Change handled_commands() to fix bug ID 2895829.
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ sub getNodeProps {
Key value
Requested properties
Returns : Properties from specifed table
Example : my @attrs = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey($tabName, $key, $keyValue, @reqProps);
Example : my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey($tabName, $key, $keyValue, @reqProps);
@ -103,18 +103,18 @@ sub setNodeProp {
=head3 delTabNode
=head3 delTabEntry
Description : Delete node
Arguments : Table
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabNode($tabName, $node);
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry($tabName, $node);
sub delTabNode {
sub delTabEntry {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName, $node ) = @_;
@ -808,21 +808,183 @@ sub isAddressUsed {
=head3 ascii2hex
=head3 getMacID
Description : Convert ASCII to HEX
Arguments : ASCII string
Returns : HEX string
Example : my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->ascii2hex($str);
Description : Get MACID from /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac on HCP
Arguments : HCP node
Returns : MACID
Example : my $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMacID($hcp);
sub ascii2hex {
my ( $class, $str ) = @_;
sub getMacID {
my ( $class, $hcp ) = @_;
# Convert ASCII to HEX
$str =~ s/(.|\n)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg;
# Check /opt/zhcp/conf directory on HCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -d /opt/zhcp/conf && echo 'Directory exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/Directory exists/i ) {
return $str;
# Read next_mac file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
else {
# Create /opt/zhcp/conf directory
# Create next_mac -- Contains next MAC address to use
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "mkdir /opt/zhcp/conf"`;
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
# Create /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac file on HCP
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
my $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
return $mac;
=head3 generateMac
Description : Generate a MAC address
Arguments : HCP node
Returns : MAC suffix
Example : my $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMac($hcp);
sub generateMac {
my ( $class, $hcp ) = @_;
# Check /opt/zhcp/conf directory on HCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -d /opt/zhcp/conf && echo 'Directory exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/Directory exists/i ) {
# Read next_mac file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
else {
# Create /opt/zhcp/conf directory
# Create next_mac -- Contains next MAC address to use
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "mkdir /opt/zhcp/conf"`;
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
# Read /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
my $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
my $int;
if ($mac) {
# Convert hexadecimal to decimal
$int = hex($mac);
$mac = sprintf( "%d", $int );
# Generate new MAC suffix
$mac = $mac - 1;
# Convert decimal to hexadecimal
$mac = sprintf( "%X", $mac );
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo $mac > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_mac"`;
return $mac;
# # Find the highest MAC address on given LAN
# my $newMac = 0;
# my $mac;
# my $temp;
# my $layer = -1;
# my @vars;
# my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp --buffer 1000000 q lan $lanName details"`;
# my @outLn = split( "\n", $out );
# # Go through each line
# foreach (@outLn) {
# # Get the MAC address for layer 3 LAN
# if ( $layer == 3 ) {
# @vars = split( " ", $_ );
# $mac = $vars[2];
# # Replace - with :
# $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, "-", ":" );
# # Convert to decimal
# if ($mac) {
# # Remove dash
# $temp = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, ":", "" );
# $temp = hex($temp);
# $mac = sprintf( "%d", $temp );
# }
# # Compare MAC address value to previous one
# # Save the highest MAC address
# if ( $mac > $newMac ) {
# $newMac = $mac;
# }
# $layer = -1;
# }
# # Get the MAC address for layer 2 LAN
# elsif ( $layer == 2 ) {
# @vars = split( " ", $_ );
# $mac = $vars[0];
# # Replace - with :
# $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, "-", ":" );
# # Convert to decimal
# if ($mac) {
# # Remove dash
# $temp = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, ":", "" );
# $temp = hex($temp);
# $mac = sprintf( "%d", $temp );
# }
# # Compare MAC address value to previous one
# # Save the highest MAC address
# if ( $mac > $newMac ) {
# $newMac = $mac;
# }
# $layer = -1;
# }
# # If the line contains 'Unicast IP/MAC Addresses' -- Then the next line contain a MAC address
# if ( $_ =~ m/Unicast IP Addresses/i ) {
# $layer = 3;
# }
# elsif ( $_ =~ m/ Unicast MAC Addresses/i ) {
# $layer = 2;
# }
# }
# # Convert the highest MAC address from decimal to hexadecimal
# $newMac = $newMac + 1;
# $newMac = sprintf( "%x", $newMac );
# # Append a zero if length is less than 12
# if ( length($newMac) != 12 ) {
# $newMac = "0" . $newMac;
# }
# $newMac =
# substr( $newMac, 0, 2 ) . ":"
# . substr( $newMac, 2, 2 ) . ":"
# . substr( $newMac, 4, 2 ) . ":"
# . substr( $newMac, 6, 2 ) . ":"
# . substr( $newMac, 8, 2 ) . ":"
# . substr( $newMac, 10, 2 );
# return $newMac;
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ sub handled_commands {
lsvm => 'nodehm:mgt',
chvm => 'nodehm:mgt',
rscan => 'nodehm:mgt',
nodeset => 'nodehm:mgt',
getmacs => 'nodehm:mgt',
nodeset => 'noderes:netboot',
getmacs => 'nodehm:getmac,mgt',
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ sub process_request {
=head3 removeVM
Description : Remove a virtual server
Arguments : Node
Arguments : Node to remove
Returns : Nothing
Example : removeVM($callback, $node);
@ -464,8 +464,12 @@ sub removeVM {
# Remove node from tables
$out = `noderm $node`;
# Remove node from 'zvm', 'nodelist', 'nodetype', 'noderes', and 'nodehm' tables
xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'zvm', $node );
xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodelist', $node );
xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodetype', $node );
xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'noderes', $node );
xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodehm', $node );
@ -733,8 +737,8 @@ sub changeVM {
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removeprocessor $userId $addr"`;
# replaceuserentry [file]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--replaceuserentry" ) {
# replacevs [file]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--replacevs" ) {
my $file = $args->[1];
# Target system (HCP) --
@ -917,6 +921,7 @@ sub scanVM {
# Get nodes managed by this HCP
# Look in 'zvm' table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'zvm', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 );
my @results = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "hcp like '%" . $hcp . "%'", 'node', 'userid' );
my $out;
my $managedNode;
@ -927,7 +932,6 @@ sub scanVM {
# Search for nodes managed by specified HCP
# Get 'node' and 'userid' properties
my @results = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "hcp like '%" . $hcp . "%'", 'node', 'userid' );
foreach (@results) {
$managedNode = $_->{'node'};
@ -1132,8 +1136,9 @@ sub listVM {
=head3 makeVM
Description : Create a virtual server
- Unique MAC address is assigned to the virtual server
Arguments : Node
User entry as text file
User entry text file
Returns : Nothing
Example : makeVM($callback, $node, $args);
@ -1168,21 +1173,91 @@ sub makeVM {
# Get file (if any)
my $file = $args->[0];
my $out;
# Get user entry file (if any)
my $userEntry = $args->[0];
# Target system (HCP) --
my $target = "root@";
$target .= $hcp;
if ($file) {
my $out;
my $nodeStr = "root@" . $hcp;
if ($userEntry) {
# Grab first NICDEF statement in user entry
$out = `cat $userEntry | grep "NICDEF"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my @vars = split( ' ', $lines[0] );
# Get LAN name
my $lanName = $vars[6];
# Get MAC address in 'mac' table
@propNames = ('mac');
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $node, @propNames );
my $generateNew = 0;
my $suffix;
if ($propVals) {
$suffix = $propVals->{'mac'};
$suffix = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $suffix, ":", "" );
# Get MAC suffix
$suffix = substr( $suffix, 6 );
else {
# If no MAC suffix is found in 'mac' table, get new MAC suffix
$suffix = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMacID($hcp);
if ( !$suffix ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Could not generate MACID" );
$generateNew = 1;
# Append MACID at the end of the NICDEF statement in user entry text file
$out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$lanName,$lanName MACID $suffix,g" $userEntry`;
# SCP file over to HCP
$out = `scp $file $target:$file`;
$out = `scp $userEntry $nodeStr:$userEntry`;
# Create virtual server
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/createvs $userId $file"`;
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/createvs $userId $userEntry"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" );
# Check output
my $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isOutputGood( $callback, $out );
if ( $rc == 0 ) {
# Get HCP MAC address
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp q nic" | grep $lanName`;
my @lines = split( "\n", $out );
my @vars = split( " ", $lines[0] );
my $prefix = $vars[1];
$prefix = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $prefix, "-", "" );
$prefix = substr( $prefix, 0, 6 );
# Generate MAC address
my $mac = $prefix . $suffix;
# Append a zero if length is less than 12
if ( length($mac) != 12 ) {
$mac = "0" . $mac;
$mac =
substr( $mac, 0, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 2, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 4, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 6, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 8, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 10, 2 );
# Save MAC address in 'mac' table
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $node, 'mac', $mac );
# Generate new MAC suffix
if ( $generateNew == 1 ) {
$mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMac($hcp);
else {
@ -1605,7 +1680,9 @@ sub cloneVM {
=head3 nodeSet
Description : Set the boot state for a noderange
(Perform installation of zLinux)
- Installs zLinux
- Layer 2 and 3 VSwitch/Lan supported
- The 1st NICDEF in the user entry will be used
Arguments : Node
Returns : Nothing
Example : nodeSet($callback, $node, $args);
@ -1652,14 +1729,14 @@ sub nodeSet {
# Get profile
# Get autoyast/kickstart template
my $profile = $propVals->{'profile'};
if ( !$distr ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Missing profile for this node" );
# Get network adapter
# Get network interface
@propNames = ( 'primarynic', 'tftpserver' );
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'noderes', $node, @propNames );
my $interface = $propVals->{'primarynic'};
@ -1680,18 +1757,54 @@ sub nodeSet {
# Get NIC address from user entry
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getuserentry $userId" | grep "NICDEF"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
if ( !$lines[0] ) {
if ( !$out ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Missing NICDEF statement in user entry of node" );
# Grab the first NICDEF address
# Grab first NICDEF address
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
@parms = split( ' ', $lines[0] );
my $readChannel = "0.0.0" . ( $parms[1] + 0 );
my $writeChannel = "0.0.0" . ( $parms[1] + 1 );
my $dataChannel = "0.0.0" . ( $parms[1] + 2 );
# Get network type (Layer 2 or 3)
my $lanName = $parms[6];
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q lan $lanName"`;
if ( !$out ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Missing NICDEF statement in user entry of node" );
# Go through each line and search for ETHERNET -- Which means layer 2
my $layer = 3; # Default to layer 3
@lines = split( '\n', $out );
foreach (@lines) {
# If the line contains ETHERNET, then it is a layer 2 network
if ( $_ =~ m/ETHERNET/i ) {
$layer = 2;
# Get MAC address -- Only for layer 2 LAN
my $mac = "";
my @propNames;
my $propVals;
if ( $layer == 2 ) {
# Search 'mac' table for node
@propNames = ('mac');
$propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'mac', 'node', $node, @propNames );
$mac = $propVals->{'mac'};
# If no MAC address is found, generate a new one
if ( !$mac ) {
$mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMac($hcp);
# Get domain from site table
my $siteTab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $domainHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "domain" }, 'value' );
@ -1742,7 +1855,6 @@ sub nodeSet {
my $netType = "qeth";
my $portName = "FOOBAR";
my $portNo = "0";
my $layer = "0";
# SUSE installation
my $template;
@ -1759,7 +1871,7 @@ sub nodeSet {
my $device = "qeth-bus-ccw-$readChannel";
my $chanIds = "$readChannel $writeChannel $dataChannel";
$out =
`sed --in-place -e "s,replace_host_address,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_long_name,$hostname,g" \ -e "s,replace_short_name,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_domain,$domain,g" \ -e "s,replace_hostname,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_nameserver,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_broadcast,$broadcast,g" \ -e "s,replace_device,$device,g" \ -e "s,replace_ipaddr,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_netmask,$mask,g" \ -e "s,replace_network,$network,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_ids,$chanIds,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_mode,FOOBAR,g" \ -e "s,replace_gateway,$gateway,g" \ -e "s,replace_root_password,rootpw,g" $template`;
`sed --in-place -e "s,replace_host_address,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_long_name,$hostname,g" \ -e "s,replace_short_name,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_domain,$domain,g" \ -e "s,replace_hostname,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_nameserver,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_broadcast,$broadcast,g" \ -e "s,replace_device,$device,g" \ -e "s,replace_ipaddr,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_lladdr,$mac,g" \ -e "s,replace_netmask,$mask,g" \ -e "s,replace_network,$network,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_ids,$chanIds,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_mode,FOOBAR,g" \ -e "s,replace_gateway,$gateway,g" \ -e "s,replace_root_password,rootpw,g" $template`;
# Read sample parmfile in /install/sles10.2/s390x/1/boot/s390x/
$sampleParm = "/install/$distr/s390x/1/boot/s390x/parmfile";
@ -1783,7 +1895,7 @@ sub nodeSet {
# ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb
# HostIP=
# Gateway= Netmask=
# Broadcast= Layer2=0
# Broadcast= Layer2=1 OSAHWaddr=02:00:01:00:00:05
# ReadChannel=0.0.0800 WriteChannel=0.0.0801 DataChannel=0.0.0802
# Nameserver= Portname=OSAPORT
# Install=
@ -1795,7 +1907,15 @@ sub nodeSet {
$parms = $parms . "AutoYaST=$ay\n";
$parms = $parms . "HostIP=$hostIP Hostname=$hostname\n";
$parms = $parms . "Gateway=$gateway Netmask=$mask\n";
$parms = $parms . "Broadcast=$network Layer2=$layer\n";
# Set layer in autoyast profile
if ( $layer == 2 ) {
$parms = $parms . "Broadcast=$network Layer2=1 OSAHWaddr=$mac\n";
else {
$parms = $parms . "Broadcast=$network Layer2=0\n";
$parms = $parms . "ReadChannel=$readChannel WriteChannel=$writeChannel DataChannel=$dataChannel\n";
$parms = $parms . "Nameserver=$nameserver Portname=$portName\n";
$parms = $parms . "Install=ftp://$ftp/$distr/s390x/1/\n";
@ -1902,7 +2022,7 @@ sub nodeSet {
# Create parmfile LINUX5 PARM-R53
# Create parmfile
# Limit to 80 characters/line -- maximum of 11 lines
# End result should be --
# ramdisk_size=40000 root=/dev/ram0 ro ip=off
@ -1927,7 +2047,15 @@ sub nodeSet {
$parms = $parms . "NETWORK=$network NETMASK=$mask\n";
$parms = $parms . "SEARCHDNS=$domain BROADCAST=$broadcast\n";
$parms = $parms . "GATEWAY=$gateway DNS=$nameserver MTU=1500\n";
$parms = $parms . "PORTNAME=$portName PORTNO=$portNo LAYER2=$layer\n";
# Set layer in kickstart profile
if ( $layer == 2 ) {
$parms = $parms . "PORTNAME=$portName PORTNO=$portNo LAYER2=1 MACADDR=$mac\n";
else {
$parms = $parms . "PORTNAME=$portName PORTNO=$portNo LAYER2=0\n";
$parms = $parms . "vnc vncpassword=123456\n";
# Write to parmfile
@ -2007,7 +2135,9 @@ sub nodeSet {
=head3 getMacs
Description : Collects node MAC address
Description : Collects node MAC address
- This operation requires the node be online
- This operating gets the 1st MAC address found
Arguments : Node
Returns : Nothing
Example : getMacs($callback, $node, $args);
@ -2038,9 +2168,71 @@ sub getMacs {
# Get the last 3 letters of userID
my $hexStr = xCAT::zvmUtils->ascii2hex("123");
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Hex string -- $hexStr" );
# Load VMCP module
my $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($node);
# Get xCat MN Lan/VSwitch name
$out = `vmcp q v nic | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my @vars;
# Go through each line and extract VSwitch and Lan names
# and create search string
my $searchStr = "";
my @vswitches;
my @lans;
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines ; $i++ ) {
# Extract VSwitch name
if ( $lines[$i] =~ m/VSWITCH/i ) {
@vars = split( ' ', $lines[$i] );
push( @vswitches, $vars[4] );
$searchStr = $searchStr . "$vars[4]";
# Extract Lan name
elsif ( $lines[$i] =~ m/LAN/i ) {
@vars = split( ' ', $lines[$i] );
push( @lans, $vars[4] );
$searchStr = $searchStr . "$vars[4]";
if ( $i != ( @lines - 1 ) ) {
$searchStr = $searchStr . "|";
# Get MAC address of node
# This node should be on only 1 of the networks that the xCat MN is on
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "$searchStr"`;
if ( !$out ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Could not find MAC address" );
@lines = split( '\n', $out );
@vars = split( ' ', $lines[0] );
my $mac = $vars[1];
# Replace - with :
$mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, "-", ":" );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$mac" );
# Get network interface using MAC address
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ifconfig" | grep "$mac"`;
if ( !$out ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Could not find network interface" );
@lines = split( '\n', $out );
@vars = split( ' ', $lines[0] );
my $interface = $vars[0];
# Save MAC address and network interface into 'mac' table
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $node, 'mac', $mac );
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $node, 'interface', $interface );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user