add support for | in nics table

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
nott 2013-01-24 14:54:25 +00:00
parent cb75f60dd3
commit a40c9c08ed

@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ sub addnode
my $idx = 0;
my $foundone = 0;
# if this ip was already added then just see if the entry
# if this ip was already added then just update the entry
while ($idx <= $#hosts)
@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ sub writeout
my $rc = &donics($node, $callback);
my $rc = &donics(\@nodes, $callback);
@ -429,7 +428,8 @@ sub donics
foreach my $node (@nodelist)
my %nichash;
my $nich;
my %nicindex;
# get the nic info
my $et =
@ -452,9 +452,10 @@ sub donics
# gather nics info
# delimiter could be ":" or "!"
# old $et->{nicips} looks like "eth0:ip1,eth1:ip2,bmc:ip3..."
# OR new $et->{nicips} looks like "eth0!ip1,eth1!ip2,bmc!ip3..."
# new $et->{nicips} looks like
# "eth0!,eth1!|"
my @nicandiplist = split(',', $et->{'nicips'});
foreach (@nicandiplist)
@ -466,8 +467,25 @@ sub donics
} else {
($nicname, $nicip) = split(':', $_);
$nichash{$nicname}{nicip} = $nicip;
if (!$nicip) {
if ( $nicip =~ /\|/) {
my @ips = split( /\|/, $nicip);
foreach my $ip (@ips) {
$nich->{$nicname}->{nicip}->[$nicindex{$nicname}] = $ip;
} else {
$nich->{$nicname}->{nicip}->[$nicindex{$nicname}] = $nicip;
my @nicandsufx = split(',', $et->{'nichostnamesuffixes'});
foreach (@nicandsufx)
@ -477,8 +495,23 @@ sub donics
} else {
($nicname, $nicsufx) = split(':', $_);
$nichash{$nicname}{nicsufx} = $nicsufx;
if (!$nicsufx) {
if ( $nicsufx =~ /\|/) {
my @sufs = split( /\|/, $nicsufx);
my $index=0;
foreach my $suf (@sufs) {
$nich->{$nicname}->{nicsufx}->[$index] = $suf;
} else {
$nich->{$nicname}->{nicsufx}->[0] = $nicsufx;
my @nicandnetwrk = split(',', $et->{'nicnetworks'});
foreach (@nicandnetwrk)
@ -488,40 +521,65 @@ sub donics
} else {
($nicname, $netwrk) = split(':', $_);
$nichash{$nicname}{netwrk} = $netwrk;
if (!$netwrk) {
foreach my $nic (keys %nichash)
if ( $netwrk =~ /\|/) {
my @nets = split( /\|/, $netwrk);
my $index=0;
foreach my $net (@nets) {
$nich->{$nicname}->{netwrk}->[$index] = $net;
} else {
$nich->{$nicname}->{netwrk}->[0] = $netwrk;
# end gather nics info
# add or delete nic entries in the hosts file
foreach my $nic (keys %{$nich}) {
# make sure we have the short hostname
my $shorthost;
($shorthost = $node) =~ s/\..*$//;
# construct hostname for nic
my $nichostname = "$shorthost$nichash{$nic}{nicsufx}";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nicindex{$nic}; $i++ ){
# get domain from network def
my $nt = $nettab->getAttribs({ netname => "$nichash{$nic}{netwrk}"}, 'domain');
my $nicip = $nich->{$nic}->{nicip}->[$i];
my $nicsuffix = $nich->{$nic}->{nicsufx}->[$i];
my $nicnetworks = $nich->{$nic}->{netwrk}->[$i];
# look up the domain as a check or if it's not provided
my ($nicdomain, $netn) = &getIPdomain($nichash{$nic}{nicip}, $callback);
if ($nt->{domain}) {
if($nichash{$nic}{netwrk} ne $netn) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "The xCAT network name listed for \'$nichostname\' is \'$nichash{$nic}{netwrk}\' however the nic IP address \'$nichash{$nic}{nicip}\' seems to be in the \'$netn\' network.\nIf there is an error then makes corrections to the database definitions and re-run this command.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("W", $rsp, $callback);
if (!$nicip) {
$nicdomain = $nt->{domain};
if ($::DELNODE)
delnode $nichostname, $nichash{$nic}{nicip}, '', $nicdomain;
addnode $nichostname, $nichash{$nic}{nicip}, '', $nicdomain, 1;
# construct hostname for nic
my $nichostname = "$shorthost$nicsuffix";
# get domain from network def
my $nt = $nettab->getAttribs({ netname => "nicnetworks"}, 'domain');
# look up the domain as a check or if it's not provided
my ($nicdomain, $netn) = &getIPdomain($nicip, $callback);
if ($nt->{domain}) {
if($nicnetworks ne $netn) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "The xCAT network name listed for \'$nichostname\' is \'$nicnetworks\' however the nic IP address \'$nicip\' seems to be in the \'$netn\' network.\nIf there is an error then makes corrections to the database definitions and re-run this command.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("W", $rsp, $callback);
$nicdomain = $nt->{domain};
if ($::DELNODE)
delnode $nichostname, $nicip, '', $nicdomain;
addnode $nichostname, $nicip, '', $nicdomain, 1;
} # end for each index
} # end for each nic
} # end for each node