mirror of https://github.com/xcat2/xcat-dep.git synced 2025-02-14 09:38:35 +00:00

198 lines
5.8 KiB

diff -Nru Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/examples/google_multi.pl Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/examples/google_multi.pl
--- Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/examples/google_multi.pl 2015-10-14 09:05:46.000000000 -0400
+++ Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/examples/google_multi.pl 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyEvent;
-use lib '../lib';
-use Net::HTTPS::NB;
-# Get number of the search results for each specified language in parallel via encrypted google
-# Make it easier with AnyEvent
-my $loop = AnyEvent->condvar;
-for my $q (qw(perl python ruby php lua)) {
- my $sock = Net::HTTPS::NB->new(Host => 'encrypted.google.com', Blocking => 0)
- or next;
- $loop->begin();
- my $wc; $wc = AnyEvent->io(
- fh => $sock,
- poll => 'w', # first wait until non-blocking socket connection completed
- cb => sub { wait_connection($wc, $loop, $sock, $q) }
- );
-# wait until non-blocking connection completed
-sub wait_connection {
- undef $_[0]; # remove watcher completely
- my ($wc, $loop, $sock, $q) = @_;
- if ($sock->connected) { # handshake completed
- print "$q: Connected\n";
- $sock->write_request(GET => "/search?q=$q");
- my $wh; $wh = AnyEvent->io( # now wait headers
- fh => $sock,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub { wait_headers($wh, $loop, $sock, $q) }
- );
- }
- $wc = AnyEvent->io( # handshake need reading
- fh => $sock,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub { wait_connection($wc, $loop, $sock, $q) }
- );
- }
- $wc = AnyEvent->io( # handshake need writing
- fh => $sock,
- poll => 'w',
- cb => sub { wait_connection($wc, $loop, $sock, $q) }
- );
- }
- else {
- print "$q: Connection failed - $HTTPS_ERROR\n";
- $loop->end();
- }
-# wait for full headers
-sub wait_headers {
- my (undef, $loop, $sock, $q) = @_;
- if (my @h = $sock->read_response_headers()) {
- undef $_[0]; # remove headers watcher
- print "$q: HTTP code - $h[0]\n";
- my $body = '';
- unless (wait_body($_, $loop, $sock, $q, \$body)) {
- my $wb; $wb = AnyEvent->io( # now wait body
- fh => $sock,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub { wait_body($wb, $loop, $sock, $q, \$body) }
- );
- }
- }
- # else this sub will invoked again when new data will arrive
-# wait for full body
-sub wait_body {
- my (undef, $loop, $sock, $q, $body) = @_;
- my ($n, $buf);
- while (1) {
- $n = $sock->read_entity_body($buf, 1024);
- if ($n > 0) {
- substr($$body, length $$body) = $buf; # append body
- }
- elsif ((defined($n) && $n == 0) || (!defined($n) && $! != EWOULDBLOCK && $! != EAGAIN)) {
- # error or eof, but who cares?
- undef $_[0]; # remove body watcher
- my ($result) = $$body =~ /([\d,]+\s+results?)/;
- print "$q: ", $result||'unknown', "\n";
- $loop->end;
- return 1; # body readed
- }
- else {
- # wait more data
- last;
- }
- }
- 0; # body still not readed
diff -Nru Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/Makefile.PL Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/Makefile.PL
--- Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/Makefile.PL 2015-10-14 07:11:10.000000000 -0400
+++ Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/Makefile.PL 2016-03-14 03:09:39.063284216 -0400
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
NAME => 'Net::HTTPS::NB',
LICENSE => 'perl',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/HTTPS/NB.pm', # finds $VERSION
- PREREQ_PM => { Exporter => 0, IO::Socket::SSL => 0.98, Net::HTTP => 0, Net::HTTPS => 0, Test::More => 0.88 },
+ PREREQ_PM => { Exporter => 0, IO::Socket::SSL => 0.98, Net::HTTP => 0, Net::HTTPS => 0 },
META_MERGE => { resources => {repository => 'https://github.com/olegwtf/p5-Net-HTTPS-NB'} },
($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
(ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Net/HTTPS/NB.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
diff -Nru Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/META.json Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/META.json
--- Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/META.json 2015-10-14 09:13:45.000000000 -0400
+++ Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/META.json 2016-03-14 03:09:59.463284615 -0400
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
"IO::Socket::SSL" : "0.98",
"Net::HTTP" : "0",
"Net::HTTPS" : "0",
- "Test::More" : "0.88"
diff -Nru Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/META.yml Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/META.yml
--- Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/META.yml 2015-10-14 09:13:45.000000000 -0400
+++ Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/META.yml 2016-03-14 03:10:10.243284924 -0400
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
IO::Socket::SSL: '0.98'
Net::HTTP: '0'
Net::HTTPS: '0'
- Test::More: '0.88'
repository: https://github.com/olegwtf/p5-Net-HTTPS-NB
version: 0.14
diff -Nru Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/t/Net-HTTPS-NB.t Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/t/Net-HTTPS-NB.t
--- Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14/t/Net-HTTPS-NB.t 2015-10-14 07:11:10.000000000 -0400
+++ Net-HTTPS-NB-0.14_mod/t/Net-HTTPS-NB.t 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use Test::More;
- use_ok('Net::HTTPS::NB');
-use strict;
-SKIP: {
- skip "I heared fork doesn't work on Windows"
- if $^O =~ /MSWin/i;
- my ($host, $port) = make_server();
- my $start = time();
- my $sock = Net::HTTPS::NB->new(Host => $host, PeerPort => $port);
- ok(time() - $start >= 3, 'Blocking connect');
- ok(! defined $sock, 'HTTPS init error');
- ($host, $port) = make_server();
- $start = time();
- $sock = Net::HTTPS::NB->new(Host => $host, PeerPort => $port, Blocking => 0);
- ok(time() - $start < 3, 'Non blocking connect');
- is($sock->connected, 0, 'Invalid socket connection');
- isa_ok($sock, 'Net::HTTPS::NB');
-sub make_server {
- my $serv = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 3);
- my $child = fork();
- die 'fork:', $! unless defined $child;
- if ($child == 0) {
- sleep 3;
- $serv->accept();
- exit;
- }
- return ($serv->sockhost eq "" ? "" : $serv->sockhost, $serv->sockport);