update to configfpc to add support for verbose and -i <int_adapter> option and a ping verification

This commit is contained in:
John Simpson 2013-10-23 17:01:35 -04:00
parent 84f4f2c7c9
commit ca3e7da99b

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use xCAT::MacMap;
use Socket;
use Net::Ping;
## Command handler method from tables
@ -34,6 +35,41 @@ sub process_request {
$::CALLBACK = $callback;
if ( defined( @{$::args} ) ) {
@ARGV = @{$::args};
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling", "no_ignore_case", "no_pass_through" );
my $getopt_success = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'help|h|?' => \$::opt_h,
'i|I=s' => \$::opt_I,
'verbose|V' => \$::opt_V,
'version|v' => \$::opt_v,
# Option -h for Help
if ( defined($::opt_h) || (!$getopt_success) ) {
return 0;
if ( (!$::opt_I) ) { # missing required option - msg and return
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, "Missing required option -i <adapter_interface> \n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 0;
# Option -V for verbose output
if ( defined($::opt_V) ) {
# Option -i for kit component attributes
if ( defined($::opt_I) ) {
$::interface = $::opt_I;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $localhostname = hostname();
@ -53,6 +89,19 @@ sub process_request {
return 0;
sub configfpc_usage {
my $rsp;
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
"\nUsage: configfpc - Configure the NeXtScale FPCs.i This command requires the -i option to give specify which network adapter to use to look for the FPCs.\n";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" configfpc -i interface_adapter \n ";
push @{ $rsp->{data} },
" configfpc [-V|--verbose] -i adapter_interface \n ";
push @{ $rsp->{data} }, " configfpc [-h|--help|-?] \n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 0;
# Main process subroutine
@ -87,6 +136,14 @@ sub configfpc {
# This is the default FPC IP that we are looking for
my $foundfpc = 0;
# Setup routing to network
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Adding route definition for $::interface and network";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $setroute = `ip addr add dev $::interface`;
# check for an FPC - this ping will also add the FPC IP and MAC to the ARP table
@ -96,33 +153,25 @@ sub configfpc {
if ( $res =~ /100% packet loss/g) {
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message ("I", "There are no default $fpcip FPC IP addresses to process");
$foundfpc = 0;
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "No nodes Found FPC with $fpcip address";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
exit; # EXIT if we find no more default IP addresses on the network
else {
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message ("I", "Found $fpcip FPC IP addresses to process");
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Found FPC with $fpcip address";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$foundfpc = 1;
# make the FPC node definition - this is removed at the end of processing the FPCs
# this default FPC node definition is used by rspconfig to change the netmask, default route, and IP address of the default FPC
# Object name: deffpc
# bmc=deffpc
# bmcpassword=PASSW0RD
# bmcusername=USERID
# cons=ipmi
# groups=deffpc
# mgt=ipmi
# mpa=deffpc
my $out = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["mkdef"],
arg => [ "-t","node","-o",$defnode,"bmc=deffpc","bmcpassword=Passw0rd","bmcusername=USERID","cons=ipmi","groups=deffpc","mgt=ipmi","mpa=deffpc" ]
$subreq, 0,1);
my $addnode = &add_node($defnode,$callback);
# Main loop - check to see if we found an FPC and continue to set the FPC infomration and look for the next one
@ -139,46 +188,55 @@ sub configfpc {
# Change the FPC network netmask, gateway, and ip
# message changed network settings
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Configured FPC with MAC $fpcmac as $node ($newfpcip)";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# sleep for 4 seconds to allow rspconfig to change the IP value before validating with ping
sleep 5;
# Validate that new IP is working - Use ping to check if the new IP has been set
$res = `LANG=C ping -c 1 -w 5 $newfpcip`;
#$res = system("LANG=C ping -c 1 -w 5 $fpcip 2>&1");
if ( $res =~ /100% packet loss/g) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "The new ip $newfpcip was not accessible";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
#xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I","The new ip $newfpcip was not accessible");
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Changed the IP address for the FPC with $fpcmac MAC to $newfpcip IP for node $node";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
#xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I","Changed the IP address for the FPC with $fpcmac MAC to $newfpcip IP for node $node");
my $p = Net::Ping->new();
my $ping_success=1;
while ($ping_success) {
if ($p->ping($newfpcip)) {
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Verified the FPC with MAC $fpcmac is responding to the new IP $newfpcip as node $node";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
else {
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "ping to $newfpcip is unsuccessful. Retrying ";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# The Node associated with this MAC was not found - print an infomrational message and continue
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "No FPC node found that is associated with MAC address $fpcmac\nCheck to see if the switch and switch table conta ins the information needed to locate this FPC MAC";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "No FPC found that is associated with MAC address $fpcmac.\nCheck to see if the switch and switch table contain the information needed to locate this FPC MAC";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I","No FPC node found that is associated with MAC address $fpcmac\nCheck to see if the switch and switch table contains the information needed to locate this FPC MAC");
# Delete this FPC default IP Arp entry to get ready to look for another defautl FPC
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing default IP $fpcip from the arp table";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $arpout = `arp -d $fpcip`;
# check for another FPC
$res = `LANG=C ping -c 1 -w 5 $fpcip 2>&1`;
if ( $res =~ /100% packet loss/g) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "There are no more default $fpcip FPC IP addresses to process";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "There are no more FPCs with the default IP address to process";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
#xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I","There are no more default $fpcip FPC IP addresses to process");
$foundfpc = 0;
else {
@ -187,12 +245,30 @@ sub configfpc {
# Cleanup on the way out - Remove the deffpc node definition
# Cleanup on the way out - Delete route and remove the deffpc node definition
# Delete routing to network
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Deleting route definition for $::interface and network";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $setroute = `ip addr del dev $::interface`;
# Delete routing to network
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Removing default FPC node definition $defnode";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
if($::VERBOSE){ $::VERBOSE = {}; }
#if($::VERBOSE){ undef $::VERBOSE; }
my $out=xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ['rmdef'],
arg => [ "deffpc"]
arg => [ $defnode ]
$subreq, 0,1);
@ -265,16 +341,18 @@ sub set_FPC_network_parms {
# Proceed with changing the FPC network parameters.
# Set FPC Netmask
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Use rspconfig to set the FPC netmask $netmask for node $defnode";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $netmaskout = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["rspconfig"],
node => [$defnode],
node => ["$defnode"],
arg => [ "netmask=$netmask" ]
$request, 0,1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not change nemask $netmask on default FPC";
@ -283,14 +361,18 @@ sub set_FPC_network_parms {
# Set FPC gateway
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Use rspconfig to set the FPC gateway $gateway";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $gatewayout = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["rspconfig"],
node => [$defnode],
node => ["$defnode"],
arg => [ "gateway=$gateway" ]
$request, 0,1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not change gateway $gateway on default FPC";
@ -298,16 +380,19 @@ sub set_FPC_network_parms {
# Set FPC Ip address
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Use rspconfig to set the FPC IP address $newfpcip";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $ipout = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["rspconfig"],
node => [$defnode],
node => ["$defnode"],
arg => [ "ip=$newfpcip" ]
$request, 0,1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not change ip address $newfpcip on default FPC";
@ -344,7 +429,46 @@ sub get_node {
my $macmap = xCAT::MacMap->new();
my $node = '';
$node = $macmap->find_mac($fpcmac,0);
# verbose
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Found FPC with MAC $fpcmac associated with node $node";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
return ($node,$fpcmac);
# This subroutine adds the deffpc node entry for use by rspconfig
sub add_node {
my $defnode = shift;
my $callback = shift;
# add this node entry
# Object name: feihu-fpc
# bmc=feihu-fpc (Table:ipmi - Key:node - Column:bmc)
# bmcpassword=PASSW0RD (Table:ipmi - Key:node - Column:password)
# bmcusername=USERID (Table:ipmi - Key:node - Column:username)
# cons=ipmi (Table:nodehm - Key:node - Column:cons)
# groups=fpc (Table:nodelist - Key:node - Column:groups)
# mgt=ipmi (Table:nodehm - Key:node - Column:mgt)
my %rsp = {};
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Creating default FPC node deffpc with IP for later use with rspconfig";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist',-create=>1);
$nodelisttab->setNodeAttribs($defnode, {groups =>'defaultfpc'});
my $nodehmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm',-create=>1);
$nodehmtab->setNodeAttribs($defnode, {mgt => 'ipmi'});
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi',-create=>1);
$ipmitab->setNodeAttribs($defnode, {bmc => $defnode, username => 'USERID', password => 'PASSW0RD'});
return 0;