the subroutines to generate the mypostscript for each node, according to the template mypostscript.tmpl
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -639,4 +639,922 @@ sub get_replacement {
return $rep;
my $os;
my $profile;
my $arch;
my $provmethod;
my $nodesetstate;
sub subvars_for_mypostscript {
my $self = shift;
my $nodes = shift;
$nodesetstate = shift;
my $callback = shift;
#my $tmpl = shift; #tmplfile default: "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/templates/mypostscript/mypostscript.tmpl" customized: /install/postscripts/mypostscript.tmpl
$tmplerr=undef; #clear tmplerr since we are starting fresh
my %namedargs = @_; #further expansion of this function will be named arguments, should have happened sooner.
my $installroot =
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
if($entries[0]) {
$installroot = $entries[0];
my $tmpl="$installroot/postscripts/mypostscript.tmpl";
unless ( -r $tmpl) {
unless ( -r "$tmpl") {
error => [
"site.precreatemypostscripts is set to 1 or yes. But No mypostscript template exists"
. " in directory $installroot/install/postscripts or $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/templates/mypostscript/mypostscript.tmpl"
errorcode => [1]
my $outh;
my $inh;
$idir = dirname($tmpl);
unless ($inh) {
my $rsp;
$rsp->{error}->[0]="Unable to open $tmpl, aborting\n";
my $inc;
my $t_inc;
#First load input into memory..
while (<$inh>) {
my %script_fp;
my $allattribsfromsitetable;
# read all attributes for the site table and write an export
# only run this function once for one command with noderange
$allattribsfromsitetable = getAllAttribsFromSiteTab();
my $masterhash = getMasters($nodes);
## nfsserver,installnic,primarynic
my $attribsfromnoderes = getNoderes($nodes);
foreach my $n (@$nodes ) {
$node = $n;
$inc = $t_inc;
my $tftpdir = xCAT::TableUtils::getTftpDir();
my $script;
my $scriptfile;
$scriptfile = "$tftpdir/mypostscripts/mypostscript.$node";
open($script, ">$scriptfile");
unless ($script)
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Could not open $scriptfile for writing.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
`/bin/chmod ugo+x $scriptfile`;
##attributes from site tab
my $master = $masterhash->{$node};
if( defined($master) ) {
$allattribsfromsitetable =~ s/MASTER=([^\n]+)\n/MASTER=$master\n/;
## nfsserver,installnic,primarynic
my ($nfsserver, $installnic, $primarynic, $route_vars);
my $noderesent;
if(exists($attribsfromnoderes->{$node})) {
$noderesent = $attribsfromnoderes->{$node};
if ($noderesent ){
if($noderesent->{nfsserver}) {
$nfsserver = $noderesent->{nfsserver};
if($noderesent->{installnic}) {
$installnic = $noderesent->{installnic};
if($noderesent->{primarynic}) {
$primarynic = $noderesent->{primarynic};
#print Dumper($noderesent);
if ($noderesent and defined($noderesent->{'routenames'}))
my $rn=$noderesent->{'routenames'};
my @rn_a=split(',', $rn);
my $routestab = xCAT::Table->new('routes');
if ((@rn_a > 0) && ($routestab)) {
$route_vars .= "NODEROUTENAMES=$rn\n";
$route_vars .= "export NODEROUTENAMES\n";
foreach my $route_name (@rn_a) {
my $routesent = $routestab->getAttribs({routename => $route_name}, 'net', 'mask', 'gateway', 'ifname');
if ($routesent and defined($routesent->{net}) and defined($routesent->{mask})) {
my $val="ROUTE_$route_name=" . $routesent->{net} . "," . $routesent->{mask};
$val .= ",";
if (defined($routesent->{gateway})) {
$val .= $routesent->{gateway};
$val .= ",";
if (defined($routesent->{ifname})) {
$val .= $routesent->{ifname};
$route_vars .= "$val\n";
$route_vars .= "export ROUTE_$route_name\n";
### vlan related item
my $vlan_vars;
$vlan_vars = getVlanItems($node);
## get monitoring server and other configuration data for monitoring setup on nodes
my $mon_vars;
$mon_vars = getMonItems($node);
## OSPKGDIR export
if (!$nodesetstate) { $nodesetstate = xCAT::Postage::getnodesetstate($node); }
my $typetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $et =
$typetab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['os', 'arch', 'profile', 'provmethod'],prefetchcache=>1);
if ($^O =~ /^linux/i)
unless ($et and $et->{'os'} and $et->{'arch'})
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}},
"No os or arch setting in nodetype table for $node.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return undef;
$provmethod = $et->{'provmethod'};
$os = $et->{'os'};
$arch = $et->{'arch'};
$profile = $et->{'profile'};
my $osimage_vars;
$osimage_vars = getOsimageItems($node);
## network
my $diskless_net_vars;
$diskless_net_vars = getDisklessNet();
## postscripts
my $postscripts;
$postscripts = getPostScripts();
## postbootscripts
my $postbootscripts;
$postbootscripts = getPostbootScripts();
#ok, now do everything else..
$inc =~ s/#XCATVAR:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#ENV:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#SITE_TABLE_ALL_ATTRIBS_EXPORT#/$allattribsfromsitetable/eg;
$inc =~ s/#TABLE:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^#]+)#/tabdb($1,$2,$3)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#ROUTES_VARS_EXPORT#/$route_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#VLAN_VARS_EXPORT#/$vlan_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#MONITORING_VARS_EXPORT#/$mon_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#OSIMAGE_VARS_EXPORT#/$osimage_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#NETWORK_FOR_DISKLESS_EXPORT#/$diskless_net_vars/eg;
$inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_POSTSCRIPTS_LIST#/$postscripts/eg;
$inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_POSTBOOTSCRIPTS_LIST#/$postbootscripts/eg;
$inc =~ s/#COMMAND:([^#]+)#/command($1)/eg;
$inc =~ s/#NODE#/$node/eg;
$inc =~ s/\$NODE/$node/eg;
$inc =~ s/#NFSSERVER#/$nfsserver/eg;
$inc =~ s/#INSTALLNIC#/$installnic/eg;
$inc =~ s/#PRIMARYNIC#/$primarynic/eg;
$inc =~ s/#Subroutine:([^:]+)::([^:]+)::([^:]+):([^#]+)#/subroutine($1,$2,$3,$4)/eg;
#my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new("noderes");
#my $tftpserver = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['tftpserver']);
#my $sles_sdk_media = "http://" . $tftpserver->{tftpserver} . $media_dir . "/sdk1";
#$inc =~ s/#SLES_SDK_MEDIA#/$sles_sdk_media/eg;
#if ($tmplerr) {
# close ($outh);
# return $tmplerr;
# }
#print $outh $inc;
print $script $inc;
return 0;
sub getMasterFromNoderes
my $node = shift;
my $value;
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
# if node has service node as master then override site master
my $et = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster'],prefetchcache=>1);
if ($et and defined($et->{'xcatmaster'}))
$value = $et->{'xcatmaster'};
my $sitemaster_value = $value;
$value = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing($node);
if ($value eq "0")
$value = $sitemaster_value;
return $value;
sub getMasters
my $nodes = shift;
my %masterhash;
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
# if node has service node as master then override site master
my $ethash = $noderestab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['xcatmaster'],prefetchcache=>1);
if ($ethash) {
foreach my $node ($nodes) {
if( $ethash->{$node}->[0] ) {
$masterhash{$node} = $ethash->{$node}->[0]->{xcatmaster};
if ( ! exists($masterhash{$node}))
my $value;
$value = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing($node);
if ($value eq "0")
$masterhash{$node} = $value;
return \%masterhash;
sub getNoderes
my $nodes = shift;
my %nodereshash;
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
## nfsserver,installnic,primarynic
my ($nfsserver, $installnic, $primarynic, $route_vars);
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $ethash =
['nfsserver', 'installnic', 'primarynic','routenames'],prefetchcache=>1);
if ($ethash ){
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
if( defined( $ethash->{$node}->[0]) ) {
$nodereshash{$node}{nfsserver} = $ethash->{$node}->[0]->{nfsserver};
$nodereshash{$node}{installnic} = $ethash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic};
$nodereshash{$node}{primarynic} = $ethash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic};
$nodereshash{$node}{routenames} = $ethash->{$node}->[0]->{routenames};
return \%nodereshash;
sub getAllAttribsFromSiteTab {
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $master;
my $result;
# read all attributes for the site table and write an export
# for them in the post install file
my $recs = $sitetab->getAllEntries();
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $attribute;
my $value;
my $masterset = 0;
foreach (@$recs) # export the attribute
$attribute = $_->{key};
$attribute =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$value = $_->{value};
if ($attribute eq "MASTER")
$masterset = 1;
$result .= "SITEMASTER=" . $value . "\n";
$result .= "export SITEMASTER\n";
# if node has service node as master then override site master
#my $et = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster'],prefetchcache=>1);
#if ($et and defined($et->{'xcatmaster'}))
# $value = $et->{'xcatmaster'};
# my $sitemaster_value = $value;
# $value = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($node);
# if ($value eq "0")
# {
# $value = $sitemaster_value;
# }
$result .= "$attribute=" . $value . "\n";
$result .= "export $attribute\n";
{ # not Master attribute
$result .= "$attribute='" . $value . "'\n";
$result .= "export $attribute\n";
} # end site table attributes
return $result;
sub enablesshbetweennodes
my $node = shift;
my $result;
my $enablessh=xCAT::TableUtils->enablessh($node);
if ($enablessh == 1) {
$result = "YES";
} else {
$result = "NO";
return $result;
sub subroutine
my $prefix = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $subroutine_name = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $result;
if ($key eq "THISNODE" or $key eq '$NODE') {
my $function = join("::",$prefix,$module,$subroutine_name);
no strict 'refs';
use strict;
return $result;
sub getVlanItems
my $node = shift;
my $result;
#get vlan related items
my $vlan;
my $swtab = xCAT::Table->new("switch", -create => 0);
if ($swtab) {
my $tmp = $swtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['vlan'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp) && ($tmp) && $tmp->{vlan})
$vlan = $tmp->{vlan};
$result .= "VLANID='" . $vlan . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANID\n";
} else {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm", -create => 0);
if ($vmtab) {
my $tmp1 = $vmtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nics'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp1) && ($tmp1) && $tmp1->{nics})
$result .= "VMNODE='YES'\n";
$result .= "export VMNODE\n";
my @nics=split(',', $tmp1->{nics});
foreach my $nic (@nics) {
if ($nic =~ /^vl([\d]+)$/) {
$vlan = $1;
$result .= "VLANID='" . $vlan . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANID\n";
if ($vlan) {
my $nwtab=xCAT::Table->new("networks", -create =>0);
if ($nwtab) {
my $sent = $nwtab->getAttribs({vlanid=>"$vlan"},'net','mask');
my $subnet;
my $netmask;
if ($sent and ($sent->{net})) {
if (($subnet) && ($netmask)) {
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new("hosts", -create => 0);
if ($hoststab) {
my $tmp = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['otherinterfaces'],prefetchcache=>1);
if (defined($tmp) && ($tmp) && $tmp->{otherinterfaces})
my $otherinterfaces = $tmp->{otherinterfaces};
my @itf_pairs=split(/,/, $otherinterfaces);
foreach (@itf_pairs) {
my ($name,$ip)=split(/:/, $_);
if(xCAT::NetworkUtils->ishostinsubnet($ip, $netmask, $subnet)) {
if ($name =~ /^-/ ) {
$name = $node.$name;
$result .= "VLANHOSTNAME='" . $name . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANHOSTNAME\n";
$result .= "VLANIP='" . $ip . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANIP\n";
$result .= "VLANSUBNET='" . $subnet . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANSUBNET\n";
$result .= "VLANNETMASK='" . $netmask . "'\n";
$result .= "export VLANNETMASK\n";
return $result;
sub getMonItems
my $node = shift;
my $result;
#get monitoring server and other configuration data for monitoring setup on nodes
my %mon_conf = xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeConfData($node);
foreach (keys(%mon_conf))
$result .= "$_=" . $mon_conf{$_} . "\n";
$result .= "export $_\n";
return $result;
sub getOsimageItems
my $result;
#get packge names for extra rpms
my $pkglist;
my $ospkglist;
if ( ($^O =~ /^linux/i)
&& ($provmethod)
&& ($provmethod ne "install")
&& ($provmethod ne "netboot")
&& ($provmethod ne "statelite"))
#this is the case where image from the osimage table is used
my $linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create => 1);
(my $ref1) =
$linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $provmethod},
'pkglist', 'pkgdir', 'otherpkglist',
if ($ref1)
if ($ref1->{'pkglist'})
$ospkglist = $ref1->{'pkglist'};
if ($ref1->{'pkgdir'})
$result .= "OSPKGDIR=" . $ref1->{'pkgdir'} . "\n";
$result .= "export OSPKGDIR\n";
if ($ref1->{'otherpkglist'})
$pkglist = $ref1->{'otherpkglist'};
if ($ref1->{'otherpkgdir'})
$result .=
"OTHERPKGDIR=" . $ref1->{'otherpkgdir'} . "\n";
$result .= "export OTHERPKGDIR\n";
my $stat = "install";
my $installroot = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
if ($profile)
my $platform = "rh";
if ($os)
if ($os =~ /rh.*/) { $platform = "rh"; }
elsif ($os =~ /centos.*/) { $platform = "centos"; }
elsif ($os =~ /fedora.*/) { $platform = "fedora"; }
elsif ($os =~ /SL.*/) { $platform = "SL"; }
elsif ($os =~ /sles.*/) { $platform = "sles"; }
elsif ($os =~ /ubuntu.*/) { $platform = "ubuntu"; }
elsif ($os =~ /debian.*/) { $platform = "debian"; }
elsif ($os =~ /aix.*/) { $platform = "aix"; }
elsif ($os =~ /AIX.*/) { $platform = "AIX"; }
if (($nodesetstate) && ($nodesetstate eq "netboot" || $nodesetstate eq "statelite"))
$stat = "netboot";
$ospkglist =
$profile, $os, $arch);
if (!$ospkglist)
$ospkglist =
$profile, $os, $arch);
$pkglist =
$profile, $os, $arch);
if (!$pkglist)
$pkglist =
$profile, $os, $arch);
#print "pkglist=$pkglist\n";
#print "ospkglist=$ospkglist\n";
require xCAT::Postage;
if ($ospkglist)
my $pkgtext = xCAT::Postage::get_pkglist_tex($ospkglist);
my ($envlist,$pkgtext) = xCAT::Postage::get_envlist($pkgtext);
if ($envlist) {
$result .= "ENVLIST='".$envlist."'\n";
$result .= "export ENVLIST\n";
if ($pkgtext)
$result .= "OSPKGS='".$pkgtext."'\n";
$result .= "export OSPKGS\n";
if ($pkglist)
my $pkgtext = xCAT::Postage::get_pkglist_tex($pkglist);
if ($pkgtext)
my @sublists = split('#NEW_INSTALL_LIST#', $pkgtext);
my $sl_index = 0;
foreach (@sublists)
my $tmp = $_;
my ($envlist, $tmp) = xCAT::Postage::get_envlist($tmp);
if ($envlist) {
$result .= "ENVLIST$sl_index='".$envlist."'\n";
$result .= "export ENVLIST$sl_index\n";
$result .= "OTHERPKGS$sl_index='".$tmp."'\n";
$result .= "export OTHERPKGS$sl_index\n";
if ($sl_index > 0)
$result .= "OTHERPKGS_INDEX=$sl_index\n";
$result .= "export OTHERPKGS_INDEX\n";
# SLES sdk
if ($os =~ /sles.*/)
my $installdir = $::XCATSITEVALS{'installdir'} ? $::XCATSITEVALS{'installdir'} : "/install";
my $sdkdir = "$installdir/$os/$arch/sdk1";
if (-e "$sdkdir")
$result .= "SDKDIR='" . $sdkdir . "'\n";
$result .= "export SDKDIR\n";
# check if there are sync files to be handled
my $syncfile;
if ( ($provmethod)
&& ($provmethod ne "install")
&& ($provmethod ne "netboot")
&& ($provmethod ne "statelite"))
my $osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create => 1);
if ($osimagetab)
(my $ref) =
{imagename => $provmethod}, 'osvers',
'osarch', 'profile',
'provmethod', 'synclists'
if ($ref)
$syncfile = $ref->{'synclists'};
if (!$syncfile)
my $stat = "install";
if (($nodesetstate) && ($nodesetstate eq "netboot" || $nodesetstate eq "statelite")) {
$stat = "netboot";
$syncfile =
xCAT::SvrUtils->getsynclistfile(undef, $os, $arch, $profile, $stat);
if (!$syncfile)
$result .= "NOSYNCFILES=1\n";
$result .= "export NOSYNCFILES\n";
return $result;
my $setbootfromnet = 0;
sub getDisklessNet()
my $result;
my $isdiskless = 0;
my $bootfromnet = 0;
if (($arch eq "ppc64") || ($os =~ /aix.*/i))
# on Linux, the provmethod can be install,netboot or statelite,
# on AIX, the provmethod can be null or image name
#this is for Linux
if ( ($provmethod)
&& (($provmethod eq "netboot") || ($provmethod eq "statelite")))
$isdiskless = 1;
if ($isdiskless)
(my $ip, my $mask, my $gw) = net_parms($node);
if (!$ip || !$mask || !$gw)
"Unable to determine IP, netmask or gateway for $node, can not set the node to boot from network"
$bootfromnet = 1;
$result .= "NETMASK=$mask\n";
$result .= "export NETMASK\n";
$result .= "GATEWAY=$gw\n";
$result .= "export GATEWAY\n";
$setbootfromnet = $bootfromnet;
return $result;
my $et;
my $et1;
my $et2;
sub getPostScripts
my $node = shift;
my $result;
my $ps;
my %post_hash = (); #used to reduce duplicates
my $posttab = xCAT::Table->new('postscripts');
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
# get the xcatdefaults entry in the postscripts table
my $et =
$posttab->getAttribs({node => "xcatdefaults"},
'postscripts', 'postbootscripts');
my $defscripts = $et->{'postscripts'};
if ($defscripts)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $defscripts))
if (!exists($post_hash{$n}))
$post_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
# get postscripts for images
my $osimgname = $provmethod;
if($osimgname =~ /install|netboot|statelite/){
$osimgname = "$os-$arch-$provmethod-$profile";
my $et2 =
$ostab->getAttribs({'imagename' => "$osimgname"}, ['postscripts', 'postbootscripts']);
$ps = $et2->{'postscripts'};
if ($ps)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $ps))
if (!exists($post_hash{$n}))
$post_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
# get postscripts for node specific
my $et1 =
$posttab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['postscripts', 'postbootscripts'],prefetchcache=>1);
$ps = $et1->{'postscripts'};
if ($ps)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $ps))
if (!exists($post_hash{$n}))
$post_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
if ($setbootfromnet)
$result .= "setbootfromnet\n";
# add setbootfromdisk if the nodesetstate is install and arch is ppc64
if (($nodesetstate) && ($nodesetstate eq "install") && ($arch eq "ppc64"))
$result .= "setbootfromdisk\n";
return $result;
sub getPostbootScripts
my $node = shift;
my $result;
my $ps;
my %postboot_hash = (); #used to reduce duplicates
my $defscripts = $et->{'postbootscripts'};
if ($defscripts)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $defscripts))
if (!exists($postboot_hash{$n}))
$postboot_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
# get postbootscripts for image
my $ips = $et2->{'postbootscripts'};
if ($ips)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $ips))
if (!exists($postboot_hash{$n}))
$postboot_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
# get postscripts
$ps = $et1->{'postbootscripts'};
if ($ps)
foreach my $n (split(/,/, $ps))
if (!exists($postboot_hash{$n}))
$postboot_hash{$n} = 1;
$result .= $n . "\n";
return $result;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user