code checkin for hardware discovery
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1628,6 +1628,7 @@ sub get_netcfg
my $form = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $server = @$exp[1];
# Get Network Configuration URL
@ -1876,7 +1877,7 @@ sub set_netcfg
return ( [RC_ERROR,join "\n", @lines_to_print]);
$ua->timeout( 10 );
$ua->timeout( 2 );
$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
$data = $form->click('submit');
@ -281,11 +281,22 @@ sub parse_args {
return( usage("'makedhcp' should work with '-w' option" ) );
# If no -M option, lsslp only accept -s
# option to ouput specific hardwares' mtms
# if ( !exists( $opt{M} ) ) {
# if ( exists($opt{r}) or exists($opt{x}) or exists($opt{z}) or exists($opt{w})
# or exists($opt{makedhcp}) or exists($opt{writehosts}) or exists($opt{n}) {
# return( usage("-r,-x,-z,-w,-n,--makedhcp,--writehosts are not allowed without -M option") );
# }
# }
# Check the validation of -M option
if ( exists( $opt{M} ) and ($opt{M} !~ /^vpd$/) and ($opt{M} !~ /^switchport$/) ) {
return( usage("'-M' option only accept 'vpd' or 'switchport'") );
return( usage("Invalid value for '-M' option. Acceptable value is 'vpd' or 'switchport'") );
@ -643,7 +654,7 @@ sub invoke_cmd {
if ( $verbose ) {
trace( $request, "Forked: ($ip)->($target_dev->{args})" );
if ($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'MM')
if ($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'mm')
@cmds = (
@ -657,7 +668,7 @@ sub invoke_cmd {
@cmds );
elsif($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'HMC')
elsif($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'hmc')
@cmds = ("network_reset=$target_dev->{args}");
trace( $request, "sshcmds on hmc $ip");
@ -666,7 +677,7 @@ sub invoke_cmd {
@cmds );
else #The rest must be fsp or bpa
@cmds = ("network=$ip,$target_dev->{args}");
@ -1174,13 +1185,6 @@ sub gethost_from_url {
$host = match_vpdtable($type, $mtm, $sn, $side, $bpc_machinetype, $bpc_serial, $frame_number, $cage_number);
# Get hostname from switch table
if ( exists($opt{M}) and ($opt{M} =~ /^switchport$/) ) {
$host = match_switchtable($ip, $bpc_machinetype, $bpc_serial, $frame_number, $cage_number);
if ( !$host ) {
$host = getFactoryHostname($type,$mtm,$sn,$side,$rsp);
@ -1248,6 +1252,44 @@ sub match_vpdtable
sub match_switchtable
my $ip = shift;
my $mac = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $bpc_model = shift;
my $bpc_serial = shift;
my $frame_number = shift;
my $cage_number = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $mtm = shift;
my $serial = shift;
my $name;
# Find the nodenames that match the
# port on switch to their mac
my $names = $macmap->find_mac( $mac );
if ( $names =~ /,/ ) {
# For High end machines, only BPA have
# connections to switch, FSPs shared the
# port with BPA. So need to distiguish
# the FSPs on the same port
$name = disti_multi_node( $names, $type, $bpc_model, $bpc_serial, $frame_number, $cage_number, $side, $mtm, $serial );
if ( ! $name ) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "$ip:Cannot distinguish the correct node from $names.", $::callback);
return undef;
} else {
$name = $names;
if ( $name ) {
return $name;
} else {
return undef;
sub getFactoryHostname
@ -1677,10 +1719,10 @@ sub parse_responses {
$frame = "Server-@$data[5]-SN@$data[6]";
} else {
$frame = $name;
$frame = undef;
} elsif ( $type =~ /^BPA$/ ) {
$frame = $name;
$frame = undef;
push @$data, $frame;
@ -1689,9 +1731,28 @@ sub parse_responses {
# Get the Mac address
my $mac = match_ip_mac( $ip );
#my $names = $macmap->find_mac( $mac );
push @$data, $mac;
# Get hostname from switch table
my $host;
if ( $mac and exists($opt{M}) and ($opt{M} =~ /^switchport$/) ) {
my $type = @$data[0];
my $mtm = @$data[1];
my $serial = @$data[2];
my $bpc_model = @$data[5];
my $bpc_serial = @$data[6];
my $frame_number = @$data[7];
my $cage_number = @$data[8];
my $side = @$data[3];
$host = match_switchtable($ip, $mac, $type, $bpc_model, $bpc_serial, $frame_number, $cage_number, $side, $mtm, $serial);
if ( $host ) {
$h = "$host($ip)";
$hash{$h} = $data;
@ -1744,7 +1805,7 @@ sub xCATdB {
} elsif ( $type =~ /^(HMC|IVM)$/ ) {
my $mac = @$data[10];
xCAT::PPCdb::add_ppchcp( lc($type), "$name,$mac",1 );
xCAT::PPCdb::add_ppchcp( lc($type), "$name,$mac,$ip",1 );
elsif ( $type =~ /^FSP$/ ) {
@ -1855,48 +1916,119 @@ sub do_resetnet {
my $req = shift;
my $outhash = shift;
my $reset_all = 1;
my $namehash;
my $targets;
my $result;
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts');
foreach my $name ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $data = $outhash->{$name};
my $type = @$data[0];
my $ip = @$data[4];
my $mac = @$data[10];
if ( $name =~ /^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)$/) {
$name = $1;
$ip = $2;
if ( $outhash ) {
$reset_all = 0;
foreach my $name ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $data = $outhash->{$name};
my $ip = @$data[4];
if ( $name =~ /^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)$/) {
$name = $1;
$ip = $2;
$namehash->{$name} = $ip;
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
if ( !$hoststab ) {
send_msg( $req, 1, "Error open hosts table" );
return( [RC_ERROR] );
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype' );
if ( !$nodetypetab ) {
send_msg( $req, 1, "Error open nodetype table" );
return( [RC_ERROR] );
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new( 'mac' );
if ( !$mactab ) {
send_msg( $req, 1, "Error open mac table" );
return( [RC_ERROR] );
my $ip_host;
my @hostslist = $hoststab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','ip','otherinterfaces']);
foreach my $host ( @hostslist ) {
my $name = $host->{node};
my $ip = $host->{ip};
my $oi = $host->{otherinterfaces};
# Skip the node if the IP attributes
# is same as otherinterfaces
# is same as otherinterfaces or ip
# discovered
my $ent = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs( $name, ['ip','otherinterfaces'] );
if ( !$ent->{'ip'} or $ent->{'ip'} eq $ent->{'otherinterfaces'} ) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "$name: Current hardware IP is the same new setting, or there is no new IP address defined, skipping network reset..", $::callback);
if ( !$reset_all ) {
if ( $namehash->{$name} ) {
if ( !$ip or $ip eq $namehash->{$name} ) {
$result .= "$name: same ip address, skipping network reset\n";
} else {
} elsif (!$ip or !$oi or $ip eq $oi) {
$result .= "$name: same ip address, skipping network reset\n";
my $type = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs( $name, [qw(nodetype)]);
if ( !$type or !$type->{nodetype} ) {
$result .= "$name: no nodetype defined, skipping network reset\n";
my $mac = $mactab->getNodeAttribs( $name, [qw(mac)]);
if ( !$mac or !$mac->{mac} ) {
$result .= "$name: no mac defined, skipping network reset\n";
$result .= "$name: network resetting..\n";
# Make the target that will reset its
# network interface
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'args'} = ",$name";
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'mac'} = $mac;
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'name'} = $name;
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'ip'} = $ip;
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'type'} = $type;
if ( $type !~ /^MM$/ ) {
my %netinfo = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo( [$ip] );
$targets->{$type}->{$ip}->{'args'} .= ",$netinfo{$ip}{'gateway'},$netinfo{$ip}{'mask'}";
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'args'} = ",$name";
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'mac'} = $mac->{mac};
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'name'} = $name;
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'ip'} = $oi;
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'type'} = $type->{nodetype};
if ( $type->{nodetype} !~ /^mm$/ ) {
my %netinfo = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo( [$oi] );
$targets->{$type->{nodetype}}->{$oi}->{'args'} .= ",$netinfo{$oi}{'gateway'},$netinfo{$oi}{'mask'}";
$ip_host->{$oi} = $name;
send_msg( $req, 0, $result );
$result = undef;
# Update target hardware w/discovery info
rspconfig( $req, $targets );
my ($fail_nodes,$succeed_nodes) = rspconfig( $req, $targets );
$result = "Failed reset network:\n";
foreach my $ip ( @$fail_nodes ) {
if ( $ip_host->{$ip} ) {
$result .= $ip_host->{$ip} . ",";
$result .= "\nSuccessfully reseted network:\n";
foreach my $ip ( @$succeed_nodes ) {
if ( $ip_host->{$ip} ) {
$result .= $ip_host->{$ip} . ",";
$result .= "\n";
send_msg( $req, 0, $result );
return undef;
@ -2432,57 +2564,105 @@ sub preprocess_request {
sub disti_multi_node
my $req = shift;
my $names = shift;
my $slp = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $bpc_model = shift;
my $bpc_serial = shift;
my $frame_number = shift;
my $cage_number = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $mtm = shift;
my $serial = shift;
return undef if ( $slp->{'type'} eq 'FSP' and ! exists $slp->{'cage-number'});
return undef if ( $slp->{'type'} eq 'BPA' and ! exists $slp->{'frame-number'});
return undef if ( $type eq 'FSP' and !defined $cage_number );
return undef if ( $type eq 'BPA' and !defined $frame_number );
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc');
return undef if ( ! $ppctab);
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype');
return undef if ( ! $nodetypetab);
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc' );
return undef if ( ! $ppctab );
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype' );
return undef if ( ! $nodetypetab );
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new( 'vpd');
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new( 'vpd' );
my @nodes = split /,/, $names;
my $correct_node = undef;
for my $node ( @nodes)
my $id_parent = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['id','parent']);
next if (! defined $id_parent or ! exists $id_parent->{'id'});
my $nodetype = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nodetype']);
next if (! defined $nodetype or ! exists $nodetype->{'nodetype'});
next if ( $nodetype->{'nodetype'} ne lc($slp->{type}));
if ( ($nodetype->{'nodetype'} eq 'fsp' and $id_parent->{'id'} eq $slp->{'cage-number'}) or
($nodetype->{'nodetype'} eq 'bpa' and $id_parent->{'id'} eq $slp->{
my $vpdnode = undef;
if ( defined $id_parent->{ 'parent'})#if no parent defined, take it as is.
if( $vpdtab
and $vpdnode = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs($id_parent->{ 'parent'}, ['serial','mtm'])
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
my $id_parent = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['id','parent'] );
my $nodetype = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nodetype'] );
next if ( !defined $nodetype or !exists $nodetype->{'nodetype'} );
next if ( $nodetype->{'nodetype'} ne lc($type) );
if ( $nodetype->{'nodetype'} eq 'fsp') {
if ( defined $id_parent->{'id'} and defined $id_parent->{'parent'} ) {
# For high end machines.
# Check if this node's parent and id is the
# same in SLP response.
if ( $id_parent->{'id'} eq $cage_number ) {
my $vpdnode = undef;
if ( $vpdtab
and $vpdnode = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs($id_parent->{'parent'}, ['serial','mtm'])
and exists $vpdnode->{'serial'}
and exists $vpdnode->{'mtm'})
if ( $vpdnode->{'serial'} ne $slp->{'bpc-serial-number'}
or $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ne $slp->{'bpc-machinetype-model'})
and exists $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ) {
if ( $vpdnode->{'serial'} ne $bpc_serial
or $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ne $bpc_model ) {
} else {
} else {
# For low end machines.
# If there is hub to connect several FSPs
# with the same switch port, check node's
# mtms
my $vpdnode = undef;
if( $vpdtab
and $vpdnode = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['serial','mtm'])
and exists $vpdnode->{'serial'}
and exists $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ) {
if ( $vpdnode->{'serial'} ne $serial
or $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ne $mtm ) {
elsif ( "$slp->{'bpc-machinetype-model'}*$slp->{'bpc-serial-number'}" ne $id_parent->{ 'parent'})
# Check if the side attribute for this node
# is the same in SLP response
# For FSP redundancy.
my $nodeside = undef;
$nodeside = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['side']);
if ( defined $nodeside->{'side'} and $nodeside->{'side'} ne $side ) {
return $node;
if ( $nodetype->{'nodetype'} eq 'bpa' ) {
my $vpdnode = undef;
# If there is a hub to connect several BPAs
# with the same switch port, check this
# node's mtms
if ( $vpdtab
and $vpdnode = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['serial','mtm'])
and exists $vpdnode->{'serial'}
and exists $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ) {
if ( $vpdnode->{'serial'} ne $bpc_serial
or $vpdnode->{'mtm'} ne $bpc_model ) {
return undef if ( $correct_node);#had matched another node before
$correct_node = $node;
return $node;
return $correct_node;
return undef;
@ -2524,6 +2704,9 @@ sub rspconfig {
trace( $request, $msg );
my $result;
my @failed_node;
my @succeed_node;
foreach my $ip ( keys %rsp_result ) {
# Error logging on to MM
@ -2531,6 +2714,12 @@ sub rspconfig {
my $result = $rsp_result{$ip};
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @failed_node, $ip;
} else {
push @succeed_node, $ip;
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
# MM connect error
@ -2543,6 +2732,7 @@ sub rspconfig {
# Process each response
@ -2567,7 +2757,8 @@ sub rspconfig {
return( \%rsp_dev );
return( \@failed_node, \@succeed_node );
@ -2578,10 +2769,10 @@ sub get_rsp_dev
my $request = shift;
my $targets = shift;
my $mm = $targets->{'MM'} ? $targets->{'MM'} : {};
my $hmc = $targets->{'HMC'} ? $targets->{'HMC'}: {};
my $fsp = $targets->{'FSP'} ? $targets->{'FSP'}: {};
my $bpa = $targets->{'BPA'} ? $targets->{'BPA'}: {};
my $mm = $targets->{'mm'} ? $targets->{'mm'} : {};
my $hmc = $targets->{'hmc'} ? $targets->{'hmc'}: {};
my $fsp = $targets->{'fsp'} ? $targets->{'fsp'}: {};
my $bpa = $targets->{'bpa'} ? $targets->{'bpa'}: {};
if (%$mm)
@ -2683,10 +2874,15 @@ sub process_request {
send_msg( \%request, 1, @$result );
# SLP service-request - select program
$result = $openSLP ? slptool( \%request ) : slp_query( \%request );
if ( exists($opt{resetnet}) and scalar(keys %opt) eq 1 ) {
$result = do_resetnet( \%request );
} else {
# SLP service-request - select program
$result = $openSLP ? slptool( \%request ) : slp_query( \%request );
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
return( $Rc );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user