Update site table descriptions in Schema
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@2956 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -511,39 +511,40 @@ site => {
keys => [qw(key)],
table_desc => "Global settings for the whole cluster. This table is different from the \nother tables in that each attribute is just named in the key column, rather \nthan having a separate column for each attribute. The following is a list of \nthe attributes currently used by xCAT.\n",
descriptions => {
key => "Name of the attribute. - (Description)\n".
" master - (xCAT management node)\n\n".
" xcatconfdir - (default /etc/xcat)\n\n".
" domain - (DNS domain name used for the cluster)\n\n".
" installdir - (the local directory name used to hold the node deployment pkgs)\n\n".
" installloc - (location to mount the installdir from in format hostname:/path)\n\n".
" sharedtftp - (set to no/0 if xCAT should not assume /tftpboot is mounted on all service nodes. Default is 1.)\n\n".
" xcatdport - (port used by xcatd daemon for client/server communication)\n\n".
" xcatiport - (port used by xcatd to receive install status updates from nodes)\n\n".
" timezone - (e.g. America/New_York)\n\n".
" nameservers - (comma delimited list of DNS servers for the cluster - often the mgmt node)\n\n".
" ntpservers - (comma delimited list of NTP servers for the cluster - often the mgmt node)\n\n".
" useSSHonAIX -(yes/1 or no/0). If yes, ssh/scp will be setup and used. If no, rsh/rcp will be setup and used on AIX.\n\n".
" blademaxp - (max # of processes for blade hw ctrl)\n\n".
" ppcmaxp - (max # of processes for PPC hw ctrl)\n\n".
" ipmimaxp - (max # of processes for ipmi hw ctrl)\n\n".
" ipmitimeout - (the timeout to use when communicating with BMCs)\n\n".
" ipmiretries - (the # of retries to use when communicating with BMCs)\n\n".
key => "Name of the attribute:\tDescription\n".
" blademaxp:\tThe maximum number of processes for blade hardware control.\n\n".
" consoleondemand:\tWhen set to 'yes', it connects and creates the console output only when the user opens the console.\n\n".
" defserialflow:\tThe default serial flow - currently only used by the mknb command.\n\n".
" defserialport:\tThe default serial port - currently only used by mknb.\n\n".
" defserialspeed:\tThe default serial speed - currently only used by mknb.\n\n".
" dhcpinterfaces\tThe network interfaces DHCP should listen on. If same for all nodes, use simple comma-separated list of NICs. Also supports: mn|eth1,eth2;service|bond0;compute|eth0.\n\n".
" domain:\tThe DNS domain name used for the cluster.\n\n".
" forwarders:\tThe DNS servers at your site that can provide names outside of the cluster.\n\n".
" fsptimeout:\tThe timeout, in milliseconds, to use when communicating with FSPs.\n\n".
" genpasswords:\tAutomatically generate random passwords for BMCs when configuring them.\n\n".
" installdir:\tThe local directory name used to hold the node deployment packages.\n\n".
" installloc:\tThe location to mount the install directory from in format hostname:/path.\n\n".
" ipmimaxp:\tThe max # of processes for ipmi hw ctrl.\n\n".
" ipmiretries:\tThe # of retries to use when communicating with BMCs.\n\n".
" ipmisdrcache -\n\n".
" iscsidir - (the path to put the iscsi disks in on the mgmt node)\n\n".
" xcatservers - (Deprecated! Will be replaced by the servicenode table. List service nodes)\n\n".
" svloglocal - (syslog on the service node does not get forwarded to the mgmt node - default is 0)\n\n".
" consoleondemand - (when set to 'yes', it connects and creates the console output only when the user opens the console)\n\n".
" dhcpinterfaces - (network interfaces DHCP should listen on. If same for all nodes, use simple comma-separated list of NICs. Also support: mn|eth1,eth2;service|bond0;compute|eth0)\n\n".
" forwarders - (DNS servers at your site that can provide names outside of the cluster)\n\n".
" genpasswords - (automatically generate random passwords for BMCs when configuring them)\n\n".
" defserialport - (default serial port - currently only used by mknb)\n\n".
" defserialspeed - (default serial speed - currently only used by mknb)\n\n".
" defserialflow - (default serial flow - currently only used by mknb)\n\n".
" ppctimeout - (the timeout, in milliseconds, to use when communicating with PPC hw)\n\n".
" maxssh - (max # of SSH connections for hw ctrl purposes to PPC hw)\n\n".
" ppcretry - (max # of PPC hw connection attempts before failing)\n\n".
" fsptimeout - (the timeout, in milliseconds, to use when communicating with FSPs)\n\n",
" ipmitimeout:\tThe timeout to use when communicating with BMCs.\n\n".
" iscsidir:\tThe path to put the iscsi disks in on the mgmt node.\n\n".
" master:\tThe hostname of the xCAT management node.\n\n".
" maxssh:\tThe max # of SSH connections for hw ctrl purposes to PPC hw.\n\n".
" nameservers:\tA comma delimited list of DNS servers for the cluster - often the xCAT management node.\n\n".
" ntpservers:\tA comma delimited list of NTP servers for the cluster - often the xCAT management node.\n\n".
" ppcmaxp:\tThe max # of processes for PPC hw ctrl.\n\n".
" ppcretry:\tThw max # of PPC hw connection attempts before failing.\n\n".
" ppctimeout:\tThe timeout, in milliseconds, to use when communicating with PPC hw.\n\n".
" sharedtftp:\tSet to no/0 if xCAT should not assume /tftpboot is mounted on all service nodes. Default is 1.\n\n".
" timezone:\t(e.g. America/New_York)\n\n".
" useSSHonAIX:\t(yes/1 or no/0). If yes, ssh/scp will be setup and used. If no, rsh/rcp will be setup and used on AIX.\n\n".
" svloglocal:\tsyslog on the service node does not get forwarded to the mgmt node - default is 0.\n\n".
" xcatconfdir:\t(default /etc/xcat)\n\n".
" xcatdport:\tThe port used by the xcatd daemon for client/server communication.\n\n".
" xcatiport:\tThe port used by xcatd to receive install status updates from nodes.\n\n".
" xcatservers:\t(Deprecated! Will be replaced by the servicenode table. Li
st service nodes)\n\n",
value => 'The value of the attribute specified in the "key" column.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
Reference in New Issue
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