add support for postscripts execute after rsync update
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ sub parse_and_run_dcp
my $synfiledir;
# if rsyncing the nodes or service nodes
if ($options{'File'})
@ -4153,7 +4153,7 @@ sub parse_and_run_dcp
# set default sync dir on service node
my $synfiledir = "/var/xcat/syncfiles";
$synfiledir = "/var/xcat/syncfiles";
# get the directory on the servicenode to put the rsync files in
my @syndir = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("SNsyncfiledir");
@ -4164,6 +4164,9 @@ sub parse_and_run_dcp
my $rc;
my $syncfile = $options{'File'};
# the parsing of the file will fill in an array of postscripts
# need to be run if the associated file is updated
if (xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode())
{ # running on service node
$rc =
@ -4226,17 +4229,18 @@ sub parse_and_run_dcp
# Execute the dcp api
@results = xCAT::DSHCLI->runDcp_api(\%options, 0);
#if ($::RUNCMD_RC)
#{ # error from dcp
# my $rsp = {};
# $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Error from xdcp. Return Code = $::RUNCMD_RC";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK, 1);
return (@results);
# if not just syncing the service node SNsyncfiledir directory,
# @::postscripts should be empty in this case anyway
# if postscripts to run after rsync, process the output and
# create the xdsh command to run the ones needed
if ((@::postscripts) && ($::SYNCSN == 0)) {
my @results2 = &run_rsync_postscripts(\@results,$synfiledir);
return (@results2);
} else {
return (@results);
@ -4246,6 +4250,7 @@ sub parse_and_run_dcp
This parses the -F rsync input file. and runs rsync to the input
image for the files
Does not process the EXECUTE statement
File format:
/.../file1 -> /.../dir1/filex
@ -4288,6 +4293,16 @@ sub rsync_to_image
while (my $line = <INPUTFILE>)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^#/) # skip commments
# process no more lines, do not exec
# do not execute postscripts when syncing servicenodes
if ($line =~ /EXECUTE:/) { # process no more lines
if ($line =~ /(.+) -> (.+)/)
my $imageupdatedir = $image;
@ -4420,6 +4435,24 @@ sub parse_rsync_input_file_on_MN
# if syncing only the service node directory, do not execute
# postscripts
if ($line =~ /EXECUTE:/) {
if ($::SYNCSN == 1) {
} else {
while (my $line = <INPUTFILE>)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^#/) # skip commments
push @::postscripts,$line;
if ($line =~ /(.+) -> (.+)/)
@ -4574,6 +4607,28 @@ sub parse_rsync_input_file_on_SN
while (my $line = <INPUTFILE>)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^#/) # skip commments
# if syncing only the service node directory, do not execute
# postscripts
if ($line =~ /EXECUTE:/) {
if ($::SYNCSN == 1) {
} else {
while (my $line = <INPUTFILE>)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^#/) # skip commments
push @::postscripts,$line;
if ($line =~ /(.+) -> (.+)/)
$process_line = 1;
@ -4667,6 +4722,97 @@ sub parse_rsync_input_file_on_SN
return 0;
This executes the postscript file on the nodes where
the corresponding rsync file was updated
rsync returns a list of files that have been updated
in the form hostname: <full file path>
For example: node1: tmp/test/file1 ( yes it leaves the first / off)
This routine must match that list to the input list of postscripts.
If there is a match, for example
The postscript file is /tmp/test/ and tmp/test/file1 was
updated, then it builds a xdsh command to the node to run
On the service node, the file will be in $syncdir/tmp/test/
Also the routine must preserve all other messages returned from rsync,
to return to the admin. It will remove the messages that the files
were updated, that is all of from hostname: <full file path>.
Input: the output from the xdcp rsync run
: @::postscripts to run
Needs to remove the lines from rsync that are return to let
me know files were updated from the output to determine which
postscripts to run and leave any other messages
to return to the admin.
sub run_rsync_postscripts
my ($rsyncoutput,$syncdir) = @_;
my @rsync_output = @$rsyncoutput;
my @newoutput= ();
my $dshparms;
my $firstpass=1;
foreach my $postsfile (@::postscripts) {
my $tmppostfile = $postsfile ;
# remove first character, we have to do this because the
# return from rsync is tmp/file1 not /tmp/file1
# now remove .post from the postscript file for the compare
# with the returned file name
my($tp,$post) = split(/.post/,$tmppostfile);
$tmppostfile = $tp;
foreach my $line (@rsync_output) {
my($hostname,$ps) = split(/: /, $line);
chomp $ps;
chomp $hostname;
if ($ps eq "rsync") { # this is a line that is not an update
# save output , if firstpass through output
if ($firstpass == 1) {
push @newoutput, $line;
$firstpass = 0;
if ($tmppostfile eq $ps) {
# build xdsh commands
# if on the service node need to add the $syncdir directory
# to the path
if (xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode()) {
my $tmpp=$syncdir . $postsfile;
# build host and all scripts to execute
push (@{$dshparms->{'postscripts'} {$postsfile}}, $hostname);
# now if we have postscripts to run, run xdsh
my $out;
foreach my $ps ( keys %{$$dshparms{'postscripts'}}) {
my @nodes;
push (@nodes, @{$$dshparms{'postscripts'}{$ps}});
$out=xCAT::Utils->runxcmd( { command => ['xdsh'],
node => \@nodes,
arg => [ "-e", $ps ]
}, $::SUBREQ, 0);
push @newoutput,$out;
return @newoutput;
@ -113,8 +113,13 @@ sub remote_copy_command
$sync_opt = '--rsync-path /usr/bin/rsync ';
$sync_opt .= '-Lprotz ';
# if only syncing the service node or no postscripts then do not
# get update file notification
if (($::SYNCSN == 1) || (!(defined @::postscripts))) {
$sync_opt .= '-Lprotz ';
} else {
$sync_opt .= '-Liprotz --out-format=%f%L '; # add notify of update
$sync_opt .= $$config{'options'};
if ($::SYNCSN == 1)
{ # syncing service node
Reference in New Issue
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