Notes to build, install and create rpms for  Postgresql for AIX 6.1

Get from the Linux toolbox and install:
readline*  ( did not work for me)

Download postgresql source tarball recent release  ( we had 8.4.4)
put in /postgres directory  ( make sure you have plenty of / and /var space)
cd /postgres

unzip and untar the file
gunzip postgresql-8.4.4.tar*
tar -xvf postgresql-8.4.4.tar
cd postgresql-8.4.4
read INSTALL for all instructions, what follows is from that file
Setup to build on the machine and install in /var/lib/pgsql directory
./configure --prefix=/var/lib/pgsql --with-openssl --without-readline

If the build complete ok then:

su - lissa ( any non-root user)
cd /postgres/postgresql-8.4.4
gmake check 

Should come back with:

============== shutting down postmaster               ==============
server stopped

 All 120 tests passed.

If check is ok, then return to root

As root:
cd /postgres/postgresql-8.4.4
gmake install

When the install is complete,  build a tarball out of the compiled installed pg 
cd /var/lib
tar -cvf postgresql-8.4.4-aix6.1.tar.gz pgsql

Build the rpm

Remove any old RPMs
rm -f /opt/freeware/src/packages/SRPMS/xcat-postgresql*rpm /opt/freeware/src/packages/RPMS/ppc/xcat-postgresql*rpm

Put the tarball in 

Get the shipped xCAT spec file : xcat-Pg.spec

Run rpm -ba xcat-Pg.spec

Should build the following rpm:
