support the predefined bmc is set in the hosts.otherinterfaces
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ sub handled_commands {
=head3 findme
Handle the request form node to map and define the request to a node
sub findme {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
@ -82,6 +85,7 @@ sub findme {
$arptable = `/sbin/arp -n`;
my @arpents = split /\n/,$arptable;
foreach (@arpents) {
if (m/^($ip)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/) {
@ -127,20 +131,23 @@ sub findme {
if ($node) {
my $skiphostip;
my $skipbmcip;
my @newhosts = ($node);
# check the host ip and bmc
my $hosttab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
unless ($hosttab) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: hosts.");
my $hostip = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['ip']);
if ($hostip->{'ip'}) {
$skiphostip = 1;
my $hostip = getpredefips([$node], "host");
foreach (keys %$hostip) {
if ($hostip->{$_} eq "$node") {
$skiphostip = 1;
my $bmcip = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs($node."-bmc", ['ip']);
if ($bmcip->{'ip'}) {
$skipbmcip = 1;
my $bmcip = getpredefips([$node], "bmc");
foreach (keys %$bmcip) {
if ($bmcip->{$_} eq "$node-bmc") {
$skipbmcip = 1;
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
@ -148,7 +155,7 @@ sub findme {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: ipmi.");
# set the host ip and bmc if needed
# set the host ip if the node does not have
unless ($skiphostip) {
my $hostip = getfreeips($param{'hostiprange'}, \@allnodes, "host");
unless ($hostip) {
@ -159,8 +166,8 @@ sub findme {
# set the bmc ip if the node does not have
my $bmcname = $node."-bmc";
push @newhosts, $bmcname;
unless ($skipbmcip) {
my $bmcip = getfreeips($param{'bmciprange'}, \@allnodes, "bmc");
unless ($bmcip) {
@ -169,11 +176,13 @@ sub findme {
$hosttab->setNodeAttribs($bmcname, {ip => $bmcip});
# set the bmc to the ipmi table
$ipmitab->setNodeAttribs($node, {bmc => $bmcname});
# set the bmc to the ipmi table
$ipmitab->setNodeAttribs($node, {bmc => $bmcname});
# update the host ip pair to /etc/hosts, it's necessary for discovered and makedhcp commands
my @newhosts = ($node, $node."-bmc");
if (@newhosts) {
my $req;
@ -234,15 +243,16 @@ sub findme {
if (defined ($param{'groups'})) {
$nltab->setNodeAttribs($node, {groups=>$param{'groups'}});
if ($bmcname) {
unless ($skipbmcip) {
$nltab->setNodeAttribs($bmcname, {groups=>$param{'groups'}.",bmc"});
} else {
# just set the groups attribute when there was no groups value was set
my $nlent = $nltab->getNodeAttribs($node,['groups']);
if (!$nlent || !$nlent->{'groups'}) {
$nltab->setNodeAttribs($node, {groups=>"all"});
if ($bmcname) {
unless ($skipbmcip) {
$nlent = $nltab->getNodeAttribs($bmcname,['groups']);
if (!$nlent || !$nlent->{'groups'}) {
$nltab->setNodeAttribs($bmcname, {groups=>"all,bmc"});
@ -250,6 +260,17 @@ sub findme {
# set the mgt for the node
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
unless ($hmtab) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: nodehm.");
my $hment = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mgt']);
if (!$hment || !$hment->{'mgt'}) {
$hmtab->setNodeAttribs($node, {mgt=>"ipmi"});
# call the discovered command to update the discovery request to a node
$request->{noderange} = [$node];
$request->{discoverymethod} = ['sequential'];
@ -440,63 +461,58 @@ Usage:
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
if ($::VERBOSE) {
# dispaly the free nodes
my $hoststb = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
if ($hoststb) {
my $prehostip = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs(\@freenodes, ['ip']);
my %prehostips;
foreach (keys %$prehostip) {
if (defined($prehostip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'})) {
$prehostips{$prehostip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}} = 1;
my @freebmcs;
foreach (@freenodes) {
push @freebmcs, $_.'-bmc';
my $prebmcip = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs(\@freebmcs, ['ip']);
my %prebmcips;
foreach (keys %$prebmcip) {
if (defined($prebmcip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'})) {
$prebmcips{$prebmcip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}} = 1;
my $vrsp;
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, "\n====================Free Nodes===================";
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, sprintf("%-20s%-20s%-20s", "NODE", "HOST IP", "BMC IP");
my $index = 0;
foreach (@freenodes) {
my $hostip;
my $bmcip;
if (defined ($prehostip->{$_}->[0]) && $prehostip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}) {
$hostip = $prehostip->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'};
} else {
while (($hostip = shift @freehostips)) {
if (!defined($prehostips{$hostip})) { last;}
unless ($hostip) {
$hostip = "--no free--";
if (defined ($prebmcip->{$_."-bmc"}->[0]) && $prebmcip->{$_."-bmc"}->[0]->{'ip'}) {
$bmcip = $prebmcip->{$_."-bmc"}->[0]->{'ip'};
} else {
while (($bmcip = shift @freebmcips)) {
if (!defined($prebmcips{$bmcip})) { last;}
unless ($bmcip) {
$bmcip = "--no free--";
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, sprintf("%-20s%-20s%-20s", $_, $hostip, $bmcip);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $vrsp, $callback);
# get predefined host ip
my %prehostips;
my $prehosts = getpredefips(\@freenodes, "host"); #pre{ip} = nodename
foreach (keys %$prehosts) {
$prehostips{$prehosts->{$_}} = $_; #pre{nodename} = ip
# get predefined bmc ip
my %prebmcips;
my $prebmcs = getpredefips(\@freenodes, "bmc"); #pre{ip} = bmcname
foreach (keys %$prebmcs) {
$prebmcips{$prebmcs->{$_}} = $_; #pre{bmcname} = ip
my $vrsp;
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, "\n====================Free Nodes===================";
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, sprintf("%-20s%-20s%-20s", "NODE", "HOST IP", "BMC IP");
my $index = 0;
foreach (@freenodes) {
my $hostip;
my $bmcip;
# if predefined, use it; otherwise pop out one from the free ip list
if (defined ($prehostips{$_})) {
$hostip = $prehostips{$_};
} else {
while (($hostip = shift @freehostips)) {
if (!defined($prehosts->{$hostip})) { last;}
unless ($hostip) {
$hostip = "--no free--";
# if predefined, use it; otherwise pop out one from the free ip list
if (defined ($prebmcips{$_."-bmc"})) {
$bmcip = $prebmcips{$_."-bmc"};
} else {
while (($bmcip = shift @freebmcips)) {
if (!defined($prebmcs->{$bmcip})) { last;}
unless ($bmcip) {
$bmcip = "--no free--";
push @{$vrsp->{data}}, sprintf("%-20s%-20s%-20s", $_, $hostip, $bmcip);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $vrsp, $callback);
@ -1075,6 +1091,7 @@ sub getfreenodes () {
# if mac address has been set, the node is not free
my $nlent = $nltb->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['groups']);
my $macent = $mactb->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['mac']);
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
@ -1100,65 +1117,156 @@ sub getfreenodes () {
=head3 getpredefips
Get the nodes which have ip predefined
arg1 - a refenrece to the array of nodes
arg2 - type: host, bmc
return: hash {ip} = node
sub getpredefips {
my $freenode = shift;
my $type = shift; # type: host, bmc
my $hoststb = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
unless ($hoststb) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: hosts.");
my %predefips; # to have the ip which prefined to the nodes
if ($type eq "bmc") {
# Find the bmc ip which defined in the ipmi.bmc as an ip address instead of name as 'node-bmc'
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
if ($ipmitab) {
my $ipmient = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs($freenode, ['bmc']);
foreach (@$freenode) {
if (defined($ipmient->{$_}->[0]->{'bmc'}) && ($ipmient->{$_}->[0]->{'bmc'} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) {
$predefips{$ipmient->{$_}->[0]->{'bmc'}} = $_."-bmc";
# get the node list of the bmc as 'node-bmc' format
my @freebmc;
foreach (@$freenode) {
push @freebmc, $_.'-bmc';
# get the predefined bmcs which ip has been set in the hosts.ip
my $freenodeent = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs(\@freebmc, ['ip']);
foreach (@freebmc) {
my $nodeip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($_);
if ($nodeip) {
$predefips{$nodeip} = $_;
} else {
if (defined($freenodeent->{$_}->[0]) && $freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}){
$predefips{$freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}} = $_;
# get the predefined bmcs which bmc has been set in the hosts.otherinterfaces
$freenodeent = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs($freenode, ['otherinterfaces']);
foreach (@$freenode) {
# for bmc node, search the hosts.otherinterface to see whether there's perdefined ip for bmc
my $bmcip = getbmcip_otherinterfaces($_, $freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'otherinterfaces'});
if ($bmcip) {
$predefips{$bmcip} = $_."-bmc";
} elsif ($type eq "host") {
# get the predefined node which ip has been set in the hosts.ip
my $freenodeent = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs($freenode, ['ip']);
foreach (@$freenode) {
my $nodeip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($_);
if ($nodeip) {
$predefips{$nodeip} = $_;
} else {
if (defined($freenodeent->{$_}->[0]) && $freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}){
$predefips{$freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}} = $_;
return \%predefips;
=head3 getfreeips
Get the free ips base on the user specified ip range
arg1 - the ip range. Two format are suported:; 192.168.[1-2].[10-100]
arg2 - "all': return all the free nodes; otherwise just return one.
arg2 - all the free nodes
arg3 - type: host, bmc
arg4 - "all': return free ips for all the free nodes; otherwise just return the first one.
return: array of all free ips or one ip base on the arg4
sub getfreeips () {
sub getfreeips {
my $iprange = shift;
my $freenode = shift;
my $type = shift; # type: host, bmc
my $all = shift;
my @freeips;
my %predefips; # to have the ip which assigned to a node which in $freenode
my %predefips; # to have the ip which prefined to the nodes
# get all used ip from hosts table
my $hoststb = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
unless ($hoststb) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Discovery Error: Could not open table: hosts.");
if ($type eq "bmc") {
# Find the bmc ip which defined in the ipmi.bmc as an ip address instead of name as 'node-bmc'
#my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
#if ($ipmitab) {
# my $ipmient = $ipmitab->getNodeAttribs($freenode, ['bmc']);
# foreach (@$freenode) {
# if (defined($ipmient->{$_}) && ($ipmient->{$_}->{'bmc'} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) {
# $predefips{$ipmient->{$_}->{'bmc'}} = 1;
# }
# }
# replace the $freenode with the bmc name as 'node-bmc' format
my @freebmc;
foreach (@$freenode) {
push @freebmc, $_.'-bmc';
$freenode = \@freebmc;
my $freenodeent = $hoststb->getNodesAttribs($freenode, ['ip']);
foreach (@$freenode) {
if (defined($freenodeent->{$_}->[0]) && $freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}){
$predefips{$freenodeent->{$_}->[0]->{'ip'}} = 1;
my @hostsent = $hoststb->getAllNodeAttribs(['node', 'ip']);
my @freebmc;
my %usedips = ();
foreach my $host (@hostsent) {
if (defined ($host->{'ip'}) && !$predefips{$host->{'ip'}}) {
$usedips{$host->{'ip'}} = 1;
if ($type eq "bmc") {
# get the host ip for all predefind nodes from $freenode
%predefips = %{getpredefips($freenode, "bmc")};
# get all the used ips, the predefined ip should be ignored
my @hostsent = $hoststb->getAllNodeAttribs(['node', 'ip', 'otherinterfaces']);
foreach my $host (@hostsent) {
# handle the case that node-bmc has an entry in the hosts table
my $nodeip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($_);
if ($nodeip) {
unless ($predefips{$nodeip}) {
$usedips{$nodeip} = 1;
} else {
if (defined ($host->{'ip'}) && !$predefips{$host->{'ip'}}) {
$usedips{$host->{'ip'}} = 1;
# handle the case that the bmc<->ip mapping is specified in hosts.otherinterfaces
if (defined($host->{'otherinterfaces'})) {
my $bmcip = getbmcip_otherinterfaces($host, $host->{'otherinterfaces'});
unless ($predefips{$bmcip}) {
$usedips{$bmcip} = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "host") {
# get the bmc ip for all predefind nodes from $freenode
%predefips = %{getpredefips($freenode, "host")};
# get all the used ips, the predefined ip should be ignored
my @hostsent = $hoststb->getAllNodeAttribs(['node', 'ip']);
foreach my $host (@hostsent) {
my $nodeip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($_);
if ($nodeip) {
unless ($predefips{$nodeip}) {
$usedips{$nodeip} = 1;
} else {
if (defined ($host->{'ip'}) && !$predefips{$host->{'ip'}}) {
$usedips{$host->{'ip'}} = 1;
# to calculate the free IP. free ip = 'ip in the range' - 'used ip'
if ($iprange =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
# if ip range format is
my ($startip, $endip) = ($1, $2);
my $startnum = xCAT::NetworkUtils->ip_to_int($startip);
my $endnum = xCAT::NetworkUtils->ip_to_int($endip);
@ -1195,4 +1303,39 @@ sub getfreeips () {
=head3 getbmcip_otherinterfaces
Parse the value in the hosts.otherinterfaces
arg1 - node
arg2 - value in the hosts.otherinterfaces
return: the ip of the node <node>-bmc
sub getbmcip_otherinterfaces
my $node = shift;
my $otherinterfaces = shift;
my @itf_pairs = split(/,/, $otherinterfaces);
foreach (@itf_pairs)
my ($itf, $ip);
if ($_ =~ /!/) {
($itf, $ip) = split(/!/, $_);
} else {
($itf, $ip) = split(/:/, $_);
if ($itf =~ /^-/)
$itf = $node . $itf;
if ($itf eq "$node-bmc") {
return xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($ip);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user