Fix xcatdsklspost to xcataixpost interface, allow parameters on updatenode -P for AIX defect 3362
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
# xCAT post script for AIX nodes
# This script is run from the /etc/inittab file on both
# diskless and diskfull AIX nodes
# This script is run from the /etc/inittab file on both
# diskless and diskfull AIX nodes as setup by xcataixscript
# It is also run by the updatenode cmd ( -c 1) for -P
# updatenode cmd ( -c 5) for -k
# moncfg command (-c 3)
# Install no arguments ( see
# It is run by the updatenode cmd -P by calling xcatdsklspost 1 -m/-M (mode 1)
# updatenode cmd -k by calling xcatdsklspost 5 (mode 5)
# moncfg command (-c 3)
# For full install called from plugin with no parameters
# if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path.
@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ my $useSocketSSL=eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; };
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Simple;
sleep int(rand(10));
# since we don't have syslog set up yet we'll
# just save msgs in a local log file
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $::NOERROR=0; # used to control whether to display an error
$::sdate = `/bin/date`;
chomp $::sdate;
my $logfile = $logdir . "/xcat.log";
`logger -t xcat -p $logfile`;
`logger -t xcat -p "my logfile is $logfile"`;
# this log should not contain much so it might be ok to let it grow?
# at least we'll have the errors preserved
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ open(LOGFILE,">>",$logfile);
unless ($useSocketSSL) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Error: cannot load necessary library IO::Socket::SSL.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "xcataixpost: Error: cannot load necessary library IO::Socket::SSL."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Error: cannot load necessary library IO::Socket::SSL.\n";
exit 1;
@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ unless ($useSocketSSL) {
# Process the command line...
# the -c means redo the copy of scripts from the server
# the -c means get a fresh copy of the postscripts from the server
# -m means we are updating the node
# -M means we are updating the service node /etc/xcatinfo file
my $idir;
my $nfsv4;
@ -69,8 +71,16 @@ if (!GetOptions('copy|c' => \$::opt_c,
'nfsv4=s'=> \$nfsv4))
{ # Gather options
exit 1;
my $mode;
if (@ARGV<1) { # not running updatenode
sleep int(rand(10)); # installing don't hit daemon with too many requests
} else {
$mode= $ARGV[0];
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Running mode=$mode"`;
my $TFTPDIR=$::opt_tftpdir;
# get hostname
@ -82,18 +92,17 @@ my $servnode;
# create new xcatinfo file if -M value is provided
if ($::opt_M) {
if(-f "/etc/xcatinfo") {
# backup the old file - or remove ???
my $cpcmd = "cp /etc/xcatinfo /etc/xcatinfo.orig 2>/dev/null";
if (&runcmd($cpcmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy /etc/xcatinfo file.\n";
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy /etc/xcatinfo file.\n";
if(-f "/etc/xcatinfo") {
my $cpcmd = "cp /etc/xcatinfo /etc/xcatinfo.orig 2>/dev/null";
if (&runcmd($cpcmd) != 0) {
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy /etc/xcatinfo file."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy /etc/xcatinfo file.\n";
# put the new server in the file
my $xcatinfo="/etc/xcatinfo";
# put the new server in the file
my $xcatinfo="/etc/xcatinfo";
print XCATINFO "XCATSERVER=$::opt_M\n";
@ -139,7 +148,7 @@ if (!$foundxcatinfo) {
} else {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find /etc/niminfo file.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find /etc/niminfo file."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find /etc/niminfo file.\n";
@ -157,7 +166,7 @@ if ($servnode) {
unless ($servnode) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not determine server name.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p " $::sdate xcataixpost: Could not determine server name."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not determine server name.\n";
exit 0;
@ -165,14 +174,14 @@ unless ($servnode) {
# create the xcatpost dir
my $cmd = "mkdir -p /xcatpost";
if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not create the /xcatpost directory.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not create the /xcatpost directory."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not create the /xcatpost directory.\n";
# request the xCAT postscript for this particular node
my $scriptname = "/xcatpost/myxcatpost_" . $::shorthost;
if (&getmypost != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not get the xCAT post script for this node.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not get the xCAT post script for this node."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not get the xCAT post script for this node.\n";
@ -214,7 +223,7 @@ if ( !(-f "/xcatpost/xcataixpost") || $::opt_c ) {
$mcmd = "mkdir -p /xcatmnt; mount $servnode:$installdir/postscripts /xcatmnt";
if (&runcmd($mcmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not mount $installdir/postscripts from $servnode.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not mount $installdir/postscripts from $servnode."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not mount $installdir/postscripts from $servnode.\n";
@ -236,7 +245,7 @@ if ( !(-f "/xcatpost/xcataixpost") || $::opt_c ) {
my $ucmd = "umount /xcatmnt; rmdir /xcatmnt";
if (&runcmd($ucmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not unmount $installdir.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not unmount $installdir."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not unmount $installdir/postscripts.\n";
@ -245,7 +254,7 @@ if ( !(-f "/xcatpost/xcataixpost") || $::opt_c ) {
# make sure all are executable
my $chcmd = "chmod +x /xcatpost/*";
if (&runcmd($chcmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n";
# set TZ only on install
@ -284,13 +293,14 @@ if (-f $scriptname)
`echo "$TMP" > $scriptname`;
if (@ARGV>1) {
my $lengtharg1= length ($ARGV[1]);
if ((@ARGV>1) && ($lengtharg1 != 0)) { # no postscript list
my $scripts=$ARGV[1];
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: ARGV > 1."`;
my $POSTS=join('\n', split(',', $scripts));
#print "scripts=$scripts\n";
#remove all the postbootscripts
my $PSTMP=`sed "/postbootscripts-start-here/,/postbootscripts-end-here/ d" $scriptname`;
my $PSTMP=`sed "/# postbootscripts-start-here/,/# postbootscripts-end-here/ d" $scriptname`;
`echo "$PSTMP" > $scriptname`;
#remove all the postscripts
my $TMP=`sed "/# postscripts-start-here/,/# postscripts-end-here/ d" $scriptname`;
@ -299,6 +309,8 @@ if (-f $scriptname)
#add requested postscripts in
`echo "$POSTS" | tr "," "\n" >> $scriptname`;
`echo "# postscripts-end-here" >> $scriptname`;
} else {
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: ARGV not > 1."`;
# use the run_ps subroutine to run the postscripts
@ -331,11 +343,11 @@ run_ps () {
print $::outref;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: outref = $::outref\n";
} else {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find post script for $::shorthost.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find post script for $::shorthost."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not find post script for $::shorthost.\n";
if (@ARGV<1) {
if (@ARGV<1) { # not running updatenode
my $update=1;
if (-f $scriptname) {
my $CNS=`grep NODESTATUS= $scriptname`;
@ -345,13 +357,13 @@ if (@ARGV<1) {
my $keywd="installstatus";
my $state="booted";
if (&updateflag($keywd, $state) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server..\n";
} else {
#called by updatenode, infrom user it is done
print "returned from postscript\n";
#called by updatenode, tell user it is done
`logger -t xcat -p "xcataixpost finished running postscripts"`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: returned from postscript.\n";
@ -382,7 +394,7 @@ if ($nodesetstat eq 'standalone') {
# ok - remove the entry
my $rmitab_cmd = 'rmitab "xcat" > /dev/null 2>&1';
if (&runcmd($rmitab_cmd) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not remove xcataixpost from /etc/inittab.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not remove xcataixpost from /etc/inittab."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not remove xcataixpost from /etc/inittab.\n";
@ -411,7 +423,7 @@ if ($nodesetstat eq 'diskless') {
# so that it will not be present in the subsequent reboots
my $keywd = "basecustremv";
if (&updateflag($keywd, $hostn) != 0) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Failed to update the xCAT server.\n";
@ -445,13 +457,13 @@ sub getmypost_orig {
unless ($remote) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'"`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'\n";
return 1;
if (!open(POSTSCRIPT, ">$scriptname") ) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname.\n"
close $remote;
@ -517,7 +529,7 @@ sub getmypost {
unless ($remote) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'"`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cannot connect to host \'$servnode\'\n";
return 1;
@ -554,7 +566,7 @@ sub getmypost {
# `wget -N --waitretry=10 --random-wait -T 60 http://$servnode$TFTPDIR/mypostscripts/mypostscript.$::shorthost -P /xcatpost 2>> /tmp/wget.log; mv /xcatpost/mypostscript.$::shorthost $scriptname`;
if(!( -f $scriptname)) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cold not get the $scriptname from $TFTPDIR/mypostscripts/ on \'$servnode\'\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Cold not get the $scriptname from $TFTPDIR/mypostscripts/ on \'$servnode\'"`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: could not get the $scriptname from /$servnode$TFTPDIR/mypostscripts/ on \'$servnode\'\n";
return 1;
@ -562,7 +574,7 @@ sub getmypost {
my $content;
if (!open($content, "<", $scriptname) ) {
print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname.\n";
`logger -t xcat -p "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname."`;
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not open $scriptname.\n";
close $content;
return 1;
@ -197,8 +197,9 @@ if [ ! `uname` = Linux ]; then
umount /xcatmnt
rmdir /xcatmnt
logger -t xCAT -p local4.err "Running xcataixpost $*"
# echo "/xcatpost/xcataixpost $1 $2 $3 '"$4"' $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10} ${11}"
exec /xcatpost/xcataixpost $1 $2 $3 '"$4"' $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10} ${11}
echo "/xcatpost/xcataixpost $1 $2 $3 '"$4"' $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10} ${11}"
#exec /xcatpost/xcataixpost $1 $2 $3 "'"$4"'" $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10} ${11}
exec /xcatpost/xcataixpost $1 $2 $3 "$4" $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10} ${11}
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