Build Notes
The 32 bit version of the MySQL database must be installed on the system
on which you will build.   The DBD-mysql will run with either the 64 bit or
32 bit version,  but must be built with the 32 bit version.

For example:  Download mysql-5.1.37-aix5.3-powerpc.tar.gz ( 32bit version) or
the latest release (See
 and untar on the build machine in the /usr/local directory.   
cd /usr/local/mysql   
ln -s mysql-5.1.37-aix5.3-powerpc mysql 

Need cc_r compiler installed on AIX build system. 

Download DBD-mysql-4.007.tar.gz from CPAN.

Put the gz file in /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD directory and unwrap 
it (gunzip & tar -xvf ).

Put the DBD-mysql.spec file provided by xCAT in the 
/opt/freeware/src/packages/SPECS directory.

Go to the subdirectory DBD-mysql-4.007 and run "cpan2rpm ." 
(cpan2rpm is available from CPAN)
