image import and export work. 1: added .pkglist .otherpkgs.pkglist .postinstall .exlist .synclist files for default. 2: updates osimage and linux image tables. export all values from these 2 tables. 3: make destination optional for --extra flag, if destination is not specified, it will be default to the source

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
linggao 2010-09-08 18:58:39 +00:00
parent 7aefdbf4a6
commit 641af9d99c

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Sumavi Inc (C) 2010
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
# imgport will export and import xCAT stateless, statelite, and diskful templates.
# This will make it so that you can easily share your images with others.
@ -179,12 +183,12 @@ sub get_image_info {
my $ostab = new xCAT::Table('osimage', -create=>1);
{error => ["Unable to open table 'osimage' What's going on here dude?"],errorcode=>1}
{error => ["Unable to open table 'osimage'."],errorcode=>1}
return 0;
(my $attrs) = $ostab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'profile', 'provmethod', 'osvers', 'osarch' );
(my $attrs) = $ostab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'profile', 'imagetype', 'provmethod', 'osname', 'osvers', 'osdistro', 'osarch', 'synclists');
if (!$attrs) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 0;
@ -221,6 +225,26 @@ sub get_image_info {
return 0;
my $linuximagetab = new xCAT::Table('linuximage', -create=>1);
{error => ["Unable to open table 'linuximage'"],errorcode=>1}
return 0;
#from linuximage table
(my $attrs1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist', 'otherpkgdir', 'exlist', 'postinstall', 'rootimgdir', 'netdrivers', 'kernelver');
if (!$attrs1) {
$callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the linuximage table."],errorcode=>[1]});
return 0;
#merge attrs with attrs1
foreach (keys %$attrs1) {
$attrs->{$_} = $attrs1->{$_};
$attrs = get_files($imagename, $callback, $attrs);
if($#extra > -1){
my $ex = get_extra($callback, @extra);
@ -242,25 +266,28 @@ sub get_image_info {
# }
sub get_extra {
my $callback = shift;
my @extra = @_;
my $extra;
# make sure that the extra is formatted correctly:
foreach my $e (@extra){
unless($e =~ /:/){
$callback->({error=>["Extra argument $e is not formatted correctly and will be ignored. Hint: </my/file/dir/file:to_install_dir>"],errorcode=>[1]});
my ($file , $to_dir) = split(/:/, $e);
unless( -r $file){
$callback->({error=>["Can not find Extra file $file. Argument will be ignored"],errorcode=>[1]});
#print "$file => $to_dir";
push @{ $extra}, { 'src' => $file, 'dest' => $to_dir };
return $extra;
my $callback = shift;
my @extra = @_;
my $extra;
# make sure that the extra is formatted correctly:
foreach my $e (@extra){
my ($file , $to_dir) = split(/:/, $e);
unless( -r $file){
$callback->({error=>["Can not find Extra file $file. Argument will be ignored"],errorcode=>[1]});
#print "$file => $to_dir";
if (! $to_dir) {
if (-d $file) {
} else {
push @{ $extra}, { 'src' => $file, 'dest' => $to_dir };
return $extra;
@ -287,11 +314,14 @@ sub get_files{
my $provmethod = $attrs->{provmethod};
my $osvers = $attrs->{osvers};
# here's the case for the install. All we need at first is the
# template. That should do it.
if($provmethod =~ /install/){
# we need to get the template for this one!
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/install", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/install");
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/install", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/install");
#get .tmpl file
if ((! $attrs->{template}) || (! -r $attrs->{template})) {
my $template = look_for_file('tmpl', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find install template for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
@ -300,7 +330,8 @@ sub get_files{
$callback->( {data => ["$template"]});
$attrs->{template} = $template;
$attrs->{media} = "required";
$attrs->{media} = "required";
@ -310,45 +341,55 @@ sub get_files{
# the rootimg.gz
if($osvers =~ /esx/){
# don't do anything because these files don't exist for ESX stateless.
}elsif($provmethod =~ /netboot/){
@arr = ("$installroot/netboot");
# look for ramdisk
my $ramdisk = look_for_file('initrd.gz', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find ramdisk (initrd.gz) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
} elsif($provmethod =~ /netboot/){
@arr = ("$installroot/custom/netboot", "$xcatroot/share/xcat/netboot");
#get .pkglist file
if ((! $attrs->{pkglist}) || (! -f $attrs->{pkglist})) {
# we need to get the .pkglist for this one!
my $temp = look_for_file('pkglist', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find pkglist file for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->( {data => ["$ramdisk"]});
$attrs->{ramdisk} = $ramdisk;
# look for kernel
my $kernel = look_for_file('kernel', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find kernel (kernel) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->( {data => ["$kernel"]});
$attrs->{kernel} = $kernel;
# look for rootimg.gz
my $rootimg = look_for_file('rootimg.gz', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find rootimg (rootimg.gz) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$callback->( {data => ["$rootimg"]});
$attrs->{rootimg} = $rootimg;
$attrs->{pkglist} = $temp;
@arr = ("$installroot/netboot");
# look for ramdisk
my $ramdisk = look_for_file('initrd.gz', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find ramdisk (initrd.gz) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{ramdisk} = $ramdisk;
# look for kernel
my $kernel = look_for_file('kernel', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find kernel (kernel) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{kernel} = $kernel;
# look for rootimg.gz
my $rootimg = look_for_file('rootimg.gz', $callback, $attrs, @arr);
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find rootimg (rootimg.gz) for $imagename"],errorcode=>[1]});
$attrs->{rootimg} = $rootimg;
$attrs = 0;
$attrs = 0;
return $attrs;
@ -361,48 +402,48 @@ sub get_files{
# then we just return a string of the full path to where the file is.
# mostly because we just ooze awesomeness.
sub look_for_file {
my $file = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
my @dirs = @_;
my $r_file = '';
my $profile = $attrs->{profile};
my $arch = $attrs->{osarch};
my $distname = $attrs->{osvers};
# go through the directories and look for the file. We hopefully will find it...
foreach my $d (@dirs){
# widdle down rhel5.4, rhel5., rhel5, rhel, rhe, rh, r,
my $dd = $distname; # dd is distro directory, or disco dave, whichever you prefer.
if($dd =~ /win/){ $dd = 'windows' };
until(-r "$d/$dd" or not $dd){
$callback->({data=>["not in $d/$dd..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
if($distname && $file eq 'tmpl'){
$callback->({data=>["looking in $d/$dd..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
# now look for the file name: foo.rhel5.x86_64.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$arch.tmpl") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$arch.tmpl");
# now look for the file name: foo.rhel5.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.tmpl") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.tmpl");
# now look for the file name: foo.x86_64.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$arch.tmpl") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$arch.tmpl");
# finally, look for the file name: foo.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.tmpl") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.tmpl");
# this may find the ramdisk: /install/netboot/
(-r "$d/$dd/$arch/$profile/$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$arch/$profile/$file");
my $file = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
my @dirs = @_;
my $r_file = '';
my $profile = $attrs->{profile};
my $arch = $attrs->{osarch};
my $distname = $attrs->{osvers};
# go through the directories and look for the file. We hopefully will find it...
foreach my $d (@dirs){
# widdle down rhel5.4, rhel5., rhel5, rhel, rhe, rh, r,
my $dd = $distname; # dd is distro directory, or disco dave, whichever you prefer.
if($dd =~ /win/){ $dd = 'windows' };
until(-r "$d/$dd" or not $dd){
$callback->({data=>["not in $d/$dd..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
# I got nothing man. Can't find it. Sorry 'bout that.
# returning nothing:
return '';
if($distname && (($file eq 'tmpl') || ($file eq 'pkglist'))){
$callback->({data=>["looking in $d/$dd..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
# now look for the file name: foo.rhel5.x86_64.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$arch.$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$arch.$file");
# now look for the file name: foo.rhel5.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$distname.$file");
# now look for the file name: foo.x86_64.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$arch.$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$arch.$file");
# finally, look for the file name: foo.tmpl
(-r "$d/$dd/$profile.$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$profile.$file");
# this may find the ramdisk: /install/netboot/
(-r "$d/$dd/$arch/$profile/$file") && (return "$d/$dd/$arch/$profile/$file");
# I got nothing man. Can't find it. Sorry 'bout that.
# returning nothing:
return '';
@ -440,40 +481,46 @@ sub make_bundle {
# these are the only files we copy in. (unless you have extras)
for my $a ("kernel", "template", "ramdisk", "rootimg"){
copy($attribs->{$a}, $tpath);
for my $a ("kernel", "template", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist"){
my $fn=$attribs->{$a};
if($fn) {
$callback->({data => ["$fn"]});
if (-r $fn) {
system("cp $fn $tpath");
} else {
$callback->({error=>["Couldn't find file $fn for $imagename. Skip."],errorcode=>[1]});
# extra files get copied in the extra directory.
chmod 0755,"$tpath/extra";
foreach(@{ $attribs->{extra} }){
my $fromf = $_->{src};
print " $fromf\n";
if(-d $fromf ){
print "fromf is a directory";
`cp -a $fromf/* $tpath/extra/$fromf/`;
copy($fromf, "$tpath/extra");
chmod 0755,"$tpath/extra";
foreach(@{ $attribs->{extra} }){
my $fromf = $_->{src};
print " $fromf\n";
if(-d $fromf ){
print "fromf is a directory";
`cp -a $fromf/* $tpath/extra/$fromf/`;
`cp $fromf $tpath/extra`;
# now get right below all this stuff and tar it up.
$callback->( {data => ["Inside $ttpath."]});
$dest = "$dir/$imagename.tgz";
$dest = "$dir/$imagename.tgz";
# if no absolute path specified put it in the cwd
unless($dest =~ /^\//){
$dest = "$dir/$dest";
$dest = "$dir/$dest";
$callback->( {data => ["Compressing $imagename bundle. Please be patient."]});
@ -594,7 +641,7 @@ sub extract_bundle {
# remove temp file only if there were no problems.
$rc = system("rm -rf $tpath");
#$rc = system("rm -rf $tpath");
if ($rc) {
$callback->({error=>["Failed to clean up temp space $tpath"],errorcode=>[1]});
@ -632,9 +679,24 @@ sub set_config {
my $data = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage',-create => 1,-autocommit => 0);
my $linuxtab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage',-create => 1,-autocommit => 0);
my %keyhash;
my $osimage = $data->{imagename};
{error => ["Unable to open table 'osimage'"],errorcode=>1}
return 0;
{error => ["Unable to open table 'linuximage'"],errorcode=>1}
return 0;
$callback->({data=>["Adding $osimage"]}) if $::VERBOSE;
# now we make a quick hash of what we want to put into this
@ -642,8 +704,55 @@ sub set_config {
$keyhash{profile} = $data->{profile};
$keyhash{osvers} = $data->{osvers};
$keyhash{osarch} = $data->{osarch};
if ($data->{imagetype}) {
$keyhash{imagetype} = $data->{imagetype};
if ($data->{osname}) {
$keyhash{osname} = $data->{osname};
if ($data->{osdistro}) {
$keyhash{osdistro} = $data->{osdistro};
if ($data->{synclists}) {
$keyhash{synclists} = $data->{synclists};
$ostab->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%keyhash );
if ($data->{template}) {
$keyhash{template} = $data->{template};
if ($data->{pkglist}) {
$keyhash{pkglist} = $data->{pkglist};
if ($data->{pkgdir}) {
$keyhash{pkgdir} = $data->{pkgdir};
if ($data->{otherpkglist}) {
$keyhash{otherpkglist} = $data->{otherpkglist};
if ($data->{otherpkgdir}) {
$keyhash{otherpkgdir} = $data->{otherpkgdir};
if ($data->{exlist}) {
$keyhash{exlist} = $data->{exlist};
if ($data->{postinstall}) {
$keyhash{postinstall} = $data->{postinstall};
if ($data->{rootimgdir}) {
$keyhash{rootimgdir} = $data->{rootimgdir};
if ($data->{netdrivers}) {
$keyhash{netdrivers} = $data->{netdrivers};
if ($data->{kernelver}) {
$keyhash{kernelver} = $data->{kernelver};
$linuxtab->setAttribs({imagename => $osimage }, \%keyhash );
return 1;
@ -721,158 +830,143 @@ sub verify_manifest {
sub make_files {
my $data = shift;
my $imgdir = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $os = $data->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osarch};
my $profile = $data->{profile};
my $installroot = xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir();
$installroot = '/install';
my $data = shift;
my $imgdir = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $os = $data->{osvers};
my $arch = $data->{osarch};
my $profile = $data->{profile};
my $installroot = xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir();
$installroot = '/install';
# you'll get a hash like this for install:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'install',
# 'profile' => 'all',
# 'template' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.tmpl',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.othetpkgs.synclist',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateful',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'media' => 'required',
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4'
# };
# data will look something like this for netboot:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'netboot',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'ramdisk' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/initrd.gz',
# 'kernel' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/kernel',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'pkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.pkglist',
# 'otherpkglist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.pkglist',
# 'synclists' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.othetpkgs.synclist',
# 'exlist' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.exlist',
# 'postinstall' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/compute.postinstall',
# 'extra' => [
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.centos5.4.pkglist'
# },
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.exlist'
# }
# ],
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'rootimg' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg.gz'
# };
if($data->{provmethod} =~ /install/){
# you'll get a hash like this:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'install',
# 'profile' => 'all',
# 'template' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/centos/all.tmpl',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateful',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'media' => 'required',
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4'
# };
my $template = basename($data->{template});
if($os =~ /win/){
$os = 'windows';
}elsif($os =~ /centos/){
$os = 'centos';
}elsif($os =~ /rh/){
$os = 'rh';
my $instdir = "$installroot/custom/install/$os";
#mkpath("$instdir", { verbose => 1, mode => 0755, error => \my $err });
mkpath("$instdir", { verbose => 1, mode => 0755 });
# it could be that the old one already exists, in this case back it up.
if(-r "$instdir/$template"){
$callback->( {data => ["$instdir/$template already exists. Moving to $instdir/$template.ORIG..."]});
move("$instdir/$template", "$instdir/$template.ORIG");
move("$imgdir/$template", $instdir);
}elsif($data->{osvers} =~ /esx/){
}elsif($data->{provmethod} =~/netboot|statelite/){
# data will look something like this:
#$VAR1 = {
# 'provmethod' => 'netboot',
# 'profile' => 'compute',
# 'ramdisk' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/initrd.gz',
# 'kernel' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/kernel',
# 'imagename' => 'Default_Stateless_1265981465',
# 'osarch' => 'x86_64',
# 'extra' => [
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.centos5.4.pkglist'
# },
# {
# 'dest' => '/install/custom/netboot/centos',
# 'src' => '/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.exlist'
# }
# ],
# 'osvers' => 'centos5.4',
# 'rootimg' => '/install/netboot/centos5.4/x86_64/compute/rootimg.gz'
# };
my $kernel = basename($data->{kernel});
my $ramdisk = basename($data->{ramdisk});
my $rootimg = basename($data->{rootimg});
my $netdir = "$installroot/netboot/$os/$arch/$profile";
mkpath("$netdir", {verbose => 1, mode => 0755 });
# save the old one off
foreach my $f ($kernel, $ramdisk, $rootimg){
if(-r "$netdir/$kernel"){
$callback->( {data => ["Moving old $netdir/$f to $netdir/$f.ORIG..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
move("$netdir/$f", "$netdir/$f.ORIG");
copy("$imgdir/$f", $netdir);
# TODO: for statelite we should expand the rootimg and get the table values in place.
for my $a ("kernel", "template", "ramdisk", "rootimg", "pkglist", "synclists", "otherpkglist", "postinstall", "exlist") {
my $fn=$data->{$a};
if($fn) {
$callback->({data => ["$fn"]});
my $basename=basename($fn);
my $dirname=dirname($fn);
if (! -r $dirname) {
mkpath("$dirname", { verbose => 1, mode => 0755 });
if (-r $fn) {
$callback->( {data => [" Moving old $fn to $fn.ORIG..."]});
move("$fn", "$fn.ORIG");
# have to copy extras
print "copying extras...\n" if $::VERBOSE;
#if its just a hash then there is only one entry.
if (ref($data->{extra}) eq 'HASH'){
my $ex = $data->{extra};
#my $f = basename($ex->{src});
my $ff = $ex->{src};
my $dest = $ex->{dest};
unless(moveExtra($callback, $ff, $dest, $imgdir)){
return 0;
# if its an array go through each item.
foreach(@{ $data->{extra} }) {
#my $f = basename($_->{src});
my $ff = $_->{src};
my $dest = $_->{dest};
unless(moveExtra($callback, $ff, $dest, $imgdir)){
return 0;
# have to copy extras
print "copying extras...\n" if $::VERBOSE;
#if its just a hash then there is only one entry.
if (ref($data->{extra}) eq 'HASH'){
my $ex = $data->{extra};
#my $f = basename($ex->{src});
my $ff = $ex->{src};
my $dest = $ex->{dest};
unless(moveExtra($callback, $ff, $dest, $imgdir)){
return 0;
# if its an array go through each item.
foreach(@{ $data->{extra} }) {
#my $f = basename($_->{src});
my $ff = $_->{src};
my $dest = $_->{dest};
unless(moveExtra($callback, $ff, $dest, $imgdir)){
return 0;
# return 1 meant everything was successful!
return 1;
# return 1 meant everything was successful!
return 1;
sub moveExtra {
my $callback = shift;
my $ff = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $imgdir = shift;
my $f = basename($ff);
my $callback = shift;
my $ff = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $imgdir = shift;
my $f = basename($ff);
if(-d "$imgdir/extra/$ff"){
#print "This is a directory\n";
# this extra file is a directory, so we are moving the directory over.
$callback->( {data => ["$dest"]});
unless(-d $dest){
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to create $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
# this could cause some problems. This is one of the reasons we may not want to
# allow copying of directories.
`cp -a -f $imgdir/extra/$ff/* $dest`;
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to cp -a $imgdir/extra/$ff/* to $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
#print "This is a file\n";
# this extra file is a file and we can just copy to the destination.
$callback->( {data => ["$dest/$f"]}) ;
if(-r "$dest/$f"){
$callback->( {data => ["Moving old $dest/$f to $dest/$f.ORIG..."]}) if $::VERBOSE;
move("$dest/$f", "$dest/$f.ORIG");
$callback->( {data => [" Moving old $dest/$f to $dest/$f.ORIG..."]});
move("$dest/$f", "$dest/$f.ORIG");
# this extra file is a directory, so we are moving the directory over.
print "Is $imgdir/extra/$ff a directory or a file?\n";
if(-d "$imgdir/extra/$ff"){
print "This is a directory\n";
unless(-d $dest){
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to create $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
# this could cause some problems. This is one of the reasons we may not want to
# allow copying of directories.
system("cp -a $imgdir/extra/$ff/* $dest");
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to cp -a $imgdir/extra/$ff/* to $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
print "This is a file\n";
# this extra file is a file and we can just copy to the destination.
unless(copy("$imgdir/extra/$f", $dest)){
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to copy $imgdir/extra/$f to $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
`cp $imgdir/extra/$f $dest`;
if ($?) {
$callback->( {error=>["Failed to copy $imgdir/extra/$f to $dest"], errorcode => 1});
return 0;
return 1;
return 1;