-First pass at vCenter always default and Cluster support, two major things are broken in the very short term:
-Direct hypervisor mode is broke (quick fix, but this commit is already large enough) -Stateless hypervisor re-adoption destroys clusters (the area for improvement is noted) git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@4278 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ our @ISA = 'xCAT::Common';
#my %esx_comm_pids;
my %hyphash; #A data structure to hold hypervisor-wide variables (i.e. the current resource pool, virtual machine folder, connection object
my %vcenterhash; #A data structure to reflect the state of vcenter connectivity to hypervisors
my %hypready; #A structure for hypervisor readiness to be tracked before proceeding to normal operations
my %running_tasks; #A struct to track this processes
my $output_handler; #Pointer to the function to drive results to client
my $executerequest;
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ sub preprocess_request {
my $hyptab = xCAT::Table->new('hypervisor');
my $hyptabhash={};
if ($hyptab) {
$hyptabhash = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr','cluster','preferdirect']);
$hyptabhash = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr']);
@ -265,13 +266,13 @@ sub process_request {
my $hyptab = xCAT::Table->new('hypervisor',create=>0);
if ($hyptab) {
my @hyps = keys %hyphash;
$tablecfg{hypervisor} = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr','netmap','defaultnet']);
$tablecfg{hypervisor} = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr','netmap','defaultnet','cluster','preferdirect']);
#my $children = 0;
#my $vmmaxp = 84;
#$SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while ($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { delete $esx_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } };
my $viavcenter = 0;
my $viavcenter = 1;
if ($command eq 'rmigrate') { #Only use vcenter when required, fewer prereqs
$viavcenter = 1;
@ -283,6 +284,10 @@ sub process_request {
foreach my $hyp (sort(keys %hyphash)){
#if($pid == 0){
if ($viavcenter) {
$hypready{$hyp} = 0; #This hypervisor requires a flag be set to signify vCenter sanenes before proceeding
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk"); #Direct connect to install/check licenses
my $vcenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name};
unless ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn}) {
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn} =
@ -294,6 +299,10 @@ sub process_request {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = $vcenterhash{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name}}->{conn};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn} = $vcenterhash{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name}}->{conn};
validate_vcenter_prereqs($hyp, \&declare_ready, {
} else {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk");
@ -303,6 +312,20 @@ sub process_request {
# $esx_comm_pids{$pid} = 1;
while (grep { $_ == 0 } values %hypready) {
sleep (1); #We'll check back in every second. Unfortunately, we have to poll since we are in web service land
if (grep { $_ == -1 } values %hypready) {
my @badhypes;
foreach (keys %hypready) {
if ($hypready{$_} == -1) {
push @badhypes,$_;
sendmsg([1,"The following hypervisors failed to become ready for the operation: ".join(',',@badhypes)]);
@ -358,7 +381,6 @@ sub process_tasks {
} else {
$curcon = $hyphash{$running_tasks{$_}->{hyp}}->{conn};
my $curt = $curcon->get_view(mo_ref=>$running_tasks{$_}->{task});
my $state = $curt->info->state->val;
unless ($state eq 'running' or $state eq 'queued') {
@ -382,9 +404,10 @@ sub connecthost_callback {
my $hv = $args->{hostview};
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq "success") {
$hypready{$args->{hypname}}=1; #declare readiness
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{$args->{hypname}} = 'good';
if (defined $args->{depfun}) { #If a function is waiting for the host connect to go valid, call it
@ -393,13 +416,15 @@ sub connecthost_callback {
eval {
$thumbprint = $task->{info}->error->fault->thumbprint;
if ($thumbprint) {
if ($thumbprint) { #was an unknown certificate error, retry and accept the unknown certificate
my $task;
if (defined $args->{hostview}) {#It was a reconnect request
$task = $hv->ReconnectHost_Task(cnxSpec=>$args->{connspec});
} elsif (defined $args->{foldview}) {#was an add host request
$task = $args->{foldview}->AddStandaloneHost_Task(spec=>$args->{connspec},addConnected=>1);
} elsif (defined $args->{cluster}) {#was an add host to cluster request
$task = $args->{cluster}->AddHost_Task(spec=>$args->{connspec},asConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
@ -413,6 +438,7 @@ sub connecthost_callback {
sendmsg([1,$error]); #,$node);
$hypready{$args->{hypname}} = -1; #Impossible for this hypervisor to ever be ready
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{$args->{hypname}} = 'bad';
@ -427,7 +453,7 @@ sub get_clusterview {
foreach (@{$args{conn}->find_entity_views(%subargs)}) {
if ($_->name =~ /$clustname/) {
if ($_->name eq "$clustname") {
return $_;
@ -614,6 +640,7 @@ sub migrate {
my $vcenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name};
#We do target first to prevent multiple sources to single destination from getting confused
#one source to multiple destinations (i.e. revacuate) may require other provisions
#by getting confused, I mean that actually migrate not thinking both are good before it's correct
validate_vcenter_prereqs($tgthyp, \&actually_migrate, {
@ -1278,6 +1305,11 @@ sub create_storage_devs {
# my $ctlr = VirtualIDEController->new(
sub declare_ready {
my %args = %{shift()};
sub validate_vcenter_prereqs { #Communicate with vCenter and ensure this host is added correctly to a vCenter instance when an operation requires it
my $hyp = shift;
my $depfun = shift;
@ -1308,7 +1340,7 @@ sub validate_vcenter_prereqs { #Communicate with vCenter and ensure this host is
return 1;
} else {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$_->parent)->Destroy_Task();
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$_->parent)->Destroy_Task(); #THIS DESTROYS THE CLUSTER, FIX
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&addhosttovcenter;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
@ -1352,14 +1384,29 @@ sub addhosttovcenter {
my $datacenter = validate_datacenter_prereqs($hyp);
my $hfolder = $datacenter->hostFolder; #$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['hostFolder'])->hostFolder;
$hfolder = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hfolder);
$task = $hfolder->AddStandaloneHost_Task(spec=>$connspec,addConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs=> $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec, foldview=>$hfolder, hypname=>$hyp, vcenter=>$vcenter };
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster}) {
my $cluster = get_clusterview(clustname=>$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster},conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn});
unless ($cluster) {
sendmsg([1,$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster}. " is not a known cluster to the vCenter server."]);
$hypready{$hyp}=-1; #Declare impossiblility to be ready
sendmsg("Why yes, I was able to find ".$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster});
$task = $cluster->AddHost_Task(spec=>$connspec,asConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs=> $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec, cluster=>$cluster, hypname=>$hyp, vcenter=>$vcenter };
} else {
my $datacenter = validate_datacenter_prereqs($hyp);
my $hfolder = $datacenter->hostFolder; #$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['hostFolder'])->hostFolder;
$hfolder = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hfolder);
$task = $hfolder->AddStandaloneHost_Task(spec=>$connspec,addConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs=> $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec, foldview=>$hfolder, hypname=>$hyp, vcenter=>$vcenter };
#print Dumper @{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type=>'HostSystem',properties=>['runtime.connectionState'])};
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