fixes for snmp v3 monitoring

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
wanghuaz 2013-07-24 07:40:56 +00:00
parent bd4d78da84
commit 25203ea1b5

View File

@ -13,11 +13,20 @@ use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
#print "xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon loaded\n";
my $confdir;
$::snmpconfdir = "/opt/freeware/etc";
} else {
$::snmpconfdir = "/usr/share/snmp";
=head1 xCAT_monitoring:snmpmon
@ -62,7 +71,11 @@ sub start {
`/bin/kill -9 $pid`;
# start it up again!
system("/usr/sbin/snmptrapd -m ALL");
system("/opt/freeware/sbin/snmptrapd -m ALL");
} else {
system("/usr/sbin/snmptrapd -m ALL");
# get the PID of the currently running snmpd if it is running.
# if it's running then we just leave. Otherwise, if we don't get A PID, then we
@ -265,7 +278,7 @@ sub config {
return (1, "net-snmp is not installed")
} else {
my ($ret, $err)=configSNMP();
my ($ret, $err)=configSNMP(2, $noderef, $callback);
if ($ret != 0) { return ($ret, $err);}
@ -323,19 +336,19 @@ sub deconfig {
my $callback=shift;
my $localhostname=hostname();
if (-f "/usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.orig"){
if (-f "$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.orig"){
# copy back the old one
`mv -f /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.orig /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf`;
`mv -f $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.orig $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf`;
} else {
if (-f "/usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf"){
if (-f "$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf"){
# if the file exists, delete all entries that have xcat_traphandler
my $cmd = "grep -v xcat_traphandler /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf ";
$cmd .= "> /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.unconfig ";
my $cmd = "grep -v xcat_traphandler $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf ";
$cmd .= "> $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.unconfig ";
# move it back to the snmptrapd.conf file.
`mv -f /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.unconfig /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf`;
`mv -f $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.unconfig $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf`;
@ -837,45 +850,54 @@ sub configSwitch {
sub configSNMP {
my $action=shift;
my $noderef=shift;
my $callback=shift;
my $ret_val=0;
my $ret_text="";
print "configSNMP called \n";
my $isSN=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my $master=xCAT::Utils->get_site_Master();
my $cmd;
# now move /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf to /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.orig
# now move $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf to $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.orig
# if it exists.
if (-f "/usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf"){
if (-f "$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf"){
# if the file exists and has references to xcat_traphandler in mn or 'forward' in sn
# then there is nothing that needs to be done.
if ($isSN) {
`/bin/grep "forward default $master" /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf > /dev/null`;
`/bin/grep "forward default $master" $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf > /dev/null`;
} else {
`/bin/grep xcat_traphandler /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf > /dev/null`;
`/bin/grep xcat_traphandler $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf > /dev/null`;
# if the return code is 1, then there is no xcat_traphandler, or 'forward'
# references and we need to put them in.
if($? >> 8){
# back up the original file.
`/bin/cp -f /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.orig`;
`/bin/cp -f $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.orig`;
# if the file exists and does not have "authCommunity execute,net public" then add it.
open(FILE1, "</usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf");
open(FILE, ">/usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.tmp");
open(FILE1, "<$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf");
open(FILE, ">$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.tmp");
my $found=0;
my $forward_handled=0;
while (readline(FILE1)) {
if (/\s*authCommunity.*public/) {
if (/\s*authCommunity.*public/) {
if (!/\s*authCommunity\s*.*execute.*public/) {
s/authCommunity\s*(.*)\s* public/authCommunity $1,execute public/; #modify it to have 'execute' if found
if (!/\s*authCommunity\s*.*net.*public/) {
s/authCommunity\s*(.*)\s* public/authCommunity $1,net public/; #modify it to have 'net' if found
} elsif (/\s*forward\s*default/) {
if (($isSN) && (!/$master/)) {
s/\s*forward/\#forward/; #comment out the old one
if (($isSN) && (!/$master/)) {
s/\s*forward/\#forward/; #comment out the old one
if (!$forward_handled) {
print FILE "forward default $master\n";
@ -891,7 +913,7 @@ sub configSNMP {
if (!$found) { #add new one if not found
print FILE "authCommunity log,execute,net public\n";
# now add the new traphandle commands:
if (!$isSN) {
print FILE "traphandle default $::XCATROOT/sbin/xcat_traphandler\n";
@ -899,13 +921,13 @@ sub configSNMP {
`mv -f /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.tmp /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf`;
`mv -f $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.tmp $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf`;
else { # The snmptrapd.conf file does not exists
# create the file:
my $handle = new IO::File;
open($handle, ">/usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf");
open($handle, ">$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf");
print $handle "authCommunity log,execute,net public\n";
if ($isSN) {
print $handle "forward default $master\n"; #forward the trap from sn to mn
@ -915,6 +937,146 @@ sub configSNMP {
# Configure SNMPv3 on AIX
#the identification of this node
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
if (!$isSV) { $iphash{'noservicenode'}=1;}
my $all=0;
my %nodehash=();
if ((!$noderef) || (@$noderef==0)) {$all=1;}
else {
foreach(@$noderef) { $nodehash{$_}=1;}
my %mpa_hash=();
my %masterhash=();
my @node_a=();
my $table=xCAT::Table->new("mp");
if ($table) {
my @tmp1=$table->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','mpa']);
if (@tmp1 > 0) {
foreach(@tmp1) {
my $node=$_->{node};
my $mpa=$_->{mpa};
if ((!$all) && (!exists($nodehash{$node})) && (!exists($nodehash{$mpa}))) {next;}
if ($mpa_hash{$mpa}) { next;} #already handled
my $pHash=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeMonServerPair([$mpa], 0);
if (ref($pHash) eq 'ARRAY') {
if ($callback) {
my $rsp={};
if ($ret_val) {
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]: " . $pHash->[1]);
return (0, "");
my $pairs=$pHash->{$mpa};
my @a_temp=split(':',$pairs);
my $monserver=$a_temp[0];
my $master=$a_temp[1];
if ($monserver) {
if (!$iphash{$monserver}) { next;} #skip if has sn but not localhost
} else {
if ($isSV) { next; } #skip if does not have sn but localhost is a sn
push(@node_a, $mpa);
# find the master node and add the node in the hash
if(exists($masterhash{$master})) {
my $ref=$masterhash{$master};
push(@$ref, $mpa);
} else { $masterhash{$master}=[$mpa]; }
} #foreach
if (@node_a==0){ return ($ret_val, $ret_text);} #nothing to handle
# Read username, password, and mac from DB.
foreach my $mpa ( @node_a ) {
my $mac;
my $user;
my $password;
my $mpatable=xCAT::Table->new("mpa");
if ($mpatable) {
my $mpa_a = $mpatable->getAttribs({mpa => $mpa}, 'username', 'password');
if ( $mpa_a and $mpa_a->{username} and $mpa_a->{password} ) {
$user = $mpa_a->{username};
$password = $mpa_a->{password};
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "No username or password found for $mpa");
my $mactable=xCAT::Table->new("mac");
if ( $mactable ) {
my $mac_a = $mactable->getAttribs({node=> $mpa}, 'mac');
if ( $mac_a and $mac_a->{mac} ) {
$mac = $mac_a->{mac};
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "No mac found for $mpa");
my $found1=0;
my $found2=0;
if ( $mac and $user and $password ) {
#write configuration file
open(FILE1, "<$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf");
open(FILE, ">$::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.tmp");
while (readline(FILE1)) {
if (/\s*authUser.*$user/) {
if (!/\s*authUser\s*.*execute.*$user/) {
s/authUser\s*(.*)\s* $user/authUser $1,execute $user/; #modify it to have 'execute' if found
if (!/\s*authUser\s*.*net.*$user/) {
s/authUser\s*(.*)\s* $user/authUser $1,net $user/; #modify it to have 'net' if found
if (/\s*createUser.*$mac.*$user.*$password/) {
print FILE $_;
if (!$found1) { #add new one if not found
print FILE "authUser log,execute,net $user\n";
if (!$found2) {
print FILE "createUser -e 0x8000045001$mac $user SHA $password DES\n";
`mv -f $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf.tmp $::snmpconfdir/snmptrapd.conf`;
# TODO: put the mib files to /usr/share/snmp/mibs
return (0, "");