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use strict;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
use CGI qw/:standard/; #todo: remove :standard when the code only uses object oriented interface
use JSON; #todo: require this dynamically later on so that installations that do not use xcatws.cgi do not need perl-JSON
use Data::Dumper;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#talk to the server
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use lib "/opt/xcat/lib/perl";
use xCAT::Table;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# Development notes:
# - added this line to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to hide the cgi-bin and .cgi extension in the uri:
# ScriptAlias /xcatws /var/www/cgi-bin/xcatws.cgi
# - also upgraded CGI to 3.52
# - If "Internal Server Error" is returned, look at /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
# -can run your cgi script from the cli: http://perldoc.perl.org/CGI.html#DEBUGGING
# This is how the parameters come in:
# GET: url parameters come $q->url_param. There is no put/post data.
# PUT: url parameters come $q->url_param. Put data comes in q->param(PUTDATA).
# POST: url parameters come $q->url_param. Post data comes in q->param(POSTDATA).
# DELETE: ??
# Notes from http://perldoc.perl.org/CGI.html:
# %params = $q->Vars; # same as $q->param() except put it in a hash
# @foo = split("\0",$params{'foo'});
# my $error = $q->cgi_error; #todo: check for errors that occurred while processing user input
# print $q->end_html; #todo: add the </body></html> tags
# $q->url_param() # gets url options, even when there is put/post data (unlike q->param)
my $VERSION = "2.8";
my $q = CGI->new;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#my $url = $q->url; # the 1st part of the url, https, hostname, port num, and /xcatws
my $pathInfo = $q->path_info; # the resource specification, i.e. everything in the url after xcatws
#my $requestType = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
my $requestType = $q->request_method(); # GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
my $queryString = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; #todo: remove this when not used any more
#my $userAgent = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}; # curl, etc.
my $userAgent = $q->user_agent(); # the client program: curl, etc.
my %queryhash; # the queryString will get put into this
my @path = split(/\//, $pathInfo);
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
shift(@path); # get rid of the initial /
my $resource = $path[0];
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $pageContent = ''; # global var containing the ouptut back to the rest client
my $request = {clienttype => 'ws'};
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $userName = $q->url_param('userName');
my $password = $q->url_param('password');
#error status codes
my $STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = "400 Bad Request";
my $STATUS_UNAUTH = "401 Unauthorized";
my $STATUS_FORBIDDEN = "403 Forbidden";
my $STATUS_NOT_FOUND = "404 Not Found";
my $STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED = "405 Method Not Allowed";
my $STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = "406 Not Acceptable";
my $STATUS_TIMEOUT = "408 Request Timeout";
my $STATUS_EXPECT_FAILED = "417 Expectation Failed";
my $STATUS_TEAPOT = "418 I'm a teapot";
my $STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = "503 Service Unavailable";
#good status codes
my $STATUS_OK = "200 OK";
my $STATUS_CREATED = "201 Created";
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $XCAT_PATH = '/opt/xcat/bin';
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $pdata; # global var holding either the put data or the post data
if (isPut()) { $pdata = $q->param('PUTDATA'); }
elsif (isPost()) { $pdata = $q->param('POSTDATA'); }
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $DEBUGGING = $q->url_param('debug'); # turn on or off the debugging output by setting debug=1 (or 2) in the url string
#if (defined($q->param('PUTDATA')) || defined($q->param('POSTDATA'))) {
# addPageContent("put data 1 " . $q->p($q->param('PUTDATA') . "\n"));
#} elsif (isPut()) {
# my $entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA'));
# if (scalar(@$entries) >= 1) {
# addPageContent("put data 2 \n");
# foreach (@$entries) {
# addPageContent("$_\n");
# }
# }
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: q->param:\n"));
#my @params = $q->param;
#foreach (@params) {
# addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: $_ = " . join(',', $q->param($_)) . "\n"));
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: queryString: $queryString\n"));
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: queryhash (from queryString):" . Dumper(\%queryhash) . "\n"));
#my %paramshash = $q->Vars;
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: paramshash (from q->Vars):" . Dumper(\%paramshash) . "\n"));
#my @urlparams = $q->url_param;
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: q->url_param:\n"));
foreach ($q->url_param) {
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: $_ = " . join(',', $q->url_param($_)) . "\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: q->request_method: $requestType\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: q->user_agent: $userAgent\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: pathInfo: $pathInfo\n"));
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: path " . Dumper(@path) . "\n"));
#foreach (keys(%ENV)) { addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: ENV{$_}: $ENV{$_}\n")); }
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: resource: $resource\n"));
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: userName=$userName, password=$password\n"));
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: http() values:\n" . http() . "\n"));
if ($pdata) { addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: pdata: $pdata\n")); }
if ($DEBUGGING == 2) {
sendResponseMsg($STATUS_OK); # this will also exit
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# Process the format requested
my $format = $q->url_param('format');
if (!$format) { $format = 'html'; } # this is the default format
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# supported formats
my %formatters = (
'html' => \&wrapHtml,
'json' => \&wrapJson,
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
'xml' => \&wrapXml
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# puts $queryString into %queryHash
fetchParameter($queryString); #todo: remove when not used anymore
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
if (!exists $formatters{$format}) {
addPageContent("The format '$format' is not supported");
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
if ($format eq 'json' || isPut() || isPost()) {
# require JSON dynamically and let them know if it is not installed
my $jsoninstalled = eval { require JSON; };
unless ($jsoninstalled) {
addPageContent('{"data":"JSON perl module missing. Install perl-JSON before using the xCAT REST web services API."}');
if ($format eq 'xml') {
# require XML dynamically and let them know if it is not installed
my $xmlinstalled = eval { require XML::Simple; };
unless ($xmlinstalled) {
addPageContent('The XML::Simple perl module is missing. Install perl-XML-Simple before using the xCAT REST web services API with this format."}');
$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
#resource handlers
my %resources = (
groups => \&groupsHandler,
images => \&imagesHandler,
logs => \&logsHandler,
monitors => \&monitorsHandler,
networks => \&networksHandler,
nodes => \&nodesHandler,
notifications => \&notificationsHandler,
policies => \&policiesHandler,
site => \&siteHandler,
tables => \&tablesHandler,
accounts => \&accountsHandler,
objects => \&objectsHandler,
vms => \&vmsHandler,
debug => \&debugHandler,
hypervisor => \&hypervisorHandler,
version => \&versionHandler);
#if no resource was specified
if ($pathInfo =~ /^\/$/ || $pathInfo =~ /^$/) {
addPageContent($q->p("This is the root page for the xCAT Rest Web Service. Available resources are:"));
foreach (sort keys %resources) {
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
sendResponseMsg($STATUS_OK); # this will also exit
#my @imageFields = (
# 'imagename', 'profile', 'imagetype', 'provmethod', 'osname', 'osvers',
# 'osdistro', 'osarch', 'synclists', 'comments', 'disable');
my $formatType; # global var for tablesHandler to pass the splitCommas option to wrapHtml
#general tests for valid requests and responses with HTTP codes here
if (!doesResourceExist($resource)) {
addPageContent("Resource '$resource' does not exist");
sendResponseMsg($STATUS_NOT_FOUND); # this will also exit
# Main function - process user request
# end of main
#todo: add msg function display messages in the correct format
# if debugging, output the given string
sub debug {
if (!$DEBUGGING) { return; }
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: $_[0]\n"));
# when having bugs that cause this cgi to not produce any output, output something and then exit.
sub debugandexit {
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# Append content to the global var holding the output to go back to the rest client
sub addPageContent {
my $newcontent = shift;
$pageContent .= $newcontent;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#send the response to client side
#the http only return once in each request, so all content shoudl save in a global variable,
#create the response header by status
sub sendResponseMsg {
my $code = shift;
my $tempFormat = '';
if ('json' eq $format) {
$tempFormat = 'application/json';
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
elsif ('xml' eq $format) {
$tempFormat = 'text/xml';
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
else {
$tempFormat = 'text/html';
print $q->header(-status => $code, -type => $tempFormat);
print $pageContent;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
sub unsupportedRequestType {
addPageContent("request method '$requestType' is not supported on resource '$resource'");
# Convert xcat request to xml for sending to xcatd
sub genRequest {
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: request to xcatd: " . Dumper($request) . "\n"));
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $xml = XML::Simple::XMLout($request, RootName => 'xcatrequest', NoAttr => 1, KeyAttr => []);
sub doesResourceExist {
my $res = shift;
return exists $resources{$res};
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#when use put and post, can not fetch the url-parameter, so add this sub to support all kinds of methods
sub fetchParameter {
my $parstr = shift;
unless ($parstr) {
my @pairs = split(/&/, $parstr);
foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $pair, 2);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
push @{$queryhash{$key}}, $value;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# Extract the put data or post data into the hash that is passed in by reference.
# The data (2nd parameter) comes from JSON::decode_json()
sub extractData {
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $returnhash = shift;
my $parArray = shift;
my $key;
my $value;
my $position;
#traversal all element in the array
foreach (@$parArray) {
$position = index($_, '=');
if ($position < 0) {
$key = $_;
$value = 1;
else {
$key = substr $_, 0, $position;
$value = substr $_, $position + 1;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
$returnhash->{$key} = $value;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: parameters extracted from put/post data: " . Dumper($returnhash) . "\n"));
sub handleRequest {
if ($userName && $password) {
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{username}->[0] = $userName;
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{password}->[0] = $password;
my @data = $resources{$resource}->();
#get is done
#post and delete are done but not tested
#groupfiles4dsh is done but not tested
sub groupsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $groupName;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my @groupFields = ('groupname', 'grouptype', 'members', 'wherevals', 'comments', 'disable');
#is the group name in the URI?
if (defined $path[1]) {
$groupName = $path[1];
#in the query string?
else {
$groupName = $q->param('groupName');
if (isGet()) {
if (defined $groupName) {
$request->{command} = 'tabget';
push @args, "groupname=$groupName";
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
foreach ($q->param('field')) {
push @args, "nodegroup.$_";
else {
foreach (@groupFields) {
push @args, "nodegroup.$_";
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, 'nodegroup';
#does it make sense to even have this?
elsif (isPost()) {
my $nodeRange = $q->param('nodeRange');
if ((defined $groupName) && (defined $nodeRange)) {
$request->{command} = 'mkdef';
push @args, '-t';
push @args, 'group';
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $groupName;
push @args, "members=$nodeRange";
else {
addPageContent("A node range and group name must be specified for creating a group");
elsif (isPut()) {
#handle groupfiles4dsh -p /tmp/nodegroupfiles
if ($q->param('command') eq "4dsh") {
if ($q->param('path')) {
$request->{command} = 'groupfiles4dsh';
push @args, "p=$q->param('path')";
else {
addPageContent("The path must be specified for creating directories for dsh");
else {
if (defined $groupName && defined $q->param('fields')) {
$request->{command} = 'nodegrpch';
push @args, $groupName;
push @args, $q->param('field');
else {
addPageContent("The group and fields must be specified to update groups");
elsif (isDelete()) {
if (defined $groupName) {
$request->{command} = 'rmdef';
push @args, '-d';
push @args, 'group';
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $groupName;
else {
addPageContent("The group must be specified to delete a group");
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#get is done, nothing else
sub imagesHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $image;
my $subResource;
if (defined($path[1])) {
$image = $path[1];
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @args, '-t', 'osimage';
if (defined $image) {
push @args, '-o', $image;
if (defined($q->param('field'))) {
push @args, '-i';
push @args, join(',', $q->param('field'));
if (defined($q->param('criteria'))) {
foreach ($q->param('criteria')) {
push @args, '-w', "$_";
elsif (isPost()) {
my $operationname = $image;
my $entries;
my %entryhash;
#check the post data
unless (defined($q->param('POSTDATA'))) {
addPageContent("Invalid Parameters");
$entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('POSTDATA'));
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
extractData(\%entryhash, $entries);
#for image capture
if ($operationname eq 'capture') {
$request->{command} = 'imgcapture';
if (defined($entryhash{'nodename'})) {
$request->{noderange} = $entryhash{'nodename'};
else {
addPageContent('No node range.');
if (defined($entryhash{'profile'})) {
push @args, '-p';
push @args, $entryhash{'profile'};
if (defined($entryhash{'osimage'})) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $entryhash{'osimage'};
if (defined($entryhash{'bootinterface'})) {
push @args, '-i';
push @args, $entryhash{'bootinterface'};
if (defined($entryhash{'netdriver'})) {
push @args, '-n';
push @args, $entryhash{'netdriver'};
if (defined($entryhash{'device'})) {
push @args, '-d';
push @args, $entryhash{'device'};
elsif ($operationname eq 'export') {
$request->{command} = 'imgexport';
if (defined($entryhash{'osimage'})) {
push @args, $entryhash{'osimage'};
else {
addPageContent('No image specified');
if (defined($entryhash{'destination'})) {
push @args, $entryhash{'destination'};
if (defined($entryhash{'postscripts'})) {
push @args, '-p';
push @args, $entryhash{'postscripts'};
if (defined($entryhash{'extra'})) {
push @args, '-e';
push @args, $entryhash{'extra'};
if (defined($entryhash{'remotehost'})) {
push @args, '-R';
push @args, $entryhash{'remotehost'};
if (defined($entryhash{'verbose'})) {
push @args, '-v';
elsif ($operationname eq 'import') {
$request->{command} = 'imgimport';
if (defined($entryhash{'osimage'})) {
push @args, $entryhash{'osimage'};
else {
addPageContent('No image specified');
if (defined($entryhash{'profile'})) {
push @args, '-f';
push @args, $entryhash{'profile'};
if (defined($entryhash{'remotehost'})) {
push @args, '-R';
push @args, $entryhash{'remotehost'};
if (defined($entryhash{'postscripts'})) {
push @args, '-p';
push @args, $entryhash{'postscripts'};
if (defined($entryhash{'verbose'})) {
push @args, '-v';
elsif (isPut()) {
#check the operation type
unless (defined $path[2]) {
addPageContent("The subResource $subResource does not exist");
$subResource = $path[2];
#check the image name
unless (defined $image) {
addPageContent("The image name is required to clean an os image");
if ($subResource eq 'check') {
$request->{command} = 'chkosimage';
if (defined($q->param('PUTDATA'))) {
push @args, '-c';
push @args, $image;
else {
addPageContent("The subResource $subResource does not exist");
elsif (isDelete()) {
if (defined $image) {
$request->{command} = 'rmimage';
if (defined $q->param('verbose')) {
push @args, '-v';
push @args, $image;
elsif (defined $q->param('os') && defined $q->param('arch') && defined $q->param('profile')) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $q->param('os');
push @args, '-a';
push @args, $q->param('arch');
push @args, '-p';
push @args, $q->param('profile');
else {
"Either the image name or the os, architecture and profile must be specified to remove an image");
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub logsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $logType;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$logType = $path[1];
#in the query string?
else {
$logType = $q->param('logType');
my $nodeRange = $q->param('nodeRange');
#no real output unless the log type is defined
if (!defined $logType) {
addPageContent("Current logs available are auditlog and eventlog");
if (isGet()) {
if ($logType eq "reventLog") {
if (defined $nodeRange) {
$request->{command} = 'reventlog';
push @args, $nodeRange;
if (defined $q->param('count')) {
push @args, $q->param('count');
else {
addPageContent("nodeRange must be specified to GET remote event logs");
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, $logType;
#this clears the log
elsif (isPut()) {
if ($logType eq "reventlog") {
if (defined $nodeRange) {
$request->{command} = 'reventlog';
push @args, $nodeRange;
push @args, 'clear';
else {
addPageContent("nodeRange must be specified to clean remote event logs");
else {
#should it return the removed entries?
if (defined $q->param('showRemoved')) {
push @args, '-V';
if (defined $q->param('count') || defined $q->param('percent') || defined $q->param('lastRecord')) {
#remove some of the entries
$request->{command} = 'tabprune';
#remove a certain number of records
if (defined $q->param('count')) {
push @args, ('-n', $q->param('count'));
#remove a percentage of the records
if (defined $q->param('percent')) {
push @args, ('-p', $q->param('percent'));
#remove all records before this record
if (defined $q->param('lastRecord')) {
push @args, ('-i', $q->param('lastRecord'));
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabprune';
#-a removes all
push @args, '-a';
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub monitorsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $monitor;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$monitor = $path[1];
#in the query string?
elsif (defined $q->param('monitor')) {
push @args, $q->param('monitor');
if (defined $monitor) {
push @args, $monitor;
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'monls';
elsif (isPost()) {
$request->{command} = 'monadd';
if ($q->param('nodeStatMon')) {
push @args, '-n';
#get the plug-in specific settings array
foreach ($q->param('pluginSetting')) {
push @args, '-s';
push @args, $_;
elsif (isDelete()) {
$request->{command} = 'monrm';
elsif (isPut() || isPatch()) {
my $action = $q->param('action');
if ($action eq "start") {
$request->{command} = 'monstart';
elsif ($action eq "stop") {
$request->{command} = 'monstop';
elsif ($action eq "config") {
$request->{command} = 'moncfg';
elsif ($action eq "deconfig") {
$request->{command} = 'mondeconfig';
else {
if (!defined $q->param('nodeRange')) {
else {
push @args, $q->param('nodeRange');
if (defined $q->param('remote')) {
push @args, '-r';
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub networksHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $netname = '';
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'network';
if (defined($path[1])) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-o', $path[1];
my @temparray = $q->param('field');
#add the field name to get
if (scalar(@temparray) > 0) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-i';
push @{$request->{arg}}, join(',', @temparray),;
elsif (isPut() || isPost()) {
my $entries;
my $iscommand = 0;
if (isPut()) {
$request->{command} = 'chdef';
if (defined($path[1])) {
if ($path[1] eq "makehosts" || $path[1] eq "makedns") {
# Issue makehost/makedns directly
$request->{command} = $path[1];
$iscommand = 1;
else {
$request->{command} = 'mkdef';
if (!$iscommand) {
if (defined $path[1]) {
$netname = $path[1];
if ($netname eq '') {
addPageContent('A network name must be specified.');
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'network', '-o', $netname;
if (defined($q->param('PUTDATA'))) {
$entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA'));
elsif (defined($q->param('POSTDATA'))) {
$entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('POSTDATA'));
else {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
if (scalar($entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
foreach (@$entries) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, $_;
elsif (isDelete()) {
$request->{command} = 'rmdef';
if (defined $path[1]) {
$netname = $path[1];
if ($netname eq '') {
addPageContent('A network name must be specified.');
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'network', '-o', $netname;
else {
@responses = sendRequest(genRequest());
return @responses;
sub nodesHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $noderange;
my @envs;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$noderange = $path[1];
if (isGet()) {
my $subResource;
if (defined $path[2]) {
$subResource = $path[2];
unless (defined($noderange)) {
addPageContent("Invalid nodes and/or groups in noderange");
$request->{noderange} = $noderange;
#use the corresponding command by the subresource name
if ($subResource eq "power") {
$request->{command} = 'rpower';
push @args, 'stat';
elsif ($subResource eq "energy") {
$request->{command} = 'renergy';
#no fields will default to 'all'
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
push @args, $q->param('field');
else {
push @args, 'all';
elsif ($subResource eq "status") {
$request->{command} = 'nodestat';
elsif ($subResource eq "inventory") {
$request->{command} = 'rinv';
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
push @args, $q->param('field');
else {
push @args, 'all';
elsif ($subResource eq "vitals") {
$request->{command} = 'rvitals';
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
push @args, $q->param('field');
else {
push @args, 'all';
elsif ($subResource eq "scan") {
$request->{command} = 'rscan';
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
push @args, $q->param('field');
else {
addPageContent("Unspported operation on nodes object.");
else {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @args, "-t", "node";
#add the nodegroup into args
if (defined($noderange)) {
push @args, "-o", $noderange;
#maybe it's specified in the parameters
my @temparray = $q->param('field');
if (scalar(@temparray) > 0) {
push @args, "-i";
push @args, join(',', @temparray);
elsif (isPut()) {
my $subResource;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my $entries;
my $entrydata;
unless (defined($noderange)) {
addPageContent("Invalid nodes and/or groups in noderange");
$request->{noderange} = $noderange;
unless ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
#temporary allowance for the put data to be contained in the queryString
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# unless ($queryhash{'putData'}) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# }
# else {
# foreach my $put (@{$queryhash{'putData'}}) {
# debug("put=$put");
# my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $put, 2);
# if ($key eq 'field' && $value) {
# push @entries, $value;
# }
# }
# }
else {
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# decode_json returns a reference to an array or hash
$entries = eval { JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA')); };
if ($@) { addPageContent ("$@"); sendResponseMsg($STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); }
debug("entries=" . Dumper($entries));
#if (scalar(@entries) < 1) {
# addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
# sendResponseMsg($STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
if (defined $path[2]) {
$subResource = $path[2];
if (($subResource ne "dsh") && ($subResource ne "dcp")) {
# For any function other than "dsh" or "dcp",
# move all operands to the argument list.
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
foreach (@$entries) {
if (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$_) {
push @args, $_;
} else {
push @args, $_;
if ($subResource eq "power") {
$request->{command} = "rpower";
my %elements;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
extractData(\%elements, @$entries);
unless (scalar(%elements)) {
addPageContent("No power operands were supplied.");
elsif ($subResource eq "energy") {
$request->{command} = "renergy";
elsif ($subResource eq "bootstat" or $subResource eq "bootstate") {
$request->{command} = "nodeset";
elsif ($subResource eq "bootseq") {
$request->{command} = "rbootseq";
elsif ($subResource eq "setboot") {
$request->{command} = "rsetboot";
elsif ($subResource eq "migrate") {
$request->{command} = "rmigrate";
elsif ($subResource eq "dsh") {
$request->{command} = "xdsh";
my %elements;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
extractData(\%elements, @$entries);
if (defined($elements{'devicetype'})) {
push @args, '--devicetype';
push @args, $elements{'devicetype'};
if (defined($elements{'execute'})) {
push @args, '-e';
if (defined($elements{'environment'})) {
push @args, '-E';
push @args, $elements{'environment'};
if (defined($elements{'fanout'})) {
push @args, '-f';
push @args, $elements{'fanout'};
if (defined($elements{'nolocale'})) {
push @args, '-L';
if (defined($elements{'userid'})) {
push @args, '-l';
push @args, $elements{'userid'};
if (defined($elements{'monitor'})) {
push @args, '-m';
if (defined($elements{'options'})) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $elements{'options'};
if (defined($elements{'showconfig'})) {
push @args, '-q';
if (defined($elements{'silent'})) {
push @args, '-Q';
if (defined($elements{'remoteshell'})) {
push @args, '-r';
push @args, $elements{'remoteshell'};
if (defined($elements{'syntax'})) {
push @args, '-S';
push @args, $elements{'syntax'};
if (defined($elements{'timeout'})) {
push @args, '-t';
push @args, $elements{'timeout'};
if (defined($elements{'envlist'})) {
push @args, '-X';
push @args, $elements{'envlist'};
if (defined($elements{'sshsetup'})) {
push @args, '-K';
push @args, $elements{'sshsetup'};
if (defined($elements{'rootimg'})) {
push @args, '-i';
push @args, $elements{'rootimg'};
if (defined($elements{'command'})) {
push @args, $elements{'command'};
if (defined($elements{'remotepasswd'})) {
push @envs, 'DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD=' . $elements{'remotepasswd'};
push @envs, 'DSH_FROM_USERID=root';
push @envs, 'DSH_TO_USERID=root';
elsif ($subResource eq "dcp") {
$request->{command} = "xdcp";
my %elements;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
extractData(\%elements, @$entries);
if (defined($elements{'fanout'})) {
push @args, '-f';
push @args, $elements{'fanout'};
if (defined($elements{'rootimg'})) {
push @args, '-i';
push @args, $elements{'rootimg'};
if (defined($elements{'options'})) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, $elements{'options'};
if (defined($elements{'rsyncfile'})) {
push @args, '-F';
push @args, $elements{'rsyncfile'};
if (defined($elements{'preserve'})) {
push @args, '-p';
if (defined($elements{'pull'})) {
push @args, '-P';
if (defined($elements{'showconfig'})) {
push @args, '-q';
if (defined($elements{'remotecopy'})) {
push @args, '-r';
push @args, $elements{'remotecopy'};
if (defined($elements{'recursive'})) {
push @args, '-R';
if (defined($elements{'timeout'})) {
push @args, '-t';
push @args, $elements{'timeout'};
if (defined($elements{'source'})) {
push @args, $elements{'source'};
if (defined($elements{'target'})) {
push @args, $elements{'target'};
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
else { # setting node attributes in the db
#my %elements;
my $name;
my $val;
$request->{command} = "tabch";
push @args, "node=" . $request->{noderange};
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#extractData(\%elements, @entries);
while (($name, $val) = each (%$entries)) {
push @args, $name . "=" . $val;
elsif (isPost()) {
$request->{command} = 'mkdef';
push @args, "-t", "node";
unless (defined($noderange)) {
addPageContent("No nodename was supplied.");
push @args, "-o", $noderange;
if ($q->param('POSTDATA')) {
my $entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('POSTDATA'));
if (scalar($entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
foreach (@$entries) {
push @args, $_;
elsif (isDelete()) {
#FYI: the nodeRange for delete has to be specified in the URI
$request->{command} = 'rmdef';
push @args, "-t", "node";
unless (defined($noderange)) {
addPageContent("No nodename was supplied.");
push @args, "-o", $noderange;
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
if (@envs) {
push @{$request->{env}}, @envs;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
debug("request: " . Dumper($request));
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#complete, unless there is some way to alter existing notifications
sub notificationsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my @notificationFields = ('filename', 'tables', 'tableops', 'comments', 'disable');
#does not support using the notification fileName in the URI
if (isGet()) {
if (defined $q->param('fileName')) {
$request->{command} = 'gettab';
push @args, "filename" . $q->param('fileName');
#if they specified the fields, just get those
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
foreach ($q->param('field')) {
push @args, $_;
#else show all of the fields
else {
foreach (@notificationFields) {
push @args, "notification.$_";
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, "notification";
elsif (isPost()) {
$request->{command} = 'regnotif';
if (!defined $q->param('fileName') || !defined $q->param('table') || !defined $q->param('operation')) {
addPageContent("fileName, table and operation must be specified for a POST on /notifications");
else {
push @args, $q->param('fileName');
my $tables;
foreach ($q->param('table')) {
$tables .= "$_,";
#get rid of the extra comma
push @args, $tables;
push @args, '-o';
my $operations;
foreach ($q->param('operation')) {
$operations .= "$_,";
#get rid of the extra comma
push @args, $q->param('operation');
elsif (isDelete()) {
$request->{command} = 'unregnotif';
if (defined $q->param('fileName')) {
push @args, $q->param('fileName');
else {
addPageContent("fileName must be specified for a DELETE on /notifications");
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
addPageContent("request is " . Dumper($request));
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub policiesHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $priority;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my @policyFields =
('priority', 'name', 'host', 'commands', 'noderange', 'parameters', 'time', 'rule', 'comments', 'disable');
#does it specify the prioirty in the URI?
if (defined $path[1]) {
$priority = $path[1];
#in the query string?
elsif (defined $q->param('priority')) {
$priority = $q->param('priority');
if (isGet()) {
if (defined $priority) {
$request->{command} = 'gettab';
push @args, "priority=$priority";
my @fields = $q->param('field');
#if they specified fields to retrieve
if (@fields) {
push @args, @fields;
#give them everything if nothing is specified
else {
foreach (@policyFields) {
push @args, "policy.$_";
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, 'policy';
elsif (isPost()) {
if (defined $priority) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, "priority=$priority";
for ($q->param) {
if ($_ ne /priority/) {
push @args, "policy.$_=" . $q->param($_);
#some response about the priority being required
else {
addPageContent("The priority must be specified when creating a policy");
elsif (isDelete()) {
#just allowing a delete by priority at the moment, could expand this to anything
if (defined $priority) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, '-d';
push @args, "priority=$priority";
push @args, "policy";
elsif (isPut() || isPatch()) {
if (defined $priority) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, "priority=$priority";
for ($q->param) {
if ($_ ne /priority/) {
push @args, "policy.$_=" . $q->param($_);
#some response about the priority being required
else {
addPageContent("The priority must be specified when updating a policy");
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
addPageContent("request is " . Dumper($request));
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub siteHandler {
my @data;
my @responses;
my @args;
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'site', '-o', 'clustersite';
my @temparray = $q->param('field');
#add the field name to get
if (scalar(@temparray) > 0) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-i';
push @{$request->{arg}}, join(',', @temparray);
elsif (isPut()) {
$request->{command} = 'chdef';
push @{$request->{arg}}, '-t', 'site', '-o', 'clustersite';
unless ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
#temporary allowance for the put data to be contained in the queryString
unless ($queryhash{'putData'}) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
else {
foreach my $put (@{$queryhash{'putData'}}) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $put, 2);
if ($key eq 'field' && $value) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, $value;
} else {
if ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
my $entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA'));
foreach (@$entries) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, $_;
else {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
else {
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#provide direct table access
#complete and tested on the site table
#use of the actual DELETE doesn't seem to fit here, since a resource would not be deleted
#using PUT or PATCH instead, though it doesn't feel all that correct either
sub tablesHandler {
my @responses;
my $table;
my @args;
#is the table name specified in the URI?
if (defined $path[1]) {
$table = $path[1];
#handle all gets
if (isGet()) {
#table was specified
if (defined $table) {
if (defined($q->param('col'))) {
$request->{command} = 'gettab';
push @args, $q->param('col') . '=' . $q->param('value');
my @temparray = $q->param('attribute');
foreach (@temparray) {
push @args, $table . '.' . $_;
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, $table;
if (!defined $q->param('desc')) {
$formatType = 'splitCommas';
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
elsif (isPut() || isPatch()) {
my $condition = $q->param('condition');
my @vals;
my $entries;
if (!defined $condition) {
unless ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
foreach my $put (@{$queryhash{'putData'}}) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $put, 2);
if ($key eq 'condition' && $value) {
$condition = $value;
foreach my $put (@{$queryhash{'putData'}}) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $put, 2);
if ($key eq 'value') {
push(@vals, $value);
else {
$entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA'));
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
if (!defined $table || !defined $condition) {
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("The table and condition must be specified when adding, changing or deleting an entry");
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
my $del;
if (!defined $q->param('delete')) {
foreach my $put (@{$queryhash{'putData'}}) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $put, 2);
if ($key eq 'delete') {
$del = 1;
if (defined $q->param('delete') || defined $del) {
push @args, '-d';
push @args, $condition;
push @args, $table;
elsif (defined $condition) {
push @args, $condition;
if ($q->param('value')) {
for ($q->param('value')) {
push @args, "$table.$_";
else {
@args = (@args, @vals);
else {
foreach (@$entries) {
push @args, split(/ /,$_);
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#done aside from being able to change cluster users, which xcat can't do yet
sub accountsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my $key = $q->param('key');
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
my @accountFields = ('key', 'username', 'password', 'cryptmethod', 'comments', 'disable');
if (isGet()) {
#passwd table
if (!defined $q->param('clusterUser')) {
if (defined $key) {
$request->{command} = 'tabget';
push @args, "key=$key";
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
foreach ($q->param('field')) {
push @args, "passwd.$_";
else {
foreach (@accountFields) {
push @args, "passwd.$_";
else {
$request->{command} = 'tabdump';
push @args, 'passwd';
#cluster user list
else {
$request->{command} = 'xcatclientnnr';
push @args, 'clusteruserlist';
push @args, '-p';
elsif (isPost()) {
if (!defined $q->param('clusterUser')) {
if (defined $key) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, "key=$key";
for ($q->param) {
if ($_ !~ /key/) {
push @args, "passwd.$_=" . $q->param($_);
else {
addPageContent("The key must be specified when creating a non-cluster user");
#active directory user
else {
if (defined $q->param('userName') && defined $q->param('userPass')) {
$request->{command} = 'xcatclientnnr';
push @args, 'clusteruseradd';
push @args, $q->param('userName');
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
$request->{environment} = {XCAT_USERPASS => $q->param('userPass')};
else {
addPageContent("The key must be specified when creating a cluster user");
elsif (isDelete()) {
if (!defined $q->param('clusterUser')) {
#just allowing a delete by key at the moment, could expand this to anything
if (defined $key) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, '-d';
push @args, "key=$key";
push @args, "passwd";
else {
addPageContent("The key must be specified when deleting a non-cluster user");
else {
if (defined $q->param('userName')) {
$request->{command} = 'xcatclientnnr';
push @args, 'clusteruserdel';
push @args, $q->param('userName');
else {
addPageContent("The userName must be specified when deleting a cluster user");
elsif (isPut() || isPatch()) {
if (!defined $q->param('clusterUser')) {
if (defined $key) {
$request->{command} = 'tabch';
push @args, "key=$key";
for ($q->param) {
if ($_ !~ /key/) {
push @args, "passwd.$_=" . $q->param($_);
else {
addPageContent("The key must be specified when updating a non-cluster user");
#TODO: there isn't currently a way to update cluster users
else {
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub objectsHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
my @objectTypeList = (
"auditlog", "boottarget", "eventlog", "firmware", "group", "monitoring",
"network", "node", "notification", "osimage", "policy", "route",
#my %objectTypes;
#foreach my $item (@objectTypeList) { $objectTypes{$item} = 1 }
my @objectTypes;
my @objects;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$objectTypes[0] = $path[1];
if (defined $path[2]) {
$objects[0] = $path[2];
if (defined $q->param('objectType')) {
@objectTypes = $q->param('objectType');
if (defined $q->param('object')) {
@objects = $q->param('object');
if ($q->param('verbose')) {
push @args, '-v';
if (isGet()) {
if (defined $objectTypes[0]) {
$request->{command} = 'lsdef';
push @args, '-l';
push @args, '-t';
push @args, join(',', @objectTypes);
if (defined $objects[0]) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, join(',', @objects);
if ($q->param('info')) {
push @args, '-h';
else {
if ($q->param('info')) {
push @args, '-h';
else {
#couldn't find a way to do this through xcatd, so shortcutting the request
my %resp = (data => \@objectTypeList);
return (\%resp);
elsif (isPut()) {
$request->{command} = 'chdef';
if ($q->param('verbose')) {
push @args, '-v';
if (!defined $q->param('objectType')) {
addPageContent("The object must be specified.");
else {
push @args, '-t';
push @args, join(',', $q->param('objectType'));
if ($q->param('objectName')) {
push @args, join(',', $q->param('objectName'));
if ($q->param('dynamic')) {
push @args, '-d';
if ($q->param('minus')) {
push @args, '-m';
if ($q->param('plus')) {
push @args, '-p';
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
foreach ($q->param('field')) {
#if it has ==, !=. =~ or !~ operators in the field, use the -w option
if (/==|!=|=~|!~/) {
push @args, '-w';
push @args, $_;
if ($q->param('nodeRange')) {
push @args, $q->param('nodeRange');
elsif (isPost()) {
$request->{command} = 'mkdef';
if ($q->param('verbose')) {
push @args, '-v';
if (!defined $q->param('objectType')) {
addPageContent("The object must be specified.");
else {
push @args, '-t';
push @args, join(',', $q->param('objectType'));
if ($q->param('objectName')) {
push @args, join(',', $q->param('objectName'));
if ($q->param('dynamic')) {
push @args, '-d';
if ($q->param('force')) {
push @args, '-f';
if (defined $q->param('field')) {
foreach ($q->param('field')) {
#if it has ==, !=. =~ or !~ operators in the field, use the -w option
if (/==|!=|=~|!~/) {
push @args, '-w';
push @args, $_;
if ($q->param('nodeRange')) {
push @args, $q->param('nodeRange');
elsif (isDelete()) {
$request->{command} = 'rmdef';
if (defined $q->param('info')) {
push @args, '-h';
elsif (defined $q->param('all')) {
push @args, '-a';
elsif (defined $objectTypes[0]) {
push @args, '-t';
push @args, join(',', @objectTypes);
if (defined $objects[0]) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args, join(',', @objects);
else {
"Either the help info must be requested or the object must be specified or the flag that indicates everything should be removed."
if (defined $q->param('nodeRange')) {
push @args, $q->param('nodeRange');
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#complete i think, tho chvm could handle args better
sub vmsHandler {
my @args;
my $noderange;
my $subResource;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$noderange = $path[1];
$request->{noderange} = $noderange;
else {
addPageContent("Invalid nodes and/or groups in noderange");
if (isGet()) {
$request->{command} = 'lsvm';
if (defined $q->param('all')) {
push @args, '-a';
# for z/VM
if (defined $q->param('networknames')) {
push @args, '--getnetworknames';
if (defined $q->param('network')) {
push @args, '--getnetwork';
push @args, $q->param('getnetwork');
if (defined $q->param('diskpoolnames')) {
push @args, '--diskpoolnames';
if (defined $q->param('diskpool')) {
push @args, '--diskpool';
push @args, $q->param('diskpool');
elsif (isPost()) {
my $entries;
my %entryhash;
my $position;
$request->{command} = 'mkvm';
unless ($q->param('POSTDATA')) {
addPageContent("Invalid Parameters");
#collect all parameters from the postdata
my $entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('POSTDATA'));
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
extractData(\%entryhash, $entries);
#for system p
if (defined $entryhash{'cec'}) {
push @args, '-c';
push @args, $entryhash{'cec'};
if (defined $entryhash{'startId'}) {
push @args, '-i';
push @args, $entryhash{'startId'};
if (defined $entryhash{'source'}) {
push @args, '-l';
push @args, $entryhash{'source'};
if (defined $entryhash{'profile'}) {
push @args, '-p';
push @args, $entryhash{'profile'};
if (defined $entryhash{'full'}) {
push @args, '--full';
#for KVM & Vmware
if (defined $entryhash{'master'}) {
push @args, '-m';
push @args, $entryhash{'master'};
if (defined $entryhash{'disksize'}) {
push @args, '-s';
push @args, $entryhash{'disksize'};
if (defined $entryhash{'memory'}) {
push @args, '--mem';
push @args, $entryhash{'memory'};
if (defined $entryhash{'cpu'}) {
push @args, '--cpus';
push @args, $entryhash{'cpu'};
if (defined $entryhash{'force'}) {
push @args, '-f';
# for z/VM
if (defined $entryhash{'userid'}) {
push @args, '--userid';
push @args, $entryhash{'userid'};
if (defined $entryhash{'size'}) {
push @args, '--size';
push @args, $entryhash{'size'};
if (defined $entryhash{'password'}) {
push @args, '--password';
push @args, $entryhash{'password'};
if (defined $entryhash{'privilege'}) {
push @args, '--privilege';
push @args, $entryhash{'privilege'};
if (defined $entryhash{'diskpool'}) {
push @args, '--diskpool';
push @args, $entryhash{'diskpool'};
if (defined $entryhash{'diskvdev'}) {
push @args, '--diskVdev';
push @args, $entryhash{'diskvdev'};
elsif (isPut()) {
$request->{command} = 'chvm';
if ($q->param('PUTDATA')) {
my $entries = JSON::decode_json($q->param('PUTDATA'));
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
foreach (@$entries) {
# Handle blank delimited parameters
push @args, split(/ /,$_);
else {
addPageContent("No Field and Value map was supplied.");
elsif (isDelete()) {
$request->{command} = 'rmvm';
if (defined $q->param('retain')) {
push @args, '-r';
if (defined $q->param('service')) {
push @args, '--service';
else {
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
my @responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub versionHandler {
addPageContent($q->p("API version is $VERSION"));
#for operations that take a 'long' time to finish, this will provide the interface to check their status
sub jobsHandler {
sub hypervisorHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
if (isPut()) {
my %entryhash;
if (defined $path[1]) {
$request->{noderange} = $path[1];
else {
addPageContent("Invalid nodes and/or groups in node in noderange");
if (defined $path[2]) {
$request->{command} = $path[2];
else {
$request->{command} = 'chhypervisor';
my $entries = JSON::decode_json( $q->param('PUTDATA') );
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
foreach (@$entries) {
push @args, split(/ /,$_);
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
sub debugHandler {
my @responses;
my @args;
if (isPut()) {
my %entryhash;
$request->{command} = 'xcatclientnnr xcatdebug';
#push @args, 'xcatdebug';
my $entries = JSON::decode_json( $q->param('PUTDATA') );
if (scalar(@$entries) < 1) {
addPageContent("No set attribute was supplied.");
foreach (@$entries) {
push @{$request->{arg}}, $_;
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@responses = sendRequest($req);
return @responses;
#all data wrapping and writing is funneled through here
sub wrapData {
my $data = shift;
my $errorInformation = '';
#trim the serverdone message off
if (exists $data->[0]->{serverdone} && exists $data->[0]->{error}) {
$errorInformation = $data->[0]->{error}->[0];
if (($errorInformation =~ /Permission denied/) || ($errorInformation =~ /Authentication failure/)) {
else {
exit 1;
else {
pop @{$data};
if (exists $formatters{$format}) {
#all information were add into the global varibale, call the response funcion
if (exists $data->[0]->{info} && $data->[0]->{info}->[0] =~ /Could not find an object/) {
elsif (isPost()) {
else {
sub wrapJson {
my $data = shift;
my $json;
$json->{'data'} = $data;
sub wrapHtml {
my $item;
my $response = shift;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#my $baseUri = $url . $pathInfo;
#if ($baseUri !~ /\/^/) {
# $baseUri .= "/";
foreach my $element (@$response) {
#foreach my $element (@$data){
if ($element->{node}) {
addPageContent("<table border=1>");
foreach $item (@{$element->{node}}) {
#my $url = $baseUri.$item->{name}[0];
if (exists $item->{data} && exists $item->{data}[0]) {
if (ref($item->{data}[0]) eq 'HASH') {
if (exists $item->{data}[0]->{desc} && exists $item->{data}[0]->{desc}[0]) {
if (ref($item->{data}[0]) eq 'HASH' && exists $item->{data}[0]->{contents}[0]) {
else {
elsif (exists $item->{error}) {
if ($element->{data}) {
addPageContent("<table border=1>");
foreach $item (@{$element->{data}}) {
my @values = split(/:/, $item, 2);
foreach (@values) {
if ($formatType =~ /splitCommas/) {
my @fields = split(/,/, $_, -1);
foreach (@fields) {
else {
if ($element->{info}) {
addPageContent("<table border=1>");
foreach $item (@{$element->{info}}) {
my $fieldname = '';
my $fieldvalue = '';
#strip whitespace in the string
$item =~ s/^\s+//;
$item =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($item =~ /Object/) {
($fieldname, $fieldvalue) = split(/:/, $item);
elsif ($item =~ /.*=.*/) {
my $position = index $item, '=';
$fieldname = substr $item, 0, $position;
$fieldvalue = substr $item, $position + 1;
else {
$fieldname = $item;
addPageContent("<td>" . $fieldname . "</td>");
if ($fieldvalue ne '') {
addPageContent("<td>" . $fieldvalue . "</td>");
if ($element->{error}) {
addPageContent("<table border=1>");
foreach $item (@{$element->{error}}) {
addPageContent("<tr><td>" . $item . "</td></tr>");
sub wrapXml {
my @data = shift;
foreach (@data) {
foreach (@$_) {
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
addPageContent(XML::Simple::XMLout($_, RootName => '', NoAttr => 1, KeyAttr => []));
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
# Send the request to xcatd. The request passed in has already been converted to xml.
sub sendRequest {
my $request = shift;
my $sitetab;
my $retries = 0;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#my $preXml = $request;
#$preXml =~ s/</<br>&lt /g;
#$preXml =~ s/>/&gt<br>/g;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: request XML: " . $request . "\n"));
#hardcoded port for now
my $port = 3001;
my $xcatHost = "localhost:$port";
#temporary, will be using username and password
my $homedir = "/root";
my $keyfile = $homedir . "/.xcat/client-cred.pem";
my $certfile = $homedir . "/.xcat/client-cred.pem";
my $cafile = $homedir . "/.xcat/ca.pem";
my $client;
if (-r $keyfile and -r $certfile and -r $cafile) {
$client = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
PeerAddr => $xcatHost,
SSL_key_file => $keyfile,
SSL_cert_file => $certfile,
SSL_ca_file => $cafile,
SSL_use_cert => 1,
Timeout => 15,);
else {
$client = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
PeerAddr => $xcatHost,
Timeout => 15,);
unless ($client) {
if ($@ =~ /SSL Timeout/) {
addPageContent("Connection failure: SSL Timeout or incorrect certificates in ~/.xcat");
else {
addPageContent("Connection failurexx: $@");
print $client $request;
my $response;
my $rsp;
my @fullResponse;
my $cleanexit = 0;
while (<$client>) {
$response .= $_;
if (m/<\/xcatresponse>/) {
#replace ESC with xxxxESCxxx because XMLin cannot handle it
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#addPageContent("DEBUG: response from xcatd: " . $response . "\n");
$response =~ s/\e/xxxxESCxxxx/g;
#print "responseXML is ".$response;
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
$rsp = XML::Simple::XMLin($response, SuppressEmpty => undef, ForceArray => 1);
#add ESC back
foreach my $key (keys %$rsp) {
if (ref($rsp->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $text (@{$rsp->{$key}}) {
next unless defined $text;
$text =~ s/xxxxESCxxxx/\e/g;
else {
$rsp->{$key} =~ s/xxxxESCxxxx/\e/g;
$response = '';
push(@fullResponse, $rsp);
if ($rsp->{serverdone}) {
$cleanexit = 1;
unless ($cleanexit) {
addPageContent("ERROR/WARNING: communication with the xCAT server seems to have been ended prematurely");
2014-02-03 15:58:15 -05:00
#addPageContent($q->p("DEBUG: full response from xcatd: " . Dumper(@fullResponse) . "\n"));
return @fullResponse;
sub isGet {
return uc($requestType) eq "GET";
sub isPut {
return uc($requestType) eq "PUT";
sub isPost {
return uc($requestType) eq "POST";
sub isPatch {
return uc($requestType) eq "PATCH";
sub isDelete {
return uc($requestType) eq "DELETE";
#check to see if this is a valid user. userName and password are already set
sub isAuthenticUser {
$request->{command} = 'authcheck';
my $req = genRequest();
my @responses = sendRequest($req);
if ($responses[0]->{data}[0] eq "Authenticated") {
#user is authenticated
return 1;
#authentication failure