Added code for xCAT puppet integration on RH

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
linggao 2013-03-29 19:54:27 +00:00
parent 7211b9c3d5
commit 5ae42f335c
3 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
# Kit Build File
# This file was initially auto-generated by the buildkit CLI command.
# To create a new kit, the user should modify this file accordingly.
# Refer to the buildkit manpage for further details.
# kit: This section defines general info for the Kit.
# There must be exactly one kit section in a kit build file.
# kit attributes:
# basename (mandatory) Kit base name. e.g., kit-lsf
# description (optional) Kit description.
# version (mandatory) Kit version. e.g., 1.0
# ostype (mandatory) Kit OS type. Must be Linux.
# AIX is currently not supported.
# isinternal (optional) PCM use only.
# Indicate if Kit is for internal use.
# Use 1 for yes, 0 for no. Default: 0
# kitdeployparams (optional) Filename containing a list of kit deployment
# parameters, relative to
# <Kit Build Directory>/other_files
# kitlicense (mandatory) Kit license string to be built into all
# kitcomponent packages
# kittarfilename (optional) Filename.tar.bz2 to be used for the generated
# kit. Default is <basename>-<version>-<ostype>.tar.bz2
description=Kit for installing puppet server and client
# kitrepo: This section defines a Kit Package Repository.
# There must be at least one kitrepo section in a kit build file.
# If you want to support multiple OSes, you should create a separate
# repo for each OS. Also, no two repos can be defined with the same
# OS name, major/minor version and arch. For example, you cannot have
# two repos for RHEL 6.2 x86_64 in the same kit.
# kitrepo attributes:
# kitrepoid (mandatory) Kit package repository ID.
# Must be unique within this file.
# osbasename (mandatory) OS distro base name. e.g., rhels.
# osmajorversion (mandatory) OS major version. e.g., 6
# osminorversion (optional) OS minor version.
# osarch (mandatory) OS architecture. e.g., x86_64
# compat_osbasenames (optional) Comma-separated list of compatible
# OS distro base names. e.g., centos
# kitcomponent: This section defines one Kit Component.
# There can be zero or more kitcomponent sections.
# If you want to build a component which supports multiple OSes,
# you should create one kitcomponent section for each OS.
# Also, no two components in a kit can be defined with the same
# base name.
# You can define multiple kit components with the same base name
# only if each kit component using this base name meets these
# requirements:
# - Each kit component must be defined with the same version
# and release number
# - Each kit component must be defined with a unique kitrepoid
# kitcomponent attributes:
# basename (mandatory) Kit component base name
# description (optional) Kit component description
# version (mandatory) Kit component version
# release (mandatory) Kit component release
# serverroles (mandatory) Comma-separated list of servers that this
# component can install on. Valid values:
# mgtnode,servicenode,compute,login,storage,utility
# kitrepoid (mandatory) The ID of the kit package repository this
# component belongs to
# kitcompdeps (optional) Comma-separated list of kit component
# dependencies. These kit components can be included in
# this kit or in other kits.
# ospkgdeps (optional) Comma-separated list of OS package dependencies
# These packages must be shipped with the OS distro.
# kitpkgdeps (optional) Comma-separated list of kit package names that
# will be listed as "REQUIRES" when building this kit
# component. Each package must be defined in a separate
# kitpackage section. Each package must be in the same
# kitrepo as this kit component.
# non_native_pkgs (optional) TBD -- NOT SUPPORTED YET!
# Comma-separated list of non-native package
# paths that will be included as files in this kit
# component. All filenames are relative to
# <Kit Build Directory>/source_packages
# Kit component deployment scripts must be specified
# to manage these files.
# driverpacks (optional) Comma-separated list of driver package filenames
# Each driverpack must be defined in a separate kitpackage
# section.
# exlist (optional) Exclude list file for stateless image, relative
# to <Kit Build Directory>/other_files
# Kit component deployment scripts (optional) Each attribute specifies
# script path relative to <Kit Build Directory>/scripts
# Script attributes:
# preinstall, postinstall, preuninstall, postuninstall,
# preupgrade, postupgrade, postbootscripts,
# genimage_postinstall
description=For installing puppet client
description=For installing puppet server
# kitpackage: This section defines one Kit Package, and how to build it.
# There can be zero or more kitpackage sections.
# All filenames should be relative paths to
# <Kit Build Directory>/source_packages
# If you want to build a package which can run on multiple OSes,
# you have two options:
# 1. Build a separate package for each OS you want to support.
# For this option, you need to define one kitpackage section
# per supported OS.
# 2. Build one package that can run on multiple OSes.
# If you are building an RPM package, you are responsible for
# creating an RPM spec file that can run on multiple OSes.
# For this option, you need to define one kitpackage section
# which contains multiple kitrepoid lines.
# kitpackage attributes:
# filename (mandatory) Package filename
# kitrepoid (mandatory) The repo(s) this package belongs to.
# If multiple repos are defined, the package will be built for
# the first repo only. For the other repos, a symlink is created
# to the package built for the first repo.
# Package build methods (optional)
# Define how to build the packages.
# If you don't specify a build method, the default behavior is
# to assume the package is pre-built under
# <Kit Build Directory>/source_packages
# All files in this section are relative to
# <Kit Build Directory>/source_packages
# There are four methods to build packages.
# 1. Use pre-built RPM package
# isexternalpkg: 'no'|'0', 'yes'|'1' (default: 'no')
# Indicates whether the RPM package will be added to the
# the kit tar file now as part of the kit build process,
# or whether the customer will need to separately
# obtain the RPM pacakage and add it to the kit tar file
# using 'buildkit addpkgs'
# rpm_prebuiltdir: If isexternalpkg=no, path to directory
# containing pre-built RPM package
# 2. Build RPM from spec + src dir
# rpm_spec: Path to spec file.
# rpm_srcdir: Path to source directory.
# 3. Build RPM from spec + src tarball
# rpm_spec: Path to spec file.
# rpm_srctarball: Path to source tarball.
# 4. Build RPM from source RPM
# rpm_srpm: Path to source RPM package.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# IBM(c) 2013 EPL license
#=head2 This command configures the puppet client on a xCAT node. It is used
# as a post installation script for puppet_client_kit.rpm.
if [ "$NODESETSTATE" = "install" ]; then
#prevent getting called during full install bootup
#because the function will be called in the rpm %post section instead
exit 0
if [ -f "/proc/cmdline" ]; then # prevent running it during install into chroot image
#configure the puppet agent configuration files
/xcatpost/config_puppet_client "$@"
exit 0

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# IBM(c) 2013 EPL license
#=head2 This command configures the puppet server on a xCAT server or node.
# It is used as a post install script for puppet_server_kit.rpm
if [ "$NODESETSTATE" = "install" ]; then
#prevent getting called during full install bootup
#because the function will be called in the rpm %post section instead
exit 0
if [ -f "/proc/cmdline" ]; then # prevent running it during install into chroot image
#Now configure the pupper server
/xcatpost/config_puppet_server "$@"
#restart puppet master
service puppetmaster stop
kill $(ps auxww | grep puppet | grep master | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
service puppetmaster start
exit 0