[Energy management support for P8 with CIM] support to query power,fanspeed,cpuspeed,temp attributes

This commit is contained in:
ertaozh 2014-12-23 05:34:53 -05:00
parent 06f4eca23b
commit 673372434d

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@ -433,6 +433,123 @@ sub query_pum
return ($ret, $pum, $namepath);
=head3 query_metric
Query the attribute for instance of FipS_*metricValue class
$http_params - refer to the HTTP_PARAMS in xCAT::CIMUtils.pm
$option - the specified operation
$ret - return code and messages
$array - a hash includes all the attributes
sub query_metric
my $http_params = shift;
my $classname = shift;
my $matching_string = shift;
my %cimargs = ( classname => "$classname" );
my ($ret, $value) = xCAT::CIMUtils->enum_instance($http_params, \%cimargs);
if ($ret->{rc}) {
return $ret;
my ($matching_key, $matching_value) = split /:/,$matching_string;
my %instances_hash = ();
foreach my $instance (@$value) {
my $instance_element = undef;
my $timestamp = undef;
if (defined ($instance->{property}->{$matching_key}) and $instance->{property}->{$matching_key}->{value} !~ /$matching_value/) {
if (defined ($instance->{property}->{InstanceID})) {
$instance_element = $instance->{property}->{InstanceID}->{value};
$instance_element =~ s/ .*$//;
if (!defined($instance_element)) {
if (defined ($instance->{property}->{MeasuredElementName})) {
$instances_hash{$instance_element}->{MeasuredElementName} = $instance->{property}->{MeasuredElementName}->{value};
} else {
if (defined ($instance->{property}->{TimeStamp})) {
$timestamp = $instance->{property}->{TimeStamp}->{value};
$timestamp =~ s/\..*$//;
if (defined ($instance->{property}->{MetricValue})) {
if (defined($timestamp)) {
$instances_hash{$instance_element}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp} = $instance->{property}->{MetricValue}->{value};
return ($ret, \%instances_hash);
=head3 query_tmp
Require the input and output temperature
sub query_tmp
&query_metric(@_, "FipS_ThermalMetricValue", "InstanceID:InletAirTemp|ExhaustAirTemp");
=head3 query_cpuspeed
Require the cpuspeed history
sub query_cpuspeed
&query_metric(@_, "FipS_CPUUsageMetricValue", "InstanceID:AvgCPUUsage");
=head3 query_fanspeed
Require the fanspeed history
sub query_fanspeed
&query_metric(@_, "FipS_FanSpeedMetricValue", "InstanceID:FansSpeed");
=head3 query_powermetric
Require the AC and DC power comsume history
sub query_powermetric
my $http_params = shift;
my ($ret, $return_hash) = &query_metric($http_params, "FipS_PowerMetricValue", "InstanceID:AvgInputPwr");
if ($ret->{rc}) {
return $ret;
my %instances = ();
foreach my $ins (keys %$return_hash) {
if ($return_hash->{$ins}->{MeasuredElementName} =~ /Power Supply/) {
foreach my $timestamp (keys $return_hash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}) {
if (!exists($instances{"averageAC"}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp})) {
$instances{"averageAC"}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp} = $return_hash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp};
} else {
$instances{"averageAC"}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp} += $return_hash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$timestamp};
} else {
$instances{"averageDC"}->{MetricValue} = $return_hash->{$ins}->{MetricValue};
return ($ret, \%instances);
=head3 run_cim
@ -495,7 +612,12 @@ sub run_cim
my $query_pum_flag; # set to query the instance for [FipS_PUMService]
my $query_pum_value; # the rep queried PUM instance
my $namepath_pum; # the name path of PUM instance
my %query_return_hash = (); # the hash store the returned hashes for query functions
my $query_tmp_value; # the requrest for FipS_ThermalMetricValue class
my $query_cpuspeed_value; # the request for FipS_CPUUsageMetricValue class
my $query_fanspeed_value; # the request for FipS_FanSpeedMetricValue class
my $query_powermetric_value; # the request for FipS_PowerMetricValue class
if ($query_list) {
foreach my $attr (split(',', $query_list)) {
if ($attr =~ /^(savingstatus|dsavingstatus|fsavingstatus)$/) {
@ -506,6 +628,15 @@ sub run_cim
$query_pum_flag = 1;
if ($attr =~ /^(ambienttemp|exhausttemp)$/) {
$query_tmp_value = 1;
} elsif ($attr =~ /^CPUspeed$/) {
$query_cpuspeed_value = 1;
} elsif ($attr =~ /^fanspeed$/) {
$query_fanspeed_value = 1;
} elsif ($attr =~ /^(averageAC|averageDC)$/) {
$query_powermetric_value = 1;
@ -524,6 +655,38 @@ sub run_cim
return ($ret->{rc});
if ($query_powermetric_value) {
my ($tmpret, $tmpvalue) = query_powermetric($http_params);
if ($tmpret->{rc}) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data => ["$node: $ret->{msg}"]}, $callback);
return ($tmpret->{rc});
$query_return_hash{query_tmp} = $tmpvalue;
if ($query_fanspeed_value) {
my ($tmpret, $tmpvalue) = query_fanspeed($http_params);
if ($tmpret->{rc}) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data => ["$node: $ret->{msg}"]}, $callback);
return ($tmpret->{rc});
$query_return_hash{query_fanspeed} = $tmpvalue;
if ($query_cpuspeed_value) {
my ($tmpret, $tmpvalue) = query_cpuspeed($http_params);
if ($tmpret->{rc}) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data => ["$node: $ret->{msg}"]}, $callback);
return ($tmpret->{rc});
$query_return_hash{query_cpuspeed} = $tmpvalue;
if ($query_tmp_value) {
my ($tmpret, $tmpvalue) = query_tmp($http_params);
if ($tmpret->{rc}) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data => ["$node: $ret->{msg}"]}, $callback);
return ($tmpret->{rc});
$query_return_hash{query_tmp} = $tmpvalue;
# perform the query request
if ($query_list) {
@ -610,6 +773,44 @@ sub run_cim
if ($attr eq "ambienttemp") {
my $tmphash = $query_return_hash{query_tmp};
foreach my $ins (keys %$tmphash) {
if ($ins =~ /InletAirTemp/) {
my @times = sort keys %{$tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}};
push @output, "$node: $attr ($tmphash->{$ins}->{MeasuredElementName}): $tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$times[-1]}";
} elsif ($attr eq "exhausttemp") {
my $tmphash = $query_return_hash{query_tmp};
foreach my $ins (keys %$tmphash) {
if ($ins =~ /ExhaustAirTemp/) {
my @times = sort keys %{$tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}};
push @output, "$node: $attr ($tmphash->{$ins}->{MeasuredElementName}): $tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$times[-1]}";
} elsif ($attr =~ /^CPUspeed$/) {
my $tmphash = $query_return_hash{query_cpuspeed};
foreach my $ins (keys %$tmphash) {
if ($ins =~ /AvgCPUUsage/) {
my @times = sort keys %{$tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}};
push @output, "$node: $attr ($tmphash->{$ins}->{MeasuredElementName}): $tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$times[-1]}";
} elsif ($attr =~ /^fanspeed$/) {
my $tmphash = $query_return_hash{query_fanspeed};
foreach my $ins (keys %$tmphash) {
if ($ins =~ /FansSpeed/) {
my @times = sort keys %{$tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}};
push @output, "$node: $attr ($tmphash->{$ins}->{MeasuredElementName}): $tmphash->{$ins}->{MetricValue}->{$times[-1]}";
$query_fanspeed_value = 1;
} elsif ($attr =~ /^(averageAC|averageDC)$/) {
my $tmphash = $query_return_hash{query_powermetric};
my @times = sort keys %{$tmphash->{$attr}->{MetricValue}};
push @output, "$node: $attr: $tmphash->{$attr}->{MetricValue}->{$times[-1]}";