ipmitool-xcat (1.8.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Changed to ipmitool-xcat

 -- Arif Ali <aali@ocf.co.uk>  Sat, 07 Apr 2012 23:08:00 +0100

version (1.8.11) unstable; urgency=low
  * Fix new GCC compilation issues in regards to Packing
  * Fix Tracker bug #1642710 - ipmi_kcs_drv being loaded/unloaded
       for 2.4 kernel instead of ipmi_si_drv driver module
  * New -y option added to allow specification of kg keys with
       non-printable characters
  * New -K option added to allow kgkey settings via environmental
       variable IPMI_KGKEY
  * Generic device support added for EEPROM with SDR Type 10h (gendev)
  * Fix to lan-bridging for a double-bridging crash and to fix
       an issue with bridging multiple concurrent requests and
       erroneous handling of raw Send Message
  * Lanplus fix for commands like 'sensor list' without the -t option
       causing wrong double bridged requests of a sensor is located
       on another satellite controller
  * Fix lan and lanplus request list entry removal bugs
  * Fix non-working issue when trying to send a bridge message with
       Cipher 3
  * Change bridge message handling to reuse command ipmi_lan_poll_recv
  * Added PICMG 2.0 and 2.3 support
  * Fix PICMG (ATCA) extension verification and reversal of BCD encoded
       values for "major" and "minor" fields
  * Add IANA support for Pigeon Point
  * Add OEM SW/FW Record identification
  * Fix to include I2C and LUN addresses so sensors are correctly managed
  * Patch ID 1990560 to get readings from non-linear analog sensors
  * Add support for SOL payload status command
  * SOL set parameter range checking added
  * Fixed SOL activate options usage 
  * Fixed crashes when parsing 'sol payload' and 'tsol' cmds (#216967)
  * Added retries to SOL keepalive
  * Fixed wrong mask values for Front Panel disable/enable status
  * Add support to access fru internal use area
  * Add support for new PICMG 3.0 R3.0 (March 24, 2008) to allow
       blocks of data within the FRU storage area to be write
  * Fix node reporting in GUID; Tracker bug #2339675
  * Fix watchdog use/action print strings
  * Fix endian bug in SDR add from file; Tracker bug #2075258
  * Fix crash when dumping SDRs in a file and there's an error
       getting an SDR; improve algorithm for optimal packet size
  * Fix occasional SDR dump segfault; #1793076
  * Allow ipmitool sel delete to accept hex list entry numbers
  * Fix SEL total space reporting.
  * Fix for garbage sensor threshold values reported when none 
       returned.  Tracker Bug #863748
  * ipmievd change to Monitor %used in SEL buffer and log warnings when
       the buffer is 80% and 100% full

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:44:31 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.10) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Patch to allow Debian package builds from cvs.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Fri,  8 Aug 2008 09:44:31 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.7-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix typo in init.d/ipmievd. (Closes: #361309)

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sat,  8 Apr 2006 06:44:31 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.7-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
    - Dropped nuclear clause from the copyright.  Updated debian/copyright
      to reflect this.
    - ipmievd now store pid in /var/run/ipmievd.pid.  Adjust init.d
      script to use it.
  * Rename /etc/default/ipmievd variable IPMIEVD_OPTS is renamed to
    IPMIEVD_OPTIONS to stay compatible with upstream and other
    distributions.  Add backwards compatibility code with a warning to
    the users of the old variable.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sun, 26 Mar 2006 21:11:08 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add ia64 as an supported arch. (Closes: #355930)

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:34:50 +0100

ipmitool (1.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
    - Avoid crashing when setting lan IP address. (Closes: #351205)
  * Avoid changing history by reverding upstream change
    to email addresses in debian/changelog.
  * Correct typo in control file: Suggest -> Suggests.  Thanks
    to Philipp Matthias Hahn for the report.
  * Add init.d/ipmievd script.  Based on script from Elmar Hoffmann,
    slightly modified to use lsb-base functions. Added dependency on
    lsb-base.  (Closes: #345994)

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:31:14 +0100

ipmitool (1.8.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add build-dependency on 'libreadline5-dev | libreadline-dev' to make
    sure all archs get readline support. (Closes: #326341)
  * Add build-dependency on libssl-dev to enable SSL support on
    all archs.
  * Updated Standards-Version to (No updates required)

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sat,  3 Sep 2005 19:18:51 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    -  Fix FRU reading for large (>255 bytes) areas.
    -  Overhaul to ipmievd to support SEL polling in addition to OpenIPMI.
    -  Fix LAN parameter segfault when no Ciphers supported by
       BMC. (Closes: #306806)
    -  Fix IPMIv2 support on Intel v2 BMCs (use -o intelplus).
    -  Separate option parsing code from main ipmitool source file.
    -  Add raw I2C support with IPMI Master Read-Write command.
    -  Add support for new 'sdr elist' extended output format.
    -  Add support for listing sensors by type with 'sdr type' command.
    -  Add support for new 'sel elist' extended output format that
       cross-references events with sensors.
    -  Add support for sending dynamically generated platform events
       based on existing sensor information.
    -  New '-S' argument to read local SDR cache created with 'sdr dump'.
    -  Updated manpage for ipmitool and ipmievd. (Closes: #306894)
  * Correct the upstream URL in debian/changelog to the current one.
  * Suggest package openipmi. (Closes: #305629)
  * Add debian/watch file to detect new source versions.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sun,  5 Jun 2005 10:29:18 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Install ipmievd into /usr/sbin/.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Thu,  7 Apr 2005 01:18:44 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial upload into Debian, based on the upstream build
    rules. (Closes: #299924)
  * Convert debian/changelog to UTF-8.
  * Change section from 'contrib' to 'utils'.
  * Build-depend on debhelper (>> 4.0.0) to match the rules file.
  * Set Standards-version to 3.6.1.
  * Make sure binary dependency is properly generated.
  * Add long description, copied from the project README.
  * Drop useless provides 'ipmitool', as the package is called 'ipmitool'.
  * Don't install the COPYING file, as the license text already is
    included in debian/copyright.
  * Remove unused parts of the rules file.
  * Correct clean target in rules file, to use 'distclean' and remove
    configure-stamp not bogus config-stamp.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>  Sun,  3 Apr 2005 20:52:02 +0200

ipmitool (1.8.0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix IPMIv2.0 issues
  * Fix chassis boot parameter support
  * Add support for linear sensors

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Wed, Mar 16 2005 17:08:12 -0700

ipmitool (1.7.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Update bmc plugin to work with new Solaris bmc driver (new ioctl
    for interface detection and new STREAMS message-based interface).

 -- Seth Goldberg <sethmeisterg@hotmail.com>  Mon, Mar 7 2005 18:03:00 -0800

ipmitool (1.7.0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Propogate errors correctly so exit status will be useful
  * More consistent display of errors including completion code text
  * Errors and debug is send to stderr now
  * New "sel get" command that will print details about SEL entry
    and corresponding SDR records as well as FRUs via entity association
  * Improved event generator, now supports reading events from text file
  * New "-o oemtype" option for specifying OEM boards
    exsting types are "supermicro" and "intelwv2"
  * New PEF subsystem
  * New "bmc" plugin for Solaris 10 x86
  * Many bugfixes and contributed patches

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Fri, Jan 7 2005 19:58:22 -0700

ipmitool (1.6.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Support for Supermicro BMC OEM authentication method

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Mon, 16 Nov 2004 08:20:01 -0700

ipmitool (1.6.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix minor problem with LAN parameter setting

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:19:17 -0700

ipmitool (1.6.0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add a README
  * Add support for IPMIv2 and Serial-over-LAN from Newisys
  * Add Solaris x86 lipmi interface
  * Add support for building Solaris packages
  * Add support for building RPMs as non-root user
  * Fix segfault when doing "sel list" (from Matthew Braithwaite)
  * Fix "chassis identify" on some BMCs (from ebrower@sourceforge)
  * Add "bmc info" and related output (from ebrower@sourceforge)
  * new "shell" and "exec" commands
  * lots of other contributed patches

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Thu, 9 Sep 2004 21:39:37 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add ability to get a particular sensor by name
  * Add ability to set a particular sensor threshold
  * Add support for displaying V2 channel authentication levels
  * Add README for rrdtool scripts in contrib directory
  * Improve lan interface retry handling
  * Support prompting for password or reading from environment
  * Move chaninfo command into channel subcommand
  * Fix reservation ID handling when two sessions open to BMC
  * Fix reading of large FRU data
  * Add configure option for changing binary to ipmiadm for Solaris
  * Fix compile problem on Solaris 8

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Sat, 27 Mar 2004 00:11:37 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Enable static compilation of interfaces
  * Fix types to be 64-bit safe
  * Fix compilation problems on Solaris
  * Fix multiple big-endian problems for Solaris/SPARC
  * Fix channel access to save settings to NVRAM
  * Set channel privilege limit to ADMIN during "access on"
  * Enable gratuitous ARP in bmcautoconf.sh
  * Add support for Linux kernel panic messages in SEL output
  * Add support for type 3 SDR records

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Tue, 27 Jan 2004 16:23:25 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.7) unstable; urgency=low

  * add IPMIv1.5 eratta fixes
  * additions to FRU printing and FRU multirecords
  * better handling of SDR printing
  * contrib scripts for creating rrdtool graphs

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Mon,  5 Jan 2004 17:29:50 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix SEL event decoding for generic events
  * Handle empty SEL gracefully when doing "sel list"
  * Fix sdr handling of sensors that do not return a reading
  * Fix for CSV display of sensor readings/units from Fredrik Öhrn

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Thu,  4 Dec 2003 14:47:19 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add -U option for setting LAN username
  * Fix -v usage for plugin interfaces

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:10:48 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Put interface plugin API into library
  * Fix ipmievd

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Fri, 14 Nov 2003 15:16:34 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add -g option to work with grizzly bmc

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Mon,  3 Nov 2003 18:04:07 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * add support for setting gratuitous arp interval 

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Fri, 24 Oct 2003 11:00:00 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * better SEL support
  * fix display bug in SDR list

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Wed,  8 Oct 2003 17:28:51 -0700

ipmitool (1.5.0) unstable; urgency=low

  * more robust UDP packet handling
  * add Intel IMB driver support
  * use autoconf/automake/libtool

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Fri,  5 Sep 2003 11:57:32 -0700

ipmitool (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New command line option parsing
  * More chassis commands supported

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Wed,  2 Apr 2003 17:44:17 -0700

ipmitool (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Minor fixes.

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Tue,  1 Apr 2003 14:31:10 -0700

ipmitool (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.

 -- Duncan Laurie <duncan@iceblink.org>  Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:30:46 -0700