value in the input table.column for the input keyvalue.
=head1 OPTIONS
B<-h> Display usage message.
B<-v> Command Version.
B<-d> Delete option.
0 The command completed successfully.
1 An error has occurred.
1. To add a node=node1 to the nodelist table with groups=all:
I<chtab node=node1 nodelist.groups=all >
2. To add a keyword (tftpdir) and value (/tftpboot) to the site table:
I<chtab key=tftpdir site.value=/tftpboot >
3. To add node1 to the nodetype table with os=rhel5:
I<chtab node=node1 nodetype.os=rhel5>
4. To change node1 in nodetype table setting os=sles:
I<chtab node=node1 nodetype.os=sles>
5. To delete node1 from nodetype table:
I<chtab -d node=node1 nodetype>
=head1 FILES
=head1 NOTES
This command is part of the xCAT software product.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ B<nodeset> [I<-h>|I<--help>|I<-v>|I<--version>]
B<nodeset> sets the next cold or warm boot state for a single or range of
nodes or groups. This tells xCAT what you want to happen the next time the
nodes are booted up. See L<noderange(3)>. B<nodeset> accomplishes this by
nodes are booted up. See L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>. B<nodeset> accomplishes this by
changing the network boot files. Each xCAT node always boots from the
network and downloads a boot file with instructions on what action to
take next.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ B<nodeset> only supports PXELINUX, Etherboot, Etherboot/NBGRUB, and ELILO
as network boot loaders. B<nodeset> calls B<nodeset.pxe>, B<nodeset.eb>, B<node->
B<set.nbgrub>, and B<nodeset.elilo> to perform the updates.
Assume that /tftpboot is the root for tftpd (set in L<>).
Assume that /tftpboot is the root for tftpd (set in B<site(5)>).
B<nodeset.pxe> makes changes to /tftpboot/pxelinux.0/{node hex ip}
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ installation process remotely to set the boot state back to "boot".
When B<nodeset> is called to set a node for an installation state, a NODE-
TYPE-RESOURCE.BOOTTYPE template must exist in /tftpboot/xcat (or the
appropriate directory as defined in L<>), where NODETYPE is
defined per node in L<>, RESOURCE is defined per node or
group in L<>, and BOOTTYPE is defined per node in
appropriate directory as defined in B<site(5)>), where NODETYPE is
defined per node in B<nodetype(5)>, RESOURCE is defined per node or
group in B<noderes(5)>, and BOOTTYPE is defined per node in
=head1 B<Options>
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Instruct node to boot from network image stage2. This involves
TFTP downloading a special prebuilt kernel, initrd, and kernel
options used for MAC address collection. For a new node this is
the default action and cannot be changed until a node entry
exists in L<dhcpd.conf(5)>. It is not necessary to explicitly set
exists in B<dhcpd.conf(5)>. It is not necessary to explicitly set
stage2, unless it is used for testing and development purposes.
=item B<stage3>
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ tainance shell. Only available for IA64 systems.
Instruct node to boot from network into clone mode. In clone
mode the node will poll the management node for nodes in clone-
server mode, once a clone lock is established the clone node
clones the cloneserver node. Usually called from L<rclone(1)>.
clones the cloneserver node. Usually called from B<rclone(1)>.
=item B<cloneserver>
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ create partition images.
=item B<flash>=I<image>
Instruct node to boot from network load DOS and flash I<image>.
Usually called from L<rflash(1)>.
Usually called from B<rflash(1)>.
=item B<-h>|B<--help>
@ -135,27 +135,27 @@ Print version.
=head1 B<Files>
B<nodehm> table -
xCAT node hardware management file. See L<nodehm(5)> for fur-
xCAT node hardware management file. See B<nodehm(5)> for fur-
ther details. This is used to determine the network boot type:
PXE, Etherboot, ELILO, or NA.
B<noderes> table -
xCAT node resources file. See L<noderes(5)> for further
xCAT node resources file. See B<noderes(5)> for further
details. This is used to determine the node's resource group.
B<nodetype> table -
xCAT node installation type file. See L<nodetype(5)> for fur-
xCAT node installation type file. See B<nodetype(5)> for fur-
ther details. This is used to determine the node installation
image type.
B<site> table -
xCAT main configuration file. See L<site(5)> for further
xCAT main configuration file. See B<site(5)> for further
details. This is used to determine the location of the TFTP
root directory and the TFTP xCAT subdirectory. /tftpboot and
/tftpboot/xcat is the default.
B</etc/dhcpd.conf> file -
xCAT dhcpd configuration file. See L<dhcpd.conf(5)> for further
xCAT dhcpd configuration file. See B<dhcpd.conf(5)> for further
details. This is used by B<nodeset> to determine if a node will
only boot stage2 because no statically assigned IP exists for
that node. Also used by nodeset.eb to set the boot state for
@ -178,5 +178,5 @@ Egan Ford <>
=head1 B<See> B<Also>
L<noderange(3)>, L<nodels(1)>, L<nodestat(1)>, L<rinstall(1)>,
L<rflash(1)>, L<makedhcp(8)>
L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<nodels(1)|nodels.1>, L<nodestat(1)|nodestat.1>, B<rinstall(1)>,
B<rflash(1)>, L<makedhcp(8)|makedhcp.8>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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<H1>xCAT 2</H1>
<LI><A href="man1/xcat.1.html">xCAT 2 Man Pages</A>
<LI><A href="man5/xcatdb.5.html">xCAT 2 Database Table Descriptions</A>
<LI><A href="xCAT2.0.pdf">xCAT 2.0 Linux Cookbook</A> - getting started with <FONT size="+1">installing</FONT> and setting up xCAT on Linux
<LI><A href="xCAT2onAIX.pdf">xCAT 2.0 AIX Cookbook</A> - getting started with installing and setting up xCAT on AIX
<H2>xCAT 2 on the Internet</H2>
<LI><A href="">Tutorial for installing xCAT and deploying a stateless node</A>
<LI><A href="">Download xCAT 2.0</A>
<LI><A href="">The xCAT Project on SourceForge</A>
<LI><A href="">xCAT 2.0 Source in Subversion</A>
<LI><A href="">xCAT 2.0 Wiki</A>
<LI><A href="">xCAT 2.0 Bugs in Tracker</A>
<LI><A href="">xCAT Mailing List</A>
<LI>xCAT 2.0 Open Source License: <A href="">Eclipse Public License</A>
<LI>xCAT 1.3 Links at <A href=""></A>
@ -29,11 +29,14 @@ xCAT-client provides the fundamental xCAT commands (chtab, chnode, rpower, etc)
# as it is in svn.
# Convert pods to man pages, e.g.: pod2man pods/man1/tabdump.1.pod share/man/man1/tabdump.1
for i in pods/*/*.pod; do
man="share/man${i#pods}" # the substitute form is not supported on aix: ${i/pods/share\/man}
mkdir -p ${man%/*}
pod2man $i ${man%.pod}
# for i in pods/*/*.pod; do
# man="share/man${i#pods}" # the substitute form is not supported on aix: ${i/pods/share\/man}
# mkdir -p ${man%/*}
# pod2man $i ${man%.pod}
# done
# Convert pods to man pages and html pages
# The install phase puts all of the files in the paths they should be in when the rpm is
@ -49,13 +52,17 @@ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man3
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man8
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-client
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man1
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man3
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man8
cp bin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/*
cp sbin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/sbin
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/sbin/*
# Most of these were built dynamically in the build phase
# These were built dynamically in the build phase
cp share/man/man1/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man1
chmod 444 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man1/*
cp share/man/man3/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man3
@ -65,14 +72,24 @@ chmod 444 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man5/*
cp share/man/man8/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man8
chmod 444 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man8/*
%ifos linux
cp share/doc/xCAT2.0.odt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
cp share/doc/xCAT2.0.pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
cp share/doc/xCAT2onAIX.odt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
cp share/doc/xCAT2onAIX.pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/*
# %ifos linux
# cp share/doc/xCAT2.0.odt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
# cp share/doc/xCAT2.0.pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
# %else
# cp share/doc/xCAT2onAIX.odt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
# cp share/doc/xCAT2onAIX.pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
# %endif
cp -r share/doc/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/*
# These were built dynamically during the build phase
# cp share/doc/man1/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man1
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man1/*
# cp share/doc/man3/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man3
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man3/*
# cp share/doc/man5/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man5/*
# cp share/doc/man8/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man8
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/man8/*
cp LICENSE.html $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-client
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/doc/packages/xCAT-client/*
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
# First builds the xCAT summary man page from Synopsis of each man page.
# Then converts all of the pod man pages into html (including links to each other)
# We assume that this script is run in the xCAT-client-2.0 dir, so everything is
# done relative to that.
use strict;
#use lib '.';
use Pod::Man;
use Pod::Html;
my $poddir = 'pods';
my $mandir = 'share/man';
my $htmldir = 'share/doc';
my @pods = getPodList($poddir);
#foreach (@pods) { print "$_\n"; } exit;
# Build the cmd overview page.
writesummarypage("$poddir/man1/xcat.1.pod", @pods);
push @pods, "$poddir/man1/xcat.1.pod";
# Build the man page for each pod.
#mkdir($mandir) or die "Error: could not create $mandir.\n";
print "Converting PODs to man pages...\n";
foreach my $podfile (@pods) {
my $manfile = $podfile;
$manfile =~ s/^$poddir/$mandir/; # change the beginning of the path
$manfile =~ s/\.pod$//; # change the ending
my $mdir = $manfile;
$mdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # get rid of the basename part
if (system("mkdir -p $mdir")) { die "Error: could not create $mdir.\n"; }
my ($section) = $podfile =~ /\.(\d+)\.pod$/;
convertpod2man($podfile, $manfile, $section);
#TODO: to enable linking between the cmd man pages and the db man pages, need to:
# grep thru the cmd pods searching for references (L<>) to any section 5 man page
# if that pod does not exist, create a minimal one that will satisfy pod2html
# keep track of all dummy pods created
# convert all original pod pages
# remove the dummy pods
# Build the html page for each pod.
#mkdir($htmldir) or die "Error: could not create $htmldir.\n";
print "Converting PODs to HTML pages...\n";
foreach my $podfile (@pods) {
my $htmlfile = $podfile;
$htmlfile =~ s/^$poddir/$htmldir/; # change the beginning of the path
$htmlfile =~ s/\.pod$/\.html/; # change the ending
my $hdir = $htmlfile;
$hdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # get rid of the basename part
if (system("mkdir -p $hdir")) { die "Error: could not create $hdir.\n"; }
convertpod2html($podfile, $htmlfile, $poddir, $htmldir);
# Recursively get the list of pod man page files.
sub getPodList {
my $poddir = shift;
my @files;
# 1st get toplevel dir listing
opendir(DIR, $poddir) or die "Error: could not read $poddir.\n";
my @topdir = grep !/^\./, readdir(DIR);
# Now go thru each subdir (these are man1, man3, etc.)
foreach my $mandir (@topdir) {
opendir(DIR, "$poddir/$mandir") or die "Error: could not read $poddir/$mandir.\n";
my @dir = grep !/^\./, readdir(DIR);
foreach my $file (@dir) {
push @files, "$poddir/$mandir/$file";
return sort @files;
# Create the xcat man page that gives a summary description of each xcat cmd.
sub writesummarypage {
my $file = shift; # relative path file name of the man page
# the rest of @_ contains the pod files that describe each cmd
open(FILE, ">$file") or die "Error: could not open $file for writing.\n";
print FILE <<'EOS1';
=head1 NAME
B<xcat> - extreme Cluster Administration Tool.
Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit (xCAT). xCAT is a scalable distributed computing management
and provisioning tool that provides a unified interface for hardware control, discovery, and
OS diskful/diskfree deployment.
All of the cluster configuration information is in the xCAT database. See B<xcatdb(5)> for
descriptions of every table in the database.
What follows is a short description of each xCAT command. To get more information about a particular
command, see its man page.
=over 12
# extract the summary for each cmd from its man page
foreach my $manpage (@_) {
my ($sectionnum) = $manpage =~ /\.(\d+)\.pod$/;
# Suck in the whole file, then we will parse it.
open(MANPAGE, "$manpage") or die "Error: could not open $manpage for reading.\n";
my @contents = <MANPAGE>;
my $wholemanpage = join('', @contents);
# This regex matches: optional space, =head1, space, title, space, cmd, space, description, newline
my ($cmd, $description) = $wholemanpage =~ /^\s*=head1\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(.+?)\n/si;
if (!defined($cmd)) { print "Warning: $manpage is not in a recognized structure. It will be ignored.\n"; next; }
if (!defined($description)) { print "Warning: $manpage does not have a description for $cmd. It will be ignored.\n"; next; }
$cmd =~ s/^.<(.+)>$/$1/; # if the cmd name has pod formatting around it, strip it off
$description =~ s/^-\s*//; # if the description has a leading hypen, strip it off
print FILE "\n=item L<$cmd($sectionnum)|$cmd.$sectionnum>\n\n".$description."\n";
print FILE <<"EOS3";
close FILE;
# Create the html page for one pod.
sub convertpod2html {
my ($podfile, $htmlfile, $poddir, $htmldir) = @_;
#TODO: use --css=<stylesheet> and --title=<pagetitle> to make the pages look better
# Create the man page for one pod.
sub convertpod2man {
my ($podfile, $manfile, $section) = @_;
my $parser = Pod::Man->new(section => $section);
$parser->parse_from_file($podfile, $manfile);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Alias /xcat "/opt/xcat/web"
Alias /xcat-web "/opt/xcat/web"
<Directory "/opt/xcat/web">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# This configuration file allows the manual to be accessed at
# This configuration file allows the manual to be accessed at
# http://localhost/manual/
AliasMatch ^/install/(.*)$ "/install/$1"
@ -17,3 +17,11 @@ AliasMatch ^/tftpboot/(.*)$ "/tftpboot/$1"
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /xcat-doc "/opt/xcat/share/doc"
<Directory "/opt/xcat/share/doc">
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Reference in New Issue
Block a user