-Storage pool rework:
-Avoid explicit mkdir -p -Be less picky about directory schemes and names (check underlying info rather than name) -Avoid '/' in names when xCAT generates name so as not to be problematic with filenames git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@7309 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,15 +108,20 @@ sub build_pool_xml {
$host =~ s/(\/.*)//;
my $srcpath = $1;
my $uuid = xCAT::Utils::genUUID(url=>$url);
#first, we make a pool desc that won't have slashes in them
my $pooldesc = '<pool type="netfs">';
$pooldesc .= '<name>'.$url.'</name>'; #Hey, at least libvirt doesn't have stupid name restrictions...
my $name=$url;
$name=~ s!nfs://!nfs_!;
$name =~ s/\//_/g; #though libvirt considers / kosher, sometimes it wants to create a local xml file using name for filename...
$pooldesc .= '<name>'.$name.'</name>';
$pooldesc .= '<uuid>'.$uuid.'</uuid>>';
$pooldesc .= '<source>';
$pooldesc .= '<host name="'.$host.'"/>';
$pooldesc .= '<dir path="'.$srcpath.'"/>';
$pooldesc .= '</source>';
$pooldesc .= '<target><path>/var/lib/xcat/pools/'.$uuid.'</path></target></pool>';
system("ssh $mounthost mkdir -p /var/lib/xcat/pools/$uuid"); #ok, so not *technically* just building XML, but here is the cheapest
#turns out we can 'define', then 'build', then 'create' on the poolobj instead of 'create', to get mkdir -p like function
#system("ssh $mounthost mkdir -p /var/lib/xcat/pools/$uuid"); #ok, so not *technically* just building XML, but here is the cheapest
#place to know uuid... And yes, we must be allowed to ssh in
#libvirt just isn't capable enough for this sort of usage
return $pooldesc;
@ -130,18 +135,42 @@ sub get_storage_pool_by_url {
my $mounthost = shift;
unless ($virtconn) { $virtconn = $hypconn; }
my @currpools = $virtconn->list_storage_pools();
push @currpools,$virtconn->list_defined_storage_pools();
my $poolobj;
my $pool;
foreach my $poolo (@currpools) {
$poolobj = $poolo;
$pool = XMLin($poolobj->get_xml_description());
if ($pool->{name} eq $url) {
$pool = $parser->parse_string($poolobj->get_xml_description()); #XMLin($poolobj->get_xml_description());
if ($url =~ /^nfs:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)$/) { #check the essence of the pool rather than the name
my $host=$1;
my $path=$2;
unless ($pool->findnodes("/pool")->[0]->getAttribute("type") eq "netfs") {
#ok, it is netfs, now check source..
my $checkhost = $pool->findnodes("/pool/source/host")->[0]->getAttribute("name");
my $checkpath = $pool->findnodes("/pool/source/dir")->[0]->getAttribute("path");
print "$checkhost eq $host and $checkpath eq $path\n"; #) { #TODO: check name resolution to see if they match really even if not strictly the same
if ($checkhost eq $host and $checkpath eq $path) { #TODO: check name resolution to see if they match really even if not strictly the same
} elsif ($pool->findnodes('/pool/name/text()')->[0]->data eq $url) { #$pool->{name} eq $url) {
$pool = undef;
if ($pool) { return $poolobj; }
$poolobj = $virtconn->create_storage_pool(build_pool_xml($url,$mounthost));
if ($pool) {
my $inf=$poolobj->get_info();
if ($inf->{state} == 0) { #Sys::Virt::StoragePool::STATE_INACTIVE) { #if pool is currently inactive, bring it up
return $poolobj;
$poolobj = $virtconn->define_storage_pool(build_pool_xml($url,$mounthost));
return $poolobj;
@ -1065,20 +1094,28 @@ sub rinv {
sub get_pool_for_volume {
#attempts to get pool for a volume, returns false on failure
#TODO: build and use a total map of source paths to volume names. Then we could do more than just ones that end in uuid..
sub get_storage_pool_by_volume {
my $vol = shift;
my $file = $vol->get_path();
$file =~ m!/([^/]*)/($node\..*)\z!;
my $pooluuid=$1;
my $volname=$2;
my $path=$vol->get_path();
return get_storage_pool_by_path($path);
sub get_storage_pool_by_path {
#attempts to get pool for a volume, returns false on failure
my $file = shift;
my $pool;
my $vollocation=$file;
eval {
$pool = $hypconn->get_storage_pool_by_uuid($pooluuid);
my @currpools = $hypconn->list_storage_pools();
push @currpools,$hypconn->list_defined_storage_pools();
foreach $pool (@currpools) {
my $parsedpool = $parser->parse_string($pool->get_xml_description());
my $currpath = $parsedpool->findnodes("/pool/target/path/text()")->[0]->data;
if ($currpath eq $file or $file =~ /^$currpath\/[^\/]*$/) {
return $pool;
# $pool = $hypconn->get_storage_pool_by_uuid($pooluuid);
return $pool;
return undef;
sub invstorage {
@ -1103,11 +1140,10 @@ sub invstorage {
#fallback to just reporting filename if not feasible
#libvirt lacks a way to lookup a storage pool by path, so we'll only do so if using the 'default' xCAT scheme with uuid in the path
$file =~ m!/([^/]*)/($node\..*)\z!;
my $pooluuid=$1;
my $volname=$2;
my $vollocation=$file;
eval {
my $pool = $hypconn->get_storage_pool_by_uuid($pooluuid);
my $pool = get_storage_pool_by_path($file);
my $poolname = $pool->get_name();
$vollocation = "[$poolname] $volname";
@ -1539,7 +1575,7 @@ sub clonevm {
unless ($detach) {
my $rebasepath = $sourcevol->get_path();
my $rebasename = $sourcevol->get_name();
my $rebasepool = get_pool_for_volume($sourcevol);
my $rebasepool = get_storage_pool_by_volume($sourcevol);
unless ($rebasepool) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Skipping rebase of $rebasename, unable to find correct storage pool"],$callback,$node);
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