install pe license rpm and accept the licenses by default

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
wanghuaz 2012-03-20 05:51:12 +00:00
parent 9f87a1d437
commit 31ca57bcfe

@ -59,32 +59,14 @@ if [ $OS != "AIX" ]; then
# Assume we are on the same machine
if [[ $OS = sles* ]] || [[ $OS = suse* ]] || [[ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]]; then
# For SLES, assume zypper is available on the system running genimage
if [ ! -d /opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license ] ; then
# Install and accept PE license on the MN
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes zypper install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Install PE license rpm into image, BUT DO NOT ACCEPT
# The java process fails when you try to run in chroot
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=no zypper -R $installroot install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Copy license files from MN into the image
mkdir -p $installroot/opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license/
cp -pR /opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license/* $installroot/opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license
# Install PE license rpm into image
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes zypper -R $installroot install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Install PE product rpms
INUCLIENTS=1 INUBOSTYPE=1 zypper -R $installroot install $PE_DIR/pperte*
# For Redhat, etc., assume yum is available on the system running genimage
if [ ! -d /opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license ] ; then
# Install and accept PE license on the MN
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes yum -y --nogpgcheck localupdate $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
#IBM_PE_LICENSE_PROMPT=N yum --nogpgcheck install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Install PE license rpm into image, BUT DO NOT ACCEPT
# The java process fails when you try to run in chroot
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=no yum -y --installroot $installroot --nogpgcheck install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Copy license files from MN into the image
mkdir -p $installroot/opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license/
cp -pR /opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license/* $installroot/opt/ibmhpc/pe1200/lap/license/
#chroot $installroot /opt/ibmhpc/install/sbin/
# Install PE license rpm into image
IBM_PPE_RTE_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes yum -y --installroot $installroot --nogpgcheck install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte_license*.rpm
# Install PE product rpms
INUCLIENTS=1 INUBOSTYPE=1 yum -y --installroot $installroot --nogpgcheck install $PE_DIR/ppe_rte* $PE_DIR/pperte*