Fix code error and update the codes according to review/testing comments
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,27 +123,16 @@ sub updateUserInfo {
my @userfiles = ("/etc/passwd", "/etc/shadow", "/etc/group");
# LKV:checked before the call , no need to check again
#if (! -d $cfmdir)
# my $rsp = {};
# $rsp->{error}->[0] = "The CFM directory($cfmdir) does not exist.";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
# return 1;
my @osfiles = glob("$cfmdir/*.OS");
if (!@osfiles)
if ($::VERBOSE)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Skiping the update of the /etc/passwd, shadow, group merge
files under the CFM directory.";
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Skiping the update of the /etc/passwd, shadow, group merge files under the CFM directory.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
return 0;
return 0;
foreach my $file (@userfiles)
@ -182,8 +171,7 @@ sub updateUserInfo {
# update the merge file
# LKV my $mergefile = $cfmdir."/".$file.".merge";
my $mergefile = $cfmdir.$file.".merge";
my $mergefile = $cfmdir."/".$file.".merge";
my @diff = xCAT::CFMUtils->arrayops("D", \@newrecords, \@oldrecords);
# output the diff to merge files
if (@diff)
@ -236,13 +224,13 @@ sub setCFMSynclistFile {
if ($records->{'cfmdir'}) {$cfmdir = $records->{'cfmdir'}}
if ($records->{'synclists'}) {$synclists = $records->{'synclists'}}
} else {
if ($::VERBOSE)
if ($::VERBOSE)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "There are no records for cfmdir and synclists attribute in the osimage:$img. There is nothing to process.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
# no cfmdir defined, return directly
@ -274,17 +262,6 @@ sub setCFMSynclistFile {
# set the synclists attribute
$osimage_t->setAttribs({imagename=>$img}, {'synclists' => $synclists});
# LKV: we don't get here because we return if no $cfmdir
# but CFM synclist file should not be there if no $cfmdir, whatever
# removes cfmdir attribute must also clean up synclist file. This
# maybe should be in a cleanupscript
# if ($found and !$cfmdir)
# {
# the cfmdir is disabled, but the CFM synclist file
#is defined, remove it from $synclists
# $synclists = join(',', delete $lists[$index]);
# $osimage_t->setAttribs({imagename=>$img}, {'synclists' => $synclists});
} else {
# no synclists defined, set it to CFM synclist file
if ($cfmdir) { $synclists = $cfmsynclist; }
@ -358,22 +335,15 @@ sub updateCFMSynclistFile {
my $cfmsynclist = "/install/osimages/$osimg/synclist.cfm";
if (! -d $cfmdir)
# skip this one go on to the next image, nothing to do for
# skip this one go on to the next image, nothing to do for
# CFMUtils in this image
# LKV: if you need to remove the synclist.cfm from the synclist
# attribute, you need to do it here.
# LKV :check the cfmsynclist file and it's parent directory
# already verified cfmdir exists
#if (! -d dirname($cfmsynclist))
# mkpath dirname($cfmsynclist);
#if (! -e $cfmsynclist) # no need to touch the file
# system("touch $cfmsynclist");
# create the parent directory of CFM synclist file
if (! -d dirname($cfmsynclist))
mkpath dirname($cfmsynclist);
# update /etc/passwd, shadow, group merge files
my $ret = xCAT::CFMUtils->updateUserInfo($cfmdir);
@ -386,17 +356,6 @@ sub updateCFMSynclistFile {
return 1;
# get the user specified records in synclist file
# LKV should all no user records in the file. It should be
# created new each call. Remove this routine and all associated
# processing of user records
my ($synced_ref, $append_ref, $execute_ref, $executealways_ref, $merge_ref) = getUserSynclistRecords($cfmsynclist, $cfmdir);
my @synced = @$synced_ref;
my @append = @$append_ref;
my @execute = @$execute_ref;
my @executealways = @$executealways_ref;
my @merge = @$merge_ref;
# recursively list the files under cfm directory
my @files = ();
find ( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if (! -d) }, $cfmdir);
@ -427,65 +386,29 @@ sub updateCFMSynclistFile {
print $fp "$file -> $dest\n";
# output the user specified records for syncing
foreach my $file (@synced)
print $fp "$file\n";
# LKV: Only put EXECUTE, EXECUTEALWAYS, etc if there are files
if (@appendfiles || @append ) {
# print $fp "\n\nAPPEND:\n";
print $fp "APPEND:\n";
# output the APPEND records maintained by CFM
if (@appendfiles) {
print $fp "APPEND:\n";
foreach my $file (@appendfiles)
my $dest = substr($file, length($cfmdir), length($file) - length(".append") - length($cfmdir));
print $fp "$file -> $dest\n";
# output the user specified APPEND records
foreach my $file (@append)
print $fp "$file\n";
# output the EXECUTE records , if there are any
# LKV need to add check
if (@execute) {
#print $fp "\n\nEXECUTE:\n";
print $fp "EXECUTE:\n";
foreach my $file (@execute)
print $fp "$file\n";
# output the EXECUTEALWAYS records
if (@executealways){
#print $fp "\n\nEXECUTEALWAYS:\n";
print $fp "EXECUTEALWAYS:\n";
foreach my $file (@executealways)
print $fp "$file\n";
if (@mergefiles || @merge){
# output the MERGE records maintained by CFM
#print $fp "\n\nMERGE:\n";
print $fp "MERGE:\n";
if (@mergefiles) {
print $fp "MERGE:\n";
foreach my $file (@mergefiles)
my @userfiles = ("/etc/passwd", "/etc/shadow", "/etc/group");
my $dest = substr($file, length($cfmdir), length($file) - length(".merge") - length($cfmdir));
print $fp "$file -> $dest\n";
# output the user specified MERGE records
#LKV: you can only merge the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow
# and /etc/groups. No other files are supported.
# If you have merge files for these three files, the admin should
# not be allowed to also have merge files.
foreach my $file (@merge)
print $fp "$file\n";
# only /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/groups merging is supported
if (grep(/$dest/, @userfiles)) {
print $fp "$file -> $dest\n";
# close the file
@ -599,15 +522,11 @@ sub updateCFMPkglistFile {
return 1;
# check the cfmpkglist file and it's parent directory
# check the parent directory of cfmpkglist file
if (! -d dirname($cfmpkglist))
mkpath dirname($cfmpkglist);
if (! -e $cfmpkglist)
system("touch $cfmpkglist");
# get previous selected and removed OS packages list from pkglist file
my ($pre_selected_ref, $pre_removed_ref) = xCAT::CFMUtils->getPreOSpkgsList($cfmpkglist);
@ -652,136 +571,6 @@ sub updateCFMPkglistFile {
return 0;
=head3 getUserSynclistRecords
Get the user specified records from synclist file.
LKV: This routine should be removed. There will be no user records
$synclist - the path for synclist file
$cfmdir - the path for CFM directory
refs for synced, appened, execute, executealways and merge records arrays
my ($synced_ref, $append_ref, $execute_ref, $executealways_ref, $merge_ref) = xCAT::CFMUtils->getUserSynclistRecords($synclist, $cfmdir);
my @synced = @$synced_ref;
my @append = @$append_ref;
my @execute = @$execute_ref;
my @executealways = @$executealways_ref;
my @merge = @$merge_ref;
sub getUserSynclistRecords {
my ($class, $synclist, $cfmdir) = @_;
my @records = ();
# flags to identify the record for APPEND, EXECUTE, EXECUTEALWAYS, MERGE
my $isappend = 0;
my $isexecute = 0;
my $isexecutealways = 0;
my $ismerge = 0;
# lists for syncing files, APPEND, EXECUTE, EXECUTEALWAYS, MERGE records
my @synced = ();
my @append = ();
my @execute = ();
my @executealways = ();
my @merge = ();
my $synclistfp;
open($synclistfp, $synclist);
while (<$synclistfp>)
my $line = xCAT::CFMUtils->trim($_);
if (($line =~ /^#/) || ($line =~ /^\s*$/ ))
{ #comment line or blank line
} else
if ($line =~ /^$cfmdir/)
{ # remove the records maintained by CFM
} else
push @records, $line;
# list the records
foreach my $record (@records)
if ($record eq "APPEND:") # set flag for APPEND records
$isappend = 1;
$isexecute = 0;
$isexecutealways = 0;
$ismerge = 0;
if ($record eq "EXECUTE:") # set flag for EXECUTE records
$isexecute = 1;
$isappend = 0;
$isexecutealways = 0;
$ismerge = 0;
if ($record eq "EXECUTEALWAYS:") # set flag for EXECUTEALWAYS records
$isexecutealways = 1;
$isappend = 0;
$isexecute = 0;
$ismerge = 0;
if ($record eq "MERGE:") # set flag for MERGE records
$ismerge = 1;
$isappend = 0;
$isexecute = 0;
$isexecutealways = 0;
if (! ($isappend || $isexecute || $isexecutealways || $ismerge))
{ # syncing file record
push @synced, $record;
if ($isappend && ! ($isexecute || $isexecutealways || $ismerge))
{ # APPEND record
push @append, $record;
if ($isexecute && ! ($isappend || $isexecutealways || $ismerge))
{ # EXECUTE record
push @execute, $record;
if ($isexecutealways && ! ($isappend || $isexecute || $ismerge))
push @executealways, $record;
if ($ismerge && ! ($isappend || $isexecute || $isexecutealways))
{ # MERGE record
push @merge, $record;
return (\@synced, \@append, \@execute, \@executealways, \@merge);
=head3 getPreOSpkgsList
Reference in New Issue
Block a user