support imaged provisioning.

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
sjing 2013-03-04 05:13:00 +00:00
parent 17df46078f
commit 0f1f11b01a

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ sub handled_commands
copycd => "anaconda",
mknetboot => "nodetype:os=(ol.*)|(centos.*)|(rh.*)|(fedora.*)|(SL.*)",
mkinstall => "nodetype:os=(esxi4.1)|(esx[34].*)|(ol.*)|(centos.*)|(rh(?!evh).*)|(fedora.*)|(SL.*)",
mksysclone => "nodetype:os=(esxi4.1)|(esx[34].*)|(ol.*)|(centos.*)|(rh(?!evh).*)|(fedora.*)|(SL.*)",
mkstatelite => "nodetype:os=(esx[34].*)|(ol.*)|(centos.*)|(rh.*)|(fedora.*)|(SL.*)",
@ -130,6 +131,10 @@ sub process_request
return mknetboot($request, $callback, $doreq);
elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mksysclone')
return mksysclone($request, $callback, $doreq);
# Check whether the dracut is supported by this os
@ -1436,6 +1441,441 @@ sub mkinstall
sub mksysclone
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my @nodes = @{$request->{node}};
my $linuximagetab;
my $osimagetab;
my %img_hash=();
my $installroot;
my $globaltftpdir;
$installroot = "/install";
$globaltftpdir = "/tftpboot";
my @ents = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $site_ent = $ents[0];
if( defined($site_ent) )
$installroot = $site_ent;
@ents = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("tftpdir");
$site_ent = $ents[0];
if( defined($site_ent) )
$globaltftpdir = $site_ent;
my $node;
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my %donetftp;
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my %osents = %{$ostab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['profile', 'os', 'arch', 'provmethod'])};
my %rents =
['xcatmaster', 'nfsserver', 'tftpdir', 'primarynic', 'installnic'])};
my %hents =
['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow'])};
require xCAT::Template;
# Warning message for nodeset <noderange> install/netboot/statelite
foreach my $knode (keys %osents)
my $ent = $osents{$knode}->[0];
if ($ent && $ent->{provmethod}
&& (($ent->{provmethod} eq 'install') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'netboot') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'statelite')))
my @ents = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("disablenodesetwarning");
my $site_ent = $ents[0];
if (!defined($site_ent) || ($site_ent =~ /no/i) || ($site_ent =~ /0/))
warning => ["The options \"install\", \"netboot\", and \"statelite\" have been deprecated. They should continue to work in this release, but have not been tested as carefully, and some new functions are not available with these options. For full function and support, use \"nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage_name>\" instead."],
# Do not print this warning message multiple times
# copy postscripts
my $script1 = "efibootmgr";
my $script2 = "updatenetwork";
my $pspath = "$installroot/sysclone/scripts/post-install/";
my $clusterfile = "$installroot/sysclone/scripts/cluster.txt";
unless (-r "$pspath/10all.fix_swap_uuids")
unless (-r "$pspath/95all.monitord_rebooted")
# copy hosts
foreach $node (@nodes)
my $os;
my $tftpdir;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $tmplfile;
my $pkglistfile;
my $imagename; # set it if running of 'nodeset osimage=xxx'
my $platform;
my $xcatmaster;
my $instserver;
my $partfile;
my $netdrivers;
my $driverupdatesrc;
my $ient = $rents{$node}->[0];
if ($ient and $ient->{xcatmaster})
$xcatmaster = $ient->{xcatmaster};
} else {
$xcatmaster = '!myipfn!';
my $osinst;
if ($rents{$node}->[0] and $rents{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $rents{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
my $ent = $osents{$node}->[0]; #$ostab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['profile', 'os', 'arch']);
if ($ent and $ent->{provmethod} and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'install') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'netboot') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'statelite') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'sysclone')) {
#print "imagename=$imagename\n";
if (!exists($img_hash{$imagename})) {
if (!$osimagetab) {
$osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod');
if ($ref) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{provmethod}=$ref->{'provmethod'}; #sysclone
if (!$linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkgdir', 'pkglist', 'partitionfile', 'driverupdatesrc', 'netdrivers');
if ($ref1) {
if ($ref1->{'template'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkgdir'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkglist'}) {
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{partitionfile} = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
if ($ref1->{'driverupdatesrc'}) {
if ($ref1->{'netdrivers'}) {
# template is meanless for sysclone, so comment it out.
# if the install template wasn't found, then lets look for it in the default locations.
# unless($img_hash{$imagename}->{template}){
# my $pltfrm=xCAT_plugin::anaconda::getplatform($ref->{'osvers'});
# my $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$pltfrm",
# $ref->{'profile'}, $ref->{'osvers'}, $ref->{'osarch'}, $ref->{'osvers'});
# if (! $tmplfile) { $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$pltfrm",
# $ref->{'profile'}, $ref->{'osvers'}, $ref->{'osarch'}, $ref->{'osvers'});
# }
# # if we managed to find it, put it in the hash:
# if($tmplfile){
# $img_hash{$imagename}->{template}=$tmplfile;
# }
# }
#if the install pkglist wasn't found, then lets look for it in the default locations
my $pltfrm=xCAT_plugin::anaconda::getplatform($ref->{'osvers'});
my $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$pltfrm",
$ref->{'profile'}, $ref->{'osvers'}, $ref->{'osarch'}, $ref->{'osvers'});
if (! $pkglistfile) { $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$pltfrm",
$ref->{'profile'}, $ref->{'osvers'}, $ref->{'osarch'}, $ref->{'osvers'});
# if we managed to find it, put it in the hash:
} else {
{error => ["The os image $imagename does not exists on the osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]});
my $ph=$img_hash{$imagename};
$os = $ph->{osver};
$arch = $ph->{osarch};
$profile = $ph->{profile};
$partfile = $ph->{partitionfile};
$netdrivers = $ph->{netdrivers};
$driverupdatesrc = $ph->{driverupdatesrc};
else {
$os = $ent->{os};
$arch = $ent->{arch};
$profile = $ent->{profile};
my $genos = $os;
$genos =~ s/\..*//;
if ($genos =~ /rh.*(\d+)\z/)
unless (-r "$installroot/custom/install/$platform/$profile.$genos.$arch.tmpl"
or -r "/install/custom/install/$platform/$profile.$genos.tmpl"
or -r "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$platform/$profile.$genos.$arch.tmpl"
or -r "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$platform/$profile.$genos.tmpl")
$genos = "rhel$1";
# $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$platform", $profile, $os, $arch, $genos);
# if (! $tmplfile) { $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$platform", $profile, $os, $arch, $genos); }
# $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$platform", $profile, $os, $arch, $genos);
# if (! $pkglistfile) { $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$platform", $profile, $os, $arch, $genos); }
#get the partition file from the linuximage table
my $imgname = "$os-$arch-install-$profile";
if ( ! $linuximagetab ) {
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage');
if ( $linuximagetab ) {
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'partitionfile');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'partitionfile'}){
$partfile = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
#can not find the linux osiamge object, tell users to run "nodeset <nr> osimage=***"
else {
{ error => [qq{ Cannot find the linux image called "$imgname", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<your_image_name>" command to set the boot state}], errorcode => [1] }
my @missingparms;
unless ($os) {
if ($imagename) { push @missingparms,"osimage.osvers"; }
else { push @missingparms,"nodetype.os";}
unless ($arch) {
if ($imagename) { push @missingparms,"osimage.osarch"; }
else { push @missingparms,"nodetype.arch";}
# copy kernel and initrd from image dir to /tftpboot
my $kernpath;
my $initrdpath;
my $ramdisk_size = 200000;
if (
-r "$installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename/etc/systemimager/boot/kernel"
and $kernpath = "$installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename/etc/systemimager/boot/kernel"
and -r "$installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename/etc/systemimager/boot/initrd.img"
and $initrdpath = "$installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename/etc/systemimager/boot/initrd.img"
#TODO: driver slipstream, targetted for network.
# Copy the install resource to /tftpboot and check to only copy once
my $docopy = 0;
my $tftppath;
my $rtftppath; # the relative tftp path without /tftpboot/
if ($imagename) {
$tftppath = "$tftpdir/xcat/osimage/$imagename";
$rtftppath = "xcat/osimage/$imagename";
unless ($donetftp{$imagename}) {
$docopy = 1;
$donetftp{$imagename} = 1;
} else {
$tftppath = "/$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch/$profile";
$rtftppath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile";
unless ($donetftp{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"}) {
$docopy = 1;
$donetftp{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"} = 1;
if ($docopy) {
&insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/initrd.img", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
#We have a shot...
my $ent = $rents{$node}->[0];
my $sent = $hents{$node}->[0];
$instserver = $xcatmaster;
if ($ent and $ent->{nfsserver}) {
my $kcmdline =
my $ksdev = "";
if ($ent->{installnic})
if ($ent->{installnic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$ksdev = $macref->{mac};
$ksdev = $ent->{installnic};
elsif ($ent->{primarynic})
if ($ent->{primarynic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$ksdev = $macref->{mac};
$ksdev = $ent->{primarynic};
$ksdev = "bootif"; #if not specified, fall back to bootif
if ($ksdev eq "")
error => ["No MAC address defined for " . $node],
errorcode => [1]
$kcmdline .= " ksdevice=" . $ksdev;
#TODO: dd=<url> for driver disks
if (defined($sent->{serialport}))
unless ($sent->{serialspeed})
error => [
"serialport defined, but no serialspeed for $node in nodehm table"
errorcode => [1]
#go cmdline if serial console is requested, the shiny ansi is just impractical
$kcmdline .=
" cmdline console=tty0 console=ttyS"
. $sent->{serialport} . ","
. $sent->{serialspeed};
if ($sent->{serialflow} =~ /(hard|cts|ctsrts)/)
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
#$kcmdline .= " noipv6";
# add the addkcmdline attribute to the end
# of the command, if it exists
#my $addkcmd = $addkcmdhash->{$node}->[0];
# add the extra addkcmd command info, if in the table
#if ($addkcmd->{'addkcmdline'}) {
# $kcmdline .= " ";
# $kcmdline .= $addkcmd->{'addkcmdline'};
my $k;
my $i;
$k = "$rtftppath/vmlinuz";
$i = "$rtftppath/initrd.img";
kernel => $k,
initrd => $i,
kcmdline => $kcmdline
error => ["Kernel and initrd not found in $installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename"],
errorcode => [1]
# assign nodes to an image
if (-r "$clusterfile")
my $cmd = qq{cat $clusterfile | grep "$node"};
my $out = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC == 0)
my $out = `sed -i /$node./d $clusterfile`;
my $cmd =qq{echo "$node:compute:$imagename:" >> $clusterfile};
my $out = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
unless (-r "$installroot/sysclone/images/$imagename/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost")
sub copycd
my $request = shift;