Code drop for supporting KVM/VMware based virtualization in rest api interface
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ my @apigroups = (
'power', 'energy', 'energyattr', 'serviceprocessor', 'nextboot', 'bootstate',
'vitals', 'vitalsattr', 'inventory', 'inventoryattr', 'eventlog', 'beacon',
'updating','filesyncing','software_maintenance','postscript', 'nodeshell', 'nodecopy',
@ -209,18 +210,24 @@ sub outwiki {
my @example_array = ();
if (defined($def->{example})) {
push @example_array, $def->{example};
} else {
foreach (1..10) {
if (defined($def->{'example'.$_})) {
push @example_array, $def->{'example'.$_};
foreach (1..10) {
if (defined($def->{'example'.$_})) {
push @example_array, $def->{'example'.$_};
if (@example_array) {
my $exampleno = "";
if ($#example_array > 0) {
$exampleno = 1;
foreach my $line (@example_array) {
my @parts = split ('\|', $line);
print "**Example:**\n";
print "**Example$exampleno:**\n";
if ($#example_array > 0) {
if ($parts[1]) {
print "$parts[1]\n";
@ -403,23 +403,68 @@ my %URIdef = (
outhdler => \&noout,
virtualization => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{noderange}/virtualization] - The virtualization resource for the node {noderange}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/virtualization$',
GET => {
vm => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{noderange}/vm] - The virtualization node {noderange}.",
desc1 => "The node should be a virtual machine of type kvm, esxi ...",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/vm$',
GET_backup => {
desc => "Get the vm status for the node {noderange}.",
cmd => "lsvm",
fhandler => \&common,
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&actionout,
PUT => {
desc => "Change the vm status for the node {noderange}. DataBody: {new:1|clone:1|migrate:1 ...}. new=1 means to run mkvm; clone=1 means to run rclone; migrate=1 means to run rmigrate.",
cmd => "",
fhandler => \&common,
desc => "Change the configuration for the virtual machine {noderange}.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: \n Set memory size - {\"memorysize\":\"sizeofmemory(MB)\"}\n Add new disk - {\"adddisk\":\"sizeofdisk1(GB),sizeofdisk2(GB)\"}\n Purge disk - {\"purgedisk\":\"scsi_id1,scsi_id2\"}|$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Set memory to 3000MB.|PUT|/nodes/node1/vm {\"memorysize\":\"3000\"}||",
example1 => "|Add a new 20G disk.|PUT|/nodes/node1/vm {\"adddisk\":\"20G\"}||",
example2 => "|Purge the disk \'hdb\'.|PUT|/nodes/node1/vm {\"purgedisk\":\"hdb\"}||",
cmd => "chvm",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
POST => {
desc => "Create the vm node {noderange}.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: \n Set CPU count - {\"cpucount\":\"numberofcpu\"}\n Set memory size - {\"memorysize\":\"sizeofmemory(MB)\"}\n Set disk size - {\"disksize\":\"sizeofdisk\"}\n Do it by force - {\"force\":\"yes\"}|$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Create the vm node1 with a 30G disk, 2048M memory and 2 cpus.|POST|/nodes/node1/vm {\"disksize\":\"30G\",\"memorysize\":\"2048\",\"cpucount\":\"2\"}||",
cmd => "mkvm",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
desc => "Remove the vm node {noderange}.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: \n Purge disk - {\"purge\":\"yes\"}\n Do it by force - {\"force\":\"yes\"}|$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Remove the vm node1 by force and purge the disk.|DELETE|/nodes/node1/vm {\"force\":\"yes\",\"purge\":\"yes\"}||",
cmd => "rmvm",
fhandler => \&common,
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
vmclone => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{noderange}/vmclone] - The clone resource for the virtual node {noderange}.",
desc1 => "The node should be a virtual machine of kvm, esxi ...",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/vmclone$',
POST => {
desc => "Create a clone master from node {noderange}. Or clone the node {noderange} from a clone master.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: \n Clone a master named \"mastername\" - {\"tomaster\":\"mastername\"}\n Clone a node from master \"mastername\" - {\"frommaster\":\"mastername\"}\n Use Detach mode - {\"detach\":\"yes\"}\n Do it by force - {\"force\":\"yes\"}|The messages of creating Clone target.|",
example1 => "|Create a clone master named \"vmmaster\" from the node1.|POST|/nodes/node1/vmclone {\"tomaster\":\"vmmaster\",\"detach\":\"yes\"}|{\n \"node1\":{\n \"vmclone\":\"Cloning of node1.hda.qcow2 complete (clone uses 9633.19921875 for a disk size of 30720MB)\"\n }\n}|",
example2 => "|Clone the node1 from the clone master named \"vmmaster\".|POST|/nodes/node1/vmclone {\"frommaster\":\"vmmaster\"}||",
cmd => "clonevm",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&actionout,
vmmigrate => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{noderange}/vmmigrate] - The virtualization resource for migration.",
desc1 => "The node should be a virtual machine of kvm, esxi ...",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/vmmigrate$',
POST => {
desc => "Migrate a node to targe node.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: {\"target\":\"targethost\"}.",
example => "|Migrate node1 to target host host2.|POST|/nodes/node1/vmmigrate {\"target\":\"host2\"}||",
cmd => "rmigrate",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&actionout,
updating => {
@ -1812,7 +1857,82 @@ sub actionhdl {
if (isGET()) {
push @args, '-z';
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "vm") {
# handle the virtual machine
if (isGET()) {
# do nothing for kvm and esxi
}elsif (isPut()) { # change the configuration of vm
if (defined ($paramhash->{'adddisk'})) { #add new disk
push @args, ('-a', $paramhash->{'adddisk'});
#if (defined ($paramhash->{'rmdisk'})) { #remove disk
# push @args, ('-d', $paramhash->{'rmdisk'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'purgedisk'})) { #purge disk
push @args, ('-p', $paramhash->{'purgedisk'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'resizedisk'})) { #change the disk size
$paramhash->{'resizedisk'} =~ s/\:/=/; # replace : to be = in the param
push @args, ('--resize', $paramhash->{'resizedisk'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'memorysize'})) { #change the memory size
push @args, ('--mem', $paramhash->{'memorysize'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'cpucount'})) { #change the cpu size
push @args, ('--cpus', $paramhash->{'cpucount'});
} elsif (isPost()) { # create virtual machine
if (defined ($paramhash->{'master'})) { # specify the master node for clone
push @args, ('-m', $paramhash->{'master'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'disksize'})) { # specify disk size
push @args, ('-s', $paramhash->{'disksize'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'memorysize'})) { #specify the memory size
push @args, ('--mem', $paramhash->{'memorysize'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'cpucount'})) { #specify the cpu size
push @args, ('--cpus', $paramhash->{'cpucount'});
if (defined ($paramhash->{'force'}) && $paramhash->{'force'} eq "yes") { # force the recreate
push @args, "-f";
} elsif (isDelete()) {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'force'}) && $paramhash->{'force'} eq "yes") { # force the recreate
push @args, "-f";
if (defined ($paramhash->{'purge'}) && $paramhash->{'purge'} eq "yes") { # purge disk when remove the vm
push @args, "-p";
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "vmclone") {
# handle the clone of virtual machine
if (isPost()) {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'tomaster'})) {
push @args, ("-t", $paramhash->{'tomaster'});
} elsif (defined ($paramhash->{'frommaster'})) {
push @args, ("-b", $paramhash->{'frommaster'});
} else {
error ("Lack of operation data.",$STATUS_BAD_REQUEST,3);
if (defined ($paramhash->{'detach'}) && $paramhash->{'detach'} eq "yes") {
push @args, "-d";
if (defined ($paramhash->{'force'}) && $paramhash->{'force'} eq "yes") { # force the recreate
push @args, "-f";
} elsif (($params->{'resourcename'} eq "vmmigrate")) {
# handle the migration of virtual machine
if (isPost()) {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'target'})) {
push @args, $paramhash->{'target'};
} else {
error ("Lack of operation data.",$STATUS_BAD_REQUEST,3);
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@ -2638,11 +2758,18 @@ sub fetchParameters {
} elsif (isPost()) {
$pdata = $q->param('POSTDATA');
} elsif (isDelete()) {
if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /json/) {
$q->read_from_client(\$pdata, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
elsif (isPost()) { $pdata = $q->param('POSTDATA'); }
if ($dbgdata) {
$pdata = $dbgdata;
my $genparms = {};
my $phash;
if ($pdata) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user