support imaged provisioning.
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through");
my $verbose = 0;
my $installroot = "/install";
my $sysclone_home = $installroot . "/sysclone";
sub handled_commands {
return { "imgcapture" => "imgcapture" };
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ sub process_request {
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}} if (defined $request->{arg});
my $argc = scalar @ARGV;
my $usage = "Usage: imgcapture <node> [-p | --profile <profile>] [-o|--osimage <osimage>] [-i <nodebootif>] [-n <nodenetdrivers>] [-V | --verbose] \n imgcapture [-h|--help] \n imgcapture [-v|--version]";
my $usage = "Usage: imgcapture <node> -t|--type diskless [-p | --profile <profile>] [-o|--osimage <osimage>] [-i <nodebootif>] [-n <nodenetdrivers>] [-V | --verbose] \n imgcapture <node> -t|--type sysclone -o|--osimage <osimage> [-V | --verbose] \n imgcapture [-h|--help] \n imgcapture [-v|--version]";
my $os;
my $arch;
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ sub process_request {
my $osimg;
my $help;
my $version;
my $type;
"profile|p=s" => \$profile,
@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ sub process_request {
'osimage|o=s' => \$osimg,
"help|h" => \$help,
"version|v" => \$version,
"verbose|V" => \$verbose
"verbose|V" => \$verbose,
"type|t=s" => \$type
if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
@ -95,6 +98,55 @@ sub process_request {
return 0;
if(($type =~ /sysclone/) && (!$osimg)){
my $rsp = {};
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "You must specify osimage name if you are using \"sysclone\".";
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $usage;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# sysclone
unless($type =~ /diskless/)
my $shortname = xCAT::InstUtils->myxCATname();
my $rc;
$rc = sysclone_configserver($shortname, $callback, $doreq);
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Can not configure Imager Server on $shortname.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
$rc = sysclone_prepclient($node, $shortname, $osimg, $callback, $doreq);
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Can not prepare Golden Client on $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
$rc = sysclone_getimg($node, $shortname, $osimg, $callback, $doreq);
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Can not get image $osimg from $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
$rc = sysclone_createosimgdef($node, $shortname, $osimg, $callback, $doreq);
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Can not create osimage definition for $osimg on $shortname.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new("nodetype");
my $ref_nodetype = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['os','arch','profile']);
$os = $ref_nodetype->{os};
@ -116,7 +168,7 @@ sub process_request {
# the osimage table doesn't exist
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Cannot open the osimage table};
$xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
@ -125,7 +177,7 @@ sub process_request {
# the linuximage table doesn't exist
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Cannot open the linuximage table};
$xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
@ -405,4 +457,283 @@ sub getplatform {
return $platform;
sub sysclone_configserver{
my ($server, $callback, $subreq) = @_;
# check if systemimager is installed on the imager server
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Checking if systemimager packages are installed on $server.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
my $cmd = "rpm -qa|grep systemimager-server";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", -1);
if($verbose) {
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{the output of $cmd on $server is:};
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $output;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { #failed
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{systemimager-server is not installed on the $server.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# update /etc/systemimager/systemimager.conf
my $rc = `sed -i "s/\\/var\\/lib\\/systemimager/\\/install\\/sysclone/g" /etc/systemimager/systemimager.conf`;
if (!(-e $sysclone_home))
my $sysclone_images = $sysclone_home . "/images";
if (!(-e $sysclone_images))
my $sysclone_scripts = $sysclone_home . "/scripts";
if (!(-e $sysclone_scripts))
my $sysclone_overrides = $sysclone_home . "/overrides";
if (!(-e $sysclone_overrides))
# update /etc/systemimager/rsync_stubs/10header to generate new /etc/systemimager/rsyncd.conf
my $rc = `sed -i "s/\\/var\\/lib\\/systemimager/\\/install\\/sysclone/g" /etc/systemimager/rsync_stubs/10header`;
$rc = `export PERL5LIB=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/;LANG=C si_mkrsyncd_conf`;
return 0;
sub sysclone_prepclient {
my ($node, $server, $osimage, $callback, $subreq) = @_;
# check if systemimager is installed on the golden client
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Checking if systemimager packages are installed on $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
my $cmd = "rpm -qa|grep systemimager-client";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node => [$node], arg =>[$cmd]}, $subreq, 0, 1);
if($verbose) {
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{the output of $cmd on $node is:};
foreach my $o (@$output) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $o;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { #failed
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{systemimager-client is not installed on the $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# prepare golden client
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Preparing osimage $osimage on $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
my $cmd = "export PERL5LIB=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/;LANG=C si_prepareclient --server $server --my-modules --yes";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["xdsh"],
node => [$node],
arg =>["-s", $cmd]
$subreq, 0, 1);
if($verbose) {
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{the output of $cmd on $node is:};
foreach my $o (@$output) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $o;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { #failed
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{$cmd failed on the $node.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# fix systemimager bug
$cmd = qq{sed -i 's/p_name=\"(v1)\"/p_name=\"-\"/' /etc/systemimager/autoinstallscript.conf};
$output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd(
command => ["xdsh"],
node => [$node],
arg =>[$cmd]
$subreq, 0, 1);
return 0;
sub sysclone_getimg{
my ($node, $server, $osimage, $callback, $subreq) = @_;
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Getting osimage "$osimage" from $node to $server.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
my $cmd = "export PERL5LIB=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/;";
$cmd .= "LANG=C si_getimage -golden-client $node -image $osimage -ip-assignment dhcp -post-install reboot -quiet -update-script YES";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if($verbose) {
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{the output of $cmd on $server is:};
if(ref $output){
foreach my $o (@$output) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $o;
} else {
@{$rsp->{data}} = ($output);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
if($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { #failed
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{$cmd failed on the $server.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
return 0;
sub sysclone_createosimgdef{
my ($node, $server, $osimage, $callback, $subreq) = @_;
my $createnew = 0;
my %osimgdef;
my $osimgtab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
my $entry = ($osimgtab->getAllAttribsWhere("imagename = '$osimage'", 'ALL' ))[0];
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Using the existing osimage "$osimage" defined on $server.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
return 0;
# try to see if we can get the osimage def from golden client.
my $nttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
if (!$nttab){
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{Can not open nodebype table.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
my @nodes = ($node);
my $nthash = $nttab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['node', 'provmethod']);
my $tmp = $nthash->{$node}->[0];
if (($tmp) && ($tmp->{provmethod})){
my %objtype;
my $oldimg = $tmp->{provmethod};
# see if osimage exists
$objtype{$oldimg} = 'osimage';
my %imagedef = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs(\%objtype, $callback);
if (!($imagedef{$oldimg}{osvers})){ # just select one attribute for test
# create new one
$createnew = 1;
# based on the existing one
$osimgdef{$osimage} = $imagedef{$oldimg};
# only update a few attributes which are meanless for sysclone
$osimgdef{$osimage}{provmethod} = "sysclone";
$osimgdef{$osimage}{template} = "";
} else {
$createnew = 1;
my $file = $sysclone_home . "/images/" . $osimage. "/etc/systemimager/boot/ARCH";
my $cmd = "cat $file";
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
chomp $output;
my $arch = $output;
my $osver = getOsVersion($node);
my $platform = getplatform($osver);
# create a baic one
$osimgdef{$osimage}{objtype} = "osimage";
$osimgdef{$osimage}{provmethod} = "sysclone";
$osimgdef{$osimage}{profile} = "compute"; # use compute?
$osimgdef{$osimage}{imagetype} = "Linux";
$osimgdef{$osimage}{osarch} = $arch;
$osimgdef{$osimage}{osname} = "Linux";
$osimgdef{$osimage}{osvers} = $osver;
$osimgdef{$osimage}{osdistroname} = "$osver-$arch";
#$osimgdef{$osimage}{pkgdir} = "/install/$osver/$arch";
#$osimgdef{$osimage}{otherpkgdir} = "/install/post/otherpkgs/$osver/$arch";
if (xCAT::DBobjUtils->setobjdefs(\%osimgdef) != 0)
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not create xCAT definition for $osimage.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = qq{The osimage definition for $osimage was created.};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", $rsp, $callback);
return 0;
sub getOsVersion {
my ($node) = @_;
my $os = '';
my $version = '';
# Get operating system
my $release = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $node "cat /etc/*release"`;
my @lines = split('\n', $release);
if (grep(/SLES|Enterprise Server/, @lines)) {
$os = 'sles';
$version = $lines[0];
$version =~ tr/\.//;
$version =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/;
$os = $os . $version;
# Append service level
$version = `echo "$release" | grep "LEVEL"`;
$version =~ tr/\.//;
$version =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/;
$os = $os . 'sp' . $version;
} elsif (grep(/Red Hat/, @lines)) {
$os = "rh";
$version = $lines[0];
$version =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9.]+).*/$1/;
if ($lines[0] =~ /AS/) { $os = 'rhas' }
elsif ($lines[0] =~ /ES/) { $os = 'rhes' }
elsif ($lines[0] =~ /WS/) { $os = 'rhws' }
elsif ($lines[0] =~ /Server/) { $os = 'rhels' }
elsif ($lines[0] =~ /Client/) { $os = 'rhel' }
#elsif (-f "/etc/fedora-release") { $os = 'rhfc' }
$os = $os . $version;
return $os;
Reference in New Issue
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