Resolve following issues: 1. return multi errors if there are multi errors for a single node entry while importing. 2. validate the numric part and hosts number. 3. validate whether the specified IP address is in provisioning network while import nodes

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
leiaibj 2012-12-11 03:33:46 +00:00
parent 879fcefcb4
commit c3e8949e81
2 changed files with 48 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -228,6 +228,10 @@ sub rackformat_to_numricformat{
my %objhash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs({$rackname, "rack"});
my $racknum = $objhash{$rackname}{"num"};
my $maxnum = 10 ** $len;
if ($racknum >= $maxnum ){
return undef;
my $fullnum = $maxnum + $racknum;
return $prefix.(substr $fullnum, 1).$appendix;

View File

@ -1340,29 +1340,42 @@ sub parse_hosts_string{
$rank = $args_dict{'rank'};
foreach (keys %::FILEATTRS){
my $errmsg = validate_node_entry($_, $::FILEATTRS{$_});
my $provnet = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_netprofile_provisionnet($args_dict{networkprofile});
my @allknownips = keys %allips;
my $freeprovipsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allocable_staticips_innet($provnet);
foreach my $attr (keys %::FILEATTRS){
my $errmsg = validate_node_entry($attr, $::FILEATTRS{$attr});
# Check whether specified IP is in our prov network, static range.
if ($::FILEATTRS{$attr}->{'ip'}){
unless (grep{ $_ eq $::FILEATTRS{$attr}->{'ip'}} @$freeprovipsref){
$errmsg .= "Specified IP address $::FILEATTRS{$attr}->{'ip'} not in static range of provision network $provnet";
if ($errmsg) {
if ($_=~ /^TMPHOSTS/){
if ($attr =~ /^TMPHOSTS/){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", $errmsg];
} else{
push @invalid_records, [$_, $errmsg];
push @invalid_records, [$attr, $errmsg];
# We need generate hostnames for this entry.
if ($_=~ /^TMPHOSTS/)
if ($attr =~ /^TMPHOSTS/)
# rack + numric hostname format, we must specify rack in node's definition.
my $numricformat;
# Need convert hostname format into numric format first.
if ($nameformattype eq "rack"){
if (! exists $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"}){
if (! exists $::FILEATTRS{$attr}{"rack"}){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", "Rack information is not specified. You must enter the required rack information."];
$numricformat = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->rackformat_to_numricformat($nameformat, $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"});
$numricformat = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->rackformat_to_numricformat($nameformat, $::FILEATTRS{$attr}{"rack"});
if(! $numricformat){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", "The rack number of rack $::FILEATTRS{$attr}{'rack'} does not match hostname format $nameformat"];
} else{
# pure numric hostname format
$numricformat = $nameformat;
@ -1383,7 +1396,7 @@ sub parse_hosts_string{
$hostnamelistref = $freehostnames{$numricformat};
my $nexthostname = shift @$hostnamelistref;
while (exists $allhostnames{$nexthostname}){
while ( (! $nexthostname) || exists $allhostnames{$nexthostname}){
if (! @$hostnamelistref){
$hostnamelistref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->genhosts_with_numric_tmpl($numricformat, $rank, 10000);
$rank = $rank + 10000;
@ -1395,9 +1408,9 @@ sub parse_hosts_string{
$nexthostname = shift @$hostnamelistref;
$hostinfo_dict{$nexthostname} = $::FILEATTRS{$_};
$hostinfo_dict{$nexthostname} = $::FILEATTRS{$attr};
} else{
$hostinfo_dict{$_} = $::FILEATTRS{$_};
$hostinfo_dict{$attr} = $::FILEATTRS{$attr};
return (\%hostinfo_dict, \@invalid_records);
@ -1420,38 +1433,39 @@ sub validate_node_entry{
my $node_name = shift;
my $node_entry_ref = shift;
my %node_entry = %$node_entry_ref;
my $errmsg = "";
# duplicate hostname found in hostinfo file.
if (exists $allhostnames{$node_name}) {
return "Node name $node_name already exists. You must use a new node name.";
$errmsg .= "Node name $node_name already exists. You must use a new node name.\n";
# Must specify either MAC or switch + port.
if (exists $node_entry{"mac"} ||
exists $node_entry{"switch"} && exists $node_entry{"port"}){
} else{
return "MAC address, switch and port is not specified. You must specify the MAC address or switch and port.";
$errmsg .= "MAC address, switch and port is not specified. You must specify the MAC address or switch and port.\n";
if (! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidHostname($node_name)){
return "Node name: $node_name is invalid. You must use a valid node name.";
$errmsg .= "Node name: $node_name is invalid. You must use a valid node name.\n";
# validate each single value.
foreach (keys %node_entry){
if ($_ eq "mac"){
if (exists $allmacs{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "MAC address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file. You must use a new MAC address.";
$errmsg .= "MAC address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file. You must use a new MAC address.\n";
}elsif(! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidMAC($node_entry{$_})){
return "MAC address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid MAC address. ";
$errmsg .= "MAC address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid MAC address.\n";
$allmacs{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
}elsif ($_ eq "ip"){
if (exists $allips{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file.";
$errmsg .= "IP address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file.\n";
}elsif((xCAT::NetworkUtils->validate_ip($node_entry{$_}))[0]->[0] ){
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.";
$errmsg .= "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.\n";
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.";
$errmsg .= "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.\n";
}else {
#push the IP into allips list.
$allips{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
@ -1461,46 +1475,46 @@ sub validate_node_entry{
}elsif ($_ eq "port"){
}elsif ($_ eq "rack"){
if (! exists $allracks{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified rack $node_entry{$_} is not defined";
$errmsg .= "Specified rack $node_entry{$_} is not defined\n";
# rack must be specified with chassis or unit + height.
if (exists $node_entry{"chassis"}){
return "Specified rack cannot be used with chassis.";
$errmsg .= "Specified rack cannot be used with chassis.\n";
} elsif (exists $node_entry{"height"} and exists $node_entry{"unit"}){
} else {
return "Specified rack must also specify the chassis or the height and unit.";
$errmsg .= "Specified rack must also specify the chassis or the height and unit.\n";
}elsif ($_ eq "chassis"){
if (! exists $allchassis{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified chassis $node_entry{$_} is not defined";
$errmsg .= "Specified chassis $node_entry{$_} is not defined\n";
# Chassis must not be specified with unit and height.
if (exists $node_entry{"height"} or exists $node_entry{"unit"}){
return "Specified chassis cannot be used with height or unit.";
$errmsg .= "Specified chassis cannot be used with height or unit.\n";
}elsif ($_ eq "unit"){
if (! exists $node_entry{"rack"}){
return "Specified unit must be used with rack.";
$errmsg .= "Specified unit must be used with rack.\n";
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified unit $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
$errmsg .= "Specified unit $node_entry{$_} is invalid\n";
}elsif ($_ eq "height"){
if (! exists $node_entry{"rack"}){
return "Height must be used with rack";
$errmsg .= "Height must be used with rack\n";
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified height $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
$errmsg .= "Specified height $node_entry{$_} is invalid\n";
return "Invalid attribute $_ specified";
$errmsg .= "Invalid attribute $_ specified\n";
# push hostinfo into global dicts.
$allhostnames{$node_name} = 0;
return undef;
return $errmsg;
@ -1528,7 +1542,7 @@ sub setrsp_invalidrecords
my ($fh, $filename) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_output_filename();
foreach (@$recordsref){
my @erroritem = @$_;
print $fh "nodename $erroritem[0], error: $erroritem[1]\n";
print $fh "nodename $erroritem[0], error:\n$erroritem[1]\n";
close $fh;
#make it readable for http.