add multi-domain support

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
nott 2013-01-18 15:22:04 +00:00
parent 9c023486d9
commit 50890c8a4a

View File

@ -12,13 +12,15 @@ use MIME::Base64;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use Socket;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
#This is a rewrite of DNS management using nsupdate rather than direct zone mangling
# This is a rewrite of DNS management using nsupdate rather than
# direct zone mangling
my $callback;
my $distro = xCAT::Utils->osver();
my $service="named";
# is this ubuntu ?
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
$service = "bind9";
@ -26,8 +28,6 @@ if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
sub handled_commands
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#my $stab = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'dnshandler'},['value']);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("dnshandler");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
unless ( defined($site_entry)) {
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ sub get_reverse_zones_for_entity {
my $tvar;
my @revs;
foreach $tvar (@tvars) {
#if ($tvar = getipaddr($node,GetNumber=>1)) { #This is an assignment, we are testing and storing the value in one shot
foreach my $net (keys %{$ctx->{nets}}) {
if ($ctx->{nets}->{$net}->{netn} == ($tvar & $ctx->{nets}->{$net}->{mask})) {
if ($net =~ /\./) { #IPv4/IN-ADDR.ARPA case.
@ -243,9 +242,8 @@ sub process_request {
# check for site.domain
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#my $stab = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'domain'},['value']);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("domain");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
unless ( defined($site_entry)) {
@ -285,7 +283,8 @@ sub process_request {
my $networkstab = xCAT::Table->new('networks',-create=>0);
unless ($networkstab) { xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,'Unable to enumerate networks, try to run makenetworks'], $callback); }
my @networks = $networkstab->getAllAttribs('net','mask','ddnsdomain');
my @networks = $networkstab->getAllAttribs('net','mask','ddnsdomain','domain','nameservers');
if ($request->{node}) { #we have a noderange to process
@nodes = @{$request->{node}};
@ -305,20 +304,23 @@ sub process_request {
my @contents = <$hostsfile>;
my $domain = $ctx->{domain};
unless ($domain =~ /^\./) { $domain = '.'.$domain; }
my $domain;
my $addr;
my $name;
my $canonical;
my $aliasstr;
my @aliases;
my $names;
my @hosts;
my %nodehash;
foreach (@contents) {
chomp; #no newline
s/#.*//; #strip comments;
s/^[ \t\n]*//; #remove leading whitespace
next unless ($_); #skip empty lines
($addr,$names) = split /[ \t]+/,$_,2;
if ($addr !~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ and $addr !~ /^[abcdef0123456789:]+$/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(":Ignoring line $_ in /etc/hosts, address seems malformed.", $callback);
@ -327,6 +329,25 @@ sub process_request {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(":Ignoring line $_ in /etc/hosts, names $names contain invalid characters (valid characters include a through z, numbers and the '-', but not '_'", $callback);
my ($host, $ip) = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostnameandip($addr);
push @hosts, $host;
# get the domains for each node - one call for all nodes in hosts file
my $nd = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getNodeDomains(\@hosts);
my %nodedomains = %$nd;
foreach my $n (keys %nodehash) {
# - need domain for this node
my $host = $nodehash{$n}{host};
unless ($domain =~ /^\./) { $domain = '.'.$domain; }
($canonical,$aliasstr) = split /[ \t]+/,$names,2;
if ($aliasstr) {
@aliases= split /[ \t]+/,$aliasstr;
@ -341,7 +362,8 @@ sub process_request {
unless ($canonical =~ /$domain/) {
unless ($canonical =~ /\.\z/) { $canonical .= '.' } #for only the sake of comparison, ensure consistant dot suffix
# for only the sake of comparison, ensure consistant dot suffix
unless ($canonical =~ /\.\z/) { $canonical .= '.' }
foreach my $alias (@aliases) {
unless ($alias =~ /$domain/) {
$alias .= $domain;
@ -352,11 +374,13 @@ sub process_request {
if ($alias eq $canonical) {
$ctx->{aliases}->{$node}->{$alias}=1; #remember alias for CNAM records later
# remember alias for CNAM records later
# exclude the nodes not belong to any nets defined in networks table
# because only the nets defined in networks table will be add zones later.
# because only the nets defined in networks table will be add
# zones later.
my $found = 0;
foreach (@networks)
@ -380,6 +404,7 @@ sub process_request {
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>0);
if ($hoststab) {
$ctx->{hoststab} = $hoststab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['ip']);
@ -404,6 +429,7 @@ sub process_request {
$maskn = Math::BigInt->new("0b".("1"x$maskbits).("0"x($numbits-$maskbits)));
$ctx->{nets}->{$_->{net}}->{mask} = $maskn;
my $net = $_->{net};
$net =~ s/\/.*//;
$ctx->{nets}->{$_->{net}}->{netn} = getipaddr($net,GetNumber=>1);
@ -418,15 +444,20 @@ sub process_request {
$ctx->{privkey} = $pent->{password};
} #do not warn/error here yet, if we can't generate or extract, we'll know later
#$stab = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'forwarders'},['value']);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("forwarders");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($site_entry)) {
my @forwarders = split /[ ,]/,$site_entry;
foreach (@networks) {
if ($_->{domain}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Getting reverse zones, this may take several minutes for a large cluster.", $callback);
foreach (@nodes) {
@ -439,19 +470,27 @@ sub process_request {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Completed getting reverse zones.", $callback);
if (1) { #TODO: function to detect and return 1 if the master server is DNS SOA for all the zones we care about
#here, we are examining local files to assure that our key is in named.conf, the zones we care about are there, and that if
#active directory is in use, allow the domain controllers to update specific zones
#$stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'directoryprovider'},['value']);
if (1) {
#TODO: function to detect and return 1 if the master server is
# DNS SOA for all the zones we care about here, we are examining
# files to assure that our key is in named.conf, the zones we
# care about are there, and that if active directory is in use,
# allow the domain controllers to update specific zones
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("directoryprovider");
$site_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($site_entry) and $site_entry eq 'activedirectory') {
#$stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'directoryservers'},['value']);
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("directoryservers");
$site_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($site_entry)) {
my @dservers = split /[ ,]/,$site_entry;
$ctx->{adservers} = \@dservers;
# - should this include all domains?
# - multi-domains not supported with activedirectory
# - TODO in future release
$ctx->{adzones} = {
"_msdcs.". $ctx->{domain} => 1,
"_sites.". $ctx->{domain} => 1,
@ -460,7 +499,7 @@ sub process_request {
#$stab =$sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'dnsupdaters'},['value']); #allow unsecure updates from these
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("dnsupdaters");
$site_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
@ -487,6 +526,7 @@ sub process_request {
$ctx->{dbdir} = get_dbdir();
$ctx->{zonesdir} = get_zonesdir();
chmod 0775, $ctx->{dbdir}; # assure dynamic dns can actually execute against the directory
@ -535,12 +575,15 @@ sub process_request {
#now we stick to Net::DNS style updates, with TSIG if possible. TODO: kerberized (i.e. Windows) DNS server support, maybe needing to use nsupdate -g....
if ($external)
$ctx->{resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(); # based on /etc/resolv.conf
# based on /etc/resolv.conf
$ctx->{resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
$ctx->{resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(nameservers=>['']); # default to localhost
# default to localhost
$ctx->{resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(nameservers=>['']);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("DNS setup is completed", $callback);
@ -550,53 +593,30 @@ sub process_request {
sub get_zonesdir {
my $ZonesDir = get_dbdir();
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#unless ($sitetab)
# my $rsp = {};
# $rsp->{data}->[0] = "No site table found.\n";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("bindzones");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
#if ($sitetab) {
# my ($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'bindzones'}, 'value');
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$ZonesDir= $site_entry;
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$ZonesDir= $site_entry;
return "$ZonesDir";
sub get_conf {
my $conf="/etc/named.conf";
# is this ubuntu ?
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#unless ($sitetab)
# my $rsp = {};
# $rsp->{data}->[0] = "No site table found.\n";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("bindconf");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
#if ($sitetab) {
#my ($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'bindconf'}, 'value');
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$conf= $site_entry;
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$conf= $site_entry;
return "$conf";
@ -604,21 +624,11 @@ sub get_conf {
sub get_dbdir {
my $DBDir;
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#unless ($sitetab) {
# my $rsp = {};
# $rsp->{data}->[0] = "No site table found.\n";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("binddir");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
#if ($sitetab) {
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'binddir'}, 'value');
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$DBDir = $site_entry;
if ( defined($site_entry) ) {
$DBDir = $site_entry;
if ( -d "$DBDir" ) {
return "$DBDir"
@ -656,12 +666,19 @@ sub update_zones {
my $ctx = shift;
my $currzone;
my $dbdir = $ctx->{dbdir};
my $domain = $ctx->{domain};
my $name = hostname;
my $node = $name;
# get the domain for the node - which is the local hostname
my ($host, $nip) = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostnameandip($node);
my @hosts;
push (@hosts, $host);
my $nd = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getNodeDomains(\@hosts);
my %nodedomains = %$nd;
my $domain = $nodedomains{$host};
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Updating zones.", $callback);
unless ($domain =~ /^\./) {
$domain = '.'.$domain;
@ -690,8 +707,9 @@ sub update_zones {
push @neededzones,keys %{$ctx->{adzones}};
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $rest) = localtime(time);
my $serial = ($mday * 100) + (($mon + 1) * 10000) + (($year + 1900) * 1000000);
foreach $currzone (@neededzones) {
my $zonefilename = $currzone;
my $zonefilename = $currzone;
if ($currzone =~ /IN-ADDR\.ARPA/) {
$currzone =~ s/\.IN-ADDR\.ARPA.*//;
my @octets = split/\./,$currzone;
@ -715,7 +733,7 @@ sub update_zones {
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
@ -727,8 +745,6 @@ sub update_zones {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Completed updating zones.", $callback);
sub update_namedconf {
my $ctx = shift;
my $namedlocation = get_conf();
@ -737,6 +753,7 @@ sub update_namedconf {
my $gotoptions=0;
my $gotkey=0;
my %didzones;
if (-r $namedlocation) {
my @currnamed=();
@ -928,7 +945,7 @@ sub update_namedconf {
my $newnameconf;
@ -937,7 +954,7 @@ sub update_namedconf {
for my $l (@newnamed) { print $newnameconf $l; }
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
if ( $distro =~ /ubuntu.*/i || $distro =~ /debian.*/i ){
chown (scalar(getpwnam('root')),scalar(getgrnam('bind')),$namedlocation);
@ -961,10 +978,14 @@ sub add_or_delete_records {
my $node;
my @ips;
my $domain = $ctx->{domain}; # store off for lazy typing and possible local mangling
unless ($domain =~ /^\./) { $domain = '.'.$domain; } becomes for consistency
$ctx->{nsmap} = {}; #will store a map to known NS records to avoid needless redundant queries to sort nodes into domains
$ctx->{updatesbyzone}={}; #sort all updates into their respective zones for bulk update for fewer DNS transactions
# get node domains
my $nd = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getNodeDomains(\@{$ctx->{nodes}});
my %nodedomains = %{$nd};
foreach $node (@{$ctx->{nodes}}) {
my $name = $node;
@ -973,9 +994,11 @@ sub add_or_delete_records {
my $domain = $nodedomains{$node};
unless ($domain =~ /^\./) { $domain = '.'.$domain; }
unless ($name =~ /$domain/) { $name .= $domain } # $name needs to represent fqdn, but must preserve $node as a nodename for cfg lookup
#if (domaintab->{$node}->[0]->{domain) { $domain = domaintab->{$node}->[0]->{domain) }
#above is TODO draft of how multi-domain support could come into play
if ($ctx->{hoststab} and $ctx->{hoststab}->{$node} and $ctx->{hoststab}->{$node}->[0]->{ip}) {
@ips = ($ctx->{hoststab}->{$node}->[0]->{ip});
} else {
@ -1007,13 +1030,15 @@ sub add_or_delete_records {
my $tmpdm;
unless ($domain =~ /\.$/) { $tmpdm = $domain.'.'; } becomes
my $zone;
foreach $zone (keys %{$ctx->{updatesbyzone}}) {
my $ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($ctx->{nsmap}->{$zone});
my $ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($ctx->{nsmap}->{$zone});
my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(nameservers=>[$ip]);
my $entry;
my $numreqs = 300; # limit to 300 updates in a payload, something broke at 644 on a certain sample, choosing 300 for now
@ -1088,7 +1113,7 @@ sub find_nameserver_for_dns {
if (defined $ctx->{aliases}->{$node}) {
foreach (keys %{$ctx->{aliases}->{$node}}) {
push @rrcontent, "$_ IN CNAME $name";
@ -1125,6 +1150,7 @@ sub find_nameserver_for_dns {
if ($ctx->{nsmap}->{$zone}) { #we have a nameserver for this zone, therefore this zone is one to update
push @{$ctx->{updatesbyzone}->{$zone}},@rrcontent;