add the nodediscoverdef command

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
daniceexi 2013-05-16 08:19:53 +00:00
parent d256906e89
commit 42cb3d8799

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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ BEGIN
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Simple;
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::NodeRange;
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::DiscoveryUtils;
use xCAT::NodeRange qw/noderange/;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep);
@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ sub handled_commands {
nodediscoverstop => 'seqdiscovery',
nodediscoverls => 'seqdiscovery',
nodediscoverstatus => 'seqdiscovery',
nodediscoverdef => 'seqdiscovery',
@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ sub findme {
if ( -x "/usr/sbin/arp") {
$arptable = `/usr/sbin/arp -n`;
$arptable = `/sbin/arp -n`;
my @arpents = split /\n/,$arptable;
@ -618,7 +622,7 @@ sub nodediscoverls {
nodediscoverls [-h|--help|-v|--version]
nodediscoverls [-t seq|profile|switch|blade|undef|all] [-l]
nodediscoverls [-t seq|profile|switch|blade|manual|undef|all] [-l]
nodediscoverls [-u uuid] [-l]
$rsp = ();
@ -651,15 +655,16 @@ Usage:
# If the type is specified, display the corresponding type of nodes
my @SEQDiscover;
if ($type) {
if ($type !~ /^(seq|profile|switch|blade|undef|all)$/) {
if ($type !~ /^(seq|profile|switch|blade|manual|undef|all)$/) {
$usage->($callback, "The discovery type \'$type\' is not supported.");
} elsif ($uuid) {
} else {
# Check the running of sequential discovery
my @SEQDiscover = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("__SEQDiscover");
@SEQDiscover = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("__SEQDiscover");
if ($SEQDiscover[0]) {
$type = "seq";
} else {
@ -719,7 +724,7 @@ Usage:
my $rsp;
if ($type eq "sequential") {
if ($SEQDiscover[0] && $type eq "sequential") {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Discovered $discoverednum node.";
if (@discoverednodes) {
@ -802,6 +807,223 @@ Usage:
=head3 nodediscoverdef
Define the undefined entry from the discoverydata table to a specific node
Or clean the discoverydata table
sub nodediscoverdef {
my $callback = shift;
my $subreq = shift;
my $args = shift;
# The subroutine used to display the usage message
my $usage = sub {
my $cb = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $rsp;
if ($msg) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $msg;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $cb, 1);
my $usageinfo = "nodediscoverdef: Define the undefined discovery request, or clean the discovery entries in the discoverydata table (Which can be displayed by nodediscoverls command).
nodediscoverdef -u uuid -n node
nodediscoverdef -r -u uuid
nodediscoverdef -r -t {seq|profile|switch|blade|manual|undef|all}
nodediscoverdef [-h|--help|-v|--version]";
$rsp = ();
push @{$rsp->{data}}, $usageinfo;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $cb);
# Parse arguments
if ($args) {
@ARGV = @$args;
my ($type, $uuid, $node, $remove, $help, $ver);
if (!GetOptions(
'u=s' => \$uuid,
'n=s' => \$node,
't=s' => \$type,
'r' => \$remove,
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'v|version' => \$ver)) {
if ($help) {
if ($ver) {
# open the discoverydata table for the subsequent using
my $distab = xCAT::Table->new("discoverydata");
unless ($distab) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: discoverydata.");
if ($remove) {
# handle the -r to remove the entries from discoverydata table
if (!($uuid || $type) || $node) {
if ($uuid && $type) {
if ($uuid) {
# handle the -r -u <uuid>
my @disdata = $distab->getAllAttribsWhere("uuid='$uuid'", 'method');
unless (@disdata) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data=>["Cannot find discovery entry with uuid equals [$uuid]."]}, $callback);
$distab->delEntries({uuid => $uuid});
} elsif ($type) {
# handle the -r -t <...>
if ($type !~ /^(seq|profile|switch|blade|manual|undef|all)$/) {
$usage->($callback, "The discovery type \'$type\' is not supported.");
if ($type eq "all") {
# remove all the entries from discoverydata table
# there's no subroutine to remove all the entries from a table, so just make code to work around
# get all the entries first
my @disdata = $distab->getAllAttribs('uuid', 'method');
my %methodlist;
foreach my $ent (@disdata) {
if ($ent->{'method'}) {
# if the entry has 'method' att set, classify them and remove at once
$methodlist{$ent->{'method'}} = 1;
} else {
# if 'method' is not set, remove the entry directly
$distab->delEntries({uuid => $ent->{'uuid'}});
# remove entries which have method att been set
foreach my $_ (keys %methodlist) {
$distab->delEntries({method => $_});
} else {
# remove the specific type of discovery entries
if ($type =~ /^seq/) {
$type = "sequential";
$distab->delEntries({method => $type});
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", {data=>["Removing discovery entries finished."]}, $callback);
} elsif ($uuid) {
# define the undefined entry to a node
if (!$node) {
# make sure the node is valid.
my @validnode = noderange($node);
if ($#validnode != 0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data=>["The node [$node] should be a valid xCAT node."]}, $callback);
$node = $validnode[0];
# to define the a request to a node, reuse the 'discovered' command to update the node
# so the procedure will be that regenerate the request base on the attributes which stored in the discoverydata table
# get all the attributes for the entry from the discoverydata table
my @disattrs = ('uuid', 'node', 'method', 'discoverytime', 'arch', 'cpucount', 'cputype', 'memory', 'mtm', 'serial', 'nicdriver', 'nicipv4', 'nichwaddr', 'nicpci', 'nicloc', 'niconboard', 'nicfirm', 'switchname', 'switchaddr', 'switchdesc', 'switchport', 'otherdata');
my @disdata = $distab->getAllAttribsWhere("uuid='$uuid'", @disattrs);
unless (@disdata) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", {data=>["Cannot find discovery entry with uuid equals $uuid"]}, $callback);
# generate the request which is used to define the node
my $request;
my $ent = @disdata[0];
my $interfaces;
my $otherdata;
foreach my $key (keys %$ent) {
if ($key =~ /(nicdriver|nicfirm|nicipv4|nichwaddr|nicpci|nicloc|niconboard|switchaddr|switchname|switchport)/) {
# these entries are formatted as: eth0!xxx,eth1!xxx. split it and generate the request as eth0 {...}, eth1 {...}
my @ifs = split (/,/, $ent->{$key});
foreach (@ifs) {
my ($if, $value) = split('!', $_);
my $origname = $key;
if ($key eq "nicdriver") {
$origname = "driver";
} elsif ($key eq "nicfirm") {
$origname = "firmdesc";
} elsif ($key eq "nicipv4") {
$origname = "ip4address";
} elsif ($key eq "nichwaddr") {
$origname = "hwaddr";
} elsif ($key eq "nicpci") {
$origname = "pcidev";
} elsif ($key eq "nicloc") {
$origname = "location";
} elsif ($key eq "niconboard") {
$origname = "onboardeth";
push @{$interfaces->{$if}->{$origname}}, $value;
} elsif ($key eq "otherdata") {
# this entry is just keep as is, so translate to hash is enough
$otherdata = eval { XMLin($ent->{$key}, SuppressEmpty=>undef,ForceArray=>1) };
} elsif ($key eq "switchdesc") {
# just ingore the switchdesc, since it include ','
}else {
# for general attrs which just have one first level
$request->{$key} = [$ent->{$key}];
# add the interface part to the request hash
if ($interfaces) {
foreach (keys %$interfaces) {
$interfaces->{$_}->{'devname'} = [$_];
push @{$request->{nic}}, $interfaces->{$_};
# add the untouched part to the request hash
if ($otherdata) {
foreach (keys %$otherdata) {
$request->{$_} = $otherdata->{$_};
# call the 'discovered' command to update the request to a node
$request->{node} = [$node];
$request->{discoverymethod} = ['manual'];
$request->{updateswitch} = ['yes'];
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", {data=>["Defined [$uuid] to node $node."]}, $callback);
} else {
sub process_request {
my $request = shift;
@ -821,6 +1043,8 @@ sub process_request {
nodediscoverls($callback, $args);
} elsif ($command eq "nodediscoverstatus") {
nodediscoverstatus($callback, $args);
} elsif ($command eq "nodediscoverdef") {
nodediscoverdef($callback, $subreq, $args);