specify paritionfile: modify template.pm for sles

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@13260 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
xq2005 2012-07-10 05:59:35 +00:00
parent e6c05ea003
commit 4c5b3ee8b1

View File

@ -208,14 +208,26 @@ sub subvars {
#the content of the specified file is a script which can write partition definition into /tmp/partitionfile
if ($scriptflag){
my $tempstr = "%inlcude /tmp/partitionfile\n";
$inc =~ s/#XCAT_PARTITION_START#[\s\S]*#XCAT_PARTITION_END#/$tempstr/;
#modify the content in the file, and write into %pre part
$partcontent = "cat > /tmp/partscript << EOF\n" . $partcontent . "\nEOF\n";
$partcontent .= "chmod 755 /tmp/partscript\n";
$partcontent .= "/tmp/partscript\n";
$inc =~ s/#XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#/$partcontent/;
#for redhat/sl/centos/kvm/fedora
if ($inc =~ /#XCAT_PARTITION_START#/) {
my $tempstr = "%inlcude /tmp/partitionfile\n";
$inc =~ s/#XCAT_PARTITION_START#[\s\S]*#XCAT_PARTITION_END#/$tempstr/;
#modify the content in the file, and write into %pre part
$partcontent = "cat > /tmp/partscript << EOF\n" . $partcontent . "\nEOF\n";
$partcontent .= "chmod 755 /tmp/partscript\n";
$partcontent .= "/tmp/partscript\n";
$inc =~ s/#XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#/$partcontent/;
#for sles/suse
elsif ($inc =~ /<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->/){
$partcontent = "cat > /tmp/partscript << EOF\n" . $partcontent . "\nEOF\n";
$partcontent .= "chmod 755 /tmp/partscript\n";
$partcontent .= "/tmp/partscript\n";
$partcontent .= "PARTDEF=`cat /tmp/partitionfile`\n";
$partcontent .= "sed -e 's/<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->[\s\S]*<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-END -->/\${PARTDEF}/' /tmp/profile/autoinst.xml > /tmp/profile/modified.xml";
$inc =~ s/#XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#/$partcontent/;
$partcontent =~ s/\s$//;
@ -252,7 +264,7 @@ sub esxipv6setup {
return 'esxcfg-vmknic -i '.$ulaaddr.'/64 "Management Network"'."\n";
sub kickstartnetwork {
my $line = "network --bootproto=";
my $hoststab;