fixed SF bug #3367 so that imgimport and imgexport will get all the attributes from the osimage and linuximage tables

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
linggao 2013-03-07 00:19:38 +00:00
parent 9434376e11
commit cba4b90473

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use File::Copy;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use File::Basename;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Schema;
use Cwd;
my $requestcommand;
$::VERBOSE = 0;
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ sub get_image_info {
my $node = shift;
my @extra = @_;
my $errors = 0;
my $attrs;
my $ostab = new xCAT::Table('osimage', -create=>1);
@ -203,43 +205,45 @@ sub get_image_info {
return 0;
(my $attrs) = $ostab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'profile', 'imagetype', 'provmethod', 'osname', 'osvers', 'osdistro', 'osarch', 'synclists');
if (!$attrs) {
#(my $attrs) = $ostab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'profile', 'imagetype', 'provmethod', 'osname', 'osvers', 'osdistro', 'osarch', 'synclists');
(my $attrs0) = $ostab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename},\@{$xCAT::Schema::tabspec{osimage}->{cols}});
if (!$attrs0) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 0;
$callback->({error=>["The 'provmethod' field is not set for \'$imagename\' in the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'profile' field is not set for \'$imagename\' in the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'osvers' field is not set for \'$imagename\' in the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'osarch' field is not set for \'$imagename\' in the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
unless($attrs->{provmethod} =~ /install|netboot|statelite/){
$callback->({error=>["Exporting images with 'provemethod' " . $attrs->{provmethod} . " is not supported. Hint: install, netboot, or statelite"],errorcode=>[1]});
unless($attrs0->{provmethod} =~ /install|netboot|statelite/){
$callback->({error=>["Exporting images with 'provemethod' " . $attrs0->{provmethod} . " is not supported. Hint: install, netboot, or statelite"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{imagename} = $imagename;
#$attrs->{imagename} = $imagename;
return 0;
my $linuximagetab = new xCAT::Table('linuximage', -create=>1);
@ -250,15 +254,17 @@ sub get_image_info {
#from linuximage table
(my $attrs1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'exlist', 'postinstall', 'rootimgdir', 'nodebootif', 'otherifce', 'netdrivers', 'kernelver', 'permission');
#(my $attrs1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'exlist', 'postinstall', 'rootimgdir', 'nodebootif', 'otherifce', 'netdrivers', 'kernelver', 'permission');
(my $attrs1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename},\@{$xCAT::Schema::tabspec{linuximage}->{cols}});
if (!$attrs1) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the linuximage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 0;
#merge attrs with attrs1
foreach (keys %$attrs1) {
$attrs->{$_} = $attrs1->{$_};
#foreach (keys %$attrs1) {
# $attrs->{$_} = $attrs1->{$_};
$attrs = get_files($imagename, $callback, $attrs);
if($#extra > -1){
@ -390,8 +396,8 @@ sub get_files{
$installroot = '/install';
my $provmethod = $attrs->{provmethod};
my $osvers = $attrs->{osvers};
my $provmethod = $attrs->{osimage}->{provmethod};
my $osvers = $attrs->{osimage}->{osvers};
# here's the case for the install. All we need at first is the
@ -400,14 +406,14 @@ sub get_files{
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/install", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/install");
#get .tmpl file
if (! $attrs->{template}) {
if (! $attrs->{linuximage}->{template}) {
my $template = look_for_file('tmpl', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find install template for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->( {data => ["$template"]});
$attrs->{template} = $template;
$attrs->{linuximage}->{template} = $template;
$attrs->{media} = "required";
@ -423,14 +429,14 @@ sub get_files{
if($provmethod =~ /netboot/){
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/netboot", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/netboot");
#get .pkglist file
if (! $attrs->{pkglist}) {
if (! $attrs->{linuximage}->{pkglist}) {
# we need to get the .pkglist for this one!
my $temp = look_for_file('pkglist', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find pkglist file for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{pkglist} = $temp;
$attrs->{linuximage}->{pkglist} = $temp;
@ -466,14 +472,14 @@ sub get_files{
} elsif ($provmethod =~ /statelite/) {
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/netboot", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/netboot");
#get .pkglist file
if (! $attrs->{pkglist}) {
if (! $attrs->{linuximage}->{pkglist}) {
# we need to get the .pkglist for this one!
my $temp = look_for_file('pkglist', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find pkglist file for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{pkglist} = $temp;
$attrs->{linuximage}->{pkglist} = $temp;
@ -520,9 +526,9 @@ sub look_for_file {
my @dirs = @_;
my $r_file = '';
my $profile = $attrs->{profile};
my $arch = $attrs->{osarch};
my $distname = $attrs->{osvers};
my $profile = $attrs->{osimage}->{profile};
my $arch = $attrs->{osimage}->{osarch};
my $distname = $attrs->{osimage}->{osvers};
# go through the directories and look for the file. We hopefully will find it...
@ -585,9 +591,9 @@ sub make_bundle {
#for statelite
if ($attribs->{provmethod} eq 'statelite') {
if ($attribs->{osimage}->{provmethod} eq 'statelite') {
#copy the rootimgdir over
my $rootimgdir=$attribs->{rootimgdir};
my $rootimgdir=$attribs->{linuximage}->{rootimgdir};
if ($rootimgdir) {
$callback->({data=>["Packing root image. It will take a while"]});
system("cd $rootimgdir; find rootimg |cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c - > $tpath/rootimgtree.gz");
@ -641,6 +647,8 @@ sub make_bundle {
$attribs->{'litefile'} = "$rootimgdir/litefile.csv";
#print Dumper($attribs);
# make manifest.xml file. So easy! This is why we like XML. I didn't like
# the idea at first though.
my $xml = new XML::Simple(RootName =>'xcatimage');
@ -651,7 +659,7 @@ sub make_bundle {
# these are the only files we copy in. (unless you have extras)
for my $a ("kernel", "template", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist"){
for my $a ("kernel", "ramdisk", "rootimg"){
my $filenames=$attribs->{$a};
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
@ -665,6 +673,37 @@ sub make_bundle {
for my $a ("template", "pkglist", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist"){
my $filenames=$attribs->{linuximage}->{$a};
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
foreach my $fn (@file_array) {
$callback->({data => ["$fn"]});
if (-r $fn) {
system("cp $fn $tpath");
} else {
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find file $fn for $imagename. Skip."],errorcode=>[1]});
for my $a ("synclists"){
my $filenames=$attribs->{osimage}->{$a};
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
foreach my $fn (@file_array) {
$callback->({data => ["$fn"]});
if (-r $fn) {
system("cp $fn $tpath");
} else {
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find file $fn for $imagename. Skip."],errorcode=>[1]});
# extra files get copied in the extra directory.
@ -822,8 +861,8 @@ sub extract_bundle {
my $osimage = $data->{imagename};
$callback->({data=>["Successfully imported the image."]});
my $osimage = $data->{osimage}->{imagename};
$callback->({data=>["Successfully imported the image $osimage."]});
@ -844,31 +883,31 @@ sub change_profile {
my $new_profile=shift;
my $srcdir=shift;
my $old_profile= $data->{profile};
my $old_profile= $data->{osimage}->{profile};
if ($old_profile eq $new_profile) {
return $data; #do nothing if old profile is the same as the new one.
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installdir = '/install';
if ($data->{rootimgdir}) {
$data->{rootimgdir}="$installdir/netboot/" . $data->{osvers} . "/" . $data->{osarch} . "/$new_profile";
if ($data->{linuximage}->{rootimgdir}) {
$data->{linuximage}->{rootimgdir}="$installdir/netboot/" . $data->{osimage}->{osvers} . "/" . $data->{osimage}->{osarch} . "/$new_profile";
for my $a ("kernel", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "rootimgtree", "litefile") {
if ($data->{$a}) {
my $fn=basename($data->{$a});
$data->{$a}=$data->{rootimgdir} . "/$fn";
$data->{$a}=$data->{linuximage}->{rootimgdir} . "/$fn";
my $prov="netboot";
if ($data->{provmethod} eq "install") { $prov = "install"; }
if ($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} eq "install") { $prov = "install"; }
my $platform;
my $os=$data->{osvers};
my $os=$data->{osimage}->{osvers};
if ($os) {
if ($os =~ /rh.*/) { $platform = "rh"; }
elsif ($os =~ /centos.*/) { $platform = "centos"; }
@ -881,7 +920,10 @@ sub change_profile {
for my $a ("template", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist") {
my $filenames=$data->{$a};
my $filenames=$data->{linuximage}->{$a};
if ($a eq "synclists") {
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
my @new_file_array=();
@ -911,12 +953,19 @@ sub change_profile {
move("$srcdir/$oldfn", "$srcdir/$newfn");
push (@new_file_array, "$newdir/$newfn");
$data->{$a}= join(',', @new_file_array);
if ($a eq "synclists") {
$data->{osimage}->{$a}= join(',', @new_file_array);
} else {
$data->{linuximage}->{$a}= join(',', @new_file_array);
#change the image name
$data->{imagename}=$data->{osvers} . "-" . $data->{osarch} . "-" . $data->{provmethod} . "-$new_profile";
my $new_imgname=$data->{osimage}->{osvers} . "-" . $data->{osimage}->{osarch} . "-" . $data->{osimage}->{provmethod} . "-$new_profile";
return $data;
@ -930,8 +979,8 @@ sub check_media {
unless( $data->{'media'}) {
$rc = 1;
}elsif($data->{media} eq 'required'){
my $os = $data->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osarch};
my $os = $data->{osimage}->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osimage}->{osarch};
my $installroot = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installroot = '/install';
@ -1036,7 +1085,7 @@ sub set_config {
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage',-create => 1,-autocommit => 0);
my $linuxtab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage',-create => 1,-autocommit => 0);
my %keyhash;
my $osimage = $data->{imagename};
my $osimage = $data->{osimage}->{imagename};
@ -1055,65 +1104,19 @@ sub set_config {
$callback->({data=>["Adding $osimage"]}) if $::VERBOSE;
# now we make a quick hash of what we want to put into this
$keyhash{provmethod} = $data->{provmethod};
$keyhash{profile} = $data->{profile};
$keyhash{osvers} = $data->{osvers};
$keyhash{osarch} = $data->{osarch};
if ($data->{imagetype}) {
$keyhash{imagetype} = $data->{imagetype};
if ($data->{osname}) {
$keyhash{osname} = $data->{osname};
if ($data->{osdistro}) {
$keyhash{osdistro} = $data->{osdistro};
if ($data->{synclists}) {
$keyhash{synclists} = $data->{synclists};
my $hash_tmp=$data->{osimage};
foreach my $key (keys %$hash_tmp) {
$ostab->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%keyhash );
if ($data->{template}) {
$keyhash{template} = $data->{template};
if ($data->{pkglist}) {
$keyhash{pkglist} = $data->{pkglist};
if ($data->{pkgdir}) {
$keyhash{pkgdir} = $data->{pkgdir};
if ($data->{otherpkglist}) {
$keyhash{otherpkglist} = $data->{otherpkglist};
if ($data->{otherpkgdir}) {
$keyhash{otherpkgdir} = $data->{otherpkgdir};
if ($data->{exlist}) {
$keyhash{exlist} = $data->{exlist};
if ($data->{postinstall}) {
$keyhash{postinstall} = $data->{postinstall};
if ($data->{rootimgdir}) {
$keyhash{rootimgdir} = $data->{rootimgdir};
if ($data->{netdrivers}) {
$keyhash{netdrivers} = $data->{netdrivers};
if ($data->{kernelver}) {
$keyhash{kernelver} = $data->{kernelver};
if ($data->{permission}) {
$keyhash{permission} = $data->{permission};
if ($data->{nodebootif}) {
$keyhash{nodebootif} = $data->{nodebootif};
if ($data->{otherifce}) {
$keyhash{otherifce} = $data->{otherifce};
my $hash_tmp1=$data->{linuximage};
foreach my $key (keys %$hash_tmp1) {
$linuxtab->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%keyhash );
@ -1127,49 +1130,49 @@ sub verify_manifest {
my $errors = 0;
# first make sure that the stuff is defined!
$callback->({error=>["The 'imagename' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'provmethod' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'profile' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'osvers' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->({error=>["The 'osarch' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
unless($data->{provmethod} =~ /install|netboot|statelite/){
$callback->({error=>["Importing images with 'provemethod' " . $data->{provmethod} . " is not supported. Hint: install, netboot, or statelite"],errorcode=>[1]});
unless($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} =~ /install|netboot|statelite/){
$callback->({error=>["Importing images with 'provemethod' " . $data->{osimage}->{provmethod} . " is not supported. Hint: install, netboot, or statelite"],errorcode=>[1]});
# if the install method is used, then we need to have certain files in place.
if($data->{provmethod} =~ /install/){
if($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} =~ /install/){
# we need to get the template for this one!
$callback->({error=>["The 'osarch' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
#$attrs->{media} = "required"; (need to do something to verify media!
}elsif($data->{osvers} =~ /esx/){
}elsif($data->{osimage}->{osvers} =~ /esx/){
$callback->({info => ['this is an esx image']});
# do nothing for ESX
}elsif($data->{provmethod} =~ /netboot/){
}elsif($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} =~ /netboot/){
$callback->({error=>["The 'ramdisk' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
@ -1183,7 +1186,7 @@ sub verify_manifest {
}elsif($data->{provmethod} =~ /statelite/){
}elsif($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} =~ /statelite/){
$callback->({error=>["The 'kernel' field is not defined in manifest.xml."],errorcode=>[1]});
@ -1211,9 +1214,9 @@ sub make_files {
my $data = shift;
my $imgdir = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $os = $data->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osarch};
my $profile = $data->{profile};
my $os = $data->{osimage}->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osimage}->{osarch};
my $profile = $data->{osimage}->{profile};
my $installroot = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
$installroot = '/install';
@ -1221,31 +1224,43 @@ sub make_files {
# you'll get a hash like this for install:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'install',
# 'profile' => 'all',
# 'template' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.tmpl',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.synclist',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateful',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# osimage=> {
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateful',
# 'provmethod' => 'install',
# 'profile' => 'all',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4'
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.synclist',
# }
# linuxiage=> {
# 'template' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.tmpl',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateful',
# }
# 'media' => 'required',
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4'
# };
# data will look something like this for netboot:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'netboot',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'ramdisk' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/initrd-stateless.gz',
# 'rootimg' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg.gz'
# 'kernel' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/kernel',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.synclist',
# 'exlist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.exlist',
# 'postinstall' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.postinstall',
# osimage=> {
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'provmethod' => 'netboot',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.synclist',
# }
# linuximage=> {
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'exlist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.exlist',
# 'postinstall' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.postinstall',
# }
# 'extra' => [
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
@ -1256,22 +1271,28 @@ sub make_files {
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.exlist'
# }
# ],
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'rootimg' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg.gz'
# };
# data will look something like this for statelite:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'statelite',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'ramdisk' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/initrd-statelite.gz',
# 'kernel' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/kernel',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.synclist',
# 'exlist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.exlist',
# 'postinstall' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.postinstall',
# 'rootimgtree' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg/rootimgtree.gz'
# osimage=> {
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'provmethod' => 'statelite',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.synclist',
# }
# linuximage=> {
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'exlist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.exlist',
# 'postinstall' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.postinstall',
# }
# 'extra' => [
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
@ -1282,11 +1303,9 @@ sub make_files {
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.exlist'
# }
# ],
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'rootimgtree' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg/rootimgtree.gz'
# };
for my $a ("kernel", "template", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "rootimgtree", "litefile", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist") {
for my $a ("kernel", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "rootimgtree", "litefile") {
my $filenames=$data->{$a};
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
@ -1306,6 +1325,31 @@ sub make_files {
for my $a ("template", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist") {
my $filenames;
if ($a eq "synclists") {
} else {
if($filenames) {
my @file_array=split(',', $filenames);
foreach my $fn (@file_array) {
$callback->({data => ["$fn"]});
my $basename=basename($fn);
my $dirname=dirname($fn);
if (! -r $dirname) {
mkpath("$dirname", { verbose => 1, mode => 0755 });
if (-r $fn) {
$callback->( {data => [" Moving old $fn to $fn.ORIG."]});
move("$fn", "$fn.ORIG");
#unpack the rootimgtree.gz for statelite
my $fn=$data->{'rootimgtree'};
if($fn) {
@ -1345,7 +1389,7 @@ sub make_files {
#litefile table for statelite
if ($data->{provmethod} eq 'statelite') {
if ($data->{osimage}->{provmethod} eq 'statelite') {
$callback->( {data => ["Updating the litefile table."]});
my $fn=$data->{litefile};
if (!$fn) {
@ -1368,7 +1412,7 @@ sub make_files {
my @tmp=split('"', $line);
my %keyhash;
my %updates;
$lftab->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates );