When -m is specified and there are settings in the monsetting table, it displays the status of the applications specified in the monsetting table. When -p is specified it shows the power status for the nodes that are not pingable. When -u is specified it saves the status info into the xCAT database. Node's pingable status and deployment status is saved in the nodelist.status column. Node's application status is saved in the nodelist.appstatus column.
To specify settings in the B<monsetting> table, use 'xcatmon' as the name, 'apps' as the key and the value will be a list of comma separated list of application names. For each application, you can specify the port number that can be queried on the nodes to get the running status. Or you can specify a command that can be called to get the node status from. The command can be a command that can be run locally at the management node or the service node for hierarchical cluster, or a command that can be run remotely on the nodes.
The following is an example of the settings in the B<monsetting> table:
apps -- a list of comma separated application names whose status will be queried. For how to get the status of each app, look for app name in the key filed in a different row.
port -- the application daemon port number, if not specified, use internal list, then /etc/services.
group -- the name of a node group that needs to get the application status from. If not specified, assume all the nodes in the nodelist table. To specify more than one groups, use group=a,group=b format.
cmd -- the command will be run locally on mn or sn.
dcmd -- the command will be run distributed on the nodes (xdsh <nodes> ...).