-Have discovery refuse to give the same IP address to multiple nics by default
-Have nbroot explicitly try to send packets out of each up interface -Prevent empty /etc/motd warnings -Fix issue where discovery failed with classic MM -Change check for network sameness to a live check instead of table check in nodediscover -Have nbroot quiet by default to alleviate conserver log usage -Have dhcp plugin mac deletion be a bit more aggressive, delete matching mac addresses -Have discovery disable DHCP offers for multiple NICs on the same network if nothing resembling a proper guess can be made git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@866 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1143,6 +1143,41 @@ sub my_hexnets
return $rethash;
=head3 my_if_netmap
hash of networks to interface names
sub my_if_netmap {
if (scalar(@_)) { #called with the other syntax
$net = shift;
my @rtable = split /\n/,`netstat -rn`;
if ($?) {
return "Unable to run netstat, $?";
my %retmap;
foreach (@rtable) {
if (/^\D/) { next; } #skip headers
if (/^\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S*G/) { next; } #Skip networks that require gateways to get to
return \%retmap;
=head3 my_ip_facing
@ -80,6 +80,19 @@ while :; do
for dhcps in `cat /tmp/dhcpserver`; do
cat /tmp/discout | udpcat.awk $dhcps $XCATPORT &
for nic in `ifconfig -a|grep HWaddr|grep -v sit|awk '{print $1}'`; do #also, bring down interfaces to make sure that we send from the 'right' nic
for dnic in `ifconfig -a|grep HWaddr|grep -v sit|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $nic`; do
ifconfig $dnic down
cat /tmp/discout | udpcat.awk $XCATMASTER $XCATPORT & #can't figure out how to make a hung gawk behave..
for dhcps in `cat /tmp/dhcpserver`; do
cat /tmp/discout | udpcat.awk $dhcps $XCATPORT &
for dnic in `ifconfig -a|grep HWaddr|grep -v sit|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v $nic`; do
ifconfig $dnic up
usleep 8000000
killall udpcat.awk #reap hung ones
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ hba=0
touch /etc/motd
echo "cat /etc/motd" >> /etc/profile
#Load common usb drivers
@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ sub fillresps {
my $response = shift;
my $mac = $response->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
my $node = $response->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0];
$mac = uc($mac); #Make sure it is uppercase, the MM people seem to change their mind on this..
$macmap{$mac} = $node;
@ -44,14 +44,25 @@ sub delnode {
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($mac) {
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = ".$mac."\n"; #find and destroy mac conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($inetn) {
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));;
unless ($ip) { return; }
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
my $ip;
if (inet_aton($hname)) {
$ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));;
if ($ip) {
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
@ -117,16 +128,31 @@ sub addnode {
foreach $mace (@macs) {
my $mac;
my $hname;
$hname = "";
($mac,$hname) = split (/!/,$mace);
unless ($hname) { $hname = $node; } #Default to hostname equal to nodename
unless ($mac) { next; } #Skip corrupt format
my $inetn = inet_aton($hname);
unless ($mac) { next; } #Skip corrupt format
my $inetn;
if ($hname eq '*NOIP*') {
$inetn = "DENIED";
$hname = $node."-noip".$mac;
$hname =~ s/://g;
} else {
$inetn = inet_aton($hname);
unless ($inetn) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT DHCP plugin unable to resolve IP for $hname (for $node)");
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));;
if ($guess_next_server) {
my $ip;
if ($inetn eq "DENIED") {
$ip = "DENIED";
} else {
$ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));;
if ($guess_next_server and $ip ne "DENIED") {
my $nxtsrv = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($hname);
if ($nxtsrv) {
$lstatements = "next-server $nxtsrv;$statements";
@ -152,10 +178,14 @@ sub addnode {
print $omshell "set name = \"$hname\"\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = ".$mac."\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-type = 1\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n";
if ($lstatements) {
print $omshell "set statements = \"$lstatements\"\n";
if ($ip eq "DENIED") { #Blacklist this mac to preclude confusion, give best shot at things working
print $omshell "set statements = \"deny booting;\"\n";
} else {
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n";
if ($lstatements) {
print $omshell "set statements = \"$lstatements\"\n";
print $omshell "create\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ sub process_request {
print $cfgfile "DEFAULT xCAT\n";
print $cfgfile " LABEL xCAT\n";
print $cfgfile " KERNEL xcat/nbk.$arch\n";
print $cfgfile " APPEND initrd=xcat/nbfs.$arch.gz xcatd=".$hexnets->{$_}.":$xcatdport $consolecmdline\n";
print $cfgfile " APPEND initrd=xcat/nbfs.$arch.gz quiet xcatd=".$hexnets->{$_}.":$xcatdport $consolecmdline\n";
} elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/) {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ sub process_request {
print $cfgfile " label=xcat\n";
print $cfgfile " image=xcat/nbk.$arch\n";
print $cfgfile " initrd=xcat/nbfs.$arch.gz\n";
print $cfgfile ' append="xcatd='.$hexnets->{$_}.":$xcatdport $consolecmdline\"\n";
print $cfgfile ' append="quiet xcatd='.$hexnets->{$_}.":$xcatdport $consolecmdline\"\n";
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use POSIX "WNOHANG";
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use IO::Select;
use IO::Handle;
use xCAT::Utils;
use Sys::Syslog;
@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ sub gethosttag {
my $node = shift;
my $netn = shift;
my $ifname = shift;
my $mgtifname = "";
my $usednames = shift;
my %netmap = %{xCAT::Utils::my_if_netmap};
my $mgtifname = $netmap{$netn};
my $secondpass = 0;
my $name = "";
my $defhost = inet_aton($node);
@ -38,45 +41,41 @@ sub gethosttag {
my @netents = @{$nettab->getAllEntries()};
my $pass;
#TODO: mgtifname field will get trounced in hierarchical setup, use a live check to match accurately
foreach $pass (1,2) { #two passes to allow for mgtifname matching
foreach (@netents) {
if ($_->{net} eq $netn or ($mgtifname and $mgtifname eq $_->{mgtifname})) {
$mgtifname = $_->{mgtifname}; #This flags the managementethernet for a second pass
if ($_->{nodehostname}) {
my $left;
my $right;
($left,$right) = split(/\//,$_->{nodehostname},2);
$name = $node;
$name =~ s/$left/$right/;
if ($name and inet_aton($name)) {
if ($netn eq $_->{net}) { return $name; }
#At this point, it could still be valid if block was entered due to mgtifname
my $nnetn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",inet_aton($name)) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($nnetn eq $_->{net}) { return $name; }
$name=""; #Still here, this branch failed
$defn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",$defhost) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($defn eq $_->{net}) { #the default nodename is on this network
return $node;
my $tentativehost = $node . "-".$ifname;
my $tnh = inet_aton($tentativehost);
if ($tnh) {
my $nnetn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",$tnh) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($nnetn eq $_->{net}) {
return $tentativehost;
foreach (@netents) {
if ($_->{net} eq $netn or ($mgtifname and $mgtifname eq $netmap{$_->{net}})) { #either is the network or shares physical interface
if ($_->{nodehostname}) { #Check for a nodehostname rule in the table
my $left;
my $right;
($left,$right) = split(/\//,$_->{nodehostname},2);
$name = $node;
$name =~ s/$left/$right/;
if ($name and inet_aton($name)) {
if ($netn eq $_->{net} and not $usednames->{$name}) { return $name; }
#At this point, it could still be valid if block was entered due to mgtifname
my $nnetn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",inet_aton($name)) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($nnetn eq $_->{net} and not $usednames->{$name}) { return $name; }
$name=""; #Still here, this branch failed
if ($defhost) {
$defn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",$defhost) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($defn eq $_->{net} and not $usednames->{$node}) { #the default nodename is on this network
return $node;
my $tentativehost = $node . "-".$ifname;
my $tnh = inet_aton($tentativehost);
if ($tnh) {
my $nnetn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",unpack("N",$tnh) & unpack("N",inet_aton($_->{mask}))));
if ($nnetn eq $_->{net} and not $usednames->{$tentativehost}) {
return $tentativehost;
sub handled_commands {
return {
#discovered => 'chain:ondiscover',
@ -108,6 +107,7 @@ sub process_request {
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac",-create=>1);
my @ifinfo;
my $macstring = "";
my %usednames;
foreach (@{$request->{mac}}) {
@ifinfo = split /\|/;
if ($ifinfo[3]) {
@ -116,10 +116,13 @@ sub process_request {
my $ipn = unpack("N",inet_aton($ip));
my $mask = 2**$netbits-1<<(32-$netbits);
my $netn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",$ipn & $mask));
my $hosttag = gethosttag($node,$netn,@ifinfo[1]);
my $hosttag = gethosttag($node,$netn,@ifinfo[1],\%usednames);
if ($hosttag) {
$macstring .= $ifinfo[2]."!".$hosttag."|";
} else {
$macstring .= $ifinfo[2]."!*NOIP*|";
@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ sub setstate {
my @macs = split(/\|/,$ment->{mac});
foreach (@macs) {
if (/!(.*)/) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
if (inet_aton($1)) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ sub process_request {
my $node = $macmap->find_mac($mac,$req->{cacheonly}->[0]);
#if (not $node and $req->{checkallmacs}->[0]) {
# foreach (@{$req->{mac}}) {
# /.*\|.*\|([\dABCDEFabcdef:]+)(\||$)/;
# $node = $macmap->find_mac($1,$req->{cacheonly}->[0]);
# if ($node) { last; }
# }
if ($node) {
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ sub setstate {
my @macs = split(/\|/,$ment->{mac});
foreach (@macs) {
if (/!(.*)/) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
if (inet_aton($1)) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
@ -279,6 +279,12 @@ if ($inet6support) {
if ($req->{cacheonly}->[0]) {
delete $req->{cacheonly};
#if ($req) {
# $req->{cacheonly}->[0] = 1;
# $req->{checkallmacs}->[0] = 1;
# plugin_command($req,undef,\&convey_response);
# }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user