create VIOS and logical partitions
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use xCAT::PPCcli qw(SUCCESS EXPECT_ERROR RC_ERROR NR_ERROR);
use xCAT::Usage;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::FSPUtils;
use xCAT::VMCommon;
#use Data::Dumper;
use xCAT::MsgUtils qw(verbose_message);
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ sub chvm_parse_extra_options {
my $args = shift;
my $opt = shift;
# Partition used attributes #
my @support_ops = qw(vmcpus vmmemory vmphyslots vmothersetting);
my @support_ops = qw(vmcpus vmmemory vmphyslots vmothersetting vmstorage vmnics del_vadapter);
if (ref($args) ne 'ARRAY') {
return "$args";
@ -84,6 +85,24 @@ sub chvm_parse_extra_options {
$opt->{bsr} = $1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "vmstorage") {
if (exists($opt->{vios})) {
if ($value !~ /\d+/) {
return "'$value' is invalid, must be numbers";
} else {
my @array = ();
for (1..$value) {
push @array, 0;
$value = \@array;
} else {
if ($value =~ /^([\w_-]*):(\d+)$/) {
$value = ["0,$1:$2"];
} else {
return "'$value' is invalid, must be in form of 'Server_name:slotnum'";
} else {
@ -124,7 +143,7 @@ sub chvm_parse_args {
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|verbose p=s i=s m=s r=s p775) )) {
if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|verbose p=s i=s m=s r=s p775 vios) )) {
return( usage() );
@ -398,7 +417,7 @@ sub mkvm_parse_args {
push @unsupport_ops, $tmpop;
my @support_ops = qw(vmcpus vmmemory vmphyslots vmothersetting);
my @support_ops = qw(vmcpus vmmemory vmphyslots vmothersetting vmnics vmstorage);
if (defined(@ARGV[0]) and defined($opt{full})) {
return(usage("Option 'full' shall be used alone."));
} elsif (defined(@ARGV[0])) {
@ -711,6 +730,45 @@ sub do_op_extra_cmds {
$action = "part_set_lpar_pending_proc";
} elsif ($op eq "vmphyslots") {
$action = "set_io_slot_owner_uber";
} elsif ($op eq "del_vadapter") {
$action = "part_clear_vslot_config";
} elsif ($op eq "vmnics") {
my @vlans = split /,/,$param;
foreach (@vlans) {
if (/vlan(\d+)/i) {
my $vlanid = $1;
my $mac = lc(xCAT::VMCommon::genMac($name));
if ($mac =~ /(..):(..):(..):(..):(..):(..)/) {
my $tail = hex($6)+$vlanid;
$mac = sprintf("$1$2$3$4$5%02x",$tail);
my $value = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request,$name, $d, "part_set_veth_slot_config",0,"0,$vlanid,$mac");
if (@$value[1] && ((@$value[1] =~ /Error/i) && (@$value[2] ne '0'))) {
return ([[$name, @$value[1], '1']]) ;
} else {
push @values, [$name, "Success", '0'];
} elsif ($op eq "vmstorage") {
foreach my $v_info (@$param) {
if ($v_info =~ /(\d+),([\w_-]*):(\d+)/) {
my $vios = &find_lpar_id($request, @$d[3], $2);
my $r_slotid = $3;
if (!defined($vios)) {
return ([[$name, "Cannot find lparid for Server lpar:$1", '1']]);
$v_info = "$1,$vios,$r_slotid";
my $value = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request,$name, $d, "part_set_vscsi_slot_config",0,$v_info);
if (@$value[1] && ((@$value[1] =~ /Error/i) && (@$value[2] ne '0'))) {
return ([[$name, @$value[1], '1']]) ;
} else {
push @values, [$name, "Success", '0'];
} elsif ($op eq "vmmemory") {
my @td = @$d;
@td[0] = 0;
@ -750,6 +808,9 @@ sub do_op_extra_cmds {
$action = "part_set_lpar_pending_mem";
} elsif ($op eq "bsr") {
$action = "set_lpar_bsr";
} elsif ($op eq "vios") {
print __LINE__."=========>op=vios===\n";
} else {
@ -1638,6 +1699,34 @@ sub query_cec_info_actions {
#$data .= "\n";
if ($action eq "part_get_all_vio_info") {
my @output = split /\n/, @$values[1];
my ($drc_index,$drc_name);
foreach my $line (@output) {
if ($line =~ /Index:.*drc_index:([^,]*),\s*drc_name:(.*)$/) {
$drc_index = $1;
$drc_name = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*lpar_id=(\d+),type=(vSCSI|vSerial),slot=(\d+),attr=(\d+).*remote_lpar_id=(0x\w+),remote_slot_num=(0x\w+)/) {
if ($4 eq '0') {
push @array, [$name, "$1,$3,$drc_name,$drc_index,$2 Client(Server_lparid=$5,Server_slotid=$6)", 0];
} else {
push @array, [$name, "$1,$3,$drc_name,$drc_index,$2 Server", 0];
} elsif ($line =~ /\s*lpar_id=(\d+),type=(vEth),slot=(\d+).*port_vlan_id=(\d+),mac_addr=(\w+)/) {
push @array, [$name, "$1,$3,$drc_name,$drc_index,$2 (port_vlanid=$4,mac_addr=$5)", 0];
#} elsif ($line =~ /\s*lpar_id=(\d+),type=(\w+),slot=(\d+)/) {
# push @array, [$name, "$1,$3,$drc_name,$drc_index,$2", 0];
#} else {
#print "=====>line:$line\n";
#push @array, [$name, $line, 0];
$drc_index = '';
$drc_name = '';
#$data .= "@$values[1]\n\n";
push @array, [$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]];
@ -1660,14 +1749,16 @@ sub query_cec_info {
my $args = $request->{opt};
my @td = ();
my @result = ();
print Dumper($request);
print Dumper($hash);
while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while (my ($name, $d) = each (%$h)) {
@td = @$d;
if (@$d[0] == 0 && @$d[4] ne "lpar") {
if (@$d[0] == 0 && @$d[4] !~ /lpar|vios/) {
#my $rethash = query_cec_info_actions($request, $name, $d, 0, ["part_get_lpar_processing","part_get_lpar_memory","part_get_all_vio_info","lpar_lhea_mac","part_get_all_io_bus_info","get_huge_page","get_cec_bsr"]);
my $rethash = query_cec_info_actions($request, $name, $d, 0, ["part_get_lpar_processing","part_get_lpar_memory","part_get_all_io_bus_info","get_huge_page","get_cec_bsr"]);
my $rethash = query_cec_info_actions($request, $name, $d, 0, ["part_get_lpar_processing","part_get_lpar_memory","part_get_all_io_bus_info","part_get_all_vio_info","get_huge_page","get_cec_bsr"]);
#push @result, [$name, $rethash, 0];
push @result, @$rethash;
@ -1766,7 +1857,7 @@ sub deal_with_avail_mem {
} else {
$cur_avail = $lparhash->{hyp_avail_mem} + $used_regions - $tmphash{lpar0_used_mem};
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "====****====used:$used_regions,avail:$cur_avail,($min:$cur:$max).");
#xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "====****====used:$used_regions,avail:$cur_avail,($min:$cur:$max).");
if ($cur_avail < $min) {
return([$name, "Parse reserverd regions failed, no enough memory, available:$lparhash->{hyp_avail_mem}.", 1]);
@ -1781,6 +1872,17 @@ sub deal_with_avail_mem {
return 0;
sub find_lpar_id {
my $request = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $name = shift;
my %mapping = %{$request->{ppc}->{$parent}->{mapping}};
if (exists($mapping{$name})) {
return $mapping{$name};
return undef;
sub create_lpar {
my $request = shift;
my $name = shift;
@ -1804,12 +1906,42 @@ sub create_lpar {
xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "part_set_lpar_group_id");
xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "part_set_lpar_avail_priority");
#print "======>physlots:$lparhash->{physlots}.\n";
$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "set_io_slot_owner_uber", 0, $lparhash->{physlots});
#$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "set_io_slot_owner", 0, join(",",@phy_io_array));
if (@$values[2] ne 0) {
&set_lpar_undefined($request, $name, $d);
return ([$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]]);
if (exists($lparhash->{physlots})) {
$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "set_io_slot_owner_uber", 0, $lparhash->{physlots});
#$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "set_io_slot_owner", 0, join(",",@phy_io_array));
if (@$values[2] ne 0) {
&set_lpar_undefined($request, $name, $d);
return ([$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]]);
if (exists($lparhash->{nics})) {
my @vlans = split /,/,$lparhash->{nics};
foreach (@vlans) {
if (/vlan(\d+)/i) {
my $vlanid = $1;
my $mac = lc(xCAT::VMCommon::genMac($name));
if ($mac =~ /(..):(..):(..):(..):(..):(..)/) {
my $tail = hex($6)+$vlanid;
$mac = sprintf("$1$2$3$4$5%02x",$tail);
$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request,$name, $d, "part_set_veth_slot_config",0,"0,$vlanid,$mac");
if (@$values[2] ne 0) {
&set_lpar_undefined($request, $name, $d);
return ([$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]]);
if (exists($lparhash->{storage})) {
foreach my $v_info (@{$lparhash->{storage}}) {
$values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request,$name, $d, "part_set_vscsi_slot_config",0,$v_info);
if (@$values[2] ne 0) {
&set_lpar_undefined($request, $name, $d);
return ([$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]]);
# ====== ====== #
if (exists($lparhash->{phy_hea})) {
my $phy_hash = $lparhash->{phy_hea};
foreach my $phy_drc (keys %$phy_hash) {
@ -1850,6 +1982,7 @@ sub create_lpar {
&set_lpar_undefined($request, $name, $d);
return ([$name, @$values[1], @$values[2]]);
xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "part_set_lpar_comp_modes");
#print "======>memory:$lparhash->{huge_page}.\n";
xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "set_huge_page", 0, $lparhash->{huge_page});
@ -1866,7 +1999,6 @@ sub create_lpar {
return ([$name, "Done", 0]);
sub mkspeclpar {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
@ -1880,7 +2012,7 @@ sub mkspeclpar {
while (my ($mtms, $h) = each (%$hash)) {
my $memhash;
my @nodes = keys(%$h);
my $ent = $vmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['cpus', 'memory','physlots', 'othersettings']);
my $ent = $vmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['cpus', 'memory','physlots', 'othersettings', 'storage', 'nics']);
while (my ($name, $d) = each (%$h)) {
if (@$d[4] ne 'lpar') {
push @result, [$name, "Node must be LPAR", 1];
@ -1889,7 +2021,7 @@ sub mkspeclpar {
if (!exists($memhash->{run})) {
my @td = @$d;
@td[0] = 0;
$memhash = &query_cec_info_actions($request, $name, \@td, 1, ["part_get_hyp_process_and_mem","lpar_lhea_mac"]);
$memhash = &query_cec_info_actions($request, $name, \@td, 1, ["part_get_hyp_process_and_mem","lpar_lhea_mac","part_get_all_io_bus_info"]);
$memhash->{run} = 1;
my $tmp_ent = $ent->{$name}->[0];
@ -1902,13 +2034,50 @@ sub mkspeclpar {
if (exists($opt->{vmphyslots})) {
$tmp_ent->{physlots} = $opt->{vmphyslots};
if (exists($opt->{vmothersetting})) {
$tmp_ent->{othersettings} = $opt->{vmothersetting};
if (exists($opt->{vmstorage})) {
$tmp_ent->{storage} = $opt->{vmstorage};
if (exists($opt->{vmnics})) {
$tmp_ent->{nics} = $opt->{vmnics};
if (exists($opt->{vios})) {
if (!exists($tmp_ent->{physlots})) {
my @phy_io_array = keys(%{$memhash->{bus}});
$tmp_ent->{physlots} = join(",", @phy_io_array);
if (exists($tmp_ent->{storage}) and $tmp_ent->{storage} !~ /^\d+$/) {
return ([[$name, "Parameter for 'vmstorage' is invalid", 1]]);
} elsif (exists($tmp_ent->{storage})) {
my $num = $tmp_ent->{storage};
my @array = ();
for (1..$num) {
push @array, '0';
$tmp_ent->{storage} = \@array;
} else {
if (exists($tmp_ent->{storage}) and $tmp_ent->{storage} !~ /^[\w_-]*:\d+$/) {
return ([[$name, "Parameter for 'vmstorage' is invalid", 1]]);
} elsif (exists($tmp_ent->{storage})) {
if ($tmp_ent->{storage} =~ /([\w_-]*):(\d+)/) {
my $vios = &find_lpar_id($request, @$d[3], $1);
my $r_slotid = $2;
if (!defined($vios)) {
return ([[$name, "Cannot find lparid for Server lpar:$1"]]);
$tmp_ent->{storage} = ["0,$vios,$r_slotid"];
if (!defined($tmp_ent) ) {
return ([[$name, "Not find params", 1]]);
} elsif (!exists($tmp_ent->{cpus}) || !exists($tmp_ent->{memory}) || !exists($tmp_ent->{physlots})) {
return ([[$name, "The attribute 'vmcpus', 'vmmemory' and 'vmphyslots' are all needed to be specified.", 1]]);
#} elsif (!exists($tmp_ent->{cpus}) || !exists($tmp_ent->{memory}) || !exists($tmp_ent->{physlots})) {
} elsif (!exists($tmp_ent->{cpus}) || !exists($tmp_ent->{memory})) {
return ([[$name, "The attribute 'vmcpus', 'vmmemory' are needed to be specified.", 1]]);
if ($tmp_ent->{memory} =~ /(\d+)([G|M]?)\/(\d+)([G|M]?)\/(\d+)([G|M]?)/i) {
my $memsize = $memhash->{mem_region_size};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user