updated pasu to get the ipmi attribs from the db
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@14985 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use XML::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Dumper;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use xCAT::Utils;
@ -63,21 +63,34 @@ my @nodes=();
#print "fanout=$fanout, username=$username, noderange=$noderange\n";
my $nodeattrs;
@nodes=split(/,/, $noderange);
else { # contact xcatd to expand noderange
@nodes = expandnoderange();
else { # contact xcatd to expand noderange and get ipmi attrs
# do not need to do this call, because getting the ipmi atts will also give us a list of nodes
#@nodes = expandnoderange($noderange);
# this is reference to a hash, each key is the nodename and the value is a reference to a hash of attr values
$nodeattrs = getipmiattrs($noderange);
#print Dumper($nodeattrs);
#foreach my $k (keys(%$nodeattrs)) {
# print "$k:\n";
# my $subhash = $nodeattrs->{$k};
# foreach my $k2 (keys(%$subhash)) { print " $k2=", $subhash->{$k2}, "\n"; }
@nodes = keys(%$nodeattrs);
my ($defaultuser, $defaultpw);
if (!defined($username) || !defined($passwd)) {
my ($user, $pw) = getcredentials();
if (!defined($username)) { $username = $user; }
if (!defined($passwd)) { $passwd = $pw; }
($defaultuser, $defaultpw) = getdefaultcredentials();
#if (!defined($username)) { $username = $user; }
#if (!defined($passwd)) { $passwd = $pw; }
if ($::VERBOSE) { print "default username=$defaultuser, passwd=$defaultpw\n"; }
if ($::VERBOSE) { print "username=$username, passwd=$passwd\n"; }
my $children = 0;
my $inputs = new IO::Select;
my %pids; # pid => node
@ -99,24 +112,44 @@ if ($interface) {
while (scalar(@retries)) {
@nodes = @retries;
@retries = ();
foreach (@nodes) {
my $node=$_;
while ($children > $pasumaxp) { processoutput($inputs); }
my $child;
#asunode(\$child,$node,$username,$passwd,@ARGV[1 .. $#ARGV]);
asunode(\$child,$node,$username,$passwd,$batchfile,@ARGV); # child is the fd of the child process
$nodehdl{$child} = $node;
#sleep 3;
while ($inputs->count) {
while (processoutput($inputs)) {};
while (wait != -1) {
foreach (@nodes) {
my $node=$_;
my $ipmiattrs = $nodeattrs->{$node};
my $bmc = $ipmiattrs->{bmc};
if (!defined($bmc)) {
print "$node: the ipmi.bmc attribute is not defined, skipping.\n";
# if we have already forked the max # of simultaneous processes, wait till 1 finishes
while ($children > $pasumaxp) { processoutput($inputs); }
# fork anothe process
my $child;
# precedence on the username and password is: cli option, ipmi table, passwd table
my ($user, $pw);
if (defined($username)) { $user = $username; } # cli option
elsif (defined($ipmiattrs->{username})) { $user = $ipmiattrs->{username}; }
else { $user = $defaultuser; }
if (defined($passwd)) { $pw = $passwd; } # cli option
elsif (defined($ipmiattrs->{password})) { $pw = $ipmiattrs->{password}; }
else { $pw = $defaultpw; }
if ($::VERBOSE) { print "For node $node using bmc=$bmc, user=$user, pw=$pw\n"; }
#asunode(\$child,$node,$username,$passwd,@ARGV[1 .. $#ARGV]);
asunode(\$child,$node,$bmc,$user,$pw,$batchfile,@ARGV); # child is the fd of the child process
$nodehdl{$child} = $node;
# quiesce everything
while ($inputs->count) {
while (processoutput($inputs)) {};
while (wait != -1) {
my $exitcode=0;
@ -181,6 +214,7 @@ sub processoutput { #This way, one arbiter handles output, no interrupting
sub asunode {
my $out = shift; # this is a reference to the child file descriptor
my $node = shift;
my $bmc = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $passwd = shift;
my $batchfile = shift;
@ -190,7 +224,7 @@ sub asunode {
} else {
foreach my $a (@_) { $args .= ' ' . xCAT::Utils->quote($a); }
my $cmd = "$::asucmd $args --host $node --user $username --password $passwd 2>&1 |";
my $cmd = "$::asucmd $args --host $bmc --user $username --password $passwd 2>&1 |";
if ($::VERBOSE) { print "forking $cmd\n"; }
my $pid = open($$out, $cmd);
$pids{$pid} = $node;
@ -198,6 +232,7 @@ sub asunode {
# Contact xcatd to expand the noderange into a list of nodes
sub expandnoderange {
my $noderange = shift @_;
my @nodes;
my @user = getpwuid($>);
my $homedir=$user[7];
@ -244,8 +279,58 @@ sub expandnoderange {
return @nodes;
# Contact xcatd to get from the ipmi table for this list of nodes: bmc, username, password
sub getipmiattrs {
my $noderange = shift @_;
my $nodeattrs; # this will be a reference to a hash
my @user = getpwuid($>);
my $homedir=$user[7];
my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
SSL_ca_file => $homedir."/.xcat/ca.pem",
SSL_use_cert => 1,
#SSL_verify_mode => 1,
die "Connection failure: $!\n" unless ($client);
my %cmdref = (command => 'getNodesAttribs', noderange => $noderange, table => 'ipmi');
push (@{$cmdref{attr}}, qw(bmc username password));
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "No response getting ipmi attributes" };
my $msg = XMLout(\%cmdref,RootName=>'xcatrequest', NoAttr=>1, KeyAttr => []);
if ($ENV{XCATXMLTRACE}) { print $msg; }
print $client $msg;
my $response="";
while (<$client>) {
$response .= $_;
if ($response =~ m/<\/xcatresponse>/) {
if ($ENV{XCATXMLTRACE}) { print $response; }
my $rsp=XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['node']);
if ($rsp->{warning}) {
printf "Warning: ".$rsp->{warning}."\n";
if ($rsp->{error}) {
die ("ERROR: ".$rsp->{error}."\n");
} elsif ($rsp->{node}) {
#print Dumper($rsp->{node});
$nodeattrs=$rsp->{node}; # this is reference to a hash, each key is the nodename and the value is a reference to a hash of attr values
if ($rsp->{serverdone}) {
#if ($::VERBOSE) { print 'Nodes:', join(',',$nodeattrs), "\n"; }
return $nodeattrs;
# Contact xcatd to get the default user/pw for ipmi in the xcat passwd table
sub getcredentials {
sub getdefaultcredentials {
my @data;
my @user = getpwuid($>);
my $homedir=$user[7];
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ B<pasu> - run the ASU to many nodes in parallel
B<pasu> [B<-V>] [B<-d>] [B<-n>] [B<-i> I<hostname-suffix>] [B<-l> I<user>] [B<-p> I<passwd>] [B<-f> I<fanout>] I<noderange> I<command>
B<pasu> [B<-V>] [B<-d>] [B<-n>] [B<-l> I<user>] [B<-p> I<passwd>] [B<-f> I<fanout>] I<noderange> I<command>
B<pasu> [B<-V>] [B<-d>] [B<-n>] [B<-i> I<hostname-suffix>] [B<-l> I<user>] [B<-p> I<passwd>] [B<-f> I<fanout>] B<-b> I<batchfile> I<noderange>
B<pasu> [B<-V>] [B<-d>] [B<-n>] [B<-l> I<user>] [B<-p> I<passwd>] [B<-f> I<fanout>] B<-b> I<batchfile> I<noderange>
B<pasu> [B<-h> | B<--help>]
@ -17,11 +17,6 @@ that ASU connects from the xCAT management node to the IMM (BMC) of each node to
see all of the ASU settings available on the node, use the "show all" command. To query or set multiple values,
use the B<-b> (batch) option. To group similar output from multiple nodes, use L<xcoll(1)|xcoll.1>.
Current Limitation: The pasu command currently only queries the node names from the xCAT DB, but ASU really
needs to connect to the IMM of the node. You can make this work by defining hostnames for your IMMs that are of
the form: <nodename>-imm . Then use the B<-i imm> flag and pasu will add "-imm" to each nodename before contacting
it. Or you can use the B<-n> option and give the list of IMM hostnames or IP addresses explicitly.
Before running B<pasu>, you must install the ASU RPM from IBM. You can download it from the IBM Fix Central site.
You also must configure the IMMs properly according to xCAT documentation. Run "B<rpower> I<noderange> B<stat>"
to confirm that the IMMs are configured properly.
@ -30,25 +25,20 @@ to confirm that the IMMs are configured properly.
=over 10
=item B<-i|--interface> I<suffix>
A suffix to add to each nodename before connecting to it. Currently use this to change the nodename into the
IMM name.
=item B<-n|--nonodecheck>
Do not send the noderange to xcatd to expand it into a list of nodes. Use the noderange exactly as it is specified
to pasu. In this case, the noderange must be a simple list of comma-separated node names.
to pasu. In this case, the noderange must be a simple list of comma-separated hostnames of the IMMs.
=item B<-l|--loginname> I<username>
The username to use to connect to the IMMs. If not specified, the row in the xCAT B<passwd> table with key "ipmi"
will be used to get the username. Currently B<pasu> does not use the table value ipmi.username.
will be used to get the username.
=item B<-p|--passwd> I<passwd>
The password to use to connect to the IMMs. If not specified, the row in the xCAT passwd table with key "ipmi"
will be used to get the password. Currently B<pasu> does not use the table value ipmi.password.
will be used to get the password.
=item B<-f|--fanout>
@ -94,7 +84,7 @@ Display usage message.
To display the Com1ActiveAfterBoot setting on 2 nodes:
pasu -n node1,node2 show DevicesandIOPorts.Com1ActiveAfterBoot
pasu node1,node2 show DevicesandIOPorts.Com1ActiveAfterBoot
Output is similar to:
@ -103,9 +93,9 @@ Output is similar to:
=item 2.
To display the Com1ActiveAfterBoot setting on all compute nodes (and the IMMs have hostnames like <node>-imm):
To display the Com1ActiveAfterBoot setting on all compute nodes:
pasu -i imm compute show DevicesandIOPorts.Com1ActiveAfterBoot | xcoll
pasu compute show DevicesandIOPorts.Com1ActiveAfterBoot | xcoll
Output is similar to:
@ -116,7 +106,7 @@ Output is similar to:
=item 3.
To set several settings on all compute nodes (and the IMMs have hostnames like <node>-imm), create a batch file
To set several settings on all compute nodes, create a batch file
called (for example) asu-settings with contents:
set DevicesandIOPorts.Com1ActiveAfterBoot Enable
@ -126,7 +116,7 @@ called (for example) asu-settings with contents:
Then run:
pasu -i imm -b asu-settings compute | xcoll
pasu -b asu-settings compute | xcoll
Output is similar to:
@ -164,7 +154,7 @@ called (for example) asu-show with contents:
Then run:
pasu -i imm -b asu-show compute | xcoll
pasu -b asu-show compute | xcoll
Output is similar to:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user