support get and put method on site object

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
xq2005 2012-02-16 13:06:45 +00:00
parent 249619fdc1
commit 400cb3556e

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ my $url = $q->url;
my $pathInfo = $q->path_info;
my $requestType = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
my $queryString = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
my @path = split(/\//, $pathInfo);
my %queryhash;
my @path = split(/\//, $pathInfo);
my $resource = $path[0];
my $pageContent = '';
@ -93,8 +94,10 @@ my %formatters = (
'json' => \&wrapJson,
'xml' => \&wrapXml,);
if ($q->param('format')) {
$format = $q->param('format');
if ($queryhash{'format'}) {
$format = $queryhash{'format'}->[0];
if (!exists $formatters{$format}) {
addPageContent("The format '$format' is not valid");
@ -146,22 +149,37 @@ if ($DEBUGGING) {
addPageContent("$_ = " . join(',', $q->param($_)) . "\n");
addPageContent($q->p("Query String $queryString" . "\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("Query parameters from the Query String" . Dumper(\%queryhash) . "\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("HTTP Method $requestType" . "\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("URI $url" . "\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("path " . Dumper(@path) . "\n"));
#when use put and post, can not fetch the url-parameter, so add this sub to support all kinks of method
sub fetchParameter {
my $parstr = shift;
unless ($parstr) {
my @pairs = split(/&/, $parstr);
foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
push @{$queryhash{$key}}, $value;
my $userName;
my $password;
sub handleRequest {
if (defined $q->param('userName')) {
$userName = $q->param(
if (defined $queryhash{'userName'}) {
$userName = $queryhash{'userName'}->[0];
if (defined $q->param('password')) {
$password = $q->param(
if (defined $queryhash{'password'}) {
$password = $queryhash{'password'}->[0];
if ($userName && $password) {
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{username}->[0] = $userName;
@ -709,7 +727,7 @@ sub nodesHandler {
else {
$request->{command} = 'nodels';
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
#if the table or field is specified in the URI
if (defined $subResource) {
@ -718,7 +736,10 @@ sub nodesHandler {
#maybe it's specified in the parameters
else {
push @args, $q->param('field');
my @temparray = $q->param('field');
foreach (@temparray) {
push @args, "-i", $_;
@ -994,53 +1015,34 @@ sub siteHandler {
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'site', '-o', 'clustersite';
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
my @temparray = $q->param('field');
#add the field name to get
if (scalar(@temparray) > 0) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-i';
push @{$request->{arg}}, join(',', @temparray),;
elsif (isPut() || isPatch()) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
if (defined $q->param('PUTDATA')) {
elsif (isPut()) {
$request->{command} = 'chdef';
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'site', '-o', 'clustersite';
if ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
my $entries = decode_json $q->param('PUTDATA');
foreach (values %$entries) {
my %fields = %$_;
foreach my $key (keys %fields) {
if ($key =~ /key/) {
#the key needs to be first
unshift @args, "key=$fields{$key}";
else {
push @args, "site.$key=$fields{$key}";
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
my @subResponses = sendRequest($req);
#TODO: look at the reponses and see if there are errors
push @responses, @subResponses;
foreach (@$entries) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, $_;
else {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
else {
#change response formatting
foreach my $response (@responses) {
foreach my $item (@{$response->{data}}) {
if ($item !~ /^#/) {
my @values = split(/,/, $item);
my %item = (
entry => $values[0],
value => $values[1],
comments => $values[2],
disable => $values[3]);
push @data, \%item;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
@ -1565,7 +1567,6 @@ sub wrapHtml {
$baseUri .= "/";
addPageContent($q->p("dumping in wrapHtml ".Dumper($response)));
foreach my $element (@$response) {
#foreach my $element (@$data){
@ -1619,18 +1620,27 @@ sub wrapHtml {
if ($element->{info}) {
addPageContent("<table border=1>");
foreach $item (@{$element->{info}}) {
my @values = split(/:/, $item, 2);
foreach (@values) {
if ($formatType =~ /splitCommas/) {
my @fields = split(/,/, $_, -1);
foreach (@fields) {
else {
my $fieldname = '';
my $fieldvalue = '';
#strip whitespace in the string
$item =~ s/^\s+//;
$item =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($item =~ /Object/) {
($fieldname, $fieldvalue) = split(/:/, $item);
elsif ($item =~ /.*=.*/) {
my $position = index $item, '=';
$fieldname = substr $item, 0, $position;
$fieldvalue = substr $item, $position + 1;
else {
$fieldname = $item;
addPageContent("<td>" . $fieldname . "</td>");
if ($fieldvalue ne '') {
addPageContent("<td>" . $fieldvalue . "</td>");