Updates to system p hw discovery wizard for NCSA
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@3554 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,13 +49,29 @@ function expandNR($nr) {
// see pping as an example of the client/server for noderange expansion
$a = array();
if (empty($nr)) return $a;
// Check for square bracket range
$parts = array();
if (preg_match('/(.*?)\[(.*?)\](.*)/',$nr,$parts)) {
$range = preg_split('/([\-\:])/', $parts[2]);
if (count($range) < 2) { msg('E', "Invalid node range: $parts[2]"); return $a; } // ill-formed range
$numlen = strlen($range[0]);
for ($i=$range[0]; $i<=$range[1]; $i++) {
$istr = "$i";
if (strlen($istr) < $numlen) { $istr = substr('000000',0,$numlen-strlen($istr)) . $istr; }
$a = array_merge($a, expandNR("$parts[1]$istr$parts[3]"));
return $a;
// Check for range with dash
if (strpos($nr,'-')===FALSE) { $a[] = $nr; return $a; } // a single node
list($begin, $end) = explode('-', $nr);
$begParts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $begin, $begParts)) { msg('E',"Error in noderange syntax: $nr"); return NULL; }
if (!preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $begin, $begParts)) { $a[] = $nr; return $a; } // a single node
$endParts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $end, $endParts)) { msg('E',"Error in noderange syntax: $nr"); return NULL; }
if ($begParts[1] != $endParts[1]) { msg('E',"Error in noderange syntax: $nr"); return NULL; }
if (!preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $end, $endParts)) { $a[] = $nr; return $a; } // a single node
if ($begParts[1] != $endParts[1]) { $a[] = $nr; return $a; } // a single node
$numlen = strlen($begParts[2]);
for ($i=$begParts[2]; $i<=$endParts[2]; $i++) {
$istr = "$i";
@ -99,6 +115,7 @@ echo "<td width=10></td><td class=Right><label for=bpaIP>Starting IP Address:</l
echo "<tr><td colspan=5 class=Center><h3>Drawers (FSPs/CECs)</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=fspHostname>Hostname Range:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=fspHostname id=fspHostname value='", @$_SESSION['fspHostname'], "'></td>\n";
echo "<td width=10></td><td class=Right><label for=fspIP>Starting IP Address:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=fspIP id=fspIP value='", @$_SESSION['fspIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=numFspsPerFrame>Number of Drawers per Frame:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=numFspsPerFrame id=numFspsPerFrame value='", @$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'], "'></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>Switch Patterns</h3></td></tr>\n";
@ -132,6 +149,7 @@ function patterns1b($action, $step) {
// Figure out how many switches there need to be
//todo: do not want to count the fsps if they are on the bpa hubs
$hmcs = expandNR($_SESSION['hmcHostname']);
$bpas = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']);
$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
@ -218,15 +236,23 @@ foreach ($switches as $k => $sw) {
$port = 1;
foreach ($seq as $s) { // each $s is something like: FSP:5
list($type, $num) = explode(':', $s);
$andFsps = NULL;
if (preg_match('/^hmc$/i',$type)) $ar=&$hmcs;
elseif (preg_match('/^bpa\/fsp$/i',$type)) { $ar=&$bpas; $andFsps=&$fsps; }
elseif (preg_match('/^bpa$/i',$type)) $ar=&$bpas;
elseif (preg_match('/^fsp$/i',$type)) $ar=&$fsps;
elseif (preg_match('/^space$/i',$type)) {if ($num=='*') {break;} $port+=$num; if ($port>$numports) break; else continue;}
else { msg('E', "Invalid HW control point type in $s"); return; }
else { msg('E', "Invalid HW component type: $s"); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
if ($num == '*') { $num = count($ar); }
for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) {
$node = array_shift($ar);
if (!$node) { $port++; continue; }
$data[] = array($node,$sw,@$_SESSION['portPrefix'].$port);
for ($j=1; $j<=$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame']; $j++) {
$f = array_shift($andFsps);
if (!$f) { break; }
$data[] = array($f,$sw,@$_SESSION['portPrefix'].$port);
/* $xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($node,'groups=all',"switch.node=$node","switch.switch=$sw","switch.port=$port"));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); return; }
else { echo "Wrote: $node,$sw,$port<br>\n"; }*/
@ -234,7 +260,7 @@ foreach ($switches as $k => $sw) {
//echo "</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
//echo "</p>\n"; myflush();
//array_unshift($data, array('#node,switch,port,vlan,interface,comments,disable'));
$xml = doTabrestore('switch', $data);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"tabrestore switch failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -245,24 +271,27 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
// Using the hcp ranges, write out the hosts table
//todo: maybe should not use tabrestore in case we are just discovery additional hw
function writeHostsTable($step) {
$machines = array();
$machines[$_SESSION['switchIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['switchHostname']);
$machines[$_SESSION['hmcIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['hmcHostname']);
$machines[$_SESSION['bpaIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']);
$machines[$_SESSION['fspIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
$machines[$_SESSION['subnet']] = expandNR($_SESSION['computeNodename']);
if (isset($_SESSION['switchIP']) && !empty($_SESSION['switchIP'])) { $machines[$_SESSION['switchIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['switchHostname']); }
if (isset($_SESSION['hmcIP']) && !empty($_SESSION['hmcIP'])) { $machines[$_SESSION['hmcIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['hmcHostname']); }
if (isset($_SESSION['bpaIP']) && !empty($_SESSION['bpaIP'])) { $machines[$_SESSION['bpaIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']); }
if (isset($_SESSION['fspIP']) && !empty($_SESSION['fspIP'])) { $machines[$_SESSION['fspIP']] = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']); }
if (isset($_SESSION['subnet']) && !empty($_SESSION['subnet'])) { $machines[$_SESSION['subnet']] = expandNR($_SESSION['computeNodename']); }
if (empty($machines)) { nextStep(++$step,FALSE); return; }
$data = array(array('#node,ip,hostnames,comments,disable'));
//echo "<p>\n";
foreach ($machines as $ip => $ar) { // this loop goes thru each type of hw
foreach ($ar as $hostname) { // this loop goes thru each of the hostnames for that type of hw
$data[] = array($hostname,$ip);
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Wrote: $hostname,$ip</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Wrote: $hostname,$ip</p>\n"; myflush();
//sleep(1); // remove
//echo "</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
//echo "</p>\n"; myflush();
$xml = doTabrestore('hosts', $data);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"tabrestore hosts failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -274,8 +303,8 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
function incrementIP(& $ip) {
//todo: hard coded for the percs demo cluster - remove
if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
//if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
//if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
$parts = explode('.', $ip);
@ -320,6 +349,7 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
function makedhcp($step) {
//todo: remove this check because we should always be running makedhcp, but it is starting dhcpd, which we do not want on the demo system
//todo: also can not do makedhcp on aix yet, but for now just do not set the dynamic ip
if (isset($_SESSION["dynamicIP"]) && !empty($_SESSION["dynamicIP"])) {
$xml = docmd('makedhcp',NULL,array('-n'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makedhcp failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -356,26 +386,67 @@ elseif ($step == 1) { lsslp($step); }
//todo: we are just simulating lsslp right now
function lsslp($step) {
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['hmcHostname'],'groups=hmc,all','nodetype.nodetype=hmc','nodehm.mgt=hmc'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd hmc failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovered and defined ", $_SESSION['hmcHostname'], ".</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
//todo: input the IP addr to disover over
$discoverIP = '';
//todo: enable HMC discovery
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['hmcHostname'],'groups=hmc,all','nodetype.nodetype=hmc','nodehm.mgt=hmc'));
//if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd hmc failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovered and defined ", $_SESSION['hmcHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['bpaHostname'],'groups=frame,all','nodetype.nodetype=bpa','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.comments=bpa','vpd.mtm=9A00-100' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['bpaHostname'],'groups=frame,all','nodetype.nodetype=bpa','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.comments=bpa','vpd.mtm=9A00-100' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['bpaHostname'],'groups=frame,all','nodetype.nodetype=bpa','ppc.hcp=|^(.+)$|($1)|','ppc.comments=bpa'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd bpa failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovered and defined ", $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], ".</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Defined ", $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
$parts = array();
preg_match('/^(\D+)/', $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], $parts);
$bpaprefix = $parts[1];
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovering BPAs...</p>\n"; myflush();
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-c','1000,2000,2000,3000,4000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','9'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"lsslp BPA failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$numfound = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>$line</p>\n"; myflush();
$parts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) { continue; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $parts[1]</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Found $numfound BPAs.</p>\n"; myflush();
//$parts = array();
//preg_match('/^(\D+)/', $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], $parts);
//$bpaprefix = $parts[1];
// We are assuming there are 5 fsps in each bpa
//todo: when we use the real lsslp, it probably will not set nodepos attrs
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['fspHostname'],'groups=cec,all','nodetype.nodetype=fsp','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','ppc.parent=|\D+(\d+)|'.$bpaprefix.'((($1-1)/5)+1)|','nodepos.u=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','nodepos.rack=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)/5)+1)|','vpd.mtm=9125-F2A' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
//todo: we are hardcoding the cage # offset for now
//todo: now that we use the real lsslp, it is not setting nodepos attrs
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['fspHostname'],'groups=cec,all','nodetype.nodetype=fsp','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','ppc.parent=|\D+(\d+)|'.$bpaprefix.'((($1-1)/5)+1)|','nodepos.u=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','nodepos.rack=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)/5)+1)|','vpd.mtm=9125-F2A' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['fspHostname'],'groups=cec,all','nodetype.nodetype=fsp','ppc.hcp=|^(.+)$|($1)|','ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)%'.$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'].')+5)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd fsp failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovered and defined ", $_SESSION['fspHostname'], ".</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
//todo: because of the irregularity in the cage numbers in frame 4 and 8, we have to do something special
$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
$xml = docmd('nodech',"$fsps[36]-$fsps[41],$fsps[84]-$fsps[89]",array('ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)%'.$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'].')+1)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech frame failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$xml = docmd('nodech',"$fsps[42]-$fsps[47],$fsps[90]-$fsps[95]",array('ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)%'.$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'].')+3)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech frame failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput><br>Defined ", $_SESSION['fspHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovering FSPs...</p>\n"; myflush();
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','2','-c','3000,3000,3000,3000,3000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','9'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"lsslp FSP failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$numfound = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
$parts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) { continue; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $parts[1]</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Found $numfound FSPs.</p>\n"; myflush();
$xml = docmd('chdef',NULL,array('-t','group','bpa','serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|','mtm=|(\D+)(\d+)|($1)|'));
@ -445,14 +516,15 @@ while (TRUE) {
//trace("b=$b, numFrames=$numFrames, length=$length.");
//echo "<p>bpas:"; print_r($bpas); "</p>\n";
//trace("nodech ".implode(',',$bslice));
$xml = docmd('nodech',implode(',',$bslice),array("ppc.hcp=$hmcs[$h]","ppc.parent=$hmcs[$h]"));
//$xml = docmd('nodech',implode(',',$bslice),array('nodehm.mgt=hmc',"ppc.hcp=$hmcs[$h]","ppc.parent=$hmcs[$h]"));
$xml = docmd('nodech',implode(',',$bslice),array('nodehm.mgt=hmc',"ppc.hcp=$hmcs[$h]"));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech bpa failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
// Collect the list of the fsps in these bpas
$fsprange = array();
foreach ($bslice as $b2) { $fsprange = array_merge($fsprange, $bpacecs[$b2]); }
//trace("nodech ".implode(',',$fsprange));
$xml = docmd('nodech',implode(',',$fsprange),array("ppc.hcp=$hmcs[$h]"));
$xml = docmd('nodech',implode(',',$fsprange),array('nodehm.mgt=hmc',"ppc.hcp=$hmcs[$h]"));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech fsp failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
// Decide if we are all out of bpas
@ -478,8 +550,10 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
function nameres($step) {
$xml = docmd('makehosts',NULL,NULL);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makehosts failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$xml = docmd('makedns',NULL,NULL);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makedns failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
//todo: enable this on non-aix
//$xml = docmd('makedns',NULL,NULL);
//if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makedns failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -539,14 +613,15 @@ foreach ($fsps as $f) {
$bpa = $fspattrs[$f]['ppc.parent'];
//todo: currently can not create the 1st lpar in the cec
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($nodes[$n],"groups=lpars-$f,lpars-$bpa,lpars-$hcp,lpar,all",'nodetype.nodetype=lpar,osi',
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($nodes[$n],"groups=lpars-$f,lpars-$bpa,lpars-$hcp,lpar,compute,all",'nodetype.nodetype=lpar,osi',
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd nodes failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Created and defined $nodes[$n] in $f.</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Created and defined $nodes[$n] in $f.</p>\n"; myflush();
$length--; $n++;
if ($length == 0) continue; // the case of only 1 lpar per cec
$nmax = $length + $n;
$numnodes = 5; // how many lpars to create before displaying some output
$n2 = $n;
@ -568,7 +643,7 @@ foreach ($fsps as $f) {
$xml = docmd('chvm',$nstr,array('-p','diskless2'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"chvm failed for $nstr: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Created and defined $nstr in $f.</p>\n"; ob_flush(); flush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Created and defined $nstr in $f.</p>\n"; myflush();
$n2 += $length2;
if ($n2 >= $nmax) break;
@ -594,6 +669,15 @@ nextStep(++$step,TRUE);
// Flush the output buffers
function myflush() {
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] != 'IBM_HTTP_Server') { ob_flush(); } // for some reason ob_flush() does not work on aix
// Currently not used.
function testhcps($action, $step) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user