-Refactor clonevm a tad, start clone_vm_from_master, fix get_storage_pool_by_path

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@7311 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
jbjohnso 2010-08-30 19:41:37 +00:00
parent cca60c35b1
commit c128792e1f

View File

@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ sub get_storage_pool_by_path {
#attempts to get pool for a volume, returns false on failure
my $file = shift;
my $pool;
eval {
return eval {
my @currpools = $hypconn->list_storage_pools();
push @currpools,$hypconn->list_defined_storage_pools();
foreach $pool (@currpools) {
@ -1113,9 +1113,9 @@ sub get_storage_pool_by_path {
return $pool;
return undef;
# $pool = $hypconn->get_storage_pool_by_uuid($pooluuid);
return undef;
sub invstorage {
@ -1467,6 +1467,140 @@ sub get_disks_by_userspecs {
return @returnxmls;
sub promote_vm_to_master {
my %args=@_;
my $target=$args{target};
my $force=$args{force};
my $detach=$args{detach};
unless ($target =~ /^nfs:\/\//) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM plugin only has nfs://<server>/<path>/<mastername> support at this moment"], $callback,$node);
my $dom;
eval {
$dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
if ($dom and not $force) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM shut be shut down before attempting to clone (-f to copy unclean disks)"], $callback,$node);
my $xml;
if ($dom) {
$xml = $dom->get_xml_description();
$detach=1; #can't rebase if vm is on
} else {
$xml = $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
unless ($xml) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM must be created before it can be cloned"], $callback,$node);
my $parsedxml = $parser->parse_string($xml);
my $tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/uuid')->[0]; #get rid of the VM specific uuid
$target =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]*)\z/;
my $directory=$1;
my $mastername=$2;
$tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/name/text()')->[0];
$tmpnod->setData($mastername); #name the xml whatever the master name is to be
foreach ($parsedxml->findnodes("/domain/devices/interface/mac")) { #clear all mac addresses
if ($_->hasAttribute("address")) { $_->setAttribute("address"=>''); }
my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($directory);
unless ($poolobj) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $directory from hypervisor"], $callback,$node);
#arguments validated, on with our lives
#firrder of business, calculate all the image names to be created and ensure none will conflict.
my @disks = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/devices/disk/source');
my %volclonemap;
foreach (@disks) {
my $filename = $_->getAttribute('file');
my $volname = $filename;
$volname =~ s!.*/!!; #perl is greedy by default
$volname =~ s/^$node/$mastername/;
my $novol;
eval {
$novol = $poolobj->get_volume_by_name($volname);
if ($novol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$volname already exists in target storage pool"], $callback,$node);
my $sourcevol;
eval {
$sourcevol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($filename);
unless ($sourcevol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to access $filename to clone"], $callback,$node);
$filename =~ s/(.*\/)$node\./$1$mastername\./;
foreach (keys %volclonemap) {
my $sourcevol = $volclonemap{$_}->[0];
my $targname = $volclonemap{$_}->[1];
my $format;
$targname =~ /([^\.]*)$/;
my $newvol;
my %sourceinfo = %{$sourcevol->get_info()};
my $targxml = "<volume><name>$targname</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity></volume>";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning ".$sourcevol->get_name()." (currently is ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." MB and has a capacity of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
eval {
$newvol =$poolobj->clone_volume($targxml,$sourcevol);
if ($newvol) {
%sourceinfo = %{$newvol->get_info()};
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." complete (clone uses ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." for a disk size of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
unless ($detach) {
my $rebasepath = $sourcevol->get_path();
my $rebasename = $sourcevol->get_name();
my $rebasepool = get_storage_pool_by_volume($sourcevol);
unless ($rebasepool) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Skipping rebase of $rebasename, unable to find correct storage pool"],$callback,$node);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebasing $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
my $newbasexml="<volume><name>$rebasename</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity><backingStore><path>".$newvol->get_path()."</path><format type='$format'/></backingStore></volume>";
my $newbasevol;
eval {
$newbasevol = $rebasepool->create_volume($newbasexml);
if ($newbasevol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebased $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Critical failure, rebasing process failed halfway through, source VM trashed"],$callback,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." failed due to ". $@],$callback,$node);
my $mastertabentry={};
foreach (qw/os arch profile/) {
if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
foreach (qw/storagemodel nics/) {
if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
$updatetable->{kvm_masterdata}->{$mastername}->{xml} = $parsedxml->toString();
sub clonevm {
shift; #throw away node
@ -1485,137 +1619,59 @@ sub clonevm {
if ($target) { #we need to take a single vm and create a master out of it
unless ($target =~ /^nfs:\/\//) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM plugin only has nfs://<server>/<path>/<mastername> support at this moment"], $callback,$node);
my $dom;
eval {
$dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node);
if ($dom and not $force) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM shut be shut down before attempting to clone (-f to copy unclean disks)"], $callback,$node);
my $xml;
if ($dom) {
$xml = $dom->get_xml_description();
$detach=1; #can't rebase if vm is on
} else {
$xml = $confdata->{kvmnodedata}->{$node}->[0]->{xml};
unless ($xml) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM must be created before it can be cloned"], $callback,$node);
my $parsedxml = $parser->parse_string($xml);
my $tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/uuid')->[0]; #get rid of the VM specific uuid
$target =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]*)\z/;
my $directory=$1;
my $mastername=$2;
$tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/name/text()')->[0];
$tmpnod->setData($mastername); #name the xml whatever the master name is to be
foreach ($parsedxml->findnodes("/domain/devices/interface/mac")) { #clear all mac addresses
if ($_->hasAttribute("address")) { $_->setAttribute("address"=>''); }
my $poolobj = get_storage_pool_by_url($directory);
unless ($poolobj) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $directory from hypervisor"], $callback,$node);
#arguments validated, on with our lives
#first order of business, calculate all the image names to be created and ensure none will conflict.
my @disks = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/devices/disk/source');
my %volclonemap;
foreach (@disks) {
my $filename = $_->getAttribute('file');
my $volname = $filename;
$volname =~ s!.*/!!; #perl is greedy by default
$volname =~ s/^$node/$mastername/;
my $novol;
eval {
$novol = $poolobj->get_volume_by_name($volname);
if ($novol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$volname already exists in target storage pool"], $callback,$node);
my $sourcevol;
eval {
$sourcevol = $hypconn->get_storage_volume_by_path($filename);
unless ($sourcevol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to access $filename to clone"], $callback,$node);
$filename =~ s/(.*\/)$node\./$1$mastername\./;
foreach (keys %volclonemap) {
my $sourcevol = $volclonemap{$_}->[0];
my $targname = $volclonemap{$_}->[1];
my $format;
$targname =~ /([^\.]*)$/;
my $newvol;
my %sourceinfo = %{$sourcevol->get_info()};
my $targxml = "<volume><name>$targname</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity></volume>";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning ".$sourcevol->get_name()." (currently is ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." MB and has a capacity of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
eval {
$newvol =$poolobj->clone_volume($targxml,$sourcevol);
if ($newvol) {
%sourceinfo = %{$newvol->get_info()};
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." complete (clone uses ".($sourceinfo{allocation}/1048576)." for a disk size of ".($sourceinfo{capacity}/1048576)."MB)",$callback,$node);
unless ($detach) {
my $rebasepath = $sourcevol->get_path();
my $rebasename = $sourcevol->get_name();
my $rebasepool = get_storage_pool_by_volume($sourcevol);
unless ($rebasepool) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Skipping rebase of $rebasename, unable to find correct storage pool"],$callback,$node);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebasing $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
my $newbasexml="<volume><name>$rebasename</name><target><format type='$format'/></target><capacity>".$sourceinfo{capacity}."</capacity><backingStore><path>".$newvol->get_path()."</path><format type='$format'/></backingStore></volume>";
my $newbasevol;
eval {
$newbasevol = $rebasepool->create_volume($newbasexml);
if ($newbasevol) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Rebased $rebasename from master",$callback,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Critical failure, rebasing process failed halfway through, source VM trashed"],$callback,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cloning of ".$sourcevol->get_name()." failed due to ". $@],$callback,$node);
my $mastertabentry={};
foreach (qw/os arch profile/) {
if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
foreach (qw/storagemodel nics/) {
if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
$updatetable->{kvm_masterdata}->{$mastername}->{xml} = $parsedxml->toString();
return promote_vm_to_master(target=>$target,force=>$force,detach=>$detach);
} elsif ($base) {
return clone_vm_from_master(base=>$base);
sub clone_vm_from_master {
my %args = @_;
my $base=$args{base};
my $vmmastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster',-create=>0);
my $kvmmastertab = xCAT::Table->new('kvm_masterdata',-create=>0);
unless ($vmmastertab and $kvmmastertab) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"No KVM master images in tables"], $callback,$node);
my $mastername=$base;
$mastername=~s!.*/!!; #shouldn't be needed, as storage is in there, but just in case
my $masteref=$vmmastertab->getAttribs({name=>$mastername},[qw/os arch profile storage storagemodel nics/]);
my $kvmmasteref=$kvmmastertab->getAttribs({name=>$mastername},['xml']);
unless ($masteref and $kvmmasteref) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"KVM master $mastername not found in tables"], $callback,$node);
my $newnodexml = $parser->parse_string($kvmmasteref->{xml});
if ($masterref->{nics} and $masterref->{nics} ne $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) {
sub build_nicstruct {
if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) {
my $parsedxml = $parser->parse_string($xml);
my $tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/uuid')->[0]; #get rid of the VM specific uuid
$target =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]*)\z/;
my $directory=$1;
my $mastername=$2;
$tmpnod = $parsedxml->findnodes('/domain/name/text()')->[0];
$tmpnod->setData($mastername); #name the xml whatever the master name is to be
foreach ($parsedxml->findnodes("/domain/devices/interface/mac")) { #clear all mac addresses
if ($_->hasAttribute("address")) { $_->setAttribute("address"=>''); }
sub mkvm {
shift; #Throuw away first argument