matches V16 of design

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
lissav 2012-09-26 13:34:51 +00:00
parent 24d81c3019
commit 35b563f43d

View File

@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ notification => {
osimage => {
cols => [qw(imagename groups profile imagetype desc provmethod rootfstype osdistroname osupdatename cfmdir osname osvers osdistro osarch synclists postscripts postbootscripts serverrole isdeletable kitcomponents kitdeployparams kitcomppkglist kitrepodirlist comments disable)],
cols => [qw(imagename groups profile imagetype desc provmethod rootfstype osdistroname osupdatename cfmdir osname osvers osdistro osarch synclists postscripts postbootscripts serverrole isdeletable kitcomponents comments disable)],
keys => [qw(imagename)],
tablespace =>'XCATTBS32K',
table_desc => 'Basic information about an operating system image that can be used to deploy cluster nodes.',
@ -650,21 +650,18 @@ osimage => {
rootfstype => 'The filesystem type for the rootfs is used when the provmethod is statelite. The valid values are nfs or ramdisk. The default value is nfs',
osdistroname => 'The name of the OS distro definition. This attribute can be used to specify which OS distro to use, instead of using the osname,osvers,and osarch attributes.',
osupdatename => 'A comma-separated list of OS distro updates to apply to this osimage.',
cfmdir => 'CFM directory name.',
cfmdir => 'CFM directory name for PCM. Set to /install/osimage/<osimage name>/cfmdir by PCM. ',
profile => 'The node usage category. For example compute, service.',
osname => 'Operating system name- AIX or Linux.',
osvers => 'The Linux operating system deployed on this node. Valid values: rhels*,rhelc*, rhas*,centos*,SL*, fedora*, sles* (where * is the version #).',
osdistro => 'The name of the OS distro definition. This attribute should be used to specify which OS distro to use, instead of using the osname, osvers, and osarch attributes.',
osarch => 'The hardware architecture of this node. Valid values: x86_64, ppc64, x86, ia64.',
synclists => 'The fully qualified name of a file containing a list of files to synchronize on the nodes. If more than one file, then it is a comma separated list.',
synclists => 'The fully qualified name of a file containing a list of files to synchronize on the nodes. Can be a comma separated list of multiple synclist files.',
postscripts => 'Comma separated list of scripts that should be run on this image after diskfull installation or diskless boot. For installation of RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, the scripts will be run before the reboot. For installation of SLES, the scripts will be run after the reboot but before the init.d process. For diskless deployment, the scripts will be run at the init.d time, and xCAT will automatically add the list of scripts from the postbootscripts attribute to run after postscripts list. For installation of AIX, the scripts will run after the reboot and acts the same as the postbootscripts attribute. For AIX, use the postbootscripts attribute. Support will be added in the future for the postscripts attribute to run the scripts before the reboot in AIX. ',
postbootscripts => 'Comma separated list of scripts that should be run on this after diskfull installation or diskless boot. On AIX these scripts are run during the processing of /etc/inittab. On Linux they are run at the init.d time. xCAT automatically adds the scripts in the xcatdefaults.postbootscripts attri bute to run first in the list.',
serverrole => 'The role of the server created by this osimage. Default roles: mgtnode, servicenode, compute.',
isdeletable => 'A flag to indicate whether this image profile can be deleted. This attribute is only used by PCM.',
kitcomponents => 'List of Kit Component IDs assigned to this OS Image definition.',
kitdeployparams => 'The file containing Kit Deployment Parameters to set during deployment of Kit Components.',
kitcomppkglist => 'The file containing Kit Component Meta-Packages to deploy on the node. This attribute is automatically set based on which Kit Components were set in the kitcomponents attribute.',
kitrepodirlist => 'The file containing Kit Package Repository directories to use during deployment of Kit Components. This attribute is automatically set based on which Kit Components were set in the kitcomponents attribute.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
@ -1291,13 +1288,13 @@ kit => {
kitrepo => {
cols => [qw(kitreponame kitname osbasename osmajorversion osminorversion osarch compat_osnames kitrepodir comments disable)],
cols => [qw(kitreponame kitname osbasename osmajorversion osminorversion osarch compat_osbasenames kitrepodir comments disable)],
keys => [qw(kitreponame)],
table_desc => 'This table stores all kits added to the xCAT cluster.',
descriptions => {
kitreponame => 'The unique generated kit repo package name, when kit is added to the cluster.',
kitname => 'The Kit name which this Kit Package Repository belongs to.',
osbasename => 'The OS distro name which this repository is based on.',
osbasenames => 'The OS distro name which this repository is based on.',
osmajorversion => 'The OS distro major version which this repository is based on.',
osminorversion => 'The OS distro minor version which this repository is based on. If this attribute is not set, it means that this repo applies to all minor versions.',
osarch => 'The OS distro arch which this repository is based on.',
@ -1308,19 +1305,24 @@ kitrepo => {
kitcomponent => {
cols => [qw(kitcompname kitname kitreponame basename version release serverroles driverpacks comments disable)],
cols => [qw(kitcompname desc kitname kitreponame basename version release serverroles kitpkgdeps driverpacks kitcompdeps postbootscripts exlist comments disable)],
keys => [qw(kitcompname)],
tablespace =>'XCATTBS16K',
table_desc => 'This table stores all kit components added to the xCAT cluster.',
descriptions => {
kitcompname => 'The unique Kit Component name. It is auto-generated when the parent Kit is added to the cluster.',
desc => 'The Kit component description.',
kitname => 'The Kit name which this Kit Component belongs to.',
kitreponame => 'The Kit Package Repository name which this Kit Component belongs to.',
basename => 'Kit Component basename.',
version => 'Kit Component version.',
release => 'Kit Component release.',
serverroles => 'The types of servers that this Kit Component can install on. Valid types are: mgtnode, servicenode, compute',
driverpacks => 'List of driver package names. These must be full names like: pkg1-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm.',
kitpkgdeps => 'Comma-separated list of packages that this kit component depends on.',
driverpacks => 'Comma-separated List of driver package names. These must be full names like: pkg1-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm.',
kitcompdeps => 'Comma-separated list of kit components that this kit component depends on.',
postbootscripts => 'Comma-separated list of postbootscripts that will run during the node boot.',
exlist => 'Exclude list file containing the files/directories to exclude when building a diskless image.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
@ -2247,6 +2249,10 @@ push(@{$defspec{node}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
tabentry => 'osimage.imagetype',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'desc',
tabentry => 'osimage.desc',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'provmethod',
tabentry => 'osimage.provmethod',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
@ -2308,6 +2314,14 @@ push(@{$defspec{node}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
tabentry => 'osimage.serverrole',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'isdeletable',
tabentry => 'osimage.isdeletable',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'kitcomponents',
tabentry => 'osimage.kitcomponents',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
# linuximage table#
@ -3091,6 +3105,10 @@ push(@{$defspec{group}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'desc',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.desc',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'kitname',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitname',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
@ -3115,10 +3133,26 @@ push(@{$defspec{group}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.serverroles',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'kitpkgdeps',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitpkgdeps',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'driverpacks',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.driverpacks',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'kitcompdeps',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompdeps',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'postbootscripts',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.postbootscripts',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',
{attr_name => 'exlist',
tabentry => 'kitcomponent.exlist',
access_tabentry => 'kitcomponent.kitcompname=attr:kitcompname',