fix monitoring infrastureture to take a pair of hostnames in noderes.monserver

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
linggao 2008-05-16 15:09:43 +00:00
parent cf40984152
commit 4638351ddd
5 changed files with 311 additions and 147 deletions

View File

@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ sub startMonitoring {
if (@product_names == 0) {
#print "product_names=@product_names\n";
my %ret=();
foreach(@product_names) {
@ -621,8 +621,9 @@ sub processNodelistTableChanges {
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach (keys(%$hierarchy)) {
my $svname=$_;
my $mon_nodes=$hierarchy->{$svname};
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierarchy->{$_};
if (($iphash{$svname}) || ($svname eq "noservicenode")) { #this is for ms
#call each plug-in to add the nodes into the monitoring domain
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
@ -638,8 +639,8 @@ sub processNodelistTableChanges {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd;
if ($action eq "a") { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname XCATBYPASS=Y monaddnode " . join(',', @noderange); }
else { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname XCATBYPASS=Y monrmnode " . join(',', @noderange); }
if ($action eq "a") { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monaddnode --local " . join(',', @noderange); }
else { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monrmnode --local " . join(',', @noderange); }
#print "cmd=$cmd\n";
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
@ -906,6 +907,48 @@ sub getPluginSettings {
return %settings;
=head3 getNodeMonServerPair
It gets the monserver and monmaster for a given node.
"monserver,monmaser" First one is the monitoring service node ip/hostname
that faces the mn and the second one is the monitoring service node ip/hostname
that faces the cn.
The value of the first one can be "noservicenode" meaning that there is no service node
for that node. In this case the second one is the site master.
sub getNodeMonServerPair {
my $node=shift;
if ($node =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) { $node=shift; }
my $monserver;
my $monmaster;
my $table2=xCAT::Table->new("noderes", -create =>0);
my $pairs;
my $tmp2=$table2->getNodeAttribs($node, ['monserver', 'servicenode', 'xcatmaster']);
if (defined($tmp2) && ($tmp2)) {
if ($tmp2->{monserver}) {
#when there is only one hostname specified in noderes.monserver,
#both monserver and monmaster take the same hostname.
if ($pairs !~ /,/) { $pairs=$tmp2->{monserver}.','.$tmp2->{monserver}; }
if (!$pairs) {
if ($tmp2->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$tmp2->{servicenode}; }
if ($tmp2->{xcatmaster}) { $monmaster=$tmp2->{xcatmaster}; }
if (!$monserver) { $monserver="noservicenode"; }
if (!$monmaster) { $monmaster=xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute('master'); }
#print "node=$node, pairs=$pairs\n";
return $pairs;
=head3 getMonHierarchy
@ -918,7 +961,10 @@ sub getPluginSettings {
A hash reference keyed by the monitoring server nodes and each value is a ref to
an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays monitored by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
If there is no service node for a node, the key will be "noservicenode".
A key is a pair of hostnames with the first one being the service node ip/hostname
that faces the mn and the second one being the service node ip/hostname that faces the cn.
The value of the first one can be "noservicenode" meaning that there is no service node
for that node. In this case the second one is the site master.
sub getMonHierarchy {
@ -929,7 +975,7 @@ sub getMonHierarchy {
my @tmp1=$table->getAllAttribs(('node','status'));
my $table2=xCAT::Table->new("noderes", -create =>0);
my @tmp2=$table2->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','monserver', 'servicenode']);
my @tmp2=$table2->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','monserver', 'servicenode', 'xcatmaster']);
my %temp_hash2=();
foreach (@tmp2) {
@ -941,6 +987,7 @@ sub getMonHierarchy {
foreach (@tmp3) {
my $sitemaster=xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute('master');
if (defined(@tmp1) && (@tmp1 > 0)) {
foreach(@tmp1) {
@ -954,19 +1001,34 @@ sub getMonHierarchy {
my $monserver;
my $monmaster;
my $pairs;
my $row2=$temp_hash2{$node};
if (defined($row2) && ($row2)) {
if ($row2->{monserver}) { $monserver=$row2->{monserver}; }
elsif ($row2->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$row2->{servicenode}; }
if ($row2->{monserver}) {
#when there is only one hostname specified in noderes.monserver,
#both monserver and monmaster take the same hostname.
if ($pairs !~ /,/) { $pairs=$row2->{monserver}.','.$row2->{monserver}; }
#print "node=$node, monserver=$monserver\n";
if (!$monserver) { $monserver="noservicenode"; }
if (exists($ret->{$monserver})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$monserver};
if (!$pairs) {
if ($row2->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$row2->{servicenode}; }
if ($row2->{xcatmaster}) { $monmaster=$row2->{xcatmaster}; }
if (!$monserver) { $monserver="noservicenode"; }
if (!$monmaster) { $monmaster=$sitemaster; }
#print "node=$node, pairs=$pairs\n";
if (exists($ret->{$pairs})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$pairs};
push(@$pa, [$node, $nodetype, $status]);
else {
$ret->{$monserver}=[[$node, $nodetype, $status]];
$ret->{$pairs}=[[$node, $nodetype, $status]];
@ -990,8 +1052,11 @@ sub getMonHierarchy {
A hash reference keyed by the monitoring server nodes and each value is a ref to
an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays monitored by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
If there is no service node for a node, the key will be "noservicenode".
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
A key is a pair of hostnames with the first one being the service node ip/hostname
that faces the mn and the second one being the service node ip/hostname that faces the cn.
The value of the first one can be "noservicenode" meaning that there is no service node
for that node. In this case the second one is the site master.
sub getMonServerWithInfo {
@ -1005,7 +1070,6 @@ sub getMonServerWithInfo {
#print "getMonServerWithInfo called with @in_nodes\n";
#get all from the noderes table
my $table2=xCAT::Table->new("noderes", -create =>0);
my $table3=xCAT::Table->new("nodetype", -create =>0);
foreach (@in_nodes) {
@ -1018,25 +1082,17 @@ sub getMonServerWithInfo {
if ($tmp3->{nodetype}) { $nodetype=$tmp3->{nodetype}; }
my $monserver;
my $tmp2=$table2->getNodeAttribs($node, ['monserver', 'servicenode']);
if (defined($tmp2) && ($tmp2)) {
if ($tmp2->{monserver}) { $monserver=$tmp2->{monserver}; }
elsif ($tmp2->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$tmp2->{servicenode}; }
if (!$monserver) { $monserver="noservicenode"; }
my $pairs=getNodeMonServerPair($node);
if (exists($ret->{$monserver})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$monserver};
if (exists($ret->{$pairs})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$pairs};
push(@$pa, [$node, $nodetype, $status]);
else {
$ret->{$monserver}=[[$node, $nodetype, $status]];
$ret->{$pairs}=[[$node, $nodetype, $status]];
return $ret;
@ -1053,8 +1109,11 @@ sub getMonServerWithInfo {
A hash reference keyed by the monitoring server nodes and each value is a ref to
an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays monitored by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', active'], ['node2', 'switch', booting']...], ...}
If there is no service node for a node, the key will be "noservicenode".
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
A key is a pair of hostnames with the first one being the service node ip/hostname
that faces the mn and the second one being the service node ip/hostname that faces the cn.
The value of the first one can be "noservicenode" meaning that there is no service node
for that node. In this case the second one is the site master.
sub getMonServer {
@ -1068,7 +1127,6 @@ sub getMonServer {
my $ret={};
#get all from nodelist table and noderes table
my $table=xCAT::Table->new("nodelist", -create =>0);
my $table2=xCAT::Table->new("noderes", -create =>0);
my $table3=xCAT::Table->new("nodetype", -create =>0);
foreach (@in_nodes) {
@ -1084,25 +1142,19 @@ sub getMonServer {
if ($tmp3->{nodetype}) { $nodetype=$tmp3->{nodetype}; }
my $monserver;
my $tmp2=$table2->getNodeAttribs($node, ['monserver', 'servicenode']);
if (defined($tmp2) && ($tmp2)) {
if ($tmp2->{monserver}) { $monserver=$tmp2->{monserver}; }
elsif ($tmp2->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$tmp2->{servicenode}; }
if (!$monserver) { $monserver="noservicenode"; }
my $pairs=getNodeMonServerPair($node);
if (exists($ret->{$monserver})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$monserver};
if (exists($ret->{$pairs})) {
my $pa=$ret->{$pairs};
push(@$pa, [$node, $nodetype, $status]);
else {
$ret->{$monserver}=[ [$node,$nodetype, $status] ];
$ret->{$pairs}=[[$node, $nodetype, $status]];
return $ret;
@ -1124,6 +1176,77 @@ sub nodeStatMonName {
=head3 pluginsAddNodes
This function informs all the local active monitoring plug-ins to add the given
nodes to their monitoring domain.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub pluginsAddNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my %ret=();
if (!$masterpid) { refreshProductList();}
if (keys(%PRODUCT_LIST) ==0) { return %ret; }
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($noderef);
#for service node, the error may not be get shown, log it
if ($ret1[0] >0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: $svname: $ret1[1]\n");
return %ret;
=head3 pluginsRemoveNodes
This function informs all the local active monitoring plug-ins to remove the given
nodes to their monitoring domain.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub pluginsRemoveNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my %ret=();
if (!$masterpid) { refreshProductList();}
if (keys(%PRODUCT_LIST) ==0) { return %ret; }
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($noderef);
if (($ret1[0] >0)) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: $_: $ret1[1]\n");
return %ret;
=head3 addNodes
@ -1132,25 +1255,31 @@ sub nodeStatMonName {
not the localhost, the request will be sent to the conresponding service nodes.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
local 0 or 1, if set to 1, the nodes are only handled locally. No need
to find their service nodes.
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub addNodes {
my %ret=();
if (!$masterpid) { refreshProductList();}
if (keys(%PRODUCT_LIST) ==0) { return %ret; }
my $p_input=shift;
if ($p_input =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my $handle_local=shift;
my %ret=();
my @nodenames=@$p_input;
if (@nodenames == 0) { return %ret; }
#print "nodenames=@nodenames\n";
if ($handle_local) {
return pluginsAddNodes($p_input);
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
@ -1160,37 +1289,34 @@ sub addNodes {
my @mon_servers=keys(%$hierachy);
foreach (@mon_servers) {
my $svname=$_;
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$svname};
#service node come in pairs, the first one is the monserver adapter that facing the mn,
# the second one is facing the cn. we use the first one here
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$_};
if ($iphash{$_}) {
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($mon_nodes);
#for service node, the error may not be get shown, log it
if (($isSV) && ($ret1[0] >0)) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: $svname: $ret1[1]\n");
my %ret1=pluginsAddNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} elsif (!$isSV) {
if ($svname eq "noservicenode") {
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($mon_nodes);
my %ret1=pluginsAddNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} else {
#forward them to the service nodes
my @noderange=();
foreach my $nodetemp (@$mon_nodes) {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname XCATBYPASS=Y monaddnode " . join(',', @noderange);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monaddnode --local " . join(',', @noderange);
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
if ($?) {
@ -1210,23 +1336,30 @@ sub addNodes {
not the localhost, the request will be sent to the conresponding service nodes.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
local 0 or 1, if set to 1, the nodes are only handled locally. No need
to find their service nodes.
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub removeNodes {
my %ret=();
if (!$masterpid) { refreshProductList();}
if (keys(%PRODUCT_LIST) ==0) { return %ret; }
my $p_input=shift;
if ($p_input =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my $handle_local=shift;
my %ret=();
my @nodenames=@$p_input;
if (@nodenames == 0) { return %ret; }
#print "nodenames=@nodenames\n";
if ($handle_local) {
return pluginsRemoveNodes($p_input);
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
@ -1237,37 +1370,33 @@ sub removeNodes {
my @mon_servers=keys(%$hierachy);
foreach (@mon_servers) {
my $svname=$_;
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$svname};
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$_};
if ($iphash{$_}) {
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($mon_nodes);
#for service node, the error may not be get shown, log it
if (($isSV) && ($ret1[0] >0)) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: $svname: $ret1[1]\n");
my %ret1=pluginsRemoveNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} elsif (!$isSV) {
if ($svname eq "noservicenode") {
#let all actvie modules to process it
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($mon_nodes);
my %ret1=pluginsRemoveNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} else {
#forward them to the service nodes
my @noderange=();
foreach my $nodetemp (@$mon_nodes) {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname XCATBYPASS=Y monrmnode " . join(',', @noderange);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monrmnode --local " . join(',', @noderange);
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
if ($?) {

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use IO::File;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
#print "xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon loaded\n";
@ -92,14 +93,14 @@ sub configBMC {
#the identification of this node
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
if (!$isSV) { $iphash{'noservicenode'}=1;}
my %masterhash=();
my @node_a=();
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $table=xCAT::Table->new("ipmi");
if ($table) {
my @tmp1=$table->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','bmc']);
@ -108,12 +109,10 @@ sub configBMC {
my $node=$_->{node};
my $bmc=$_->{bmc};
my $monserver;
my $tent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['monserver', 'servicenode']);
if ($tent) {
if ($tent->{monserver}) { $monserver=$tent->{monserver}; }
elsif ($tent->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$tent->{servicenode}; }
my $pairs=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeMonServerPair($node);
my @a_temp=split(',',$pairs);
my $monserver=$a_temp[0];
my $master=$a_temp[1];
if ($monserver) {
if (!$iphash{$monserver}) { next;} #skip if has sn but not localhost
@ -124,7 +123,6 @@ sub configBMC {
push(@node_a, $node);
# find the master node and add the node in the hash
$master=xCAT::Utils->GetMasterNodeName($node); #should we use $bmc?
if(exists($masterhash{$master})) {
my $ref=$masterhash{$master};
push(@$ref, $node);
@ -133,14 +131,15 @@ sub configBMC {
if (@node_a==0){ return ($ret_val, $ret_text);} #nothing to handle
#print "configBMC: node_a=@node_a\n";
#now doing the real thing: enable PEF alert policy table
my $noderange=join(',',@node_a );
my $actionstring="en";
if ($action==0) {$actionstring="dis";}
#print "XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $noderange alert=$actionstring\n";
my $result = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $noderange alert=$actionstring 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changeing SNMP PEF policy for IPMI nodes $noderange:\n $result\n");
@ -153,10 +152,19 @@ sub configBMC {
my $ref2=$masterhash{$_};
if (@$ref2==0) { next;}
my $nr2=join(',', @$ref2);
my $result2 = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$_ 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changing SNMP destination for IPMI nodes $nr2:\n $result2\n");
$ret_tex .= "Changing SNMP destination for IPMI nodes $nr2:\n $result2\n";
my @tmp_a=xCAT::Utils::toIP($_);
my $ptmp=$tmp_a[0];
if ($ptmp->[0]>0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Converting to IP: $ptmp->[1]\n");
$ret_text .= "Converting to IP: $ptmp->[1]\n";
} else {
#print "XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$ptmp->[1]\n";
my $result2 = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$ptmp->[1] 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changing SNMP destination for IPMI nodes $nr2:\n $result2\n");
$ret_tex .= "Changing SNMP destination for IPMI nodes $nr2:\n $result2\n";
@ -184,14 +192,14 @@ sub configMPA {
#the identification of this node
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
if (!$isSV) { $iphash{'noservicenode'}=1;}
my %mpa_hash=();
my %masterhash=();
my @node_a=();
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $table=xCAT::Table->new("mp");
if ($table) {
my @tmp1=$table->getAllNodeAttribs(['mpa']);
@ -203,12 +211,10 @@ sub configMPA {
my $monserver;
my $tent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($mpa,['monserver', 'servicenode']);
if ($tent) {
if ($tent->{monserver}) { $monserver=$tent->{monserver}; }
elsif ($tent->{servicenode}) { $monserver=$tent->{servicenode}; }
my $pairs=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeMonServerPair($mpa);
my @a_temp=split(',',$pairs);
my $monserver=$a_temp[0];
my $master=$a_temp[1];
if ($monserver) {
if (!$iphash{$monserver}) { next;} #skip if has sn but not localhost
@ -219,7 +225,6 @@ sub configMPA {
push(@node_a, $mpa);
# find the master node and add the node in the hash
$master=xCAT::Utils->GetMasterNodeName($mpa); #should we use $bmc?
if(exists($masterhash{$master})) {
my $ref=$masterhash{$master};
push(@$ref, $mpa);
@ -228,15 +233,18 @@ sub configMPA {
if (@node_a==0){ return ($ret_val, $ret_text);} #nothing to handle
#print "configMPA: node_a=@node_a\n";
#now doing the real thing: enable PEF alert policy table
my $noderange=join(',',@node_a );
#print "noderange=@noderange\n";
my $actionstring="en";
if ($action==0) {$actionstring="dis";}
#print "XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $noderange alert=$actionstring\n";
my $result = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $noderange alert=$actionstring 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changeing SNMP remote alert profile for Blade Center MM $noderange:\n $result\n");
@ -249,10 +257,19 @@ sub configMPA {
my $ref2=$masterhash{$_};
if (@$ref2==0) { next;}
my $nr2=join(',', @$ref2);
my $result2 = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$_ 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changing SNMP destination for Blade Center MM $nr2:\n $result2\n");
$ret_text .= "Changing SNMP destination for Blade Center MM $nr2:\n $result2\n";
my @tmp_a=xCAT::Utils::toIP($_);
my $ptmp=$tmp_a[0];
if ($ptmp->[0]>0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Converting to IP: $ptmp->[1]\n");
$ret_text .= "Converting to IP: $ptmp->[1]\n";
} else {
#print "XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$ptmp->[1]\n";
my $result2 = `XCATBYPASS=Y rspconfig $nr2 snmpdest=$ptmp->[1] 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: Changing SNMP destination for Blade Center MM $nr2:\n $result2\n");
$ret_text .= "Changing SNMP destination for Blade Center MM $nr2:\n $result2\n";
@ -520,7 +537,7 @@ sub stopNodeStatusMon {
sub addNodes {
print "snmpmon::addNodes\n";
#print "snmpmon::addNodes\n";
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon/) {

View File

@ -217,7 +217,8 @@ sub getMonNodesStatus {
my @active_nodes=();
my @unknown_nodes=();
my $monservers=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getMonHierarchy();
my $hierachy=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getMonHierarchy();
my @mon_servers=keys(%$hierachy);
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
#on a service node or on ms, get the nodes that has local host as the server node
@ -225,10 +226,20 @@ sub getMonNodesStatus {
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach my $host (@hostinfo) {
if (($monnodes) && (@$monnodes >0)) { last;}
#if this is mn, include the ones that has no service nodes
if (!$isSV) { $iphash{'noservicenode'}=1;}
foreach(@mon_servers) {
#service node come in pairs, the first one is the monserver adapter that facing the mn,
# the second one is facing the cn. we use the first one here
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $sv=$server_pair[0];
if ($iphash{$sv}) {
foreach(@$monnodes) {
my $node=$_->[0];
my $status=$_->[2];
@ -237,18 +248,6 @@ sub getMonNodesStatus {
else { push(@unknown_nodes, $node);}
#on ms, add the ones that has no service nodes
if (!$isSV) {
my $monnodes_ms=$monservers->{'noservicenode'};
foreach(@$monnodes_ms) {
my $node=$_->[0];
my $status=$_->[2];
if ($status eq $::STATUS_ACTIVE) { push(@active_nodes, $node);}
elsif ($status eq $::STATUS_INACTIVE) { push(@inactive_nodes, $node);}
else { push(@unknown_nodes, $node);}

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@ -308,9 +308,13 @@ sub monstart {
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach (@mon_servers) {
if (! $iphash{$_} && ($_ ne "noservicenode")) { #if it is not this node, meaning it is ms
#service node come in pairs, the first one is the monserver adapter that facing the mn,
# the second one is facing the cn. we use the first one here
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $sv=$server_pair[0];
if (! $iphash{$sv} && ($sv ne "noservicenode")) { #if it is not this node, meaning it is ms
my %rsp2;
$rsp2->{data}->[0]="sending request to $_...";
$rsp2->{data}->[0]="sending request to $sv...";
# my $result=`psh --nonodecheck $_ monupdate 2>1&`;
# if ($result) {
@ -319,7 +323,7 @@ sub monstart {
# }
my %req=();
push @{$req{command}}, "monupdate";
@ -454,9 +458,13 @@ sub monstop {
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach (@mon_servers) {
if (! $iphash{$_} && ($_ ne "noservicenode")) { #if it is not this node, meaning it is ms
#service node come in pairs, the first one is the monserver adapter that facing the mn,
# the second one is facing the cn. we use the first one here
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $sv=$server_pair[0];
if (! $iphash{$sv} && ($sv ne "noservicenode")) { #if it is not this node, meaning it is ms
my %rsp2;
$rsp2->{data}->[0]="sending request to $_...";
$rsp2->{data}->[0]="sending request to $sv...";
# my $result=`psh --nonodecheck $_ monupdate 2>1&`;
# if ($result) {
@ -465,7 +473,7 @@ sub monstop {
my %req=();
push @{$req{command}}, "monupdate";
@ -660,7 +668,10 @@ sub monaddnode {
# parse the options
'h|help' => \$::HELP,
'v|version' => \$::VERSION,))
'v|version' => \$::VERSION,
'local' => \$::LOCAL,)) # this flag is used internally to indicate
# that there is no need to find the monserver for the nodes
# just handle them on the lccal host
@ -701,7 +712,7 @@ sub monaddnode {
my %ret=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->addNodes(\@nodenames);
my %ret=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->addNodes(\@nodenames,$::LOCAL);
if (%ret) {
foreach(keys(%ret)) {
@ -755,7 +766,11 @@ sub monrmnode {
# parse the options
'h|help' => \$::HELP,
'v|version' => \$::VERSION,))
'v|version' => \$::VERSION,
'local' => \$::LOCAL,)) # this flag is used internally to indicate
# that there is no need to find the monserver for the nodes
# just handle them on the lccal host
@ -790,7 +805,7 @@ sub monrmnode {
my @nodenames=noderange($noderange, 0);
if (@nodenames==0) { return 0;}
my %ret=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->removeNodes(\@nodenames);
my %ret=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->removeNodes(\@nodenames, $::LOCAL);
if (%ret) {
foreach(keys(%ret)) {
my $retstat=$ret{$_};

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@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ while ($temp=<STDIN>) {
elsif ($oid =~ /enterprises\.3183\.1\.1\.1/) { #IPMI PRTs (traps)
$node1 =~ s/(-(eth|man)\d+)?(\..*)?$//;
#$node1 =~ s/(-(eth|man)\d+)?(\..*)?$//;
$ip1 =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ while ($temp=<STDIN>) {
#print "node1=$node1\n";
#node1 is the bmc name, we need the node that bmc connects to to call xCAT
my $realnode;
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
@ -190,10 +191,13 @@ while ($temp=<STDIN>) {
if ($realnode) {$node1=$realnode;}
#print "node1=$node1\n";
# make the vlaue into a hex array for decoding
$value =~ s/\"//g;
my @varray=split(/\s+/, $value);
#print "varray=@varray\n";
foreach (@varray) { $_=hex($_); }
my $error = xCAT_plugin::ipmi->decodealert($trapid, $node1, @varray);
$briefmsg .= $error;