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Executable File
109 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
errdb.pl [options] ../../src/bin/errors
-d,--database=db Specify path to errors.db
-h,--help Display brief help message
-v,--verbose Increase verbosity
-q,--quiet Decrease verbosity
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Parse command-line options
my $verbosity = 0;
my $errdb = "errors.db";
Getopt::Long::Configure ( 'bundling', 'auto_abbrev' );
GetOptions (
'database|d=s' => sub { shift; $errdb = shift; },
'verbose|v+' => sub { $verbosity++; },
'quiet|q+' => sub { $verbosity--; },
'help|h' => sub { pod2usage ( 1 ); },
) or die "Could not parse command-line options\n";
pod2usage ( 1 ) unless @ARGV >= 1;
# Open database
my $dbh = DBI->connect ( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$errdb, "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } );
# Create errors table if necessary
eval {
$dbh->selectall_arrayref ( "SELECT * FROM errors LIMIT 1" );
if ( $@ ) {
print "Creating errors table\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
$dbh->do ( "CREATE TABLE errors (".
" errno char(8) NOT NULL,".
" description text NOT NULL,".
" PRIMARY KEY ( errno ) )" );
# Create xrefs table if necessary
eval {
$dbh->selectall_arrayref ( "SELECT * FROM xrefs LIMIT 1" );
if ( $@ ) {
print "Creating xrefs table\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
$dbh->do ( "CREATE TABLE xrefs (".
" errno char(8) NOT NULL,".
" filename text NOT NULL,".
" line integer NOT NULL,".
" UNIQUE ( errno, filename, line ),".
" FOREIGN KEY ( errno ) REFERENCES errors ( errno ) )" );
$dbh->do ( "CREATE INDEX xrefs_errno ON xrefs ( errno )" );
# Parse input file(s)
my $errors = {};
my $xrefs = {};
while ( <> ) {
( my $errno, my $filename, my $line, my $description ) = split ( /\t/ );
$errors->{$errno} = $description;
$xrefs->{$errno} ||= {};
$xrefs->{$errno}->{$filename} ||= {};
$xrefs->{$errno}->{$filename}->{$line} ||= 1;
# Ensure all errors are present in database
my $error_update =
$dbh->prepare ( "UPDATE errors SET description = ? WHERE errno = ?" );
my $error_insert = $dbh->prepare ( "INSERT INTO errors VALUES ( ?, ? )" );
while ( ( my $errno, my $description ) = each %$errors ) {
print "Error ".$errno." is \"".$description."\"\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
if ( $error_update->execute ( $description, $errno ) == 0 ) {
$error_insert->execute ( $errno, $description );
# Replace xrefs in database
$dbh->do ( "DELETE FROM xrefs" );
my $xref_insert = $dbh->prepare ( "INSERT INTO xrefs VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )" );
while ( ( my $errno, my $xref_errno ) = each %$xrefs ) {
while ( ( my $filename, my $xref_filename ) = each %$xref_errno ) {
foreach my $line ( keys %$xref_filename ) {
print "Error ".$errno." is used at ".$filename." line ".$line."\n"
if $verbosity >= 2;
$xref_insert->execute ( $errno, $filename, $line );
# Close database