updates to do regex in network table nodehostname

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@5512 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
vallard 2010-03-17 23:26:14 +00:00
parent 951c090c7d
commit 27ee225ddb

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use IO::Select;
use IO::Handle;
use xCAT::Utils;
use Sys::Syslog;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed);
sub gethosttag {
@ -43,11 +44,63 @@ sub gethosttag {
foreach (@netents) {
if ($_->{net} eq $netn or ($mgtifname and $mgtifname eq $netmap{$_->{net}})) { #either is the network or shares physical interface
if ($_->{nodehostname}) { #Check for a nodehostname rule in the table
my $left;
my $right;
($left,$right) = split(/\//,$_->{nodehostname},2);
$name = $node;
$name =~ s/$left/$right/;
$name = $node;
if ($_->{nodehostname} =~ /^\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/$/)
my $exp = substr($_->{nodehostname}, 1);
chop $exp;
my @parts = split('/', $exp, 2);
$name =~ s/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/;
elsif ($_->{nodehostname} =~ /^\|.*\|.*\|$/)
#Perform arithmetic and only arithmetic operations in bracketed issues on the right.
#Tricky part: don't allow potentially dangerous code, only eval if
#to-be-evaled expression is only made up of ()\d+-/%$
#Futher paranoia? use Safe module to make sure I'm good
my $exp = substr($_->{nodehostname}, 1);
chop $exp;
my @parts = split('\|', $exp, 2);
my $curr;
my $next;
my $prev;
my $retval = $parts[1];
($curr, $next, $prev) =
extract_bracketed($retval, '()', qr/[^()]*/);
unless($curr) { #If there were no paramaters to save, treat this one like a plain regex
$name =~ s/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/;
while ($curr)
#my $next = $comps[0];
if ($curr =~ /^[\{\}()\-\+\/\%\*\$\d]+$/ or $curr =~ /^\(sprintf\(["'%\dcsduoxefg]+,\s*[\{\}()\-\+\/\%\*\$\d]+\)\)$/ )
use integer;
#We only allow integer operations, they are the ones that make sense for the application
my $value = $name;
$value =~ s/$parts[0]/$curr/ee;
$retval = $prev . $value . $next;
print "$curr is bad\n";
($curr, $next, $prev) =
extract_bracketed($retval, '()', qr/[^()]*/);
#At this point, $retval is the expression after being arithmetically contemplated, a generated regex, and therefore
#must be applied in total
$name =~ s/$parts[0]/$retval/;
#print Data::Dumper::Dumper(extract_bracketed($parts[1],'()',qr/[^()]*/));
#use text::balanced extract_bracketed to parse earch atom, make sure nothing but arith operators, parans, and numbers are in it to guard against code execution
print "Name: $name\n";
#$name =~ s/$left/$right/;
if ($name and inet_aton($name)) {
if ($netn eq $_->{net} and not $usednames->{$name}) { return $name; }
#At this point, it could still be valid if block was entered due to mgtifname
@ -102,7 +155,6 @@ sub process_request {
my $nrtab;
my @discoverynics;
my @forcenics; #list of 'eth' style interface names to require to come up on post-discovery client dhcp restart
if (defined($request->{arch})) {
#Set the architecture in nodetype. If 32-bit only x86 or ppc detected, overwrite. If x86_64, only set if either not set or not an x86 family
my $typetab=xCAT::Table->new("nodetype",-create=>1);
@ -153,12 +205,10 @@ sub process_request {
(my $driver,my $index) = split /:/,$nic;
if ($driver eq $ifinfo[0] and $index == ($bydriverindex{$driver}-1)) {
$forcenic=1; #force nic to be put into database
push @forcenics,$ifinfo[1];
} else { #simple 'eth2' sort of argument
if ($nic eq $ifinfo[1]) {
push @forcenics,$ifinfo[1];
@ -177,6 +227,7 @@ sub process_request {
my $mask = 2**$netbits-1<<(32-$netbits);
my $netn = inet_ntoa(pack("N",$ipn & $mask));
my $hosttag = gethosttag($node,$netn,@ifinfo[1],\%usednames);
print Dumper($hosttag) . "\n";
if ($hosttag) {
(my $rent) = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['primarynic','nfsserver']);
unless ($rent and $rent->{primarynic}) { #if primarynic not set, set it to this nic
@ -186,11 +237,7 @@ sub process_request {
if ($hosttag eq $node) {
$macstring .= $currmac."|";
} else {
$macstring .= $currmac."!".$hosttag."|";
} else {
if ($forcenic == 1) { $macstring .= $currmac."|"; } else { $macstring .= $currmac."!*NOIP*|"; }
@ -216,10 +263,6 @@ sub process_request {
my $restartstring = "restart";
if (scalar @forcenics > 0) {
$restartstring .= " (".join("|",@forcenics).")";
#now, notify the node to continue life
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $ip,
@ -228,7 +271,7 @@ sub process_request {
Proto => 'tcp'
unless ($sock) { syslog("err","Failed to notify $ip that it's actually $node."); return; } #Give up if the node won't hear of it.
print $sock $restartstring;
print $sock "restart";
syslog("info","$node has been discovered");