The code checkin of driver update disk support for Linux

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
daniceexi 2010-08-12 09:05:51 +00:00
parent 07d8cdfacb
commit a2b682832e

View File

@ -526,6 +526,20 @@ if ($kernelver) {
# Load driver update disk, and copy them to the root image
my @dd_drivers = &load_dd();
# Push the drivers into the @ndrivers base on the order
my @new_order = ();
foreach my $dd (@dd_drivers) {
unless (grep { $_ eq $dd} @ndrivers) {
push @new_order, $dd;
print "Added driver $dd from driver update disk.\n";
@ndrivers = (@new_order, @ndrivers);
my @moddeps = <$moddeps>;
my @checkdeps = @ndrivers;
@ -1266,3 +1280,174 @@ sub generic_post { #This function is meant to leave the image in a state approxi
my $driver_name;
my $real_path;
sub get_path ()
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) {
$real_path = $File::Find::name;
#load the driver update disk, and return the driver names by loading order
sub load_dd()
# check the Driver Update Disk images, it can be .img or .iso
if (! -d "$installroot/driverdisk/$osver/$arch") {
return ();
my @dd_list = `find $installroot/driverdisk/$osver/$arch -type f`;
if (! @dd_list) {
return ();
# Create the work space, it should be cleaned at end of genimage
my $dd_dir = "/tmp/dd_tmp";
# If $dd_dir was not cleaned, try to unmount mnt first
if (-d "$dd_dir/mnt") {
system ("umount $dd_dir/mnt >/dev/null 2>&1");
if( -d "$dd_dir") {
rmtree "$dd_dir";
mkpath "$dd_dir";
mkpath "$dd_dir/mnt";
mkpath "$dd_dir/mods";
my @dd_drivers = (); #dirver names
# Load drivers from each Driver Disk
# For multiple dd, if want to make it has order, rename the dd with a number
# ahead of the name like 0_xx, 1_xx
foreach my $dd (sort(@dd_list)) {
my $rc = system ("mount -o loop $dd $dd_dir/mnt");
if ($rc) {
print "mount the Driver Disk $dd failed.\n";
mkpath "$dd_dir/full";
# Copy out the drivers
opendir(DIR, "$dd_dir/mnt") || die "Cannot open dir $dd_dir/mnt";
while (my $dir = readdir(DIR)) {
if ($dir =~ /^\./) { next; }
# Every driver update disk can have multiple directories, each directory
# has the directory format like /linux/[distribution]/[architechture]-[version]/
# If the directory name is numeric, then it will be used as order to load the
# the dirviers inside.
# For the directory name which is not numeric, copy them to directory 0. It will be
# loaled first.
if ($dir !~ /^\d*$/) {
mkpath "$dd_dir/full/0";
system ("cp -rf $dd_dir/mnt/$dir $dd_dir/full/0");
} else {
system ("cp -rf $dd_dir/mnt/$dir $dd_dir/full/");
# Get all the kernel modules base on the order of directory name.
# The structure of dd: <order>/linux/[distribution]/[architechture]-[version]/
# The supported arch: i386, ia64, ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x sparc or x86_64.
my $darch = $arch;
if ($darch =~ /^x86$/) {
$darch = "i386";
# If the version is os version. If the os is "sles11.1", the possible os version
# could be "sles11.1", "11.1", "11", "sles11"
my @distro = ($osver);
my $distro1 = $osver;
$distro1 =~ s/[^\d]*//;
push @distro,$distro1;
my $distro2 = $distro1;
$distro2 =~ s/\..*//;
push @distro,$distro2;
my $distro3 = $osver;
$distro3 =~ s/\..*//;
push @distro,$distro3;
opendir (FDIR, "$dd_dir/full") || die "Cannot open dir $dd_dir/full";
my @fulldir = readdir(FDIR);
closedir (FDIR);
# Create the directory for drivers from driver disk
if (! -d "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk") {
mkpath "$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk";
# Copy the drivers to the root image and get the driver loading order
foreach my $dir (sort(@fulldir)) {
if ($dir =~ /^\./) { next; }
my $vdir;
foreach (@distro) {
if (-d "$dd_dir/full/$dir/linux/suse/$darch-$_") {
$vdir = "$dd_dir/full/$dir/linux/suse/$darch-$_";
if (! $vdir) { next; }
# Use the module_order if it has
if (-f "$vdir/modules/module.order") {
open(ORDER, "<", "$vdir/modules/module.order");
while (my $file = <ORDER>) {
chomp ($file);
if (-f "$vdir/modules/$file") {
$driver_name = $file;
$real_path = "";
find(\&get_path, <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
if ($real_path eq "") {
system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk");
} else {
system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $real_path");
push @dd_drivers, $file;
} else {
opendir (MDIR, "$vdir/modules") || die "Cannot open dir $vdir/modules";
while (my $file = readdir(MDIR)) {
if (-f "$vdir/modules/$file" && $file =~ /\.ko/) {
$driver_name = $file;
$real_path = "";
find(\&get_path, <$rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
if ($real_path eq "") {
system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $rootimg_dir/lib/modules/$kernelver/kernel/drivers/driverdisk");
} else {
system ("cp $vdir/modules/$file $real_path");
push @dd_drivers, $file;
rmtree "$dd_dir/full";
my $rc = system ("umount -f $dd_dir/mnt");
if ($rc) {
print "umount the directory $dd_dir/mnt failed\n";
exit 1;
# Generate the dependency relationship
system ("chroot '$rootimg_dir' depmod $kernelver");
# Clean the env
rmtree "$dd_dir";
return @dd_drivers;